February 16, 2025
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Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
12 years ago

I may be able to help you.
you can find me here,
We can discuss in private.

12 years ago

You may know about Slender Man, but what know you of the other Fears?
There’s the Plague Doctor, EAT, The Convocation, the Manufactured Newborn – what do you know?

12 years ago

Has anyone heard of the Wicked or the Destroyers? I had a dream where the Destroyers were mentioned last night. The Wicked was in a dream I had like two or three years ago. The thing is that the Wicked basically had no face like the Slender Man. There was more than one Wicked though and it seemed to be like a virus with some having mouths, those were the ones that spread it, and ones without a mouth.

12 years ago

Hello Xavier,.. How are you? This story is freaky! 😉 I read the link. So he has followers as well? Great!! I believe that the government invented and deliberately infected people with there Aids virus. Perhaps this Plague Doctor works along side the (government / Illuminati)? It’s bad enough we suffer the way it is.. now we can’t even trust our doctors.. government. I normally take herbs and they work. I’ve seen some horror movies based on that look of the plague doctor. So if you get a chilling feeling under the skin twice? This could mean he’s going to give you a virus? He probably has demons working with him as well. Just a feeling.

Xavier are you all home now? 😉 I’ve been under the weather with a nasty cold. I was exposed twice while shopping. I’m almost recovered. Eating allot of oranges. Sipping on lemon tea.. Have a good week everyone!

12 years ago

Has anyone heard of the Wicked or the Destroyers? I had a dream where the Destroyers were mentioned last night. The Wicked was in a dream I had like two or three years ago. The thing is that the Wicked basically had no face like the Slender Man. There was more than one Wicked though and it seemed to be like a virus with some having mouths, those were the ones that spread it, and ones without a mouth.

Hey Supernaturalbeliever.. I have seen the very evil in the universe. I don’t exactly know what they are called. I refer to them as the Titans. Super evil beings so old and so evil.. they are the destroyers of worlds and universes. They are in a prison as we speak. They want out! The light put them there. And I intend on keeping them there forever! Only a laser light of haven can keep them there. All I know..

If they are ever released upon our Earth.. Everything as we know it will be destroyed! Gaia is the one who has to keep them in there dark prison. I don’t exactly understand why the other gods aren’t helping her. Perhaps she’s the one who put them there to begin with. Darkness is trying to give her amnesia then tempt her into siding with them. If she does.. our world will be gone. At least the good world will be no more! I’ll forever stand for the goodness of this world.

11 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Well this is kind of an odd coincidence that I came upon this today. I do remember reading this back in January but I had forgotten about it. But anyway to my point. A couple of nights ago I had a dream, or maybe it was something more, where something was trying to come through from some type of prison. There were people doing a ritual to bring whatever it was into our world. Somehow I knew that there was a critical point where whatever it was would start to emerge and that was the best time to stop it. Well at that time I started to try to push it back in and poured a lot of energy into doing it. I did succeed but I was pretty weak in the dream and I felt weak when I woke up after that. Fortunately it was in the middle of the night and I was able to go back to sleep. Does anyone know if something did try to come through recently?

12 years ago

😉 yeah’… Silver seems to be the best cure for most anything wicked. I don’t dare try the silver since I am highly allergic to the stuff. It’s not like me to get sick either. Who knows why I got sick. My energy levels have been depleted since the 21’s of Dec. Yeah I feel drained. That’s funny… I’m glad you defeated that gypsy witch! 🙂

I feel sorry for the person getting all the snakes. I wonder what 2013 is in for! Do you think the number 13 is an unlucky number? I posted something in my forum about this subject. 😉 Peace!


[…] What Is Slender Man? […]

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
12 years ago

Xavier Remington:
13 is a deeply diabolical number which has great meaning for various forces of evil including the Devil, and his demons along with the Illuminati who are run by 13 families.2013 could be a year of great evil!Especially the Friday the 13th’s which are always hot zones of havoc.

As for your illness did you by chance see a guy wearing black with a bird beak mask on?Or maybe it was his actual face.Get well soon!

I honestly don’t see nothing wrong with the Illuminati. it s the way they go about stuff the bothers me.The Illuminati promotes a general knowledge and acceptance of the concept of individual rights and the proper role of government as protector of these rights.

