February 11, 2025
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12 years ago

Hello Drake. 🙂 That is very interesting. In my werewolve form I have only eaten deer blood. I felt bad when I grabbed it .. It screamed. Startled me. I then made it quick so it wouldn’t suffer. I have a hard time even killing spiders. I normally esp them to hop into my hand or a cup so I can let them go. It works! When I tasted cows blood it’s sweet! I get a strong serge of energy and want more! Like at Texas Road house. I’ve yet to drink any blood. Since I’m worried what will happen to me. Since I’m already sensitive to the sun. I have a good sense of smell. When anyone gets a cut.. I can smell it. It smells good. So yeah’.. I am worried. I think I have enough on my plate to deal with. Wolfing out etc. I just am not quit ready to drink too much blood in my human form. I might trigger whatever is going on already. For instance, my dentist who worked on my teeth. I went in for a cleaning. He said wow you have very sharp teeth. Like puppy teeth.

I thought at first he was joking. He wasn’t. He asked me if he could grind them down a bit. I said okay! Then I ended up coming back again for ext rays a week later. He looked in my mouth and he was startled. He said I have never seen this before. I said what? He said you’re teeth are sharp and I just grinned them off a week ago! He said are you a werewolf or vampire? I didn’t laugh.. He did. I said .. maybe.. I might bite lol. Anyhow as he filled a tooth .. He had to constantly re inject my mouth with more Novocain. He’s like wow I gave enough to you to tranq a cow. Are you sure you need more! I’m like YES! lol I materialize way too fast. Drake I find this website very educational. I just hope you don’t mind I am talking about my experiences. I know some are long. Thank you! 🙂

12 years ago

Thank you Drake. I talk too much sometimes. It’s just that over the years I’ve kept this in. I really have no one or no where else to talk about any of this. You’re site has helped. I probably just needed to talk about it. I’ll be alright. I’m not sure when I’ll be drinking blood. I don’t want to endanger my family nor myself or anyone! I do own land so maybe I’ll just do this on under the full moon and stars. If anything drastic happens. I will run into my woods. I crave blood allot! A vampires once told me. I am as stubborn as a monk. She said this to me because I refused to join in a hot tub of 3 other women and one man. 😉 I just don’t like sharing my man. I probably will not fit in.. I’m not sure they were royals or not. I’ll be single soon! They know. It would be great to find a vampire I don’t ever have to share eternity with. I guess I am just old fashion. I believe in true love. That is an entirely different subject! 🙂 I’ll see if I can find the blood bank you were talking about. Would be best if I’m going to do this. Might as well do it right! Right? 😉 Cheers Drake!

12 years ago

Sorry I said that all wrong. 😉 I meant it would be great to find a Man or (Vampire) I could spend eternity with.. (And not have to share him with 3 other women -vampiress’s. .) -Is it normal for Vampires to have many wives? Or do the Royals do this? Not saying it’s so bad. I just am not use to sharing. lol So I was shunned by the women. They know I am stubborn. I can’t help it! I have many questions!

12 years ago

To me Vampire women are the most beautiful. The one’s I have met are! I just was not ready.

Father Tom Davis
12 years ago

Oh my dear Lord Drake! This is dreadful! Pretending you’re a vampire, and claiming Rebecca runs about the woods naked worshiping the false Gods of Wicca. This is quite disturbing! Please come down to the church immediately for confession, and penance!

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago

Yeah Drake what’s the big deal telling people I worship Goddesses around a cauldron surrounded by flames at the witching hour in the middle of the woods totally buck naked? That’s almost as silly as saying I’m half Mermaid or have powers like the fabled Mystic Sphere. If you’re still here Father Tom I only worship the one true God of Christianity. We appreciate all you do including the holy water. We love your holy water!

12 years ago

– I apologize if I have caused any trouble. 🙂 Father Tom. Very sorry! Rebbecca I hope you’re not upset at Drake. Very sorry everyone! I have many questions. And I am being very serious. Drake is only trying to help.

