July 26, 2024
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[…] Baby New Year Alert Posted on January 1, 2012 by Admin The Baby New Year 2012 was born on schedule of precisely 12:00 AM on January 1, 2012.  He fell into the arms of his temporary Earthly dad, Father Time 2011.  Father Time 2011 himself was the Baby New Year 2011.  The passing of the torch went off smoothly, and time will continue to flow into the future at a proper rate on Earth.  The Baby New Year will become Father Time sometime in February when he turns 21 since he will age one decade for every month on Earth.  At that point Father Time 2011 will return to Heaven to resume his Angel duties.  The Baby New Year, and Father Time are in fact Angels.  Each year a new Angel takes on the role to experience being human which includes the aging process.  Father Time also performs various record keeping, and temporal regulatory duties.  Read more at: http://mysticinvestigations.com/paranormal/?p=388. […]


[…] Father Time Watch Posted on January 1, 2012 by Admin Be on the look out for the great Father Time as he wraps up his duties for the year 2011, and tracks down the mystical birth location of the Baby New Year 2012.  He is most visible on New Years Eve rather than hiding away at his hidden forest compound at an undisclosed location cloaked by Mother Nature.  Father Time was the Baby New Year 2011, and now he shall be the temporary Father of the Baby New Year 2012.  Each year a new volunteer Angel is born as the Baby New Year so they can experience what it’s like to be Human along withperformingg Universal record keeping, and temporal regulation duties.  Learn more at http://mysticinvestigations.com/paranormal/?p=388. […]


[…] Father Time, the Baby New Year of 2011, performs the annual ceremonial ritual of presenting the latest Baby New Year to Santa Claus at North Pole Village.  On January 2, 2012 Santa held the Baby New Year 2012 in his arms as his wife, Holly Claus, looked on with joy in her eyes.  Santa’s children, Nick, Jr., and Mary, were present as well.  All took turns holding the cuddly little ball of joy while Father Time & Father Christmas discussed various matters related to our paranormal planet.  All the while one of the world only immortal dogs, named Sparky, frolicked about Claus Manor with glee. […]

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