The Miraculous Journey From Saint Nicholas To Santa Claus
Christmas is the antithesis of Halloween and Dark Christmas. Just as the forces of evil look forward to these holidays so do the forces of good look forward to the sainted Christmas season. It is the one day of the year that the forces of truth, justice, and happiness marshal together to bring peace to humankind. In the same way, the forces of righteousness combat the evil of Halloween by utilizing the magical innocence of children, so too does Christmas follow the same path via The Spirit Of Christmas. The man who made Christmas what it is today is the most famous, and probably the most powerful Earthly supernatural being of all time! He is Santa Claus who is also known as Saint Nicholas. Of course, we have the far more powerful Demi-God Son of God known as Jesus Christ. His miraculous birth was the true creation of Christmas over 2000 years ago! In many ways, Santa Claus’s life shadows that of Jesus. This includes the supernatural birth, betrayal, death, and resurrection.🎄
The Angelic Birth Of Santa Claus
Santa Claus was born on March 15, 270 AD. He was born simply as Nicholas (no last names back then) in the Mediterranean seaside Greek community of Patara, Lycia which is in modern-day Turkey. Santa himself is of Greek ancestry from a wealthy family. His family later moved to Myra, Lycia where he became known as Nicholas of Myra. His father was a relatively high ranking non-human origin Angel, named Sarandiel, who had been on Earth in biological form partaking of a holy mission when he fell in love with Nicholas’s mother, Marcia of Patara. Evidence indicates she was a descendant of Mary mother of Jesus Christ. Generally, unions between Angels and humans are forbidden but in this case, the Archangel hierarchy blessed the predestined union, and they got married. Soon Marcia was pregnant and gave birth to twin sons. Normally this would result in blasphemous Nephilim. However, since this was a Heaven blessed union the resulting children were holy Demi-Angels.
One was Nicholas, and the other was Claudius. Claudius would later become the notoriously evil Demi-Demon called the Anti-Claus who rules over Dark Christmas while actively trying to thwart Christmas. Sarandiel had unknowingly fulfilled his purpose to father the great Santa Claus and was called back to Heaven. Once he was gone Marcia was tricked into giving up Claudius, and his path down the dark road of damnation began by being raised in the world of those practicing the dark demonic arts. Nicholas, on the other hand, displayed great caring and goodness at an early age which was fitting for an Angel-Human Hybrid. Santa, of course, falls into a class all his own for various reasons.
Nicholas grew up and became known for his secret gift-giving, helping the poor, and even performing various miracles including the resurrection of some slaughtered children. He performed these miracles despite having very limited access to his Angel powers during the first 73 years of his life. At age 33, with humility and wisdom, he vowed to utilize the power that came from faith in the Holy Lord rather than his own superhuman abilities. He did live his life as a human and aged as such which is the norm for Demi-Angels until they die, and rise again with their full power complement. It’s considered a rite of passage to prove worthy of Angel powers. Even after that, they must undergo annual trials to remain blessed Demi-Angels. His amazing ways earned him the name Nicholas The Wonderworker, and he soon was appointed Bishop Of Myra despite not officially being a Priest.
Santa’s Brother Betrays Him On Behalf Of The Forces Of Darkness
On December 6, In 343 AD, at the age of 73, Nicholas fell victim to his twin brother Claude who had yet to become the Anti-Claus. At that point, he was technically a Fallen Demi-Angel and was not yet a Demi-Demon. Although, the murder of Nicholas would seal his diabolical fate in infamy! Months earlier Claudius, now calling himself Claude, found out he had a twin brother after being separated as a baby. He was disgusted to see what a goodie two shoes his sibling was, and continued to observe him for months. By today’s standard, it would be considered stalking. With each day jealousy grew over how beloved his brother was by the masses. On December 6th Nicholas was alone at a church in Myra praying before a statue of his distant cousin Jesus when Claude appeared from the shadows to reveal his identity to Nicholas.
