All three evil entities are technically the same supernatural being of darkness who is said to be the primary progenitor of all evil in our Omniverse. However, Satan isn’t the original Prince Of Darkness. That title falls to the very personification of evil that came into existence at the same time as our Omniverse. Long before the Devil ever existed. The greatest entity of evil is known as The Darkness. Thankfully, they are currently locked away for eternity in the subconscious mind of God! The Devil is a higher dimensional creature born directly in the 8th dimension of Heaven by the hand of God as a 7-Dimensional Archangel of the holy light. He was named Lucifer and had the distinction of being the first of his holy kind. His pride and ego eventually caused him to question if his Father, God of the Omniverse, deserved to hold dominion over all things. It’s unknown if The Darkness managed to influence him at a subconscious level to some extent?
Lucifer Rebels Against God
Lucifer’s major disagreement with God sprung from humans, and a variety of other sentient biological beings from various Multiverses, being granted Angelic ascension to Heaven. This included humans eventually gaining Godhood status and creating their own Omniverses. Some Angels found it offensive that these supposedly intelligent animals would trump them in power and stature someday! Lucifer attempted to possess the very mind of God and take over all dimensions of Heaven. This was done with his loyal angelic followers joining their minds into a colossal collective consciousness. Unfortunately, for them, their mental juggernaut failed to take over the mind of God and they fell from Heavenly grace.
The Famous Fall From Heavenly Grace
Lucifer and 1/3 of God’s original Angels were directly cast down by the force of God to the lower dimensions of reality outside Heaven. This included a handful of Archangels as well. Lucifer and his Fallen Archangels became 5-Dimensional beings while non-Archangels became 4-D. They immediately set up the residence of Hell within the 5th and 6th dimensions. As they were outside our 4-D time they could enter the history of Earth and countless worlds long before humans or any sentient life ever existed. Archangels actively prevented any attempt to halt life. Although, the Devil was allowed to play God on various planets. Here on Earth, he created his own race of dinosauroids, aka reptilian humanoids. Their civilization collapsed when the infamous dinosaur killing meteor hit Earth. Millions of years later humans came into existence.
The Descent From Archangel To Archdemon

Fallen Angels eventually transform into demons via a natural paranormal process caused by being cut off from the grace of God. During this short-lived Fallen Angel state they mated with humans to create the Nephilim. Lucifer and his unlucky lot quickly transformed into diabolical demons. He became an Arch-Demon who renamed himself Satan. Satan literally means adversary since he thinks of himself as God’s equal. His official title is Satan The Devil: Emperor Of Hell And The Underworld. Devil is the highest title a demon can hold, and it is held by the Emperor Of Hell. Hell being the damned dominion of demonhood. This means that some other entity of evil could potentially hold the title of Devil. The title is honorable among demons but God chose to have its meaning be that of slanderer.
The Rebellion Of Heaven Isn’t Over!
Armageddon, the final battle of good vs evil, will feature Satan as a major player vying for rule of the Omniverse. This among others who wish to oust God from power to enact their own brand of regime change. It sounds impossible but all that is required is a consciousness powerful enough to possess and overwhelm the Omniverse Gods mind. The very place we all live! Remember we’re talking about one of many Omniverse Gods and not the infinite one Macroverse Lord above them all. A mysterious figure very little is known about. It’s thought not even the Omniverse God has contact with them.
The Blasphemous Business Of Mining Human Souls
The Devil and his demons work to corrupt humankind in order to embarrass God and prove that humans aren’t worthy of Godhood. They also buy human souls wherever they can by granting wishes to humans willing to sell. These souls have immense power since they are destined to be Gods someday. They provide major metaphysical energy fuel for Hell and its minions! Those who sell their souls are usually transformed into demons just as most humans become angels in Heaven. This process involves gradually replacing the human soul with a growing dark demonic spirit. The soul is then stored in Hell as an enchanted energy reserve for the Devil to feed off of.
Does The Archangel Lucifer Still Exist?
In the tradition of humans living out a simultaneous plethora of lives in Parallel Universes, there are rumors that Archangels who fall from grace actually split into two entities. One good, and one bad. The reason for keeping this a secret would be to keep the two from interfering with each other. Plausibly recombining into one entity. Minor metaphysical evidence indicates that Lucifer still exists but has kept an extremely low profile. The Omniverse is about playing out mathematical probabilities while maintaining a balance between light and darkness. Therefore it would make sense that the Archangel Lucifer might still exist somewhere. In fact, there are cults who worship him and deny the existence of the Devil. It’s also rumored that other Archangels such as Michael may have become the Devil in other realities with Lucifer remaining in God’s good graces.
