For this article, Vampires mean Sanguine Vampires. Those vampires that specifically require blood for strength, and survival. There are four distinct breeds of Sanguine Vampire currently known to reside on Earth. These are the Direct Demonic Origin Vampires (Common Vampires), the Indirect Demonic Origin Vampires (Nosferatu’s), the Human Vampire, and the Magical Origin Vampires. The first two have vampire viral transmission capabilities while the latter two generally don’t. There may, in fact, be other types of supernatural beings who subsist off blood with non-demonic higher dimensional origins but they are beyond rare cryptid anomalies. We are also not including Reverse Vampires, aka Sol Vampires who actually survive, and thrive on the blood of plants known as Chlorophyll. The following are descriptions of the four main vampire breeds in order from rarest to largest paranormal populace.
The Magical Origin Vampire
Magically created vampires are the rarest of the three vampire types and have a mostly non-demonic origin. This involves a powerful practitioner of magic turning a person into a vampire via a Curse. They may also accomplish this with powerful potions used in conjunction with sinister spells they cast. In some cases when talking about witches, or warlocks they may call upon demons for power causing somewhat of a demonic connection. This transformation into a living dead bloodsucker is forced upon them, unlike the normal vampire transition ritual. Even if a Vampire decides to turn someone into a vampire against their will they do have a choice as they flirt with death during the pre-vampire phase. They can choose to die and walk into the Heavenly light.
Magical Origin vampires will have varying degrees of vampire strengths, and weaknesses along with ones that never existed before. Depending on the malevolent magician’s wishes the vampire could become a day walker with no ability to be repelled by holy objects. Especially if they use the vamp as a tool to hurt others. Often with a promise to reverse the curse if the victim does their bidding. Of course, it’s almost always a lie! Usually, there’s some sadistic twist as this mystical vampirism is doled out as a punishment to a human who crossed the wrong mad magician, or vengeful Gypsy! Thankfully, there is hope that the Curse or spell can be reversed by the one who cast it or by the hand of a more powerful good witch or warlock.
The Human Vampire
Since they are the only sanguine sipping vampires who can always walk in holy sunlight they are sometimes mistakenly called Reverse Vampires. Human Vampires possess an active vampire superpower gene. Every human on Earth is born with all latent psychokinetic powers that exist in the Omniverse within their Junk DNA. This is the physical manifestation of our infinite higher-dimensional souls that exist in the Afterlife. Souls that have already ascended to Godhood since they reside outside our temporal dimension. Our Spirits that have eventually communed with the Omniverse God thereby absorbing his complete powers.
Vampire Powers Without The Demonic Baggage
In the distant future, this will grant humankind godly Omnikinetic powers (the full array of supernatural powers possible in this Omniverse). This is the destiny of our evolution on Earth. At present, few humans are lucky enough to have an active PSI gene among the mostly inactive Junk DNA. However, with each passing generation, their numbers increase ever more courtesy of human evolution activating these paranormal powers. Among them is a vampire gene that derives powers from the consumption of blood that is in turn transformed into supernatural sanguine energy. Since demons are a part of the Omniverse, and therefore the Omniverse God, this is the representation of filtered demonic vampire power in human form. In essence demonic power filtered free of darkness.
The Amazing Abilities Of The Human Vampires
A Human Vampire has all the powers of a standard vampire which include enhanced strength, speed, agility, senses, and more. They also don’t have any of the weaknesses seen in demonic creatures. They can walk in sunlight, aren’t repelled by holy religious artifacts, affected by silver, sickened by zombie blood, or susceptible to anything a common vampire must avoid. However, if they choose to avoid their urge to consume blood they will temporarily lose their powers until they do so. In addition, they don’t have immortality. Although the more blood they consume the longer they can hold off the aging process, and live very healthy lives into their mid 100’s. Extreme cases may survive until 200 years of age. That being said, there are rumors that draining an Immortal human of their blood would grant the human vampire immortality! of course, Immortal humans are rare to find!
