The Blood Ball Feast is a diabolically disturbing annual event for the royal global vampire elite and their invited guests. Those who have proven their wayward worth as loyal warriors for the vampirical cause. It is considered the supreme sanguinary soirée and a sign of serious supernatural status for those of the living dead lucky enough to be invited. Amazingly, this can include a handful of heinous humans who aren’t on the menu! Generally dark practitioners of magic, and high-ranking Illuminati members from all walks of life. Otherwise, any humans and most animals within sniffing distance are appetizers or a part of the main course. The paranormal party of darkness is passively hosted by King Dagan, and Queen Gula at their royal castle. It is located amid murky mists within the demonically cloaked Vampire Capital of Diavol City situated in the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania.
The Origin Of The Frightening Feast Of Blasphemous Blood!
The grand gala has existed for almost 2000 years. Interestingly enough, it began not long after the spilling of the Omniverse Demigod Christ’s holy blood after being crucified on what appears to be April 3, 33 AD. However, Father Time altered the original date of Friday The 13th to protect the timeline from those who might attempt to meddle. There was such jubilation in the dark demonic vampire community that it sparked a sick celebration of their supposedly superior royal ranks.
The initial ball took place on October 31st, 33 AD on the eve of Samhain. The day that would become Halloween centuries later. Since ancient times Samhain was considered the start of the New Year. Well before 33 AD the old Roman Calendar had March 1st as the New Year while the Julian Calendar gave us January 1st. Eventually, there was some rumbling about the feast interfering with the many malevolent machinations being undertaken by vampires during that time of year. Some centuries later they finally changed it to New Year’s Eve December 31st through January 1st.
The Vampire Prince Judas
At the original ball, the newly minted Vampire Apostle Judas Iscariot was rewarded for betraying Jesus Christ with the title of Prince. Something unheard of for a person not born as a vampire. Only a handful, such as Dracula, have had that honor since then. At that first feast, he brought the blood of Christ with him which he collected at the foot of the cross. It’s still displayed every year in a special supernatural container as a perplexing paranormal trophy. No vampires dare touch it let alone drink it. Legend has it that ingesting it makes evil vampires blink out of existence for all eternity including their existence in the past. Good vampires become immortal humans with an increase in powers beyond that of any known vampire. Any past evil of regret is erased from the timeline.
The Premier Event Of The Vampire Community

Each year the blasphemous ball takes place at 8 PM on New Year’s Eve and into New Year’s Day morning, as that happens to be a time when not much is going on in the world of wickedness. They can’t have guests unable to show up due to the conflicting dates of diabolical deceptions. And of course, they love to kick off the New Year in bloody dark fashion! During the first four hours of the party, there is dancing, special sanguine concoctions, unusual entertainment, and conversing on a variety of important royal topics. Often, kidnapped and hypnotized humans are a source of amusement. There are even captured supernatural creatures who must perform like court jesters upon the promise of being released the next day. Some actually are, but most are savored for their rare paranormal blood.
The Guest Stars Of Damnation!

The Blood Ball Feast commemorates the formation of vampire royalty during the height of ancient Egypt’s history. Long before vampires found refuge in the Carpathian Mountains. This region is most known for the infamous second-generation royal vampire known as Dracula. He was personally sired by King Dagan and is usually the Master Of Ceremonies who really gets the party started. Often displaying his magical powers which are beyond rare in vampires. There are also special honored guests that are almost exclusively Demi-Demons. However, in 2013, and 2014 the Devil himself made an appearance before disappearing in September 2015 at the Third Battle Of Armageddon. Usually, he is contacted in Hell through a special sacrificial ceremony. Then he appears as a demonic specter with a brief metaphysical matter presence. All, including the King and Queen, bow before the Emperor Of Hell before offering up a sacrifice of 13 unlucky individuals! Often priceless virgins!
The Murderous Meal!