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Father Tom is a prude. He wanders on here every so often looking to be self-righteous. I only say that because I’m sure he won’t return to this particular topic. He says his peace, and then moves on. However I suppose I’m being harsh. He’s truly dedicated to God, and his Catholic religion. Due to it being the most believed religion on Earth it has the power of the human collective consciousness. Power that is a handy tool in the fight against paranormal evil. His exorcism powers, and holy water are top notch. I can make holy water in my capacity as a Wicca Priestess but it’s effectiveness will never compare to Catholic or any Christian holy water. The power of holy water comes from the human souls of believers.

I’m not upset with Drake. In fact I was joking. I only pretend to care what the Father thinks.

12 years ago

What I was going to say before… About what happened to me above. Well, I am not into sharing. So I must have really upset those beautiful woman vampires. Why they told me I’m more stubborn as a monk. lol Drake it does make sense about there morals. Since they don’t have to worry about catching any STD’s.. Aids etc. And they live forever! Perhaps they just can’t stand being with one person that long. Humans have one life time together. They have centuries. etc. Rebecca..

I just found out that all of the women in my mother’s side including my mom are all secretly Wiccans. They say they are Christians but try to blend in. I believe in freedom of beliefs and religion. I don’t judge anyone! Unless if I’m prepared to get judged myself. 🙂 You know what I mean? Thanks Drake for all of this information it has been helpful. I really hope I didn’t cause you trouble. If I have. I am sorry!

12 years ago

One more thing before I go. Father Tom. Drake is a very good Vampire! 🙂 You should be very proud of him. And Rebbeca what he said about you did not disturb me at all. 🙂 But the thought of my grandmother doing this is not a pretty picture! lol or my mom. hahaha. 😉

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Father Tom is in a delusional state, and chooses to ignore our true selves because it conflicts with his strict black and white world view. He refuses to see the shades of gray that canvass our reality. We know if he really believed Drake was a vampire he’d consider him the spawn of evil. The same if he really thought I was a witch.

Yes we witches love to commune with Mother Nature, and we do so in our natural nude state. We’re also well aware of the men peeping at us even if we’re in the middle of a forest. Forest Rangers are often the worst. They don’t even care if we see them. At least they don’t report us for public indecency.

12 years ago

Drake while I was in that Hot Tub with the 3 vampiress’s. They were gently biting my arms. I didn’t seem to mind that. Just that once the man stepped in. I though Oh no.. I’m not into sexual parties. 😉 They know I’m a sucker for Hot tubs. I have one here and had couples over. Just to relax. They know I do like this. But I’ve never been into the kinky stuff. Not saying it’s wrong for anyone else who does. I had my hopes up to find the right man in this world to be with. That never happened. I was with one man all of my life! Since 18. Right out of high school we married. Everything seemed perfect!

Until I caught him having sex with my sister while I was bed ridden & pregnant. I went into labor from the stress. Almost lost the baby. I didn’t leave him. My sister apologized. I was too weak to leave at that time. Then years later.. he had many other affairs etc w his secretaries. What is worse. I thought he’d change. I did love him. And when I said my vows. I promised myself I’d make it work no matter what!

When I thought it couldn’t get any worse! -I recently caught him having sex with a man. When We separated. He moved to NY I stayed and took care of the kids alone. He begged me to come visit. So I did. When I got to his apartment. It stunk so bad. He didn’t do his dishes it was rotten. Then I go to the living room and he had a bed on the floor. I found used condoms everywhere! OMG! I said what the hell is this?

He’s like oh I use those .. I’m like ya right! lol Whatever! I told him I want a divorce asap! He then quit his job on purpose.. Because he knew I was gone! Then ended up moving back in with me. I don’t know what to do now. I told him he can stay till he finds his way in life on his own. The surprising thing is I don’t hate him. Mostly I pitty him for what he’s done to me. I was hoping to find true love! And this is what I have. Life will go on. 😉 I laugh about it now. Nothing surprises me anymore! ( I hope you don’t mind I said all this here.) If you don’t like it. Just delete it. I understand.