Human Vampire Often Prefer Animal Blood
Human Vampires usually notice their sanguine urges, and hints of power in their teens, or later. Before that, there are rarely indications of their vampire status. Eating meat, especially meat cooked rare, gives them a slight power kick. Those raised as a vegetarian never touching meat may very well never activate their vampire powers and remain ignorant of their true potential. Unlike other vampires who crave human blood, this variety of vamps tend to prefer animal blood since the consumption of human blood is borderline cannibalism. Like common vampires, they can temporarily acquire the talents of those they drink from. This includes gaining powers from supernatural beings. There is anecdotal evidence that drinking the blood of a Direct Demonic Origin Vampire will, in fact, transform them into a real immortal demonic vampire.
Nosferatu: The Indirect Demonic Origin Vampire
This type of vampire is infected with varying strains of the vampire virus whose ultimate origin is indirectly demon in nature. It’s been said that there is a strain of this virus with a pandemic capability similar to the zombie virus thereby creating the potential for a Vampire Apocalypse! Humans generally catch this type of vampire virus from an infected animal who bites them. However, these virus strains aren’t quite as potent in animals as the direct demonic virus. The direct demonic strain can only be transmitted by vampires of the direct demon line which will be discussed later in this article. The most common animals to transmit the virus are Vampire Bats who have been infected by a Bat Flea, a paranormal cryptid that is the main carrier of the free-form vampire virus. Some Cryptozoologist’s have suggested that the Bat Flea may be a demonic tampering of natural evolution.
The Nasty Nosferatu
Those who are infected with the vampire virus in this way are hideous creatures referred to as Nosferatu. Unlike the usual beautiful vampires who can hide their monstrous side, and mingle charmingly among us, the Nosferatu are damned to hide in the dark moonlit shadows for their entire mortal lives. Lives that can go for nearly 1000 years depending on how much quality human blood they consume. Despite their appearance, and rancid stench hampering their blood collection efforts, they do possess some measure of vampire hypnotic compelling powers. So those with weak minds can be tricked into thinking they’re with a supermodel rather than a deformed monster. Thankfully it uses too much sanguine energy so they usually just attack people and drain them of blood. Read The Rest Of The Story Here…
The Direct Demonic Origin Vampires
These are the most numerous vampires on Earth. This is why they are usually referred to as Common or Standard Vampires. When speaking of vampires on this website we are almost exclusively referring to them. Especially considering that Mystic Investigations Executive Vice-President Drake Alexander is a 5th Generation Common Vampire. They are the ones you probably know best from movies or television. The most infamous being the very real Dracula. They appear as exquisite humans yet can transform their faces into something more monstrous by varying degrees. Intense eye glowing, and fangs popping out are the most common transformation traits. Earlier generations can appear extremely monstrous at will!
Standard Vampires Grow Stronger The Longer They Live
Unlike the Nosferatu who are equal in strength to each other, the Standard Vampire grows stronger the longer they live with the strongest of their kind being the earliest generations. Each successive generation has less paranormal power. A cumulative weakness caused by the vampire virus being diluted with more humanity. It’s said there will be a future vampire generation that could walk in sunlight, and won’t have the ability to transform humans into a vampire. A process that involves draining a human of blood to the brink of death by a vampire sire who then introduces their blood with the vampire virus in it. While on death’s door the human must choose to stride into the bloody crimson halls of vampirehood or walk into the Heavenly light that leads to the afterlife.
Baby Vampires
The Common Vampires originate from demons possessing humans to such an extent that they alter their DNA to demonic. Then when mating with another human a first generation vampire baby was born. A baby whose DNA is laden with the parasitic demonic vampire virus. These pure breed vampires are the only ones who can give birth to vampire children while successive generations virally created from humans cannot. It’s rumored that the absolute first human form vampire was the product of two deeply demon-possessed humans mating to create an Alpha Über Vampire. We also had Archdemons like the Devil creating insanely powerful ArchVampires.
