Yes, Hulks are real supernatural creatures that are human most of time until triggered by anger or other heightened emotional states. The Hulks are of immense size with insanely mammoth muscles. They resemble Neanderthal’s with a more menacing monstrous appearance! And of course, they’re almost always green in color. These monsters are fueled by rage that can cause them to go on damaging rampages! Thankfully, there is a glimmer of their human persona that often prevents major harm coming to innocent people. Once a rare paranormal find, the Chernobyl, and Japanese Fukushima Nuclear Disasters created an unprecedented quantity of new Hulks. Stories specific to the comic book, television, and motion picture versions of the Incredible Hulk are fictional but most likely exist in Parallel Universes.☢️
The Gamma Fueled Hulk Gene

Incredible Hulks form when a human with the Hulk Gene comes into contact with massive doses of Gamma Radiation. Obviously, most humans would get radiation sickness and die when exposed to gamma rays. The precursor to the Hulk Gene had its origin in the inter-species mating between modern humans and Neanderthals. The latent gene came to fruition when it was exposed to gamma radiation for the first time. Most likely in the 8th century when a Near Earth Supernova sent forth a massive gamma radiation burst. It’s possible someone with the precursor gene could have been exposed to gamma rays before this. However, the first recorded Hulks are from the late 700’s AD. Cryptozoologists also have ample evidence to link most modern Incredible Hulk genes to this time frame.🧌
The Nuclear Beast
Those unfortunate souls who have their Hulk Genes activated are usually the result of unintended incidents. Accidents at nuclear power plants, scientific research facilities, and ground zero nuclear blasts bring about the metamorphosis of human into a gargantuan green Hulk. The green hulk is the most common form but they can also be other colors including gray, red, gold, blue, purple, and black due to varying factors. A rare few even manage to retain their natural skin color. No matter what they look like they are deeply dangerous monsters who operate on instinct. When deeply angered they can become powerful enough to take down a Bigfoot and even a Werewolf with extreme prejudice! It’s even said the most powerful vampires head for the hills if a Hulk roars forth! This is why various governments and clandestine organizations have been searching for people with the Hulk Gene. They want to harness the awesome rage-filled power that lies within for military applications and nefarious purposes.
The Immense Indestructible Incredible Hulk!

The Hulk is considered the pinnacle of biological supernatural strength and indestructibility due to the sheer maximum density of muscular cellular structures. It’s said that strength wise the Hulk is potentially the apex predator of the planet putting all creaturea paranormal or otherwise to shame! Incredible Hulks also have deeply enhanced speed, agility, and senses. An average Hulk can grow anywhere from seven to nine feet tall with weight in the one ton range within seconds of metamorphic triggering. That triggering is of course anger and in some cases deep fright. Once heightened emotional states have subsided the creature will de-transform back to human just as quickly. The massive transformation, fueled by the gamma radiation laden Hulk Gene, and its link to metaphysical energy, creates exponential paranormal cellular growth. That is why glowing green eyes are witnessed during the metamorphosis. The journey back to human however causes a shedding of cells not seen in entertainment versions of the Incredible Hulk. When a Hulk returns to a human state they will find themselves lying in a perplexing pool of green cellular goo! Ewwwww!🤮
The Human Hulk
In human form, a Hulk is invulnerable to radiation and will never get cancer. They will have somewhat enhanced strength, speed, agility, and senses in the same way Werewolves do in their human state. That increases with heightened emotions just on the verge of causing full on transformation. When the eyes begin glowing there’s no going back! Hulks in a human state will have moderately developed muscles without exercising unlike the David and Bruce Banner of fictional fame. They can easily become body builders with minimal weight training. Their appetites are often double that of normal humans which compels them to consume six meals a day! Their naturally fast metabolisms gladly welcome high quantities of protein! If you see someone totally pigging out and they’re in good shape then you may have a Hulk on your hands. You will never see an overweight Hulk.