12 years ago

I didn’t come here to cause trouble. I just wanted some answers. That’s all.

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

The only trouble is with Father Tom’s limited view of the world.

12 years ago

Thank you Drake! 🙂 Good night everyone! It’s almost 2am. I also am a sci fi writer. Been trying to focus on completing it. I get distracted and writers block! Since I’ve been coming here it helps me to take a break and relax. I have allot more energy at night. Why I write! Drake do vampires sleep? I’m sure you do. 🙂

12 years ago

Hello Rebecca and Drake. I completely understand. 🙂 Rebecca I have tried being naked in a private room of my basement. Then my ex husband brought his two brothers down to play billiard. I tried to get dressed as fast as I could. lol His younger brother came in just as I finished. He’s like what are you doing in here? He saw my alter – which was an old oak stump. I was curious about Wicca then. So I tried healing spells. I’ve always been drawn to this since I can remember. Once I told my younger sister.

She went and bad mouthed me to my entire family. She tried making me look bad to my father. He laughed and told my sister he’s so proud to hear this. She’s like what? He’s like I am Wiccan. So is your mother. lol Back fired on her. I don’t consider myself apart of any known religion as of yet! I was curious and studied many religions. I have not made my mind up as of yet! But it’s in my true nature to be Wiccan. I don’t understand why my sister hates me so much! I give up! As for father Tom. I respect his views as well. Drake that is really awesome! You have special glass that protects you.

I would love to see that. I know I must sleep between the hours of 3pm to 6pm. If I take a power nap I’m good to go all night! 🙂 Yes, I am glad to have come across your website to meet you all. As for all women Vampires in a hot tub. Well I didn’t mind a man there. I just wasn’t sure what was up! 😉 lol If he was wanting to have sex. It’s not like me to just have sex with anyone! I do prefer to have sex with a Vampire man. But since I am currently in this predicament as I always have been. I’m sure this won’t be any time soon! My ex doesn’t want to leave. And he wants yet another chance.

I don’t think my heart can continue since the last 20years have been a lie! Mostly I blame myself for putting up with it. And I don’t blame others for my bad choices in life! I figure stay until my daughter is out of the house. If I can tolerate it! It’s not like I have many men knocking! With him here makes it impossible. I do want him to be happy. I don’t wish anything bad upon him. I believe he was born this way. I’ll continue writing my book. 🙂 This keeps me on the target! My life is not that bad. So I do apologize. I shouldn’t have vented about it here. Rebecca that made me laugh.. The foresters watching. The perverts. I’ve never been in a coven. Mostly a lone wolf here. But I’m not saying I wouldn’t ever try it. Just hoping I can get my book published. And my love life back on track! Have a good night Drake. Xavier & Rebecca. 🙂

Xavier Remington
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

I’m planning on publishing an e-book of our various adventures here at Mystic Investigations. The easiest way I see is to publish via Amazon which is free of charge. It seems even bad writers get a fair amount of exposure on there. Such as “The Angel Vampire” which is a totally fake story about an Angel who comes to Earth, and is transformed into a vampire. Sure an Angel may come to Earth in biological form but a vampire would be unable to penetrate their skin let alone over power them, and drain their blood. An Angel vampire simply could not ever exist. There’s also the fact that Angel blood is a deadly poison to evil vampires. However good vampires ingesting Angel blood will have their vampirism reversed. Good luck with your book!

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

It’s hard to be naked, and not be sexually objectified by perverted men lurking about the shadows salivating over our feminine forms with a crazed look in their eyes. We shed the ways of the modern world, and return to nature via our nudity. We’re also able to more easily absorb energy from the Goddesses, and project said energy without the confines of clothing. However we don our ceremonial black Wicca robes almost as much as we get naked.

