Whether it’s Hell, the Underworld of dark deities, or some other dimension of reality in the Afterlife, there is no crime possible that would warrant an eternal punishment. Not to mention the fact that torture yields no lessons nor causes positive growth. We grow as intelligent entities by living a multitude of simultaneous lives in Parallel Universes that coalesce into our collective higher-dimensional souls! Universes where we experience enough unpleasantness. Thankfully there are Universal safeguards to prevent the proverbial perpetual rotting in hell. Namely our Guardian Angels. Goddess Gaia Mother Earth, a variety of other nature deities, and higher-level Gods on up to the Omniverse God deeply discourage Afterlife punishment against one’s will.
Who Goes To Hell?
The Devil and his demons actively look for humans who will sell their souls. However, it’s for the purpose of adding to their metaphysical energy reserves to be used in the coming Battle Of Armageddon. Ultimately, they hope to use the soul along with their own power to possess and defeat God in order to take over the entire Omniverse! These dark humans who sold their Souls for fame, riches, or power go to Hell of their own free will to become demons. Although those who attempt to break soul contracts will spend a bit of time as a guest of the Devil before being sent off to Purgatory!
Eventually, they are forgiven for their weakness and allowed entry into Heaven. This only occurs for soured souls on lower dimensional levels and has no bearing on their near-infinite higher dimensional selves that currently exist outside of time as we know it. Just as you have a plethora of Parallel Universe selves there are a multitude of your ascended selves all the way to the grand collective consciousness of the Macroverse God. With our existence at the top of the power pyramid, we are guaranteed to not suffer needlessly for too long. It’s all under our control by self-design.
Amazingly The Devil Isn’t Into Torture…Well Almost!
Generally speaking, the Devil and his minions have better things to do than torture individual humans who haven’t done a thing to them. We’re talking about former Archangels, and Angels who certainly aren’t anywhere in the same league as your average bully. It doesn’t warm the cockles of their cold hearts to torment people trapped in hell. Certainly, demons do most of their damage to humanity as a whole here on Earth, and on alien worlds as well. The Devil and his denizens of damnation have plenty of supernatural enemies they would love to take down to Hell with them for a little one-on-one session.
The Rebel Satan Would Make Hell A Paradise In Defiance Of God
Even then, they like the challenge of at least a somewhat fair fight. That’s one thing to remember. Higher-dimensional beings have complex minds beyond our comprehension. The simple torment of random people isn’t something they think about much. That is something for simple-minded biological beings warped by their disturbed environments. If the religious tales of Hell were true then the Devil would be nothing but a simple punishment tool of a sadistic God.
They both would be ultra embarrassed by being so pathetic! The rebel Devil still doing what God tells him to after losing everything. Then we’d have a God who’s so unintelligent and maladjusted that they go with angry punishment rather than loving rehabilitation for their children who have fallen off the proper path. If even the Holy Lord can’t compel a human soul into the light then why not just mercifully blink his creation out of existence thus putting them out of their misery?
The Paradise Of Hell
Satan would want to totally defy God and make Hell a paradise of sinful delights without repercussions. He would reward people who defy God and don’t accept Jesus Christ as their savior. The Devil would get the word out and brag about his 666-star Hell amusement park and resort that makes Heaven look like a boring Sunday School picnic! Everyone would want to go straight to Hell for eternity under those circumstances! Indeed, there are such places in Hell for honored guests of evil or those Satan wishes to convert to the dark side. As unjust as it seems some of the most evil people in history are now demons treated like royalty in the lap of luxury within the beautiful bowels of Hell! However, that is only temporary until the inevitable defeat of the demonic forces of Hell!
Supernatural Safeguards Against Hell
Our lives here can of course be hellish but they are temporary, and never more than we can bear. This is because we chose to be here as higher dimensional spirits before we were born. We even have a supernatural safeword hidden in our subconscious for essential escape when needed. Free Will is one of the central laws of the Omniverse, and beyond! If there is any afterlife hell it involves deeply disturbed souls who languish in their own misery as ghosts or lost souls outside of Heaven.
They can choose to snap out of it at any time. More often than not someone aids in the healing of their emotionally damaged soul. Even in our biological confines, the power of our minds can affect our mental, and physical health. Once released as metaphysical spirits that power of free will grows exponentially. If there really was some Hell dimension where wretched dark spirits horrified human souls then it wouldn’t last very long! Those who suffer guilt must learn to forgive themselves in order to end the Hell.
The Power Of Your Soul
The true essence of you is your soul or non-corporeal consciousness, of which you have full command. Demonic possession might be something possible in our physical plane of reality but outside of that, it is nearly impossible even for a powerful demon. All conscious souls are patterned after the first of their kind. The Macroverse God. The design is flawless and extremely difficult to hack except when muddled with the illusion of biological programming. Even with the simulation of our physical reality, or that of solidified energy, demons obviously don’t possess nor deeply influence the vast majority of humans.
The Illusion Of A Physical Reality Can’t Trap You!
If a simulated physical body and environment of hellfire were created in an afterlife it would not be of your choosing and would violate the spirit of freedom. With it being more than you could bear your consciousness would reject the illusion, and you would fight back. Eventually escape would be inevitable as a multitude of reinforcements including Guardian Angels would come to your aid! This would also be true for any type of scenario where you’re born as a sentient computer program in a simulated reality. Clearly, your own more powerful higher dimensional selves would not stand for it! Somewhere we’re all Omniverse Gods far more powerful than the Devil, or other higher dimensionals, could ever hope to be! If nothing else have faith that you exist in infinite forms throughout the vast infinity of reality, and you’ll always have your own back!🔥
Can You Be Cursed To Hell?
A powerful practitioner of magic, such as a Gypsy, can Curse someone’s soul to Hell. Usually, this only works if they let the person die of their naturally destined death. In other words, it would be rare to kill someone and then curse them to Hell with the expectation it would actually work. Karma often neutralizes the curse under these circumstances. The supposedly wronged or offended party of magic would have to wait patiently for fate. Naturally, after dramatically casting the Curse on the person to instill fear in them for the rest of their life.
Upon death, the victim would materialize in Hell. Not long after they got there the Devil would get angry as he sensed someone superseding his authority. He alone decides who goes to Hell! He’d eject the lost soul back into the ether and they would continue on to Heaven. The Gypsy or other magical fool gets paid a very up close and personal visit from the Prince Of Darkness. Needless to say, they never cast that Curse ever again!😈
🗒️Interesting Note: Some say Red Noise is the background sound of Hell…minus the screams of agony from various victims amid the crackle of flames and cackles of satisfaction from demons!💥