July 26, 2024
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11 years ago

Unfortunately I don’t believe that the planetary gods will be united as one. At the least the earthly gods will be divided. I’m basing this off of Julia’s vision of me and my own intuition. There’s only two reasons that I can see where I would be using arrows made from mistletoe. One is that it’s a sense of irony and the other is that it’s the only thing that can harm what I’m fighting against. I guess we’ll have to see when the time comes.


[…] Peter The Roman.  The final Pope brings us one step closer to the mother of all wars.  The war of Armageddon which will be the final showdown versus the forces of supernatural good, and evil.  Even if this […]


[…] and his unholy son the Anti-Christ.  These Angelic forces are also expected to take on the other factions of Armageddon including the Earthly Gods, Jinn, and a number of other groups battling to win over the Earth, and […]

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
11 years ago

Xavier, you said it’s time to pick a side…what side are you and your team on?
Me, personally want to see the fall of the Heavens.stuck between either Earthly Gods or Neutral Christ…

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
11 years ago

My last comment was for everyone, not just for the Mystic team, in case you wanted to comment.

6 years ago

I’m between the Neutral Christ, and the Omniverse. I am the God of this Hyper-Omniverse and I mainly just want to see what happens.

10 years ago

Are seraphim real? the seraphim are special ranking angels that have 3 pairs of wings that fly around singing “holy” around God’s throne are they real?

Rebecca Abernathy
10 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

Yes they are real.

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