The History Of Medieval Plague Doctors
The Black Death, also known as The Plague or Bubonic Plague, was the most deadly pandemic in human history! The devastation of the disease peaked in mid 14th century Europe and took the lives of up to 200 million people. Some say the Black Plague was one of the first biological warfare experiments gone horribly wrong! There are also rumors of supernatural origins. During these deeply diseased Medieval times, there were special individuals known as Plague Doctors. They were tasked with treating deadly plague-ridden patients and were mainly second-rate doctors. In essence, they were signing up for a death sentence since most of them died while in service to the community. They wore the distinctive bird beak masks you see in the photos on this page. These masks were meant to protect them from putrid air which was mistakenly seen as the cause of most diseases. They would often place aromatic items within the beak to supposedly filter out contaminants in the air.🦠
The Blasphemous Birth Of The Plague Doctor Of Diseased Doom!

Most of these plague doctors, throughout the various plagues of the many centuries preceding the 19th, died from the deadly contagions in service to society under the direction of their locality. A rare few lived long enough to die from some other medical condition such as injury or old age. However, one Doctor never died! His name was Dr. Darius Maximilian. Dr. Darius Death, as he later became known, was born on Friday, April 13th, 1313 in Rome, Italy. He was a Doctor who often took delight in butcher-like amputations which were usually unnecessary. He also relished in performing insane medical experiments on unsuspecting patients he lulled into submission via his handsome exterior and charismatic persona!🧬
A Serial Killer With A Love For Epic Epidemics
Later in life, he became enamored with the exponentially destructive power of contagious diseases. Not surprisingly he was a serial killer who reveled in the sheer spectacle of horrific types of death. Rather than help treat patients he actually spread the sinister sickness whenever possible. We’re not saying he was solely responsible for making the Plague pandemic the worst in history. Especially considering he was only human at the time as far as we can tell. However, he sure helped it along wherever he would travel. Unlike the other Plague Doctors who stayed within their local area, he traveled about Europe. Somehow he never caught the deadly diseases he was exposed to. More than likely he was born with an impressive immune system! There was a point when he didn’t care about getting paid with money from various cities. His payment was the human suffering he witnessed with wayward glee! It energized him and made him excited to get up every morning.🧫
The Rise To Paranormal Power
Slowly but surely, he began subsisting off the pure dark metaphysical energy of human fear, misery, and death that run rampant throughout Europe. Day by day he inadvertently began eating less food as the evil energy sustained him. He soon realized that he was acquiring paranormal power by soaking up the very energized essence of tragedy. His aging process miraculously began stabilizing throughout this macabre mechanism. The demented Doctor Of Death realized the fountain of youth and immortality were his for the taking thanks to the despicable gift of death forced upon another against their will. Really though it’s thought that purely by accident he tapped into a subconscious mental process similar to that found in a Ghoul. Although, there was no cannibalistic urge to consume dead human flesh. There was a point where he ceased being human and became a self-made supernatural entity known as the nefarious Plague Doctor. A Dark Immortal with enough negative spiritual energy surging through him to alter his biology so he absorbed all manner of disease thereby becoming an Asymptomatic Carrier without suffering from symptoms. A dream come true for this sadistic bastard!🧪
The Plague Doctors Lords: Pestilence And Death
The Perplexing Powers Of The Plague Doctor
The Plague Doctors’ powers include his Dark Immortal status intertwined with a unique sinister soul that is neither human nor demon. It is something else? Dark Immortality is a conditional lack of aging that requires a continuous influx of dark metaphysical energy by various despicable means. This enchanted energy also affords him superhuman strength, speed, agility, and enhanced senses at varying degrees dependent on said energy levels. Generally, he’s at his height of power after the ritual sacrifices to his precious Pestilence and Death! It’s said during these times his eyes may glow a toxic brown color. The staff he almost always carries with him may very well be a mobile Altar to his dark deities. It’s the original staff he had from the dark ages with a winged hourglass on the end meaning that time is fleeting when the Plague Doctor is afoot! Back before he had powers it was merely used to beat off plague-ridden mobs. Now it’s a metaphysical power conduit that may possibly grant him extra powers when he’s weakened. It could also act as an energy channeling mechanism when dealing with an armada of adversaries.💉
Dangerous Disease Manipulation Abilities
The Plague Doctor can absorb any disease on Earth within his body, and allow it to lie dormant until he picks, and chooses it to surface at will. Dr. Death can then transmit it to anyone he has close contact with. Despite rumors, it is doubtful he could heal anyone as that is the opposite power of dark energy. Any healing abilities would involve invoking his unholy Gods. As the ultimate asymptomatic carrier of disease from medieval times until now, he could very well be Patient Zero of any given epidemic or pandemic apocalypse! He also learned how to exponentially accelerate, combine, and manipulate disease within his body, and in his diabolical experimentation labs. This is courtesy of acquiring Virokinetic powers. The telekinetic power of disease manipulation. All humans have every psychokinetic power lying dormant in our Junk DNA courtesy of our God-like higher dimensional souls. It makes sense he was able to activate this particular power even if he wasn’t born with it. Virokinesis comes in handy when you want to quickly sacrifice someone with a normally slow-acting disease. The Plague Doctor has been known to sacrifice victims on his alarming Altar via violent Flu symptoms hyper-accelerated, and left untreated!🔬
Attempted Mastery Of Evil Energy Manipulation
A Chance Meeting With Slenderman And The Manipulation Of Mental Health
After a run-in with the sinister Slender Man, it’s said that The Plague Doctor acquired the psychosomatic Slender Sickness. The Doctor was briefly affected but became one of the few on Earth to fight it off, and become immune! He then began looking into mind over matter as an illness mechanism. In essence, manipulating a victim’s mind to actually manufacture a real biological disease in their bodies! If nothing else to create hypochondria, and mental illness in a weak-willed human for his own enjoyment. Some say he’s responsible for the recent surge In OCD cases! His good looks, and charming demeanor along with learning hypnosis have aided in this ever-growing skill set. He’s also dabbled in the Placebo Effect and the Nocebo Effect to play cat and mouse mind games with innocent people. Utilizing fake medications and other substances to manifest symptoms and temporary cures in people. The joy of watching a roller coaster ride of false hope and demented despair!💊
Who Are The Oath Breakers?