As for the Foresters we usually just ignore them just as you should ignore all leering men. Unfortunately there was an occasion where one of them stripped naked himself, and was getting quite lewd. We finally had enough, and invoked the Goddess Gaia to swallow the man alive. The naked pervert screamed as he was littered pulled into the ground. Of course we knew the Goddess would spit him out as he was not a worthy sacrifice. Sure enough twenty seconds later he sprung from the river bed nearby. He splashed about the water violently as he yelled,”Sweet Mother of God what in the blue hell is going on here!” He then ran away into the woods never to be seen again. We took his Ranger Rick uniform, and burnt it within our sacred bonfire. We all had a good laugh that day!

The coven is about sisterhood, communing with Mother Earth together in harmony while marshaling our collective powers for the good of humankind, and the planet. When in the heat of battle my powers begin to waver, and I know I can always channel the collective power of the coven to last just a bit longer to get the job of justice done.

Healing spells can be some of the hardest to enact. However once an illness or injury is beyond medicinal herbs we must implore the Goddesses, and even sometimes the Angels to help us heal.

12 years ago

I forgot to include. I’ve never had sex with a Vampire man. 🙂 I do wonder what that would be like. Perhaps dangerous or not? Maybe one day I will find out! As for now. I will continue what I’ve been doing. Thank you for your responses. Much respect! Angela 🙂

12 years ago

Xavier that’s awesome! I wish you luck on your book as well. Great idea! I have 4 books that I need to complete. I stop writing when my personal life is too much to handle. Lately to often. I figured once he’s moved out and on his own. I will be able to focus a bit more! One of the 4 books is a comedy. Would be great when I finish them. I love watching horror movies. Mostly mysteries. Stephen King is my favorite author. I would love to read your book when it’s at Amazon. 🙂 Thank you for the luck!

Lol Rebecca. True it is hard to be naked without men picking up on our scent. When I started my meditation in the nude. No one was home. I thought yes! I finally can do this. I was maybe 20 mins into a trance. I could see someone was there with me. He looked like the Great God Pan. It was amazing. Then all of a sudden I heard doors slamming and foot steps upstairs.. They sounded like a stampede coming down the basement steps calling my name. Angela where are you? Hello? lol I’m like damn… So yeah. I don’t get much time alone. I guess I should have installed a lock on my door. And this place is smaller. I have 2 teens who never knock. lol 😉 Kids are great! My daughter is almost 17 in May. Son is almost 21 in July. I also am giving them there freedom to choose there own beliefs. Most probably wouldn’t agree with me. But this is what my father did for me. I am thankful to him for this. Rebecca if you ever need energy. I’m good at channeling to others. Again thank you for your help. I really do appreciate it. 🙂

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

I think there’s a magical psychic energy given off by all women once they get naked. Men seem to appear out of thin air. Every time I’m nude at Remington Manor Xavier appears within minutes despite having been ensconced in some other activity on another floor of the house. Or I’m trying on clothes in a dressing room at the mall, and some pervs will walk in on me while I’m trying on bras. They always act all embarrassed, and apologize but it should be rather obvious to anyone with half a brain that it’s the womens dressing room. I think women should just walk around naked so maybe the men will get used to it, and stop leering at us with their crazed sexual obsession.

It doesn’t seem to be that way with women. I rarely find myself mystically drawn to naked men. Although the pervs will appear naked sometimes when peeping on us.

7 years ago

I’m actually not like that around naked females, but that’s probably because I’m asexual, is that weird?