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
12 years ago

They want to enlighten the human race and bring global peace,something humans alone can’t achieve why? Because human thirst for war and destruction is insurmountable no matter how hard we suppress it, it gets out it ALWAYS gets out. and it will eventually lead to the downfall of the human race.Nationalism is a big cause of war a one world government will easily fix this.

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
12 years ago

Carpe lucem,
I’m lead to believe that your right,
Mea culpa,estis memores acti prudentes futuri.

12 years ago

Carpe lucem,
I’m lead to believe that your right,
Mea culpa,estis memores acti prudentes futuri.

Yes Eclipse.. Xavier is right! Our world is ruled purely by selfish power hungry individuals.. Who are willing to sell there own souls for a piece of the pie! I believe All is One! I only hope we can be a rock and not the stone! Be an individual.. not a slave! I stand for freedom.

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
12 years ago

99.9999% of conspiracy theories are false.The Bavarian Illuminati support life, liberty, justly acquired property, and the pursuit of happiness.
it seems that I have lost my self,something must be influencing my mind.

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
12 years ago

I guess the dark has always enticed, fascinated me,more than anything,but never this far.haha! I’m starting to think the dark is the way to go it sounds so thrilling!…..Why do you hate the darkness?

12 years ago

Xavier I think it’s about time to post that alert. Maybe Dimitri is affecting Eclipse’s mind.

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
12 years ago

Xavier Remington:
My God Dark Eclipse why?Why for the love of God have you turned to the dark side?It’s enticing allure will only destroy you in the end once it’s done using you up.Don’t let your Omnimagic powers go to your head.Come back into the light before it’s too late!

Don’t think I’ve been trying to turn back to the light hopefully this weekend will bring about good results.

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
12 years ago

Hmm it appears that in free from them already?
thanks to you and some really good anti illuminati music 🙂
Apparently I don’t know what came over me.
but I’m free now 😀
yes yes yes!

12 years ago

The Illuminati were a group of scientists in the time when the Church had power in England. They opposed the theory that God created the Earth, and using science they could prove their theories, and therefore the Church attempted to get rid of them.
The Illuminati have been shown throughout history as many things. Other organisations have taken the name, most famously the Bavarian Illuminati. The Bavarian Illuminati drew much from Freemasonry, which has also been shown in a bad light through the years but generally is not so.
These days, they are seen as a group of government billionaires, when in fact they do not exist. The New World Order hype can be linked to the Bilderberg Group.
A quick Internet search will tell you this:
“The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of approximately 120 to 140 guests from North America and Western Europe, most of whom are people of influence. About one-third are from government and politics, and two-thirds from finance, industry, labour, education and communications. Meetings are closed to the public.”
This is, perhaps, one of the reasons so many people are worked up about a New World Order. They believe a range of things, and a few are presented below.
1) The world governments will join together to create a global police state.
2) Top ranking officials and government members are actually Grey/Reptilian aliens in disguise, steering politics in ways that suit their nefarious plots.
3) The New World Order is made up of demon-worshipping billionaires.
4) The members of the New World Order mastermind events and control the music industry to send out the messages they wish to send to the general public, including the young who are impressionable.
It is some form of psychological need, serving just as horror stories (and in fact all stories) and games do: an escape from reality.
The reasons people use media texts (including books) are outlined in Blumer and Katz’ Uses and Gratifications Theory, which states the four main reasons we use media texts are:
1. Escape
2. To identify with the characters and situations
3. To interact socially with others
4. Personal identity.
So, the rumours of the modern day Illuminati are due to the need for humans to escape from their day to day lives which they see as boring and dull, and not a top secret military supported New World Order, as some conspiracy theorists would have you believe.

12 years ago

Do you think slenderman is a Tupla?


[…] Slender Man warning has been issued for the entire United States, and portions of Canada for the coming week.  […]


[…] of his mind.  Within his dark disturbing thoughts she realized he was an assassin sent from the Slender Man dimension to exact revenge for his boss.  It seems Slender Man was sentenced to spend life on […]

11 years ago

what’s the difference between a tupla and a alter (split personality) and the similarities of them both?

11 years ago

Hello friend. I have a question and an answer. I know the Slender Man and his story. But I have something more impossible to discuss. Something no man dared answer. Can you help me? I will help you in full detail to explain him.

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