October 22, 2024
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8 years ago

Hello. I have a question regarding vampires, see I evaluated every possible outcome for me and those related to me reggarding a possible vampire transformation. You said in the text that many gladly give up their mortal life and I can’t help but agree with it. I am not even thou as far as I understand myself I am a good being far from perfect but definitely not evil, I want to observe how humanity will evolve the next centuries and I despise the idea of growing too old and senile. Can you give me locations of vampires in the city of Rio de Janeiro on Brazil? I understand you consider that to be an unethical thing however I really did consider all outcomes of a vampire encounter including death. I want to understand things more. And I am not afraid of putting my life on the line for the sake of it. Can you give the info you have on the brazillian vampires mystic investigations?

8 years ago

i am aware of the higher dimension self, actually i had a talk with myself, as weird as it may sound, was like i was talking to myself, but it was way more wise than i am, the stuff it said was not much but mostly it was “don’t you think that the fact that you can communicate and understand what you think without words is pretty amazing? i mean when you stop to think about it i am able to do it because in the end you will end up thinking i am a manifestation of your sub conscious in a sub conscious level even if part of you is aware of our current state.”
so i just decided to go ahead and ask stuff:

ME:can you activate my dormant DNA?

-I could try, but to be honest i am a small fraction of a whole being just as you current are one of the many fragments that compose the true self i am not nearly powerful and i most likely will not try because whatever is meant to happen in this current dimension must play out in that exact order, i am here to observe but what i observe is the others that surround you i am just waiting for you to reach a time where you understand that the answers will come in due time, thou is meaningless to tell you that in your current mind state..i can say that we achieve what we seek.

ME:is there something i can become in this particular dimension?

-i can’t disclose much, you will become a being that is different from a regular human you seek knowledge, you play out innumerous scenarios on a daily basis, some might say that it gets in the way of living life as it should, usually people worry about what they will do when they grown up how they will earn money and live a steady life, yet you have the worries that are not common to most, you worry about your part in the big scheme of life, in a sub-conscious level you worry about stuff that can drive one to true madness because you fear not being able to achieve enlightment soon. try to understand there is a reason for everything the reason you question the reason you despise what is considered a norm, to deny dogmas is to open yourself, althou that might sound weird, by denying what is common you are open to what is unnusual it lets you experience things with a new look on it. have patience. i will still be here what has to happen, will happen and the open mind you possess will be a doorway to new experiences that are of supernatural nature.

i had this “talk” while i was taking a shower…i am kinda reluctant to accept it was myself, i do understand yet my sub conscious wants to dismiss it as a mere sight of madness.
i decided to write it down here and ask what you guys think since it seems to be on the supernatural alley

also julia if you could tell my future i would apreciate it

8 years ago
Reply to  adhonai

It might sound strange, but I have the same or similar type of conversations with my “selves” (most of my higher dimensional souls)

8 years ago

Hi guys’.. I like this article. Very interesting. I thought that Vampeel’s could harness powerful Black magic? Rather like a warlock or powerful dark witch? Depending on their lineage. If the mother were a witch and father vampire etc. Of course this might depend on what generation the vampire father is and witch bloodline?

I hope you all have a great Valentine’s Day! ๐Ÿ™‚

8 years ago

Sorry I meant to say Had a great V-Day! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Mine wasn’t that great! Maybe next year. Sorry you two experienced a dark cupid. I’ve never heard of those before! Yeah Vlad Dracula is different. Didn’t he create that wicked Jumanji like game in Iowa? He became real bored .. What else would a supreme evil Vampire with dark powers do? And having many dark friends whom also harness powers. Scary! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I shouldn’t joke.. Have a great weekend. I’m sorry I haven’t been here in a long time. Been healing.. I went through allot in 2015. Glad it’s over with.

8 years ago

Hello Xavier & Rebecca,.. ๐Ÿ™‚ Guess who visited me a few nights ago? Speak of the devil.. Demitri. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Was interesting.. He dyed his hair blonde.. I kept calling him Eminem lol hahaha… Long story..

Yeah’ I could imagine how boring it gets to live so long. Yeah’.. I didn’t ask Dimitri about the game. Something strange did happen though.. I won’t say here public. I hope you guys had fun in Ireland. I’ve always wanted to visit England and Ireland. Perhaps someday I will. I miss you all. I’ll write you in your forum. Tell Drake I miss him dearly. It’s been forever! Have a good night! Thank you Xavier for writing me back! ๐Ÿ™‚

6 years ago

Who is Damnatia’s Sire? Do Lucien and Damnatia have Some Protection from Sunlight like Dracula?

Mystic Investigations Theme Song

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