The trusting Nicholas believed he was sincere but Claude burst into a tirade about how his entire rotten life was Nicholas’s fault. Claude suddenly pulled out an unholy mystical sword made of coal and unknown other substances. He then thrust the black blade through Nicholas’s heart. The only ways known to kill a Demi-Angel are through beheading via special swords and complete incineration by pure unholy fire. Apparently, the special sword, also coated with Claude’s twin blood, along with a brother’s betrayal symbolically piecing a holy heart was enough to finish off one of the most saintly men to walk this Earth! Before Nicholas collapsed on the floor his final words were,” Brother I love you, and I forgive you for your sins.” Claude’s response was merely a snide snicker! Upon the death of Nicholas, Claude officially became the Anti-Claus, and the rest of his Angelic DNA faded into nothingness to be replaced by Demonic DNA. However, as a Demi-Demon he still had a human half that was beyond corrupted by the forces of darkness.
Saint Nicholas Visits Heaven
Nicholas awoke in Heaven and was reunited with his father Sarandiel who was now promoted to Archangel status. His mother Marcia was there as well living as a Human ascended Angel. He also met briefly with Jesus Christ, the son of the Omniverse God. Generally, when someone good dies they go to Heaven as an Angel. Ascension to multi-dimensional status breeds forth a totally different person due to being a combination of all their parallel selves who lived near-infinite lives in the various near infinite Universes. In this case, Nicholas was not yet unified in this way since he still had a great destiny to fulfill in our Universe or in reality our series of parallel Universe known as the Multiverse. It’s unknown how long he was in Heaven since it exists outside of time itself.
The Holy Resurrection Of Saint Nicholas!
Finally, on December 25 his Father returned his soul to Earth and resurrected him. Nicholas awoke in a dark church crypt where his dead body was laid to rest. Apparently, DNA had been taken from the corpse to create a new body for Nicholas. It’s unknown why his soul wasn’t reanimated in his old body. He was, in essence, re-born now as a rare half Archangel imbued with extra special Heavenly powers. Unfortunately, it seems there was some kind of symbiotic bond between him and his dark brother because the Anti-Claus rose to a rare Demi-ArchDemon status. Second only to the future son of the Devil, aka The dreaded notorious Anti-Christ!
The Creation Of Santa Claus!
Upon his resurrection, Nicholas crashed triumphantly through the stone walls of the crypt ready to clean up the evils of the Earth. At that moment his parents appeared to him as brightly lit apparitions who dubbed him Santa Claus. Santa means Saint since Heaven, and the church declared him Saint Nicholas. Claus was a shortening of Nicholas since it was spelled, and pronounced differently back then. They saw the need for last names in the future. His parents bid him farewell and sealed up the crypt. Old Saint Nick’s bones remained in the mystic crypt for several centuries until the Anti-Claus and his motley crew stole them in an attempt to destroy Santa.
It seems the bones combined with the right magic can turn Father Christmas into a mortal human. Luckily, the forces of righteousness under the command of Saint Nicholas recovered his remains. They now lie hidden in a magically protected crypt under the Saint Nicholas Church in North Pole City. The bones can’t be destroyed and act as an anchor to keep Santa in this corporeal plane of reality. Any rumors of his current burial location or the finding of his remains are false. December 6, the date of St. Nicholas’s death, is known as Saint Nicholas Day.
The Paranormal Powers Of Santa Claus
As a Demi-Archangel Saint, Santa has an extensive array of superpowers and magical abilities. This, of course, includes extremely enhanced strength, speed, agility, and senses. Although, he must temper his use of them so as not to interfere in human affairs to the extent of violating The Supernatural Secrecy Pact. Santa Claus is definitely the most powerful physical entity on our planet! He could easily be a God and take over Earth bringing forth peace and paradise. Unfortunately, he is forbidden to do so by the edict of Heavenly neutrality. A core wish of God himself.
Santa draws powers from his Archangel half and in turn utilizes Enochain Angel Magic via that part of himself. He also derives powers from his Sainthood status that is bestowed upon human ascended Angels by the will of the human collective consciousness. This is also respected by the Archangels of Heaven as well. It gives these Saints special access to the power of human souls and therefore grants Santa extraordinary access to his own human soul. Then there the fact that being a living Saint musters forth even more enchanted energies. Then we have The Spirit Of Christmas and its own entanglement with the global Human Collective Consciousness. A supernatural holiday spirit that utilizes Santa as a conduit to the world! With such an extensive power base one would think Father Christmas is invincible. However, since his evil twin brother The Anti-Claus has his own dark soul intertwined with Santa it makes the Demi-ArchDemon a comparable foe!
