The Danger Of Solar Eclipses
We are graced with several Total, Annular, and Partial Solar Eclipses in the 21st Century. The most recent one takes place on April 8th, 2024. All non-paranormal humans must wear certified Eclipse Glasses [Ad] to view the eclipse or there is a risk of damaging one’s eyes! Solar Eclipse safe glasses should be marked with the ISO certification number “ISO 12312-2“. The correct glasses will have lenses that look completely black. You can’t see anything through them except extremely bright light. You can actually shine a bright LED flashlight[Ad] directly into your eyes without it hurting when wearing these. Remember you cannot look at a Solar Eclipse for even a second without the dangerous risk of damaging your eyes or even going blind. Some people have the image of the eclipse permanently seared into their vision for life! The only time you can view a Solar Eclipse with your naked eyes is when it’s in complete totality with the Sun completely covered by the Moon. The second you see the light returning you must put your protective glasses back on!😎
The Solar Eclipse Paranormal Activity Forecast
Vampires can venture out during a solar eclipse where at least 80% of the sun is covered. Powerful ancient vampires may be able to withstand up to 70% of solar coverage. Humans can be caught off guard and more vulnerable to attack thinking they’re safe within the hours of the daytime. Inside this zone of danger, most vampires will see all their powers double in strength. A benefit that will continue several hours afterward even as they are driven back indoors or down into the sewers. Ironically the power boost means they have no real physical need for blood yet their increased urges will compel them to go after innocent victims with a vengeance to satisfy their hunger! Be aware that religious artifacts, including holy water, will be far less effective during totality! Everything will be bathed in evil energies and will be further weakened if basking in direct unholy Eclipse light.
The Solar Eclipse Cure For Vampirism

Forbidden Ancient Texts indicate that the solar eclipse is an essential element in reverting vampires permanently back to a human state! One is for female vampires that allow them to regain humanity by becoming pregnant during the eclipse. The legends say that for a vampire to support a human pregnancy, they must revert to human form. You can read about the entire ritual here. The other cure is for both males and females. The vampire in question must be on a chakra, vortex, or other substantial supernatural hot spot of Mother Earth Goddess Gaia. While there they must drink the blood of their sire, the first vampire son, or daughter they created along with a descendant of their former human bloodline. This blood must be mixed with the blood of a nature deity. Most often Fairy is the easiest for a vampire to obtain. Plausibly an Elf might work as well but it’s borderline.
A Solar Path To Humanity
In addition, two more essential ingredients that may be rather impossible to come by. That being the unholy ash and crushed bone dust of a slain first generation royal vampire. Only first-generation vampires don’t disintegrate completely to ash upon bursting into flames when killed. Only their outer tissues turn to ash while the skeleton remains. It would probably be easier to find a royal vamp to exterminate than obtain the rare ingredients from a previous kill. Of course, taking down a first gen vamp is a titanic task! One could negotiate for a body part they would cut off since it will grow right back. However, it is doubtful a royal vampire would facilitate a blasphemous reversal of vampirism for any price!The crazy concoction must be gulped from a cup forged from hot lava and be no more than 1 year old. Said cup must be blessed unholy by a Priest Of Darkness. The vampire will then recite an incantation after drinking the solution as the totality of the eclipse begins. The origin of the following incantation is unknown:
Goddess Gaia, I implore thee,
Illuminated by the enchanted eclipse,
Sear off the sinister sanguine source,
Recognize the resurrection of my humanity!
At that point, the vampire must risk making themselves extremely vulnerable in a leap of faith! They are required to slice themselves with a silver knife and drain virtually all their blood upon Mother Earth! They will pass out and if all goes well they will awaken as a human in the blazing sun after the solar eclipse has finished. If not then they will burst into flames within the holy rays of sunlight! If however they become human then all their vampire memories will fade as if they just woke up from a dream. Without a journal or someone reminding them they may forget about everything experienced as a vampire. They could return to the blissful ignorance of the average human who knows nothing of the supernatural world. Interestingly enough, a solar eclipse is the only time a Reverse Vampire can be made into a blood-sucking vampire! See More Vampire Cures…
Mystic Investigations Executive Vice-President Drake Alexander is a vampire and has witnessed the awesome glory of solar eclipses without protective glasses for centuries!🌞
A Werewolf will find him or herself transformed into a Wolf Person during a solar eclipse. In essence a wolf-human hybrid. This happens due to the immense solar energies pushing through the Moon sending a concentrated ray of lunar power upon Werewolves. Despite retaining their human mind to a great extent they are still under the influence of their demonic DNA. Caution should still be exercised if you spot one of these hairy wolfmen or wolf-women! Our Research Assistant Seth Morgan is a Werewolf and experienced being a Wolfman for the first time during the August 21st, 2017 Total Eclipse! Even in human form Werewolves can look directly at the eclipse without special glasses as their transformation commences. Although it might hurt a bit for some younger werewolves. Read more about this unusual transformation here.
The solar eclipse is good news when it comes to the Walking Dead. For reasons unknown Zombies completely cease movement during the entire eclipse. Some supernatural scientists believe the solar and lunar metaphysical energy is intertwined in a balance that sends the living dead into a state of stasis. Plausibly a form of hypnosis is taking place. You can walk right up to zombie and they won’t attack. Still, we recommend not risking it unless you’re a licensed Zombie Hunter. In addition, the spirits of the dead have a higher than average chance of resurrecting their bodies as Zombie Ghosts aka Sapient Zombies. Our Cryptozoologist Ashley Abercrombie is a Demi-Zombie and finds herself getting extremely sluggish during solar eclipses. She can gaze upon it without glasses but her vision becomes temporarily blurry.
Spiritual Activity
Concentrated solar ring and lunar energies can greatly increase hauntings, ghosts, dark spirits, and poltergeists throughout the day. If you happen to be in a haunted house, cemetery, or morgue during an eclipse you could be in a fair amount of danger as these metaphysical beings gain a great deal of power. Some could even muster up the energy to take brief metaphysical matter form! Demonic activity such as possessions is known to increase for those susceptible that happen to be basking in the eclipse. Please be aware that the weak-willed and mentally ill will find a threefold increase in the likelihood of being demon-possessed, or taken over by another type of dark entity during the eclipse! On the positive side this is an excellent time to make contact with loved ones in the great beyond!

