Yep, it’s a real shocker! Indeed Freddy Krueger is a real paranormal entity which means the Nightmare On Elm Street movie franchise is based on a true story. Often the entertainment community is nice enough to inform us of the secret supernatural world. A wayward world hidden from us by over-protective governments who worry of widespread panic. Of course, inadvertently they are adhering to The Supernatural Secrecy Pact. Interestingly enough various mid-level government officials get cozy with Hollywood producers and celebs by revealing true tales of terror. Often a somewhat fictional film is set forth as the government officials don’t give away all the secrets for fear of being pegged a traitorous leaker by the US Paranormal Defense Agency.👽
Melding Reality With Fiction To Create A Nightmare On Elm Street
The Producers and Writers generally alter some things to fit their vision while simultaneously protecting their source as well. In the end, supposedly fictional works give us a general picture of the truth without letting us see the real story. The creator of A Nightmare On Elm Street, Wes Craven, incorporated his own elements from a variety of personal experiences and news stories. Of course, even without knowing this, you may have had a hunch Freddy was real due to having a vivid nightmare about him at least once in your life. It’s been estimated that the Freddy in your dreams is real 75% of the time so take this very seriously! That is him scoping out your mind to see if you’re the kind of person he wants to invest his terrifying time in! These nightmares are less worrisome if they don’t seem real and also came right after watching one of the films.🎬
The Real Freddy Krueger
The real Freddy Krueger was a man named Sylvester Hawthorne. However, once the first A Nightmare On Elm Street movie debuted Hawthorne decided to rename himself Freddy Krueger. He realized the power of being recognized by human minds and therefore unwittingly being invited into them had its advantages. There’s also the powerful metaphysical energy of fear that can be mined from the Human Collective Consciousness which contains many minds who believe he is real. Especially children who can have true belief in something without any proof, unlike adults. This belief grants Krueger power he wouldn’t normally have. He eagerly embraces the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise and often visits Hollywood power players in their dreams. It is the only time he creates a beautiful fantasy world to encourage them to create more media in his name cast in Hell’s brimstone by Satan himself!😈
From Human To Dream Master
The real Freddy Krueger has his humble beginnings as a human born into a turbulent family. His father was a domineering drunk and his mom a scared shadow of a woman with low self-esteem. She only lived to serve her man to the point of constantly getting abortions thereby making Freddy an only child. Freddy was the product the couples pre-marital relations and the reason they got married. It seems his dad blamed young Fred for his crappy low rent life and often beat him senseless. His Mom would cover it up as being accidents when child welfare services or police showed up. Fred’s father would often keep his son confined to the house as he didn’t want him to find any enjoyment in this life. He’d often taunt him at the dinner table as he ate more than his fill and Freddy only got scraps. At school, he lacked social skills as a loner and was bullied mercilessly. Due to lack of nutrition, he was a very skinny child of below-average height. Further trauma was created when his father spanked him in front of everyone at school more than once as they all laughed! This is where the seed was planted that the whole world was against him!😬
The Mastery Of Dreams And Astral Projection
During these dark lonely years, Freddy turned inward and began immersing himself in a fantasy world. He had a vivid imagination and a natural talent for Lucid Dreaming. He looked forward to falling asleep each night to escape the living hell of his chaotic childhood. That is of course if his drunken dad didn’t shake him awake just for kicks! Soon his lucid dreaming advanced to Astral Projection as he entered his teenage years. Astral Projection pushes the limits past dream control to sending one’s very soul forth into the world to invisibly see all. This sparked perverted peeping at girls he would never be with.