To some extent, Santa has some level of every Psychokinetic Power but he’s probably only tried a fraction of them. Plausibly he could have the full array of Omnikinetic powers available in our reality to the extent of actually possessing the Omniverse Lord himself! This would require him to be power hungry along with selfishly increasing the Anti-Claus’s hellish powers as well! He avoids this negative effect by often utilizing magical spells and potions in place of his direct power.
Direct powers he has used include healing powers, chronokinesis (time travel), precognition, retrocognition, telekinesis, telepathy, hypnosis, Zoopathy, astral projection, and levitation just to name a few. Santa has the ability to see every non-corporeal being in the vicinity. This includes Gods, Goddesses, Nymphs, Fairies, Demons, Poltergeist, Ghosts, Jinn and anything that would normally be invisible to human and even most paranormal eyes. We thank God Santa is the quintessence of goodness with such power and its frightening potential!
Santa Claus Creates The Traditions Of Christmas For The Betterment Of Humankind
With his new powers Santa Claus spread his gift giving, and acts of charity to a much grander scale. Still, he realized that being a visible famous paranormal being can make one a target. So he went stealth, and set-up a North Pole Village, Later to become North Pole City. Santa’s Christmas headquarters was later cloaked by a magic Enochian Angel Magic spell as the modern global world took shape in later centuries. He conceived the marshaling of goodness under the guidance of Angels, and the incorporation of children in the equation since the collective consciousness of kids is a prime source of powerful magical innocence.
Before his death, he utilized a sleigh, and normal reindeer to glide through the winter snows giving out gifts to commemorate the birth of Jesus. Now with extra Archangel powers, he was able to enchant the reindeer to cause them to fly about the skies. He had no idea that his enchanted reindeer would also acquire sentient intelligence complete with speech. They are of course are known as Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and the infamous Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer who later joined some of the most famous animals in history.
Santa’s Elves

A group of nomadic Elves heard about his fine handy works and inquired if he needed help since Elves love to work and serve the greater good. Santa agreed, and the Elves were inducted into Santa’s Secret Workshop. Once blessed holy by Old Saint Nick they became special Enchanted Elves. Elves far more powerful than all others on Earth! Santa’s yearly Christmas quest now included nine enchanted reindeer to pull his sleigh full of toys, and other presents along with the original 100 Elves growing to the current number of 221 Enchanted Elves. All blessed by Santa who calls the North Pole their home also gain the gift of immortality. Every so often a new Elf joins up along with a special mystical ritual that births seven baby elf into the world every century. The last time this happened was 2000 with the birth of Gerbert The Elf.⛄️
The Claus Family & The Dark Claus
Santa’s parents come to Earth for visits at various times of the year including Christmas. They still hold out hope that Claudius will someday see the light, and return to his Angel roots. Unfortunately, Claude became the Anti-Claus and purposely started up Dark Christmas with the hope of corrupting the Spirit Of Christmas which is meant to quell discord among humankind throughout the year. Dark Christmas is celebrated by despicable misguided individuals in the supernatural, and even the human community. Each year the Anti-Claus, and his cohorts that include Krampus, plot to destroy Christmas and thwart Santa’s efforts to bring peace and joy to Earth.
This may involve nefarious intricate plans or outright attacks on Santa as he tries to deliver his presents. The Anti-Claus has a black sleigh flown by eight hellhounds, and one special Werewolf leading the pack. All of which are demonically enchanted to have flight powers. If on Christmas Eve, and early Christmas morning, you should see fireworks or lights that appear to be Auroras, such as the Northern Lights, then it’s most likely Santa, and Claude waging war with each other in the Heavens above or even a great distance away. The light is caused by an awesome exchange of magical energy beams.