Mermen, and Mermaids tend to stay deep underwater during a solar eclipse due to a Devil’s Curse. Apparently, he was none too pleased when the humans of Atlantis became Mermaids. The paranormal process of shedding their humanity broke every deal demons made with some of the Atlantean populace. This includes the quintessential selling of the soul. The transformation effectively broke every supernatural string any former human had! The Devil marshaled his forces to produce a curse as a punishment for unauthorized demonic contract termination. Fortunately, due to the protections Mermaids enjoy from Earthly nature deities, it was confined to total solar eclipses. The curse states that any Mermaid basking in the light of the eclipse will be transformed into a full fish-like creature. A mindless monstrous being you might think of as a permanent fish equivalent of a werewolf! They are sometimes referred to as Mermonsters.
Mermaids Who Live Among Us
Naturally, it is easy enough for merpeople to stay hidden in the deep dark shadows of the sea. However, the real danger comes from Mermaids visiting the human world along with those who chose to remain. Even without contact with salt water, they will transform into fish monsters instantly in front of anyone who might be around! There is also a danger to Demi-Mermaids! In their case, only the top half turns monstrous with their waist downward only turning fish-like when exposed to seawater. Although the transformation is permanent for full Mermaids, Half-Mermaids will only remain monstrous for 66 hours after the eclipse has ended. Mystic Investigations very own Senior Vice-President Rebecca Abernathy is a Demi-Mermaid and will remain indoors during the solar eclipse. It’s a shame since her eyes could easily take viewing it directly without eclipse glasses.
Luckily, she will be able to finally view the April, 8th, 2024 solar eclipse due to saving a Leprechaun on Saint Patrick’s Day. She was gifted with a vial of Liquid Luck glowing green with glittering gold within the perplexing potion. The Leprechaun stated she would only have to drink 1/4 of the vial to view the Eclipse free of the Devil’s Curse. This leaves 3/4 for emergency situations. Leprechaun Luck is one of the few things that can at least temporarily override virtually any Curse!
Witches, Warlocks, Wizards, And Sorcerers
Good and evil practitioners of magic are known to perform a plethora of spells, and rituals during solar eclipses. Especially resurrection and sinister sacrifice spells! Solar Eclipses and Lunar Eclipses for that matter always go together with ritual human and animal sacrifices. Always exercise caution in secluded rural areas and cemeteries where these mystifying magicians may meet! There are some really sick supernatural puppies out there!
Gods And Goddesses

Solar eclipses are known to activate latent psychokinetic powers in Human DNA! These paranormal powers are always on the verge of manifesting yet not quite activating. If you feel a power surge within you then closely observe any change in the environment around you in the coming days! It just might be you affecting it! A baby born at the exact moment of the 100% eclipse is the most likely to have natural psychokinetic powers! Ancient scrolls indicate a child conceived at the precise apex of a total solar eclipse will be immortal! A child born during an eclipse may have some level of protection from the forces of supernatural darkness.⚫️
We’re also expecting the Fourth Battle Of Armageddon to commence somewhere along a future path of totality in the continental United States on April 8th, 2024! If you see a lot of staring people congregating in a remote rural area then we suggest fleeing the supposed supernatural scene! Most likely it will be in Southern Illinois where the path of the 2017 eclipse crosses with that of the 2024 one.
By no means does this post detail every enchanted event of the eclipse. This article was originally inspired by The Great American Solar Eclipse Of 2017. |
Future Total Solar Eclipses | Future 21st Century Global Solar Eclipses | Future USA Solar Eclipses | Future 21st Century North American Eclipses
What would the effect be on Demidemons?
The only thing we know is that solar eclipses are ideal times for demons, and demidemons to mate because it masks the supernatural signals sent forth from Angels.
What about a Demi-Vampire?
It might be a bit of a strain to view it but they shouldn’t have any issues.
I was able to see it without the need of the Glasses. Although it was easier to see with the glasses. It didn’t damage my eyes. I barely remember the last solar eclipse I saw, so it was kind of New for me to see it directly, without the need of protective glasses.
I watched the 2024 eclipse from start to finish and ever since then i’ve felt energized and have tingling almost electric sensations in my body. The power has also been acting up where I live.