Witches, Warlocks, Wizards, And Sorcerers are the premier paranormal practitioners of Magic! Although there is a wide variety of other magical masters. Magic is the manipulation of metaphysical energy by varying means to bend reality to one’s will. As metaphysical energy is a foundational programming element of our reality, it can be supernaturally shuffled under the right circumstances. Everyone who wields the wondrous ability to practice magic has the potential to use it for good or evil. However, in the case of Warlocks, they tend to follow the dark path. Interestingly enough, a fair amount of Sorcerers and Sorceresses end up winding into wayward ways due to the awesome power they have harnessed, free of any need for higher dimensional deities!
Those who call upon or pray to higher powers are either knowingly or unknowingly taking the first trek into magic. This then leads to simple Spells. That being said, Sorcerers are generally the most powerful followed by Wizards. Witches and Warlocks come in third. However, as with any practitioner of magic or any field of talent, a person can become so experienced in a so-called lesser craft that they outshine those engaged in more advanced arts!
What Are Witches?
Witches can be a common person who learns Witchcraft on their own from sacred texts, from other witches, or at a Magic School. These types of witches tend to be less powerful. Especially if no natural magical ability is present. The most powerful are almost always hereditary witches who come from a family line of witches or magical practitioners in general. Magic practiced for so many generations it has become imbued in their genes. The enchanted energy surges through their mystical blood, ready to be directed with spells and potions.
They are born with a natural ability to manipulate magic and often with an active supernatural power as well. This usually comes in the form of a psychokinetic power they can wield without actually using magic, spells, or calling upon others for power. Those natural-born witches have the ability to more easily master witchcraft and cast extremely powerful spells including ones they’ve conjured up on their own. Non-Witches who learn witchcraft can only use other witches spells and cannot make up ones that will work very well. Although there’s always a rare exception.
What Is Witchcraft?
Witchcraft is the most common magic on Earth. Witches usually start out practicing the healing arts through herbology, homeopathic medicine, and other alternative remedies. Many without much magical ability tend to stick with this noble practice of healing others, and some become Midwives. Many practice the Wicca religion although some only practice the religion and never attain magical powers. The mystical art of Witchcraft is based on being in tune with Mother Nature, and the ability to implore Earthly deities to impart power upon them. These can be Fairies, Nymphs, Gods, and Goddesses just to name a few.
From these enchanted energized entities witches derive some, or all, of their power in the form of spells, incantations, rituals, divination, summoning, charms, and potions. A witch who regularly practices magic over a long period of time, particularly if hereditary, will begin to be charged with higher dimensional deity magic, and may perform magical feats without borrowing it from Gods. This will in turn super-charge any active psychokinetic power they were born with. However, like a battery, they can run out of power rather quickly! They may also gain special favor with one or more nature deities who will, in essence, run a virtually permanent line of spiritual power to them. This then allows the lucky witch to summon powers with just a few words, or phrases, free of any drawn-out spells, or rituals. Certainly, something that comes in handy when battling the forces of darkness! We know from experience since Mystic Investigations Senior Vice-President, Rebecca Abernathy, is an advanced witch!
Some exceptionally good white witches who are pure of heart may on occasion call upon Heavenly Angels for power as well. After all, Angels existed long before Mother Nature itself even existed since they had a hand in creating it! Enochian Magic is a mystical art that exclusively worships angels, and gains power from these advanced higher dimensional beings of peace, and love. Generally, this is frowned upon by the Archangel hierarchy but the small circle of Angels who respond to human worship are left alone if it’s for the greater good, and it doesn’t go to their head.
The Hierarchy Of The Witches
When a witch violates the laws of nature and misuses magic thereby angering the God, they are cast out of the Coven. From that point onward they are referred to as a Dark Witch, Wicked Witch, or even a Warlock. Warlock is most often used if the witch in question is dabbling in the dark demonic arts! In some cases even summoning Underworld Gods is prohibited since they represent dark death and not the light of life! In addition, lone witches are often Gray Witches who strive for balance and recognize both white, and black magic.
What’s A Warlock?
An evil male witch is always called a Warlock while a female might simply be called a dark witch or wicked witch. However, one who masters the diabolical dark arts are often called a Warlock who may indeed lead a dark coven of wicked witches. One can be born into a hereditary line of Warlocks but can still have the potential to do good. In this case, they would still be called a Warlock even if they did good deeds. Many Warlocks tend to work alone but will form alliances when it is to their benefit. Their main goal is power for themselves rather than reverence for Mother Nature, and healing those in need. They don’t practice the Wicca religion, and most often worship Underworld Gods, and Demons! The dark entities of evil grant them the power to do damned deeds! In the end, these foolish Warlocks end up selling their soul to the Devil!
The Wondrous World Of Wizards
What is Wizardry?
