What Happens Supernaturally When We Sleep?
Sleep is a time for our biological bodies to rest, and concentrate on cellular regeneration since other physical processes are at a minimum. This includes our physical brain, and it’s interface with our astral metaphysical energy spirit intertwined with our parallel, and higher dimensional souls. In essence we are not alone as we enter a silent slumber. We are apart of an infinite network of souls that vibrates at one basic frequency. That sapient frequency is you in all it’s infinite incarnations across the parallel Universe expanse within the grand Omniverse! Dreaming is the organization of our memories in our bodies that is akin to disk defragmentation on a computer. It’s also a cooperative distribution, and organization of our memories with our higher dimensional selves. Even with other humans in the greater human collective consciousness that creates a unique non-sentient spirit as well. It’s believed our true origins as sapient beings lie at the apex of the higher dimensional pyramid as Gods rather than being born as biological entities. We most likely choose to be here in order to have unique experiences, and collect knowledge to increase our collective wisdom. If we didn’t choose to be here then we’ve been imprisoned against our will! It’s thought that Free Will is the fundamental law of the entire Macroverse!
As we enter REM sleep, and slink into the dream state our mind organizes the
memories collected throughout the day both biologically, and spiritually. They are imprinted upon our 4-D astral energy body that then sub-consciously has an urge to leave our physical body while still
psychically connected to it. That’s why biological brain activity is still observed when dreaming. All our bodies in every parallel Universe are quantum entangled to some degree. REM Sleep is the trigger to unlock access to these realities, and cause Involuntary Astral Projection. We all leave our bodies to enter the astral dream plane between life, and death every night in the fifth dimension. Most of us don’t have a clue, and think Astral Projection is impossible for us. However such metaphysical journey’s don’t occur in Non-REM sleep.
That urge to leave our body isn’t just a need to deliver information multi-dimensionally but also derives from our free will as sentient creatures. We always yearn to be free! Even from our supposedly self-imposed biological cages. The convenient need to leave also gives our physical animal body a rest from our powerful god like paranormal energy body since humans are technically Animal-God Hybrids. A supernatural spiritual energy that wears out our weak animal forms. To some extent this is one factor in the biological aging process that mainstream scientists have yet to discover. In essence our spirits are possessing our bodies which is a draining process for both parties. In addition our metaphysical spirit form heals, and regenerates in the astral dream plane before returning to our biological body. This is why sleep deprived people eventually go crazy as in the case of the ill fated Russian Sleep Experiment. Our spirit weakens as it feels locked in it’s physical prison while the animal takes over, and causes insanity.
In the Astral Plane we are mainly attracted to our parallel Universe souls where we lead various infinite lives. Often we briefly get extra entangled with our parallel souls, and experience 5-D dreams. Especially in realities closest to this one. It’s also a way for our sub-conscious minds to work out problems, run what if scenarios, and chart our course through life. In rare cases involuntary parallel possession may take place, and you could wake up in that reality while your counterpart awakens here. Usually this is remembered as a very vivid dream once you snap back into your own body. The smartest people in the world are usually sub-consciously or astrally interacting with their various parallel selves without even knowing it. Gaining the insights, and wisdom of a parallel soul network. You can access this power through a method called Quantum Jumping.
While in the dream plane you can also interact with other people since all consciousnesses are intertwined in the human collective consciousness. At least half the time you dream about someone it’s actually their spirit you’re interacting with. In reality you’re playing out mathematical probabilities that could only occur in a dream state rather than in a parallel reality. Dreams can be quite nutty after all! In addition random people in your dreams you thought you’ve never seen before are simply people you’re sub-consciously meeting by accident in the astral plane or those you did spot in real life but only your sub-consciousness remembers. Since people are dreaming about each other at the same time, and interacting with their spirits it’s convenient that we forget 90% of our dreams. Otherwise the world would put the coincidental pieces together about our higher dimensional supernatural state. Clearly the Paranormal Powers That Be want humans to evolve at a certain rate, and not have immediate knowledge about the extra-dimensional metaphysical world.