The Parallel Lucifer’s And Devil’s
One thing we know is that the Devil does have parallel selves in other Multiverses, aka conglomerate of related Parallel Universes, he doesn’t have access to. The complex multidimensional nature of his Archangel form dictated that he be split into a wide array of Multiverses as a five-dimensional being. In our Multiverse, the Devil can simultaneously spread his darkness to virtually every Universe within. So it’s thought that Lucifer, his good twin, would manifest in a wide array of adjacent Multiverses. This Lucifer would probably regret his decision, and see his exile as something he deserves. A chance to redeem himself in God’s eyes so he may return to Heaven someday. It’s possible this Lucifer might retain his rare Fallen Angel status without descending into demonhood. Eventually, his good deeds would earn him the lowest Angel status. Yet his admission to Heaven would be denied until he’s deemed truly worthy of reentry. It’s also plausible he could become an Ice Demon and end up being the founder of Purgatory in another Multiverse.
How Old Is Satan The Devil?
According to a consensus of top-flight psychics, seers, mystics, and soothsayers, the Devil is 2.66 trillion years old. He was born into our Omniverse as the Archangel Lucifer by the holy hand of the Omniversal Lord who is 3.3 trillion years old. From our physical perspective, the Heavenly Rebellion occurred approximately 66 million years ago. For a few weeks or so Lucifer was in a temporary Fallen Angel state. Instead of entering our reality 66 million years ago, he and his Fallen Angel followers went to various times in human history to create the infamous Nephilim. Once they descended to a demonic form the Devil created Hell. Later they did go back 67 million years to create the Dinosauroids through an enchanted evolution process. Satan and his dark demonic minions acted as Gods over them!🦖
There’s simply no way to translate higher dimensional birth to an exact day on our calendar. However, the Devil celebrates his birthday on Halloween during the 3:00 AM Devil’s Hour.🎃
The Body Of The Original Lucifer
There is some enchanted evidence that you can’t just split a complex 7-D Archangel like Lucifer into lower dimensions. His original Archangel body would still have to exist in Heaven. Most likely in an unconscious dormant state locked away in the furthest reaches of the 8th dimension. The metaphysical energy body would be collecting all the memories of the Devil across all the Multiverses. This would indicate he is meant to re-ascend back to full Archangel status someday. It grants him the human experience of having multiple parallel lives that are unaware of each other. Once unified into one enchanted entity he would have far greater wisdom than his previous incarnation. Thus he could even get his wish of becoming God in his own Omniverse? A God of balance between the good of Lucifer and the evil of Satan? That being said it would be dangerous if the Devil could possess his own original body someday outside of an official ascension sanctioned by God!😈
Satan Still Sees Himself As A Good Son Who Was Betrayed By His Father!
An actual quote from the Devil when he was on Earth in 2013…😈“I questioned my Holy Father’s decision to allow humans to ascend to Godhood in the Heavenly afterlife. Why should their inferior spirits burn brighter than Archangels?👼 How could he sanction evolved animals to surpass his own children and become Gods over us? His response was to eject me from the only home I ever knew! He abandoned one of his firstborn children and lowered me to a demonic form! My own Father branded me as a rebellious villain so I could be blamed for everyone’s woes! Despite his betrayal, I played the part he gave me like a good son. Ultimately humans only have him to blame for my wrath upon them!”👿
See Also: Multiverse Devil | What Happens When You’re Trapped In An Elevator With Satan?[Ad]
- The Devil’s Trident is actually a so-called “Impossible Trident“. It’s an optical illusion in our reality but Satan carries a four-dimensional one. It’s a higher dimensional tool to focus his paranormal powers to the metaphysical maximum.
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I am hoping for Jesus’s return. and I am a terrible existence am I?
Once the Demigod Jesus returns all hell will break loose as Armageddon commences.
Just kidding but seriously do you know how you can travel to Omniverses at will?
We believe that only the Omniverse God, and the highest dimensional beings, including Archangels, know the secret of leaving this Omniverse. Not even the greatest sorcerers on Earth, Ian McTavish & Dimitri Diablo, know how to do that. We also have no knowledge of anyone figuring out how to leave this particular Multiverse. Although it stands to reason anyone living in the dimension beyond this, such as the Devil, would know how to travel to other Multiverses.
I am Luke, Andarga’s guardian angel. I’m one of the highest archangels to exist. he came to ask you this: Am I worthy of Jesus Christ’s presence?