Super Strength And Weakness To Simple Objects
Since these vampires come from a direct demonic line they are repelled and weakened by anything holy whether it be sunlight, religious symbols, blessed objects, holy water, silver, garlic, etc. In exchange for these weaknesses, they get the gift of ageless immortality unlike all the other preceding vampires mentioned. Although Magical Origin Vampires can be made immortal if the creator has the mystical powers to do so. They are also some of the most powerful paranormal beings on Earth considered virtual apex paranormal predators with amazing super strength, speed, agility, senses, and psychic hypnotic abilities. As mentioned earlier they can drink the blood of any being not poisonous to them, and acquire their talents & powers. This doesn’t usually include animals since most vampires are superior in all ways to animals. Any respectable vampire could easily wrestle a full-grown Lion into submission!
The First Generation Vampires are considered royals among most and have formed their own global vampire government in Transylvania. A shadow government unfortunately in league with the Devil and his legions of Hell demons! They bow only to their Pure Demon, and Demi-Demon Masters. These vampires and their lower generation vampire minions will be major supernatural players in the coming Battles Of Armageddon that will determine what higher dimensional species eventually rules over humans and the Earth!🩸
🧛Dress As A Vampire For Halloween!
Questions for Vampire Drake: Is it possible for a 1st or 2nd generation vampire to be good? Also are nosferatu stronger than Zombies and Dhampirs? Does a 1st generation vampires strength depend on the demon who originated their bloodline? For example if a Average Demon Created their own first generation Vamps at about the same time as an Archdemon, which would be more powerful? Would a Stone Sword to the heart kill a Vampire? How long can you survive being in the sun as a 5th generation Vampire? Would thick Forest Coverage shield You from the sun at noon? Also have you come across a Reverse Vampire before? How much blood do you require to be at peak power? Are You strong enough to lift Trucks like a pickup? How many miles per hour can you run? Have you encountered any Merfolk (Mermaids and Mermen) before? Have you ever encountered a Demigod (earthly god type), God (earthly god type) in biological form.
To Drake Alexander who is a 5th Generation Common Vampire. I am new here and I don’t know if I will hear from you or not. I have always been drawn to things that exist that are not of this world. The unexplained, mysteries, things that cannot be accounted for. I’ve been this way ever since I was a child and some things have been with me since. But then other things did not come along in later years of my life as an adult. I have affinity for faeries/fairies, witches, vampires, mythology, the Gods and the Goddesses, immortality and unicorns. Faerie/fairy, vampire and witch. I do not know which one I resonate with more? I have watched a lot of vampire films, documentaries, I’ve also read about them in books, done some research online. I know that there are different kinds of vampires. I have read about you here and I am in utter amazement. That you are a real vampire? 5th Generation? I have read over some things here on MysticInvestitations. I really like the site because it covers so much! I can’t help but admit that I want to be something greater than myself. I want to live, I want to be immortal….for over the more recent years it is as if I am wanting to find sanctuary. I have always been fascinated with past lives, reincarnation and time travel. There are certain people, certain places and time era’s that I’ve always been drawn to. It is all so fascinating, I’m intrigued! Many times I have heard of Avalon, the lost city of Atlantis and both of them sound like wonderful places to go to, perhaps to stay forever. I have heard of the 2 green children that came from a place, I think it was called St. Martinsland I think. As well as a man that showed up at an airport in the 1950’s I believe it was somewhere in Asia with the necessary papers but he was taken into custody. Because no one had ever heard of where he said that he was from, Torrid or Torrin?? I’m not really sure, but the possibility of a parallel universe, portals that lead to other worlds or to travel in time? For me I would travel back in time, there are times I want so much to go back. To live in one of the time era’s that I absolutely love, perhaps a past life that I have already lived when and where I was a lot happier. I don’t know what you could tell me or maybe there are subjects that are on the Menu or in Categories that you could recommend to me? I hope to hear from you and have a good evening.