It’s the next level beyond witchcraft that looks to meld science into the mix thereby creating the perfect Alchemy. The path to delving into the secrets of reality beyond the plane of nature deities. Wizards are known for their magical laboratories, enchanted experiments, and perplexing potions. They yearn to exploit science, and mathematics while mastering the manipulation of magical energies Moderate to Advanced level Wizards begin looking inward for paranormal power, and will use magical wizard wands to focus their metaphysical energies.
Spells are often employed by Wizards. Particularly if they were former witches. These spells can be very complicated as they take into account the complex nature of our Universe. They often call upon multiple Gods in the same spell. There’s also a tendency to compel higher level Gods to grant them power. This could include Goddess Gaia, Other Planetary Gods, Star Gods, Galaxy Gods, and plausibly the God Of The Universe. However, the goal for many high-level Wizards is to wean themselves off of spells and learn to tap into these powers on their own. Some wish to advance further into the mysterious world of Sorcery.
Wizards can be male or female. They are sometimes witches who wish to advance to a new level of magic or those who come from a line of hereditary Wizards. Often males tend to skip witchcraft, and train as Wizards instead. They often miss being one with nature and following the path of healing humanity. This is why a decent amount of Wizards turn to the dark side. Generally, they fall somewhere in between the light, and the dark. An average person can attempt Wizardry just as they can Witchcraft. However, they will probably not accomplish much magic, and may only master the alchemy of the art. One must be trained professionally by a practicing Wizard or at a magic school. Learning from texts is beyond difficult!
The Levels Of Wizardry
Wizards sometimes operate alone but often work with other Wizards inside what is called a Wizard’s Circle. These Circles are usually apart of other Circles called a spheres. The Sphere is ruled over by a Wizard Master, or technically a Level 13 Wizard. In rare cases, a Cardinal Wizard Master(Fabled Level 14), or even a Sorcerer may create a Hyper-Sphere, and rule over two or more Wizard Spheres. The Circles are lead by a Level 10 Wizard or higher. Within Circles are Wizard Lines lead by level 7-9 Wizards. First-year Wizards are Wizards Apprentices who should advance to Level 1 within 3 years. Graduation to the next Level is determined by a Wizard Master or Counsel Of High Wizards. Usually past the Level of seven. The highest levels of wizards can perform advanced magic without wands, and may adopt a Sorcerer’s Staff if they wish to take the ultimate journey down the road of magic! (See Also Wizard War)
Sorcerers: The Superstars Of Magic!
Sorcerers (males) and Sorceresses (females) are the rarest practitioners of magic and are almost always the most powerful! Power cannot be inherited but rather learned and earned. Although they must always have some magical parentage, or natural power, in order to advance to this level. To attempt Sorcery without first being a witch or wizard is virtually unheard of. That is unless you come from a line of Sorcerers. Although, the power imbued within the genes would still technically be considered wizardry, or witchcraft as there is no such thing as a Sorcery gene. More often the hereditary power is called a magnificent manifestation of metaphysical energy!
Sorcery is almost exclusively a lone craft but powerful Sorcerers do marshall forces, and armies to do their bidding. This can include other Sorcerer, Wizards, Warlocks, Witches, and other entities who support their powerful plans. The most talent Sorcerers eventually attain immortality and train many apprentices over the centuries thereby creating a Society Of Sorcerers. They rule over them as a Supreme Sorcerer or Sorcerer Superior. A Sorcerers Society identifies themselves by the magical rings they wear which link their powers and make them an all-powerful force to be reckoned with. It’s said that a Society of 12 or more Sorcerers could conceivably take over the Earth. Thankfully there’s always been a neutralizing opposing force to stop them!
Unfortunately, Sorcerers often serve themselves along with dark forces since this ultimate power can seriously give one delusions of grandeur, and God-like tendencies. We certainly know that the most powerful Sorcerer of all time Dimitri Diablo become the King Of Hell! On the opposite end of the supernatural spectrum, we have the most powerful Sorcerer on Earth, Ian McTavish. He presides over the premier Magic School on Earth to teach the next generation of those striving to do good on Earth!
Ultimately every Sorcerer, or Sorceress, has his, or her Sorcery Apprentice. An ally to carry on the craft, and act as a Lieutenant to further their astounding agendas. Generally, the only way to become a true Sorcerer is to work under the tutelage of one. Classes in Sorcery are extremely exclusive, and secretive in the top magic schools around the world. There are only a handful of Sorcery schools in the world including the Sebastian School Of Sorcery hidden in Arizona within the Grand Canyon. Acceptance into such schools is beyond stringent in their requirements!
What Is Sorcery?