The Allure Of The Plague Doctor To The Power Hungry & The Weak Minded
The Female Plague Doctor Typhoid Mary
The infamous Typhoid Mary, aka Mary Mallon, is The Plague Doctors Chief Lieutenant, and right-hand woman in epidemic evil. She is the closest thing to a female Plague Doctor, and has also acquired immortality through living off the dark metaphysical energies of diseased suffering, and death! Her feminine wiles are an effective tool in infiltrating affluent homes, and facilities to spread disease. Even to this day she enjoys posing as a cook to spread disease as this was her profession when she was a human. Mary is currently in charge of the Oath Breakers, and the Plague Doctor Cult under the direct orders of the Plague Doctor himself. She provides a convenient protective insulation for him, and she also acts as his Asymptomatic Disease backup should anything happen to him!🩹 Learn More About The Terrifying Typhoid Mary…
Doctor Penrose
A mysterious figure recently rose to prominence in the Plague Doctors organization. His name is simply Penrose but some call him Dr. Penrose as he supposedly has a Doctorate in Epidemiology along with an astronomical IQ. Epidemiologists work as “Disease Detectives” who research a variety of areas in an effort to stop the spread of contagions. In the case of Penrose, he works to create epidemics and pandemics! There is also some indication that this cold and calculating man has a fair amount of surgical experience.
Dr. Penrose has no past so it’s likely The Plague Doctor set him up with a new identity. Penrose appears to be in his early 30’s and does not actively participate in the Cult but he clearly is an Oath Breaker. Despite being young and handsome he doesn’t like to party nor partake of any social activities. He is all work and no play. The Doctor has been seen often displaying a blank stare or look of disgust on his face. However, when he’s proud of himself he will show a subtlety smug smirk. Doctor Penrose also has no paranormal powers that we have observed. Obviously, The Plague Doctor saw something sinister in him and Penrose received an offer he couldn’t refuse. He now holds the rank of third in command under Typhoid Mary.🩺
The Plague Doctor Today
The perplexing Plague Doctor still walks among us in modern times in his trademark black robe or long trench coat. As always he dons his disturbing bird beak mask which has been seen as white or black in color. It seems the black mask indicates death is near for a victim. He is sometimes referred to as The Black Death when he dons the dark mask. There are indications that he will remove the mask, and dress in appropriate attire so he can mingle among scientists in various government, and private research labs around the world where deadly viruses and bacteria are studied. It’s thought that he had some hand in the creation of the AIDS Virus which was being studied as a form of biological warfare. The Plague Doctor has also been linked to the notorious Zika Virus and Coronavirus scares! He’s had a heavy hand in the COVID-19 Pandemic and the intermingled Zombie Flu!🏥
Monstrous Human Size Viruses & Bacteria Walking Among Us!