The Holiest Immortal Supernatural Man On Earth Marries A Mortal Human
Santa remained single and dedicated to his work until the 18th century where his soul mate was waiting for him. Her name is Holly, and she became Mrs. Claus. Since Immortals like Santa can only have offspring with Angels or other higher beings, they expected to remain childless. However, Archangels granted them two children. A boy named Nicholas, Jr. aka Little Santa, and a girl named Mary. Both are immortal and age very slowly. They probably have the longest childhood of all time. In addition, Santa has an ever-living Dalmatian named Sparky. Before this, the couple adopted a son named Sandy who became a Human Elf. Find Out The Entire Story Of How Santa Met And Married Mrs. Holly Claus…
Santa Faces Controversy With His Gift Deliveries Violating Universal Supernatural Law
The forces of good are marshaled with the magic of childhood innocence through the giving of toys. The excitement of receiving gifts enlivens the collective consciousness of the children of Earth while at the same time garnering goodwill among adult humankind as they selflessly give to the kids, and to others as well. This and Santa’s powerful Angelic mind create the Spirit Of Christmas. There is also a conduit known as the Christmas Crystal. In the early days, Santa Claus did deliver to all the good little boys, and girls within Europe, and the Middle East. He had plans to expand to the entire planet in the future. However, at some point demons, and even a faction of Angels charged him with violating The Supernatural Secrecy Pact of 33 AD. This Pact was created between the forces of good, and evil to ensure humanity would follow its own path without large-scale paranormal interference.
Of course, the demons, liked it because then they could still covertly attempt to corrupt individual humans. A rare trial took place, and at the end, Santa was ordered to not use his awesome powers to interfere directly in global affairs along with delivering gifts to the general populace. He was limited to those in the supernatural community, and a small amount of very exceptional human beings. In lieu of his direct gifting, he utilized the Spirit Of Christmas to compel parents, and others to give presents in his holy name. However he, and his Elves work about the planet spreading Christmas cheer, helping the poor, and troubled children all year round. Santa has also been planning a global spell that would allow him to deliver to everyone on his Nice List and make parents believe they gave the gift in his name. The spell scenario is still awaiting Angelic approval along with an organization of magical individuals to cast it. Christmas 2020 is the planned rollout date for everyone on the Nice List getting a gift directly from Saint Nicholas!
Claus Christmas Present Delivery
In the present, Santa does deliver to both kids and adults who are good members of the paranormal community as a reward for their bravery in battling the forces of evil all year round. Such people can include supernatural beings and humans who take up the cause. They can be good practitioners of magic, werewolf hunters, ghostbusters, vampire slayers, zombie terminators, those who selflessly help those in need, and any number of heroes who make up the forces of light, and goodness. Santa also delivers a handful of gifts to kids who have nothing to do with the supernatural because of their exceptional goodness which can’t be overlooked. This exclusivity to the supernatural community also extends to St. Nick’s Day. However, more average people get their stocking filled than presents delivered.
The Spirit Of Christmas
Christmas is a supernatural holiday that not only celebrates the birth of the ultimate Demigod Jesus Christ but also serves a very real purpose in our world. The Universe’s continued existence is reliant on a balance between good, and evil. Every planet with intelligent sapient life must maintain that balance. Earth is no different. Christmas is the central holiday of all that is light, and right. It is essential, along with other holidays such as Easter, in order to counterbalance the dark forces of the damned! Despite all the horrifying news we hear about each day the balance is just barely being maintained. Each year demonic forces fight ever more violently to shape the paranormal planet in their horrifying image in the ramp up for the final fate of Earth in the War Of Armageddon! Thankfully Santa Claus, and those of us in the righteous supernatural community fight back with equal muster in a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the Angelic way! Merry Christmas To All & To All A Good Night Into An Eternal Dawn!🎅
June 17th, 2020: Santa gave the Commencement Speech at McTavish Magic School in Scotland. (To be listed in a timeline at North Pole History)
Visit Our Christmas Blog Or Santa Claus’s Official North Pole City Website At NorthPole.City To Learn More About Santa Claus And All Things Christmas In Nature! Shop For Christmas Gifts! 2018 Christmas Update From North Pole City!
The Information On this Page was culled from mainstream history, ancient scrolls, Paranormal Community Insiders, and Santa Claus himself.
[…] Nicholas, aka Santa Claus, was born in an unknown month of 270 AD so he would now be 1,745 years old. The date is most […]
[…] Valentines 2012 Santa Claus & Mrs. Holly Claus took a romantic vacation in Hawaii. Their kids Nicholas, and Mary are at […]
[…] Saint Patrick’s Day Saint Nicholas, aka Santa Claus, & Mrs.Holly Claus along with their children, Nick, and Mary, traveled to the heart of […]
[…] supernatural darkness, and even sometimes human evil as well. On Christmas 2015 he was invited to Santa Claus’s North Pole City where he received a surprise Lifetime Achievement Claus Award for recognition of […]