All our parallel 4-D astral spirits from around the entire Multiverse converge in the Astral Plane crossing the bridge from life to death while still tethered to their bodies by the silver cord of life. Here we touch each of our 4-D spirits living out a vast variety of parallel Afterlives. The Universe is about collecting knowledge, experiencing all, and sharing this with other sapient beings. No one person’s paradise Afterlife is the same as another so we experience them all. When our silver cord of life is cut at death it creates a spiritual Big Bang of infinite probabilities, and paths. We split into a plethora of identical souls to experience many afterlives. Our afterlife incarnations in turn pass on information to our parallel five dimensional souls in the parallel 6-D Heavens. Our parallel Multiverse selves in turn join the knowledge gathering mission on up the higher dimensional ladder sharing with all sapient beings including the Omniverse God (Collection of all mathematical probabilities within a unique sapient spirit frequency). All of us are have an Omniverse of our own, and at the same time exist within everyone’s parallel Omniverses. Together we create the grand infinite Macroverse.
There are times when we have had especially happy, and peaceful vivid magical dreams that are in fact Afterlife Possessions. We briefly intertwine with our Afterlife spirit, and experience that particular parallel Heaven. When talking to the dead in your dreams many times you are indeed speaking with their spirits. Whether you’ve astral projected to the afterlife, or a person has met you in the astral plane. When it’s right after someone dies it’s usually their spirit interacting in the only way it can. With your astral spirit.
Very rarely, if ever, do we interact directly with our 5-D soul which would be an almost godlike being with all the knowledge amassed from the vast array of Universes in the Multiverse conglomerate. It’s said those making some of the most amazing breakthroughs of science, and technology in human history may have had contact with their 5-D soul, or the Akashic Records while dreaming. Usually this type of specific journey happens during Lucid Dreaming, and voluntary Astral Projection.
Precognitive And Retrocognitive Dreaming?
Some people who don’t experience psychic powers while awake may have accurate visions of the future while sleeping known as Precognitive Dreaming. More rarely some will have Retrocognitive dreams of past events they couldn’t possibly know about. Many of these are interactions with souls from near identical parallel Universes or even ourselves from other 3-D temporal dimensions within our 4-D timeline we call our lives. Since the Astral Plane is outside time as we know it every person in history from every time frame is dreaming there. Although for reasons not fully understood we rarely interact with anyone who isn’t from our own time frame. Each 3-D frozen moment in time, or perpendicular temporal dimension, has it’s own separate frequency in the same way each Parallel Universe has it’s own. However Parallel Universes do overlap at the quantum level since they are deeply guided by our conscious thoughts. Hence the infamous Double Slit Experiment.
On the other hand temporal dimensions never overlap, and truly are separate frozen Universes set in stone unchanged unlike the unfolding events of parallel Universes. Clearly these time dimensions stream forth into the astral plane, and are quite difficult for us to identify, or cross so the risk of temporal interaction is reduced thereby preventing a time paradox via information exchange, or even more personal contact with our past selves or others. Something protected in our physical reality by our 5-D movement through near identical realities. Of course in some instances our interactions with the past or future might be apart of our timeline to begin with. Although in many cases visions of the past, and future are from near identical parallel Universes.
Involuntary Parallel Temporal Self-Possessions while in REM sleep are rare but have been recorded in the paranormal record. People who were dreaming, and briefly woke up in their childhood body in the past or their geriatric body in the future. Their counterpart then took their place. This can be dangerous since the silver cord of life runs the greatest risk of becoming tangled up when it interacts with your past or future self. It takes trading places to a whole new level! That babbling old guy who just went mental could have been a baby moments earlier while he ends up as a baby who suddenly has uncontrollable crying fits of terror! This is probably another reason the astral plane keeps us apart from our other selves in any given Universe. However it’s said that light taps with our past spirits may take place when we’re racking our brains to remember something.
What Is Lucid Dreaming?
Most of us without the proper training, DNA, or natural diet experience dreams where we generally have no clue we’re even dreaming. Despite the absurdity of the dream we accept the reality as is, and don’t question it. Sometimes we suddenly become aware we’re dreaming but then it tends to end rather quickly as our sub-consciousness gives way to our consciousness causing us to awaken. Becoming aware that we’re dreaming while in an REM dream state is Lucid Dreaming, or voluntary dreaming. Those who practice at it eventually command Author Authority Powers over their dreams creating fantasy worlds with the ability of fully enjoying them by forgetting their waking self exists so they don’t awaken mid-dream. Those aware of the existence of Astral Projection can then parlay that power into leaving their body to not only consciously explore the Astral Plane but also fly into the real world in their invisible astral energy body. Astral Projection Masters can go anywhere, or anytime in this Universe, another Parallel Universe, and into the higher dimensions of realty to an extent. You can only stretch your silver cord of life so far before it snaps you back or snaps under the pull of your immense free will! However this rarely happens, and is avoided by simply keeping your curiosity in your own dimension, or the astral plane.
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