Doctor Death jumps at any chance to aid anyone working to create deadly diseases. In the 20th century, he began experimenting with supernatural diseases such as the Zombie Virus. It’s said that one of his top dreams is to see global death and destruction at the hands of a Zombie-like Pandemic. His master plan is to create a mixed Pandemic Apocalypse he can relish in as a job well done. However, his nightmarish vision doesn’t stop there! He wants to actually foster an enchanted evolution process that brings us sapient viruses, bacteria, and other monstrous microbes walking on two or more feet across the planet in human-size form or larger! Meanwhile, the diseased remnants of humanity would stagger about the Earth eternally suffering, and in fear of his brave new dark petri dish of unimaginable terrors!👨⚕️
The Plague Doctor May Mingle Amid Costumed Celebrations
The current whereabouts of the Plague Doctor and his ominous oath-breaking servants are unknown. We do know that his central headquarters lies somewhere in Europe. He is currently number 8 on the US government’s secret supernatural most wanted list. The master of pandemics takes 6th place on the private paranormal community’s most-wanted list. The Doctor Of Deadly Diabolical Disease walks among the sinister shadows stealthy so most likely you will never see him unless it’s Halloween, Mardi Gras, or there’s some costumed festival taking place where he can mingle with crowds to more easily spread illnesses both physical and mental. Don’t let the innocent fun of these lively events lull you into complacency! If you spot him then most likely you’re about to enter a seriously sickly hell on Earth! We recommend immediately contacting Mystic Investigations, the Plague Doctor Pacifiers, a powerful practitioner of magic, a Virokinesis Master, or a reputable paranormal crime-fighting firm.👩⚕️
Colloidal Silver As A Possible Plague Doctor Repellent
We recommend heading down to the nearest nutritional supplement store or look online[Ad] to get some Colloidal Silver[Ad]. This indigestible type of silver is the only known non-magical way to fight many communicable diseases the Plague Doctor might give you. It also repels him to some extent. There are reports of people dousing him with huge jugs of Colloidal Silver and it seriously wiped that smug smile off his face as he retreated. Silver has always been known as a powerful Universal antibiotic and perhaps it could be a threat to all the diseases he has brewing in his blasphemous body. It’s possible that silver implements could harm him as well. Wearing silver has very little effect.🤢
Doctor Death Will Mess With Your Mind!
Unfortunately, the silver will not prevent him from messing with your mind. This he can do from some safe distance away. In such a case you will need a powerful practitioner of magic to intervene on your behalf. Just as we called out the Slender Man some years ago, we here at Mystic Investigations called out the Plague Doctor and his wretched unmerry band of Oath Breakers! We will not allow you to destroy our home! The Planet Earth! The living embodiment of Goddess Gaia Mother Nature! Interestingly enough we ran into The Plague Doctor amid a plot to spread disease in New York on Valentines Day 2018!💔 Then again in the summer of 2020 when we crashed his Pandemic Party!😈
The Plague Doctor’s Future Plans?
The Plague Doctor dreams of a Multi-Pandemic Apocalypse where most of humanity is wiped from the face of the Earth? Only a small number would remain as zombies along with monstrous deformed, and diseased creatures made immortal through his power thereby leaving them in a permanent hell on Earth! He would however like some humans left for forced breeding so he can continue his medical experiments! And of course the rise of macroscopic viruses, and bacteria transforming Earth into a truly alien world! The Doctor would need to master the art of manipulating the vampire, werewolf, and other monster-based viruses to control said beings. There would also need to be a wayward warping of Mother Nature to keep various deities in check. It’s thought there would be alliances with dark Underworld Gods to help achieve this goal.💩
A Universal Plague Across Alien Worlds?
In addition, The Four Horsemen Of Armageddon have promised the despicable Doctor transport to Extraterrestrial worlds to continue his macabre medical madness across the Galaxy, and beyond! This would be a part of his reward for delivering Earth into their horrifying hands! We can only hope the forces of good prevent this filthy fiend from eternally planet-hopping about the Universe exterminating entire sapient species, and eventually causing the fabled Universal Pandemic! A master disease with no cure that can literally travel through self-created spatial wormholes and infest every planet and living being in our entire reality! Even if he can’t attain this sickening scenario in our Universe, he could easily perpetuate it in one or more Parallel Universes!😷
😷Next Plague Doctor Story💉: Typhoid Mary: The Plague Doctor’s Right-Hand Woman!
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- Mortimer: The Spirit Of The Black Plague Of Death
Plague Doctor Spotted In The United Kingdom In April 2020!
This was believed to be a show of power for him to blatantly appear in broad daylight. He wanted everyone to know he holds their health destiny in his cold clammy hands!
General History Of Plague Doctors
The Plague Doctor Costume[Ad]
Dress Up As The Plague Doctor For Halloween If You Dare! Beware That You May Attract The Attention Of The Real Plague Doctor Or Plague Doctor Slayers On The Prowl! You May Also End Up Having Oath Keepers & Other Lackeys Bowing At Your Feet Ready To Serve You![Ad]
“We Need Another Plague To Weed Out The Weak!” The Plague Doctor
“There’s Too Many People On This Earth! We Need A New Plague!” Dwight Schrute
Mystic Investigations Copyright © 2013
[…] If you spot this deadly diabolical doctor of diseases then contact Mystic Investigations or your nearest paranormal organization immediately. Do not attempt to apprehend, or make any contact with the Plague Doctor since he is armed with viruses, and bacteria which are extremely dangerous. If you live in the Midwest then Colloidal Silver is recommended as a defense measure. It seems to be the only thing that will repel him to an extent. Other forms of silver seem to have little effect on him or his diseases. For more information on the Black Death of the supernatural world check out: […]
Damn….I just had a thought…..What if the Plague Doctor managed to get his hands on werewolf Saliva? It has been mentioned before on other posts here that lycanthropy is a virus…..So do you think that might be his actual end game? Instead of a zombie apocolypse a lycanthropic one….
Does he have any Enhanced Strength?
Yes due to his sacrifices to The Four Horsemen Pestilence, and Death he has enhanced strength, speed, agility, and senses. He would be classified as a special sinister breed of Superhuman.