There have been rumors swirling about supernatural circles that the Devil claims a soul lost amid Daylight Savings Time. This occurs in various nations around the world that recognize DST. This would amount to multiple individuals since some Daylight Savings fall on different dates. Thankfully, the forces of good thwart efforts taking it down to one unfortunate person. For reasons unknown, the United States is the Devil’s favorite target. Every year in the USA on the second Sunday in March Americans are required to set their clocks an hour ahead at 2 AM. This sets time squarely in the 3 AM Devils Hour.
A Terrifying Temporal Trap
Legend has it that lost hour becomes metaphysical temporal energy the Devil and some other entities are said to collect. As the enchanted energies are collected it creates a supernatural net that captures a soul at the wrong place in the wrong time! Their body and soul go to Hell until the end of Daylight Savings Time on the first Sunday in November. Unfortunately, it is said they return as a lost soulless creature while their spirit remains in Hell until they die as they were naturally intended. Of course, by then their tortured soul is deeply damaged!
A Human Soul Is Lost To The Missing Daylight Saving Hour!
Our extensive research into this insane urban legend has led us to believe it is indeed true! Each year one person goes missing on March Daylight Savings Sunday and reappears at the end of November. Family and friends say the victim can’t remember where they’ve been. They are beyond apathetic and seemingly emotionless. Once warm and loving individuals return as cold zombies just going through the motions. However, they often awake with screaming night terrors as their subconscious relives the horrifying hell they suffered.
Apparently, the Devil treats them as an honored guest of Hell one moment and then lets his demons have their way with them the next! A variety of mind games take place like making a person believe they returned to Earth while giving them nightmares of damnation while they sleep in the demon generated Earth simulation. Finally, it’s revealed they were still in Hell all along! It’s thought that the innocent soul is eventually traded for a Demon captured by Heaven. Although as mentioned the soul exchange doesn’t happen until the person’s body has died on Earth.
The Daylight Savings Time Devil’s Hour Trap
The metaphysical mechanisms that facilitate this temporal soul-capturing net are tied into the human collective consciousness that dictates what numerical time it actually is. The lost 2 AM hour lives on as an elusive entity in the minds of humankind as we jump to 3 AM. During this instantaneous time jump, an unconscious metaphysical energized spirit for the non-existent 2 AM hour is created. For an instant, it is spread across any given time zone like an invisible net. The 3 AM Devil’s Hour hits and it is spiritually anchored to a random Underworld portal in the region.
The Underworld is the physical connection to metaphysical Hell. At 3 AM the two o’clock hour astral net is pulled into the paranormal portal. The soul nearest to the portal gets caught in the increasingly concentrated net and is dragged into the Underworld all the way to Hell! It never captures more than one soul because the power of the human soul is off the supernatural scales. It’s simply too much for the net to maintain more than one. The body itself is transmuted into a temporary metaphysical form as well.
The Lucky Daylight Savings Break For A Vampire
Oddly enough the net would be more likely to attract a demonic soul to it. However such beings on Earth are rare compared to humans. There is an anecdote of a vampire being dragged to Hell one year. Apparently, he had the time of his life and came back to brag how he was in tight with the Devil. In fact, he left as a fourth-generation vampire and was powered up like a first-generation vamp upon his return. He’s now a high-level minion for the royal Transylvanian vampires! It’s good to know that there is sometimes a silver lining to this temporal atrocity!😈
🌞The Sunshine Protection Act Of 2021 Could Finally End The Daylight Savings Madness In The United States! [Efforts Continue As The Forces Of Evil Fight The Sunshine Protection Act!][As of 2025 the bill passed the Senate but has yet to undergo a vote in the House.
Souls Who Sailed To Hell During The Spring Forward Into Satan’s Hour!
Our good friends down at the Reality Recognition Guild have recently begun to actively utilize their psychic powers to determine whose been captured by Satan.
March 10, 2024: Pepe Patterson of Mexico was caught in the Devil’s temporal web at 3 AM through no fault of his own. Satan dragged Pepe into Hell mere hours after he’d crossed the border into the United States! He sought freedom but only found an exponential amount of tyrannical terror! Many of us in the supernatural community are working on getting him back before the end of Daylight Savings Time in November. At least no matter what he will return by then. However, he will never forget the horror he experienced! May God have mercy on his sainted soul!😇 Update: He returned but was never the same…
March 09, 2025: Julie Munger of Chickasha, Oklahoma was taken by Satan at the appointed hour of horror! Her family awaits her eventual return!
The Easter Bunny Usually Saves One Soul!
There are a varying dates for Daylight Savings Time around the world and the Easter Bunny often saves one sorry soul from many months of damnation. Generally, it tends to be in other nations. Particularly in Europe since his base of operations is the Black Forest in Germany. It takes great effort to Spring Forward in time snatch someone from the Devil’s temporal net!😈