12 years ago

Hello Drake. 🙂 That is really amazing! I wish I could thank Duanna for saving you! As I was reading what you said about sex with a vampire. “world of unimaginable sensual delights.” I got a rush. 😉 I haven’t had sex in a long time. Since I just don’t feel attracted to him after what he was doing with a man. But yeah’ I’ll be honest. I was thing where have you been all my life times? lol 😉 A vampire man sounds truly perfect! In every way! Not just sex but I find vampires very stimulating intellectually as well. I do have a bit of a wild side to me sometimes. So I apologize if I seem to forward what I said above. 😉

So do you know of any lonely single vampires? I am serious. Once I am free. I think I would love to be with a vampire man. We’ll see. Not to rush! But that is very interesting indeed. 🙂 Could tempt any woman. I’ve always believed that Vampire men are charming and intriguing. Knowing they are the ultimate predictors. I guess I’d just say.. “Bite me.. gently!” ;)- Drake I’m going to send you something tonight. It’s just a bit of energy. Let me know if you feel anything. I’m curious.

-Thank you for being honest. Yes it’s really great that you don’t have to worry about paying child support! For the next few centuries. 😉 lol Could you imagine that? lol I’m kidding. Drake have you ever thought about have kids? Not to terrify you! haha’. I know you can’t but have you ever considered taking any in? Adopting? I know some vampires have children. I’m just curious what you’re view are on this. 🙂 I’ll send you this energy at 12am. On the dot. Thank you! Angela 🙂

12 years ago

Hello Drake. 🙂 lol. I sent allot that night! I also sent some to Rebecca and Xavier. Tried to energize you all. But Drake I’ll confess. I sent you the most! I wasn’t sure if I was deep enough into my meditation. So I kept sending you more energy. And deeper concentration. Did you feel hands on your back and chest? That’s how I heal as well. I’m glad you enjoyed it. ; ) -I’m sorry I should have warned you first! If you want more just ask. I normally try to sleep at 1:30am. Toss and turn until 3. But I’ll send you some in smaller spurts.

About the 10 year old boy! That’s really sad. I also don’t agree with turning children. What was she thinking? I’ve seen this in movies like. “Interview with a Vampire.” Ends in disaster. Mostly common sense not to do such a thing. Yeah kids require so much attention. Teenagers are great to take under your wing. I’ve taken in 3 teenagers because there parent kicked them out before graduating. The last 4 years I was taking care of my 2 teens and 3 others. I just can’t let kids be on the street. (Since I was one of those kids.) My mother and step father kicked me out at 15. I ended up moving back in at 16. Then they kicked me out 2 months before graduation. That was rough! So I vowed never to do the same to my kids. Or let any child be on the street. If I could help it!

I’m still thinking about what you said. lol So you felt orgasmic? 🙂 If you like I could try to make it so you can walk in the sunlight? We can try! I really want to help. This also would help me to open my power some more! If you don’t mind? Will you be my guinea pig? 😉 As you can tell I am a giver. I do my best to give back to the world & to others, nature! What color hair do you have Drake? That night I sent you the energy. I saw some things. I wasn’t sure if it was you or someone else. Why I kept sending more energy. Hoping you were getting it. Since I have not perfected it yet! I saw someone with blondish hair. Only for a few seconds. I’d see things. When I connected to you. I felt tingly all over. So I knew my energy was going somewhere. 🙂 well if you don’t mind. I’ll continue to send you more energy. If you don’t want me to. Just say so. I won’t.

12 years ago

Hi Rebecca, 🙂 I know what you mean about us women. Men love to watch us. Nothing wrong with it I guess. As long as they don’t touch! 😉 Unless if his name is Bubba and he has a beer gut. lol How often do you do rituals and give thanks? I give thanks every morning and night. Since I sleep nude. It’s a great time for me to do this. 🙂 I also burn candles because I just love the warmth of them. I grew up with candles lit. Feels more like home to me. I burn Nag champ a and many other incense’s before bed. I do love to smoke a mixture of herbs when I’m tense. lol Not marijuana. Since that’s not legal.