I’m going to assume Luke is the name of AnDagra’s soul because it’s common knowledge that our higher dimensional selves act as our own guardian angels. Also none of us can speak for Jesus here. Not even I despite meeting him during a time travel excursion back to 25 AD. He was a great man who taught me to be a master carpenter, and turned me human while in his presence. However I reverted to vampire form once I returned to my own time. I guess you can’t know for sure if you’re worthy of Jesus presence unless you attempt to physically be in his presence. When I spoke to him he said he gets millions of people time traveling to visit him from every time period past his own either through magics, or technology. Naturally this level of temporal incursion would deeply contaminate the timeline. However he was speaking from a five dimensional perspective since he lived as the Earthy Jesus Christ across a mind boggling number of parallel Universes. In several cases Angels have prevented the time travelers from meeting Jesus as they were not considered worthy. I’m honored that I was allowed to approach the son of our Holy Omniversal God, and get to know him over the course of a week. It was at a point in my life where I was doubting my existence in my unholy vampire form. I had contemplated ending my life but I thank Michael Remington for acting quickly, and sending me back to seek counsel with Jesus Christ. I’ve been told that just about any other vampire would have burst into flames in his presence as he is the holiest artifact to ever exist on Earth.
i heard that Jesus Christ have a alien dad or something maybe or not but i also heard that he fake his death is that possible?
there was many book about Jesus Christ fake his death or marry to mary the hooker..or something anyway sorry for my bad English so do you know what i mean.
write back.
Drake swears he felt an immense indescribable supernatural aura coming from Jesus Christ. Although rumors have swirled for centuries that Jesus was simply a gifted human born with amazing telekinetic, and psychic powers. An extraterrestrial, or hybrid, and some have even indicated he was an Earthly God somewhat like the Greek or Roman Gods. Others have said he was just a clever human who was an amazing magician who used illusion to fake his powers to form a cult following.
holy smoke I need to ask Luke about Jesus Christ I want to meet him.
Andgra I want to meet Jesus Christ can you contact him or not? just wonder.
I don’t know of anyone who can contact Jesus Christ. I’m relatively sure his phone number, and email address are unlisted.
what kind of a supernatural being am I if I was one because I actually want to become a supernatural being like a Demigoddess but I need to know some clues in figuring out who I am.
Pray to the unseen parents you’ve never known to get a sign about your possible demigoddess heritage.
Lucifer was the most highly evolved if god’s spiritual creations, discovered god-consciousness and taught it to his fellow spiritual creatures, the god was mad and kicked them out of heaven. Lucifer started to try to teach man god-consciousness in order to free us from ignorance and god’s control. Lucifer I believe is a good character…
He was the Omniverse Gods favorite son next to Jesus himself. They obviously had a major disagreement on the course of humankind destiny. Even if Lucifer’s original intent was good he’s now the Devil of evil. If you want to hang with him in Hell that’s fine but I doubt you’d have much fun there. I’ve been there, and it’s hell!
And I thought that Satan was the Omega villain of this omniverse. turns out it’s Dimirti Diablo!!! this is a very very weird omniverse we live in
Diablo has been building up power for centuries through Sorcery along with consolidating his parallel selves in other Universes, and Multiverses. He caught the Devil in a vulnerable moment. He descended to a biological form, and then was met with a large force of magical warriors. Diablo stepped in at the perfect moment, and took the Devil down several pegs. Despite him being evil we do reluctantly admire the fact that a human was able to beat the Devil.
How will the battles of Armegddom go down C
Xavier or Julia or anyone who knows how Armegddom will go down?
[…] Television has just picked up “Lucifer“ the series. A television show about the Devil getting bored with Hell so he moves to Los Angeles, and opens a nightclub called the Lux. He also […]
Wouldn’t the Fallen Angel state be a bit more powerful than angelic?
Yes Fallen Angels are more powerful.
is Selena Perez a member of the illuminati a new world order group or secret society? write back thank.
I assume you’re talking about Selena Quintanilla-Pérez? ( ) As her fame grew she was approached to join but refused. Some speculate her manager, and murderer Yolanda Saldívar was a brainwashed assassin of the Illuminati.
Yes!! i was Xavier Remington…about Selena Quntanilla Perez yes thank for the answer.
i have a another Question is this Xavier Remington about the caught up the (Rapture) in the holy bible is that about Alien Return and Took True Christian to heaven??
or Jesus Christ himself took Christian to heaven??? write back thank you
Apparently it’s the evil doers who are taken away by Angels, and cast into Hell:
is Astral Projection dangerous? is all psychic tell the truth about the future event or mostly some psychic lie to you write back Xavier..
Generally Astral Projection is safe. Issues come into play if you start seeking out supernatural entities. Unfortunately the majority of psychics are not actually psychic. They’re just very intelligent at reading people in the way a con artist would. Some are empathic, and are good at sensing emotions as they lead a person through a series of questions.