Freddy Finds Power Within Forbidden Knowledge
At school, he began turning the tables on the cruel quips of girls and the bullying barbs of boys. He let loose hints of embarrassing personal facts he witnessed in the privacy of their homes. Soon he was left alone as the supposedly harmless wimp began exuding dangerous creeper vibes. The few who refused to be intimidated by his intimate revelations attempted to beat him down. Although, they found little satisfaction nor could they silence him. He had developed a high threshold for pain due to his father’s whippings and self-inflicted punishment as well. In fact, Freddy seemed to enjoy his beatdowns a little too much. He was hip deep into, “May I have another beating, Sir?” mode!😲
Freddy Turns Down The Dark Road Of Serial Killing
By age fifteen Freddy’s astral journey’s guided him into attempting to infiltrate the very minds of his bullies dreams. Unfortunately, he simply couldn’t get past that threshold on his own. Finally, one dark night Freddy’s father violently awakened him for a beating as he whined about the sorry state of his working-class life. Freddy laughed in his face, berated him, and killed his father with glee! Despite everything, his mom started beating him for killing her beloved husband who had occasionally beaten her as well! Krueger ended up killing her for her cold behavior toward him his entire life! She never even hugged him. Even as a baby she held him afar. Only her heinous husband deserved love within her demented mind.💔
Astral Projection Blackmail Equals Wealth
Freddy burnt his horrifying childhood home to the ground. Before that, he packed a small bag that included his trademark claw glove he made as a part of his fantasies to murder those who tormented him. Fred fled his hometown to start a new life. He lived on the streets of various cities and became rather good at defending himself against thugs. He began to derive joy from torturing people before killing them. He became quite a prolific serial killer. Eventually, he used his astral projection skills to infiltrate the lives of the wealthy and began making a lot of money blackmailing them! Once they served their purpose he’d kill people around them before murdering them after months of playing cat and mouse games.🔪
Freddy Krueger Sells His Soul To Dream Demons
Under Universal Law, demons can only solicit the sale of a human soul from someone who is 20 years of age. Demons had noticed Freddy on his various astral adventures through the dream plane but couldn’t approach him as a child. On his 20th birthday fate brought Krueger a real need to sell his soul. Now living in a swanky New York penthouse Freddy was involved in various nefarious dealings that included sex with underage girls, drug deals, and a string of murders. Many of which were his former school bullies. These included the girls who rejected him in school. His sinister spree was coming to a close as a SWAT team stormed his penthouse to arrest him. Krueger lit the place on fire while laughing maniacally. He was trapped amid the flames burning in a simultaneous state of pleasure and pain with several others who perished in the hellish fire! Once he passed out the demons visited him in his dreams and made him a deal he couldn’t refuse.🔥
Krueger Was The Chosen One To Bridge The Gap Between Dreams And Reality
The dark spirits who bought Krueger’s sinister soul were Dream Demons. The Devil tasked them with invading human dreams, altering destiny, and controlling minds sub-consciously. However, Guardian Angels and even Nature Deities constantly stood in their way. This included Morpheus The God Of Dreams and even The Sandman, an Omniverse Personifier of sleep. They could usually get to the weak minded and mentally ill. Basically only a slightly more expanded group than those they could demonically possess. This still left billions of human victims they couldn’t exploit. They needed a special human soul to create a detour around these obstacles. Krueger was their man!👍
Freddy’s Demonic Dream Duties
Freddy was promised the power he always wanted. He became the ultimate Dream Invader and Nightmare Creator. This sinister supernatural scourge is able to enter almost anyone’s dreams on Earth! Although he is still limited by the aforementioned entities and the mighty minds of certain individuals. Freddy technically became a dark vengeful spirit as his human soul and natural dream mastery might be lost if he was granted demonhood status. Although he’s been promised diabolical demon status if he fulfills his malevolent mission. With the aid of the Dream Demons Freddy is tasked with bridging the gap between the real world and that of the dream plane that in turn connects to Hell and even Heaven as well. To close the chasm between life and death itself. A perplexing plan to control enough human minds and a sizable portion of the human collective consciousness to allow demons to escape Hell in large quantities. All in preparation for the coming battles of Armageddon! Currently, the Angels of Heaven actively work to confine demons to Hell. If the veil between worlds is weakened all Hell will break loose. Many of these efforts involve Freddy facilitating the purchasing of souls for demons within dreams. He also mines important intelligence from the minds of wealth power players and various supernatural beings who pose a threat to the forces of darkness.😱
The Curse Of Krueger And The Blue Lady
Since Krueger still has a human soul and isn’t truly a demon he can enter the minds of children to corrupt them early on in life. Some say he and his protégé The Blue Lady are responsible for kids having a plethora of mental issues not seen nearly as much in the past. He especially seems to enjoy tormenting teens just for kicks! Especially those with happy or even just normal average lives. Although, he truly loves horrifying the children and grandchildren of his childhood bullies! In this way, he is a Curse to these family lines. This is where he often ends up killing his victims through the power of his insane nightmares! The human ability of mind over matter via sheer belief is what kills his victims when he murders them in their dreams of damnation!
