July 26, 2024
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[…] Related Blog Post: What’s The Difference Between Witches, Warlocks, Wizards & Sorcerers? […]

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
11 years ago

How do you bulid up power within without gods and goddess?

11 years ago

Hello Eclipse.. I would have to say’ You must Believe in yourself and strongly believe you can do it! 🙂

11 years ago

After reading this.. I’m a little frightened. My magic is likely that which Sorcerers use. I’m a bit worried about my teacher now because he never really explained it, his reasoning was to avoid me knowing if I had any limitations and so I could further experiment. I wouldn’t mind some help learning more from people who know though.

10 years ago

is the book wizardology the real deal?

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
10 years ago

What do sorcerers practice? I’ve heard they practice Ceremonial Magick, like Crowley; from the Occult. I’m not sure what to believe. Do they practice Psionics?

7 years ago

I am beginning to have an interest in various types of magic mainly Wizardry, where could I learn actual Wizardry? By the way this is very informative. Could you get back to me as to where I could learn Real Wizardry?

7 years ago

Do wizards sometimes achieve immortality?

7 years ago

Why is Dimitri Diablo So much stronger than most other sorcerers? Also does Sorcery affect the Body’s appearance like Witchcraft and Wizardry Does?

7 years ago

Do the Sorcerers eyes glow green if good?

Frost Lakes
Frost Lakes
6 years ago

I have two questions. One: Is it possible for males to become witches? And Two: Where do I find someone to teach me witchcraft.

is a wizard a warlock – dataala
1 year ago

[…] What’s The Difference Between Witches, Warlocks, Wizards … […]

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