The notorious Black Death that ravaged 14th-century Europe was a supernatural biological warfare experiment. A heinous horror perpetrated by none other than the master of death & disease, The Plague Doctor! We’re not talking about the ones who helped people through the Black Plague. We’re talking about the dark immortal who spread disease with glee! Paranormal records now indicate that The Plague Doctor named the Black Plague Mortimer as it was his pet project. Indeed, he sees bacteria and viruses as his friends. Various drawings depict Mortimer as the Black Plague Spirit that drove his disease to pandemic levels. A Dark Spirit conjured from the diabolical subconscious mind of The Plague Doctor and Two of the Four Horsemen Pestilence & Death.
Mortimer was further fueled by the fear of deadly disease in the minds of humans everywhere! At some point, malevolent magic brought this living dead spirit into a metaphysical matter form. However, he was never more than 1 foot tall! The little terror ravaged the countryside of Europe personally spreading Black Death and murdering instantly with his tiny scythe supplied by Death himself. Death, Pestilence, and the Plague Doctor would cackle like loons at the sight of Mortimer maiming people. After the forces of righteousness beat back the Black Death they promptly demolished Mortimer’s physical format. However, he is conjured up every so often for amusement before returning to the higher dimensional ethers. The above photo is a diabolical duplication of ancient illustrations.☠️
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