Hulks Gone Wild!
Both males and females can be Incredible Hulks. Interestingly enough, transformed female Hulks appear more human with less muscle mass and a softening of broad facial features. This is thought to be caused by some interaction between the two X Chromosomes and estrogen hormones working in concert with the Hulk Gene. Another overlooked fact is that all Hulks are completely naked unless they take special countermeasures in advance. I don’t care how strong their denim pants are. Those things are ripping off along with the underwear and bras! It’s the same principle as a Werewolf transformation. You don’t usually see Werewolves running around with a pair of torn pants on. LOL! Naturally, entertainment media incarnations of the Hulk must have them wearing torn clothes for censorship purposes. When attempting to capture and contain Hulks, supernatural hunters often look the other way as it can be quite distracting!
The Big Green Anger Machine!
When in a complete rage the Hulk is more or less like a dangerous animal. As it calms a bit, aspects of its human personality will forge forth, and they will have at least a child like comprehension of right, and wrong. Generally, if a person or something else triggered the transformation that will be the object of the hulks destructive tendencies. They are generally driven by pure instinct and the last thoughts and events of their human self before transmuting to Hulk. This can be rather convenient for people who hulk out with a mission in mind. It can be easily completed inadvertently by the Hulk as it is sub-consciously driven by the human persona.
Controlling Incredible Hulk Transformations
Like Werewolves and other Therianthropes, Hulks can eventually learn to control their transformations over time so that they may instantly hulk out at will. Some may even be able to maintain some level of human consciousness instead of being pushed into the back of their minds in an unconscious state with no memory of their hulkishness. After many years of practice they could have complete memory of what happened as a back seat observer similar to split personalities not active at the moment. Others might achieve real control over their Hulk, and utter simple words, and catchphrases such as “Hulk Smash!” Most of the time Hulks emit ear-splitting echoing roars that make a Lion, Werewolf and Sasquatch sound like a squeaky mouse.
Incredibly Indestructible But Not Immortal
Hulks are not immortal despite the amazing cellular growth of their transformations. The deteriorated telomere, the hallmark of aging, is not regenerated but it does deteriorate far less than standard humans. In addition, some general cell damage, illnesses, and toxins are remedied during hulk outs. Bone breaks and even paralysis will heal completely after a few transformations. Due to this they can live an extremely long time, look young, and remain active at a very old age. It’s plausible for a Hulk to live for 200 years or more! The Hulks physical age is based on the human’s age while the Hulk itself never ages. Theoretically if someone was permanently in Hulk form they would probably be immortal. A higher frequency of transformations equals a slower aging process. Also, continued exposure to gamma radiation increases life expectancy and strength as well. Keeping some Uranium around the house never hurt a Hulk!
The Father Of Modern Hulks: Axel Emerson

Hulks were virtually unheard of before the Nuclear Age of the 20th century. The first recorded Hulk of modern times was a scientist named Axel Emerson. He was studying gamma rays in a US government lab in 1927. Axel accidentally overdosed on radiation and transformed into a Hulk. The first transformation always occurs upon radiation exposure and complete activation of the Hulk Gene whether the subject was angry or not. He destroyed the lab and killed two members of the staff including an armed guard whose rifle was useless against the huge green behemoth. The bullets bounced right off barely leaving any scratches! Several others in the research facility suffered major to minor injuries.
Axel Hulk Lives!
Axel escaped and actually came back to work the next day since he had no memory of what happened. He was quickly detained by military personnel who told him what happened. Silent film footage of some of his destruction was witnessed and he suddenly became deeply agitated causing another Hulk out. This time he crashed through the wall and ran away. Over the past century, there have been unconfirmed sightings of his human, and Hulk self. He is still on the US Paranormal Defense Agencies Top 100 Most Wanted List (Top 10). The agency also actively covers up all public exposure incidents of anyone on a Hulk rampage. At least a handful of times supposed Earthquake destruction was actually a Hulk going nuts!
