Metaphysical Matter, sometimes called Astral or Spiritual Matter, is the true polar opposite of Physical Matter rather than Anti-Matter. Unlike Anti-Matter, Astral Matter won’t cause a massive energy explosion on contact with normal matter! They can coexist together without any issues. In our physical Universe matter is more or less solidified physical energy, or vibrating strings of energy. This solidification is a gradual transitional process with tons of atomic, and subatomic particles in between. Below that energy level is Neutral Energy. Most probably what mainstream science calls Dark Energy. The stuff that the space-time continuum, and the very fabric that our Universe is made of. The dimensional containment matrix that separates all manner of parallel, and alternate dimensions. Neutral Energy acts as a conduit through which higher dimensional programmed information is channeled through to the correct location. Metaphysical Energy sends forth the programming of the Gods, or higher dimensional entities, through various vibrational frequencies that then create vibrating physical energy strings that in turn create a variety of low level quantum particles.
Metaphysical Matter is simply solid Metaphysical Energy. A periodic table of metaphysical elements would most likely represent a plethora of common emotions, and thoughts literally made physical. It would be a complete mystery to modern science if they ever studied it. This is because it would appear to be made of nothing by their testing, and microscopic observation methods. There is no transition from metaphysical energy to metaphysical matter. Some say the intricate transition of physical energy to standard matter our scientists observe is merely an elaborate show to prove that one’s environment isn’t a holographic illusion of the Gods. A ruse to keep humans guessing on the existence of higher dimensional life.[sta_anchor id=”ectoplasm”]
What Is Ectoplasm?

Metaphysical Matter is something created directly by the hand of a powerful being, or practitioner of magic. Often on purpose but sometimes as a supernatural side effect of something. Ectoplasm is the most common form of metaphysical matter that can come in a variety of forms, and colors. White gauze like materials, and green glowing goo are the most prevalent forms seen in the supernatural world. Ectoplasm often results when there is some manner of direct contact with the metaphysical world. Whether it be Mediums contacting the dead, or ghosts, and other higher dimensional entities roaming about the world of the living. It generally only occurs during high energy exchanges that in essence conflict with the very fabric of our reality thereby causing a waste product of sorts.
Midnight Oil And Blob Monsters
Every element of our reality, including thoughts, and emotions, can be brought into a metaphysical matter form via marvelous magics, or alchemy. One such enchanted element is Midnight Oil. A literal physical manifestation of the Midnight Witching Hour, and all that it metaphysically stands for. The Witching Hour is often a time when major malevolence manifests magically! Midnight Oil is a potent element used in dangerous spells! Some paranormal beings, like Blob Monsters, can be made of metaphysical matter as well. Various higher dimensional entities such as ghosts, poltergeists, and demons can take physical form if they have enough power on their own, or are aided by a witch, warlock, wizard, or sorcerer. At the end of the day the true power is the will of one’s own thoughts.
There is a very real danger of powerful magicians, or a group of misguided mystical cultists, transforming various non-conscious spirits into physical form. This includes the Human Collective Consciousness, The Vampire Collective Consciousness, The Spirit Of Christmas, The Spirit Of Halloween, etc. Whoever managed to do this could imbue their own mind upon this enchanted entity, and easily turn it into the worst monster the world, or even the Universe has ever seen! It could then be used backwardly to corrupt everything it’s metaphysically connected to. In the case of the Human Collective Consciousness it could theoretically make every human on Earth someone’s puppet to play with as they please! Thankfully the immense energy, and right spells required, have yet to be achieved![sta_anchor id=”godcrystal”]
The God Crystals

Naturally occuring forms of metaphysical matter include Gaia Crystals. Such crystals are the result of the first shooting star of the night not being wished upon. The first star is in fact the enchanted energy of Goddess Gaia rather than an actual meteor streaming through the atmosphere. In essence a glorious gift of a wish to one lucky person. An unintentional natural form of meta matter are the legendary God Crystals. These crystals can come from any higher dimensional being attempting to add, or augment, a programming element to our physical Universe. So you could have a very weak crystal created by a low level nature deity, or all the way up to the almighty infinite Macroverse God.