Krueger Traps The Souls Of Innocent Children
These personal kills involve him siphoning their souls into his own spirit to increase his power. There are literally thousands of human spirits trapped within his frightening form screaming to be freed into Heaven! He is one of the few entities known to have the power to hold children’s souls in captivity. If nothing else this alone makes him an extremely vile creature! These souls contain immense energies of innocent belief that is essential for demonic global domination! The Devil himself has praised Freddy as, “An important ally in our brave battle to save humans from themselves and rule the Earth in delicious darkness for all eternity! I dub Freddy Krueger as The Nightmare King for all time! Blasphemously blessed be his name as a masterful minion of your unholy Lord Satan! Amen!”😮
How To Protect Yourself From Freddy Krueger
If you dream of Freddy Krueger don’t take it lightly. Especially if you haven’t recently watched A Nightmare On Elm Street movie. Clearly, those of us in the supernatural world with access to magical protections can sleep easy for the most part. Certainly, Freddy has steered clear of Witches and other Practitioners Of Magic! For the average person, there are some other non-magical things that can be done. Firstly, religious artifacts such as holy water, crosses, etc won’t repel him as he isn’t a demon. He only works for them. However, if he is weakened enough it is plausible he would call upon temporary demonic energy reserves and would then have some vulnerability to blessed holy materials. The closest thing would be to pray to The Sandman, Morpheus, or some other sleep or dream-related deity. Your Guardian Angel may or may not help depending on the degree of the Heavenly non-inference directive. It might be destiny that you deal with Krueger as a rite of passage for future challenges.🧐
Learn Lucid Dreaming To Defend Yourself Against Freddy Krueger
Mastering Lucid Dreaming[Ad] is extremely important in battling the Dream Master in your nightmares. However, it isn’t the complete solution. You also need to let all fear go and truly believe he can’t hurt you. He feeds off fear and your belief can give him the power to physically damage your body! The ultimate solution is to have the ability to wake up from one of his nightmares that unfortunately takes place in an extra deep REM state. If you grip him tightly and wake-up abruptly without warning he can be pulled into the real world. This is due to him being the demons tool to bridge that gap. He manifests in his burnt mangled biological body and doesn’t possess any paranormal powers. Although, he still has his sharp rusty claw glove! Also be aware he enjoys pain for the most part and is quite a scrappy fighter. If you kill him in the real world he is bound by Universal Law to never harm you or anyone related to you ever again! Unfortunately, he just returns to dark spiritual form. With the protections of Hell, there is currently no way to extinguish him from existence! Some of us in the paranormal community have suggested pulling him into the real world and then trapping him in a magical cage beyond demonic reach to end this living nightmare forever!😴
Repel Freddy With Dream Catchers
Interestingly enough Native Americans and various aboriginal tribes have the least number of dreams about Freddy. It is said that an authentic Native American dream catcher may keep the Nightmare King at bay. Although we would recommend having the dream catcher blessed by the holy man of any given tribe for maximum effectiveness. The Native’s success in keeping Freddy away also lies in part from them being in tune with Goddess Gaia Mother Nature. The very soul of our Earth. There is also anecdotal evidence that a Moldavite stone will strengthen one enough to deal with Krueger (Purchase A Moldavite Pendant(Ad). Therefore he may avoid dealing with you, to begin with. In the end, believing in yourself is the ultimate power to be victorious over the force of Freddy Krueger’s dark dream damnation! [Watch The Nightmare On Elm Street Movies Online[Ad]🕸️{Learn About The Freddy Krueger As Portrayed In The Movies}
The Future Of Freddy
In the future, top-flight psychics, seers, and mystics have visions of Freddy acquiring a permanent physical form as a living demon. This includes him developing sharp long fingers! He will be able to transform into metaphysical energy to hide in people’s minds when Angels, Nature Deities, or other threats against him are present. Freddy will also possess people and sink them into the sinister dark depths of ever-living nightmares!😈
Has Santa Claus Met Freddy Krueger?
🎅The real Demi-Angel Santa Claus has said, “Mr. Krueger has always been on my Naughty List. He was born with a dark soul pre-bound for Hell. The maker of nefarious nightmares briefly entered the sugar plum fairy dreams of North Pole City residents. I repelled his alarming advances with extreme holy prejudice!” [Original Twitter Post]
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