One of the final acts of the sick sanguine celebration is to select what are called Blood Harvest Hunters. This honored selection occurs as the holy solar rays of dawn approach on New Year’s Day. The Hunter’s job is to scour the Earth for the rest of the year searching out humans and even supernatural beings, with the highest quality blood. They are, in essence, harvesting humans. These horrified abductees are kept in dungeons until the night of the ball. They are then shamefully paraded among the guests completely naked and presented on the table as meals of blood at the 12 AM Witching Hour! These sad souls are under the spell of vampire hypnosis, so they stay on their giant porcelain plates set upon tables covered in white silk linens. Linens that are seriously soaked crimson by the end of the chilling celebration!
The Martyred Vampire Slayer
Before being placed upon plates, the humans are kept in cages on public display. Vampire guests may have their way with the poor prisoners and alter the degree of their hypnosis so as to witness the victim’s terror with glee! Something quite a few of these sick puppies relish as they enter into a blood-splattered feeding frenzy! An undercover Vampire Slayer once commented, “Witnessing the spectacle is a horror no human should have to set eyes upon, let alone be the subject of!” The unfortunate victims are drained of blood until they die! They are considered a sacrifice to the Emperor Satan and all the dark demonic lords of Hell who created the first vampires.
The Slain Slayer
The aforementioned Vampire Slayer was one of the few who actually found the party and infiltrated it. As a Demi-Vampire they were cloaked from the vampire’s senses. They were well aware they couldn’t take down the party or risk even saving anyone. Their job was simply to observe and then report back to us in the paranormal community so we could destroy them all next year. Unfortunately, the Slayer was slain when Dracula saw past their ruse. The brave Slayer was brutally tortured and slowly murdered over the course of several hours for all guests to witness! Thankfully, their message to the world was sent forth by Raven along with key information. The next year, none of us in the supernatural world could find the evil event as Dracula had placed several sinister spells upon the general area!
What Happens To The Left Over Bodies?

Vampires usually only consume blood. Within their feeding frenzy, they will consume some flesh as well. Most of the bodies are fed to Dragons that come up from an entrance to the Underworld in the castle’s deep cavernous dungeons. There are grates in the floors where vampires can throw bodies down into the flame-lit pits to witness the dragons doing that voracious thing they do. That includes flame broiling their meals before consuming them. Of course, Demi-Demons in attendance get first rights to fresh corpses since they eat entire bodies and are given the finest humans of all. Their consumption of a human is considered a ritualistic sacrifice to the Satanic minions of Hell. The most famous Demi-Demon of all, The Anti-Claus, is often in attendance. However, he refused to show up one year when a vampire ate one of his precious Gnome minions the previous year. It’s something snickered about as a joke among vampires.
The Final Ceremony!
At the closing ceremony, the blasphemous Blood Fountain is turned on. It rises three stories tall in the main ballroom. As if everyone wasn’t already drenched in blood this certainly super soaks them. Only a vampire could stroll and dance about without slipping on the sticky floors! This is when many shed their fine clothing to commemorate the inner demonic animal within. The blood is pumped up from a well in the Underworld. It’s rumored to be the blood of slain gods taken down by ancient Archvampires and demons who once walked the Earth! It grants everyone at the party an extra power boost along with 24 hours’ worth of resistance to the holy rays of the sun.
There is often an extra-special sacrifice. An enemy, or two, of the vampire kingdom who is usually a supernatural being. The worst disgrace is for the executed enemy to be a vampire who betrayed them or royally screwed up something beyond important! The King and Queen partake of this individual personally upon their thrones on a stage for all to see.
Honored Guests Of Horror!
There is also a ceremony where honored guests are singled out to receive praise for their dark deeds. They are given the rare pleasure of partaking in the King’s and Queen’s blood. After all the death of damnation the Devil, and other Archdemons will appear as apparitions among the guests in the 3 AM Devil’s Hour. They bless all unholy for their loyalty to the horrors of hell. At 4 AM the aforementioned choosing of the Blood Harvest Hunters takes place. They head out into the dark shadows, and a fair amount of the guests leave around 5 AM or just in time to get home before dawn. Quite a few stay at the castle and leave the following night.
This despicable den of unimaginable horrors is something many of us in the supernatural community have wanted to shut down for a long time now! Many a team of Vampire Slayers has gone mysteriously missing in the Carpathian Mountains attempting to shut these bastards down and end the existence of the royals in general. It is convenient that all the vampire bigwigs are in one place. Unfortunately, Transylvania is their domain. The Vampire Capital is deeply cloaked by powerful magics. The royal castle itself is double-cloaked. Prince Dracula himself is in charge of royal defenses. He directs top-flight dark witches, warlocks, wizards, and sorcerers to make it next to impossible for anyone to disturb the frightening festivities. Perhaps someday Mystic Investigations will storm the Satanic soiree and bring justice to those fallen souls that were treated as nothing more than meaty meals!🩸