Although I grew up smelling that everyday. My father smoked it allot! 😉 That smell is like home too! And yeah I miss it! I like the dragon smoke I buy online. Shaman smoke. Helps with lucid dreams and astral. I don’t smoke often though. Normally once every 6 months. I do love sweet red wine once a month. My family had a vineyard. My gram would give me 3 shots of wine before bed lol. If I were sick! I had no complaints. Rebecca did you feel anything on the 7th? When I sent Drake energy. I tried sending you and Xavier some as well. I thought it was only fair to do so. 🙂 I was wondering if you can change your eye color? I can mostly on a full moon. My eyes normally are green. I can change them to a glowing yellow. Takes some concentration. Many people ask me how I do it. It’s nice to have someone to talk to about this. 🙂 Thank you!

Xavier Remington
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Me, and Rebecca definitely felt your enchanting energy. Let me just say it was the best sex of my life. We were just lying in bed starting to fall asleep when it hit us. All the sudden we wanted nothing more than to be on each other like white on rice. We went at it for at least three hours before we fell off into a deep sleep. Thanks so much for the amazing night you gave us at Remington Manor! Perhaps you could become a psychic sex therapist to rich and famous. I’m sure you could rake in a lot of dough!

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago

Oh Xavier you tiger! I can’t wait for tonight honey!

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Me, and Xavier felt your enchanting energy. We had hours of mind blowing sex! I’ve used witchcraft to enhance our performance before but this came out of nowhere like a power punch of passion! Xavier is right. You should become a magical sex therapist.

I partake of many Wicca, and Witchcraft rituals, and prayers of thanks to the Goddesses, and Gods. I give thanks daily when possible at dawn, high noon, and dusk. My coven meets twice weekly on Monday nights at Midnight since it is the day of the Moon. And also Sunday at high noon since it’s the day of the sun. We also meet monthly on the night when the moon is 100% full as well. Then there’s the sacred events of the Sabbat wheel including the solstices, and equinoxes. Of course Samhain, or basically Halloween, is the biggest ritual of the year. Several covens will gather for this occasion. We also have rituals for various celestial events including eclipses of the sun, and moon.

My eyes are dark blue like Drake’s except a bit lighter. I can make them change any color through spells. I’ve changed my appearance a number of times through Glamouring. However my eye color has changed to a glowing green on it’s own when I’m juiced up with magical power.

12 years ago

LOL I’m glad I was of help Xavier and Rebecca. laughing.. lol I just sent healing energy that’s all. I’m shocked it was more than that. 😉 Yeah perhaps I could help couples out in that area. Drake, I felt something last night after sending you a massive amount of energy. I talked about this in the other part of this forum. lol It was pretty amazing! The man I seen had dark hair. He was a bit timid. As if he was afraid of getting caught with me. You know what I mean? I would love to know who he is. And if he’ll come back tonight? All I can say is wow.. Was the greatest astral sex I have ever had. Yeah he’s a vampire. Just wondering who he is. I’ve been a bit worn out all day since.

I don’t mind sending you three energy before bed. I do this every night. Usually I send energy to help the earth. Heal the water, ozone, animals etc. My grandmother. This is probably why my mom asks me to send her the energy. She’s a sex addict. Trust me she don’t need it. lol Anyhow, my gram told me once I hit her with the energy and she was checking her mail.

She said she wasn’t sure if she’d make it back from the mail box. She got hit with it and even jumped up.. her friend noticed her barely moving to get the mail. Then skipping along the sidewalk. She said Adrienne wow you have energy all of a sudden. She’s like I know. 😉 But I had no idea I was sending out sexual energy. 😉 Well if it helps good. So Drake was it you I seen last night? I’m very curious. I couldn’t get enough. That’s all I should say’.. 🙂 I’ll probably go to bed around 12:30am so. I don’t mind sending you this. I hope I have more nights like last night. (“wow”.) Drake you’re right about vampire men. That was truly something I’ve never experienced before! I feel I’m addicted. 🙂

12 years ago

That’s really neat you all can change your eye color. Yeah, I’ve heard vampires eyes get a bright red when they are upset. Also, some werewolves have red eyes.-That’s pretty cool. I love blue eyes. If you guys wish to ever email me private questions. (I hope it’s okay if I post my email). whitewolf3001@hotmail.com I normally check this regularly. I don’t mind. I hope you all had a good Easter as well.