The Lonely Life Of Hulks On The Run
Many Hulks end up living a nomadic life moving from town to town taking up odd jobs and helping out the weak in a quest to find a purpose in life. They may look for redemption if they accidentally harmed or killed someone while being a heinous hulk! Some even hope to find a cure but none have found one. They’re also on the run from the government, paranormal investigators, and supernatural hunters who wish to unlock their genetic secrets or simply eradicate them. They fear hurting innocent people and are reluctant to forge close relationships. Only those who truly gain control over their alter ego might dare settle down and raise a family. At least one of their children is likely to possess the Hulk Gene but all will be well so as long as they steer clear of those pesky gamma rays. Those who are evil humans are the most dangerous in Hulk form. They are the ones who appear the most monstrous!
The Supernatural World Fails To Cure Hulks!
Those Hulks who stumble upon the complete paranormal world have tried working with witches, warlocks, wizards, and sorcerers to cure them of their plight. No magic seems to be a match for the Hulk Gene. Any magical intervention causes the blasphemous beast to appear with a vengeance! Some have attempted to trade their Hulk in for another supernatural being. There are those who tried becoming vampires, werewolves, and a number of other supernatural creatures but such experiments have failed. It seems even the powerful demonic based Vampire, and Lycanthrope virus dies in a Hulks body whether in human or Hulk form. There’s no record of Vampire or Werewolf Hulks. In addition, Hulks are immune to the Zombie Virus.
Are Hulks The Cure For Vampirism And Lycanthropy?
That being said a non-activated Hulk never exposed to gamma rays can become a vampire, werewolf, and zombie yet upon exposure to radiation their Hulk Gene cures them of those conditions and they become pure Hulk. This is another reason Cryptozoologists want to study the Hulk since it could be a cure for the zombie virus, and other former humans afflicted by metaphysical maladies. Despite this Hulks with psychokinetic powers activated will still possess them in human form while not in Hulk form unless they have maintained some level of their human consciousness.
How To Contain An Incredible Hulk
If you spot a Hulk we recommend staying calm and still to prevent further rampages of death and destruction! Dropping to the fetal position and playing dead is the best defense. Hulks like live subjects to throw and bat around like rag dolls. Do not make eye contact! Do not run away! Do not wield a weapon and certainly do not shoot a gun! You will only anger it further which fuels more strength within. Currently, there is no known method of repellent or extermination for a Hulk. Hulk Hunters use a wide array of weapons and countermeasures that would be lethal to most entities but not the Hulk. If they manage to capture one it is often held in a Graphene and Titanium cage with Hydroxy Gas which is said to aid in neutralizing gamma radiation.
Aaliyah Abebe: Master Hulk Hunter!

The most famous Hulk Hunter is Aaliyah Abebe from Kenya, Africa. She has the rare power of Radiokinesis, aka the manipulation of radiation. Aaliyah is able to absorb the gamma rays infused within the Hulk and de-transform them back into a human state with a 93% success rate! She must remain within a certain distance to keep the Hulk from coming back. She has experimented with repeatedly using her power on Hulk subjects but has yet to permanently cure one. The most famous experiment had her suppress gamma rays while a Cryptozoologist attempted to isolate and destroy the Hulk Gene. Inexplicably, the subject woke up from anesthesia and hulked out beyond Aaliyah’s control leaving a severe path of destruction in its wake! Thankfully Aaliyah, and her team, The Abebe Alliance, were able to re-contain the Hulk! Naturally, Aaliyah and her hunters are in high demand wherever a hulk manifests. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have mad teleportation skills and it takes time to globe trot to any given disaster. If you’ve seen a Hulk or suspect someone is a Hulk please contact your nearest private paranormal professional ASAP!🤢
Coming Soon: The Wuhan China Hulk | The Lake Karachay Hulk
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