March 25, 2025
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11 years ago

I am hoping for Jesus’s return. and I am a terrible existence am I?

11 years ago

Just kidding but seriously do you know how you can travel to Omniverses at will?

11 years ago

I am Luke, Andarga’s guardian angel. I’m one of the highest archangels to exist. he came to ask you this: Am I worthy of Jesus Christ’s presence?

Drake Alexander
11 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

I’m going to assume Luke is the name of AnDagra’s soul because it’s common knowledge that our higher dimensional selves act as our own guardian angels. Also none of us can speak for Jesus here. Not even I despite meeting him during a time travel excursion back to 25 AD. He was a great man who taught me to be a master carpenter, and turned me human while in his presence. However I reverted to vampire form once I returned to my own time. I guess you can’t know for sure if you’re worthy of Jesus presence unless you attempt to physically be in his presence. When I spoke to him he said he gets millions of people time traveling to visit him from every time period past his own either through magics, or technology. Naturally this level of temporal incursion would deeply contaminate the timeline. However he was speaking from a five dimensional perspective since he lived as the Earthy Jesus Christ across a mind boggling number of parallel Universes. In several cases Angels have prevented the time travelers from meeting Jesus as they were not considered worthy. I’m honored that I was allowed to approach the son of our Holy Omniversal God, and get to know him over the course of a week. It was at a point in my life where I was doubting my existence in my unholy vampire form. I had contemplated ending my life but I thank Michael Remington for acting quickly, and sending me back to seek counsel with Jesus Christ. I’ve been told that just about any other vampire would have burst into flames in his presence as he is the holiest artifact to ever exist on Earth.

11 years ago

i heard that Jesus Christ have a alien dad or something maybe or not but i also heard that he fake his death is that possible?
there was many book about Jesus Christ fake his death or marry to mary the hooker..or something anyway sorry for my bad English so do you know what i mean.
write back.

11 years ago

holy smoke I need to ask Luke about Jesus Christ I want to meet him.
Andgra I want to meet Jesus Christ can you contact him or not? just wonder.

Drake Alexander
11 years ago
Reply to  Secretman381

I don’t know of anyone who can contact Jesus Christ. I’m relatively sure his phone number, and email address are unlisted.

11 years ago

what kind of a supernatural being am I if I was one because I actually want to become a supernatural being like a Demigoddess but I need to know some clues in figuring out who I am.

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
11 years ago

Lucifer was the most highly evolved if god’s spiritual creations, discovered god-consciousness and taught it to his fellow spiritual creatures, the god was mad and kicked them out of heaven. Lucifer started to try to teach man god-consciousness in order to free us from ignorance and god’s control. Lucifer I believe is a good character…

Rebecca Abernathy
11 years ago

He was the Omniverse Gods favorite son next to Jesus himself. They obviously had a major disagreement on the course of humankind destiny. Even if Lucifer’s original intent was good he’s now the Devil of evil. If you want to hang with him in Hell that’s fine but I doubt you’d have much fun there. I’ve been there, and it’s hell!

11 years ago

And I thought that Satan was the Omega villain of this omniverse. turns out it’s Dimirti Diablo!!! this is a very very weird omniverse we live in

11 years ago

How will the battles of Armegddom go down C
Xavier or Julia or anyone who knows how Armegddom will go down?


[…] Television has just picked up “Lucifer“ the series.  A television show about the Devil getting bored with Hell so he moves to Los Angeles, and opens a nightclub called the Lux. He also […]

8 years ago

Wouldn’t the Fallen Angel state be a bit more powerful than angelic?

8 years ago

is Selena Perez a member of the illuminati a new world order group or secret society? write back thank.

8 years ago

Yes!! i was Xavier Remington…about Selena Quntanilla Perez yes thank for the answer.

8 years ago

i have a another Question is this Xavier Remington about the caught up the (Rapture) in the holy bible is that about Alien Return and Took True Christian to heaven??
or Jesus Christ himself took Christian to heaven??? write back thank you

8 years ago

is Astral Projection dangerous? is all psychic tell the truth about the future event or mostly some psychic lie to you write back Xavier..

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