12 years ago

Drake I just finished reading what happened to you. WOW!!! That must have been freaky. I’m glad you made it out okay. And that sweet Leprechaun came in a nick of time. The pages of the book and the broken water pipes. I’m sorry if I gave you a scare that night on the 7th. I can’t blame you if you felt a bit jumpy. It’s only me. 🙂 I come in peace!

12 years ago

Yes back then people were afraid of everything they didn’t understand. I’m sorry to hear your parents thought this about you. We’ve sure come a long ways huh. Although I have still come across people who are just as super superstitious as then. My aunt Kim. (-The Jehovah Witness.) Being the only red head in both sides of my family. I was treated different. My uncle nick named me “Ugly”. I actually believe I was ugly. Until I got away from him. Popular boys would ask me out! I thought they were too good for me then. Since I had a bad complex from the emotional scars my cruel Uncle Stephan inflicted upon me. He also shot me with his bb gun as target practice. He hurt me allot! I did stand up to him after he tried to stab me with his buck knife. I ran and held the door shut.

Noticed my bowl of apple peels I had with my little pairing knife. I leaped onto my bed and grabbed it and as he came in I stabbed the knife all the way into his leg. He screamed bloody murder. I laughed looked him in the eye and said you just remember I know where you sleep at night ass hole! He never touched me again! I know if I had not done this. He would have stabbed me. Why? Because he was jealous I was there. My grand parents raised me. Since my mother was 16 when she had me. Needles to say’.. I would never go back to my child hood. I couldn’t wait to grow up! I ended up moving in with my mom and her bf. They only made my life hell. But that’s a long story! It prepared me for now. Made me stronger. Well it’s almost 12 I better get ready for bed. 😉 I hope you’re ready! Night.

12 years ago

I strongly believe everything happens for a good reason. No matter how dark it may seem at the time. It has made me stronger. My uncle would literally hit me in my leg in one spot until I was screaming. It bruised all the way through my bone. So he cracked my bones. he did this allot. Now I have a high tolerance to pain. He did many things that should have driving me over the edge. I stayed calm. I just pity his psycho ways. People like him will have there come up ins. His life is not so grand. He’s on his 4th wife. His kids hate him because of his dull intellect and sick humor. But over all I am stronger because of him.

That is very sad what happened to your father Drake. I do believe the gods were watching over you that day. They do care. And they probably will continue to protect you. Or I will. I sense a goodness about you Drake. I normally can see people right away. I get certain vibes and I know if I should continue talking. Like dogs have a a very good sixth sense about evil people. I sort of have the same ability. I am sure your family are very proud of you now. You are here for a reason. Nothing happens for nothing. The Universe is so complicated yet so complex. I don’t tell you my past for pity. I don’t want anyone to think that. I have learned from most of my painful past. The only time I do get irate is when I have to confront the jack ass Stephan face to face. Which was last Sunday. Easter. He said hi Ugly.. I smiled looked him in the eye and say He Ugly.. how are you? Lol He got so upset. His face was flush and he walked out of the house. He has no power over me. There is nothing he can ever do to ever gain that power he had when I was a child. He’s a sick person for sure! Best thing is to laugh at him in public.

Thinking about what you said. That knight of the king. You did a good thing by ridding the King of such a cowardly knight. He surly did not deserve his position. I’m sure God knew this as well. If you had such powers around you before becoming a vampire. I think you may have been chosen for something huge. I feel you are a god send for even me. 🙂 Thank you Drake for being here. I really do feel at ease rinse we’ve met. I’m also very pleased to have met Xavier & Rebecca. All of you! 🙂 Thank you for this website! I love it!

-Before I go. I was wondering if you’ve seen me astrally? I seen a vampire who fits your description. It was all good of course. I’m curious.

