July 26, 2024
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[…] takes place between 12:00 AM to 12:59 AM.  However it’s effects continue for hours into the Devil’s Hour.  Halloween is the most powerful of these Witching Hours due to the forces of evil annually […]


[…] a glowing paranormal cousin of regular Lake Trout that only comes out during the Witching, and Devil’s Hours. They glow all the colors of the rainbow, and are quite tasty. I felt like taco so I decided to […]

7 years ago

Hello Mystic Investigations,
I was not sure if I was supposed to post this in your main ask section or here but decided to put it here in hopes it would be seen and I could get a reply back soon. The information I have may or may not be known to you but I feel it is very important to keep confidential to the public at this time…I feel they are searching for my identity and whereabouts right as I am typing this…Is their perhaps an email you guys have that I could send this info to?

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