Sorcerers utilize a Sorcerer’s Staff to focus their maximum mystical powers although they have power without it. Advanced Sorcerers can manipulate metaphysical energy in their bare hands to shoot energized electricity, plasma balls, and astral energy eggs at enemies. Sorcery is the ultimate manipulation of magical energies that access the true source of magic itself. The power of our own pure thought consciousness, trapped within our supposedly physical brain, accessing the pure metaphysical, and Non-Corporeal Energy foundation of reality. The very essence of high-level Gods that compose the fabric of every Universe in existence! This ultimate power can be used for good or evil since all good and evil had to derive from the mind of highest level God. The lure of the dark side takes over many a Sorcerer which is why there are a number of evil ones. A dark side that is amazingly free of any demonic worship in a number of cases.
Practitioners of magic master sorcery by first learning all forms of magic that exist on Earth which includes wizardry, and witchcraft. They can take the best of all magics, and combine them into one which eventually leads them to the true power of their mind linked to their eternal soul in various higher dimensions. Even their souls in Parallel Universes as well. If a Sorcerer lives long enough he may ascend beyond their physical form to become a God or a Traveler. Travelers are considered the ultimate being of free will in the Universe. Travelers are beings of pure consciousness who can exist in the physical realities in a pure light and energy form. A natural hologram, in essence, bound together by the quantum forces of the Universe. They are explorers of space, time, parallel Universes, Multiverses, Omniverses, and beyond into the great Macroverse within the mind of the original eternal infinite God we all exist within.
Beyond Sorcery
Whether still officially a Sorcerer, or a Traveler, they collect magical knowledge in their eternal quest for ultimate power. They access the Akashic Records at various dimensional levels. They learn to master the magics of the entire Milky Way Galaxy and the entire Universe. Supreme Sorcerers and Travelers delve into Hypermagic which is the mastery of all magic within our Multiverse, aka collection of parallel Universes. This then leads to Omnimagic, the practicing of all magic within our Omniverse.
It’s said that attaining a certain level of enlightenment can melt even the darkest of hearts making way for ascension to Omniverse Godhood status. Mastery of Macromagic, or practicing of infinite magics, then become possible. However, this is theoretically impossible since only the one Macroverse God can know what infinity is. Inevitably some Omniverse Gods wish to become one with the Macroverse God thereby achieving the ultimate throne of magic possible for any soul wandering the vast expanses of light, and dark with an insatiable curiosity to know everything that is!🧙♂️
Related Magic Links
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- List Of Known Magicians
[…] Related Blog Post: What’s The Difference Between Witches, Warlocks, Wizards & Sorcerers? […]
How do you bulid up power within without gods and goddess?
Hello Eclipse.. I would have to say’ You must Believe in yourself and strongly believe you can do it! 🙂
Some use other higher dimensional beings such as demons, or in rare cases Angels. Sorcerers are at the highest level of magic, and they don’t call upon anyone. They marshal the pure energy, and even thought that is the foundation of our reality. You also have a powerful soul in Heaven that can theoretically be accessed.
After reading this.. I’m a little frightened. My magic is likely that which Sorcerers use. I’m a bit worried about my teacher now because he never really explained it, his reasoning was to avoid me knowing if I had any limitations and so I could further experiment. I wouldn’t mind some help learning more from people who know though.
is the book wizardology the real deal?
Some of the info in the Book Of Wizardology might be real while other things aren’t. The book is actually a test by a clandestine group of Wizards looking for new apprentices.
What do sorcerers practice? I’ve heard they practice Ceremonial Magick, like Crowley; from the Occult. I’m not sure what to believe. Do they practice Psionics?
By the time ones becomes a Sorcerer they’ve practiced just about every magic with the goal of tapping into the core mystical energies, and pure thought of the Universe including their own pure thought magic. Sorcerers can activate latent DNA for psionic powers or even genetically engineer such powers within them.
I am beginning to have an interest in various types of magic mainly Wizardry, where could I learn actual Wizardry? By the way this is very informative. Could you get back to me as to where I could learn Real Wizardry?
Do wizards sometimes achieve immortality?
Yes there are advanced Sorcerers, Wizards, Warlocks, and Witches who have achieved immortality by various magical means.
Why is Dimitri Diablo So much stronger than most other sorcerers? Also does Sorcery affect the Body’s appearance like Witchcraft and Wizardry Does?
Sorcery centers on power coming from within, and channeling it directly from the Universe free of higher dimensional entities. So generally there’s no deterioration of appearance even if they work for demonic forces. Diablo simply had a natural talent. A perfect genetic makeup to be a magical master. Then later on he began tapping into his parallel Universe selves. He even killed himself in other Universes to absorb entire parallel essences. This allowed him to bank exponential powers.
Do the Sorcerers eyes glow green if good?
I have two questions. One: Is it possible for males to become witches? And Two: Where do I find someone to teach me witchcraft.
[…] What’s The Difference Between Witches, Warlocks, Wizards … […]