The catalyst is a metaphysical energy burst resulting from an enchanted error. Usually a higher dimensional thought, or command, that doesn’t connect with the intended programmed target. This can even happen when Gods simply have stray thoughts that don’t translate to anything within the underlying pure energy string programming of our reality. This informational metaphysical energy instead manifests as a crystal containing all the powers of said entity. The crystal itself can have a wide array of configurations, and sizes. However it almost always glows with power. The iridescent color can span the entire rainbow.
Some call God Crystals, Author Authority Crystals, since they usually offer some level of ability to transform our Universe. Of course it’s all based on the powers of the God it came from. If it was a nature deity then the powers would be limited to Mother Nature. If it came from higher level deities then you could very well create your own Universe! Either way you will most likely have the ability to transform into a metaphysical matter, and energy form at will. You would finally be free of consciousness confinement within your biological body, and this corporeal Universe! Simply holding the crystal, or in some cases attempting to ingest it, gives one the awesome paranormal powers. Ingestion, or some other manner of physical absorption, is the only way to have these powers permanently. This perplexing processing requires the supernatural stone to be ground into a powder by a proper practitioner of magic, or Alchemist. Naturally they will want a cut but realize that sharing it with too many people will deeply dilute the power potential.
These God Crystals are rare in formation when it comes to our planet since it’s a mere dot in the Universe. However they have been building up over countless billions of years, and they can only be destroyed by magic, or via the hellish heat of a star. So there are a number of them on Earth. Yet at the same time a great many of them are buried courtesy of the sands of time.
The Stuff Reality Is Made Of
The highest concentrations of metaphysical matter are found In higher dimensional realms. Within these Afterlife dimensions there are entire worlds, and Universes, made of metaphysical matter. Places where ascended Humans, Angels, and other beings, can easily manipulate their environment at will by simply thinking about what they want. However, most of the dimensions in our Omniverse are composed of metaphysical energy. Ultimately the Macroverse is mostly Non-Corporeal Energy with small concentrations of programmed matter, energy, metaphysical matter, and non-corporeal matter, and other various states of reality.
- Elf Dust and Fairy Dust are forms of metaphysical matter created by supernatural beings.
So if a God Crystal from the macroverse god was found, could that cause a immediate Ascension to Omniverse God Status? If so would the melding of Parallel lives still happen, or would memories just be implanted?
Their ascension would be limitless, and gradual as they began to learn of the powers they had. When one ascends to higher dimensions memories of all their lower dimensional lives are received.
Are these God Crystals anythings similar to the “Infinity Stones” of the Marvel comics and movies? Are they actually God Crystals in that universe/multiverse?
I briefly read about the Infinity Stones, and they don’t seem to be the same thing.
How can someone get a God Crystal? Is there a specific place they usually land, or a way to attract one in some way?
There’s no known way of purposely acquiring a God Crystal. It’s mere luck or coincidence. Although I suppose it could be found via Genie or Leprechaun wishes. Or merely gaining enough good luck with your mind fully concentrated on finding a crystal. The crystals would mainly be in rural areas as they are attracted to Goddess Gaia Mother Earth’s aura in it’s most powerful form. Clearly urban areas are cut off the most from Earth’s spirit. Plausibly Earth’s Chakra points would be the best place to look:
If a God, demon angel jinn etc took a physical form, would thye be made of metaphysical matter? Also is metaphysical matter tangeble like normal matter?
There are a variety of factors that determine what physical form they may take. Due to the will of Goddess Gaia Mother Earth it is often biological in nature whether metaphysical or physical matter. Yes metaphysical matter is something you can physically hold. However it isn’t beholden to the normal laws of physics, and may even disappear at any moment for no reason.