12 years ago

Oh really? 🙂 wow. I didn’t know that about swamp creatures. I’m pleased to hear you got rid of this creature. As for Charles. Seriously? Here I was hoping he was you! Since I don’t just let anyone in without having an intellectual conversation. I did notice he was very quiet and did not talk. And you do. You’re much more intellectual with me. So I should have known. I am thankful to him for taking down the scum of this place. I just wish I knew it was him. Now I feel violated. Yet I can’t really blame him. I was open and he probably knew this.

Seems I always make mistakes. Oh well. I guess it’s the only way I seem to learn. I do trust you Drake, Xavier and Rebecca. Can I trust Charles? He had a wicked smile. More like charm rolled into passion. lol And there’s a side to me that does like that. I try to fight that side of myself. Looks like I lost. 😉 Well if he’s here. Tell him he should stop in face to face. So I don’t feel so crazy! Drake, Duanna is very beautiful. I think I seen her.. She is the epitome of class. Please let her know I think of her in the highest of light!

12 years ago

Also, I do remember stating weather or not if you had any single vampire friends. lol So it’s my fault. I guess I’ll have to deal with it. I asked everyone to come here as well. Although I keep hearing a mans voice when I awake. Twice now he’s said I have to kill you. And Join us. So.. Does he have plans for me? Or am I hearing things?

12 years ago

Here’s one of my favorite songs from Highlander. (I love this movie) I’ve always loved this era. The knights and castles. Scotland. Maybe one day I’ll get to visit there. In case I don’t get back here. Have a great weekend Rebecca, Xavier and Drake. 🙂 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYOE_b4aYD0&feature=share

Yeah I’m just a sucker for true love! I believe in it. The power of love is strong.

12 years ago

That is really amazing! I read the page. I’ve always wondered about this. I figured if there was ever a school like this one, it would most definitely be in England or Scotland. Perhaps Harry Potter was inspired from this school? Drake you just described what my dream man would look like. Since I really love Sean Connrey and the man in the series of Highlander. When I first seen the series. I was like wow.. Now where did they find him? lol I would love to see a picture of you Drake. Oh please! 🙂 I’ll send you a few of my Modeling pictures. Yes I was a model. I gave up fame so I could raise my son. My agent wanted me to send my son off to my mothers to be raised. She only gave me 1 day to think about it.

Since my mother did a horrible job at raising me. She kicked me out every chance she could. And made sure I wouldn’t graduate. I did go back and got my diploma on my own. But she really hurt me. I refused to allow her to raise my son. I was living in San Diego California. My ex was out to sea for 6 months at a time for the Navy. So I really had no where for my 2yr old to go. I told them Sorry my family comes first. She wasn’t happy about it. I don’t regret since I had my daughter a year later. She wouldn’t be here if I had. I prefer love over fame.

As for Scotland. I’d think they would welcome a vampire like you Drake. You are so sweet! We all should be one and equal. I welcome you here. 🙂 I just have a good feeling about you. I don’t see you as a monster. Never will. I don’t see vampires this way. Only werewolves. I’ve had bad experiences with them. So far not so bad with Vampires. I love your intellect the most! You’re so full of knowledge. To have seen what you’ve seen and lived what you have. I have respect for you Drake.

Here I am at 21. If only I could stay this way forever! 🙂 I haven’t aged much since this. My daughter was telling me today.. her friends thought I was her older sister. Let me know what you think. 🙂
If you wish to send me your picture you can send it to my email. whitewolf3001@hotmail.com
I’d love to see you! 🙂 Please!!

12 years ago

It only makes sense not to get attached to humans. I know what you mean. To only wither away like a rose. Sad but true! We’re already way over populated the way it is. If everyone lived forever our animals would surely become extinct. But yes scientifically engineered each year to live longer. New inventions, better medicines. I think the government is trying to kill some off. With all the diet and splenda. That stuff is nasty. I won’t touch anything with chemicals in it. It seems to be in everything. Even in our flour. I wonder if anything is safe to eat anymore! A friend of mine I grew up with. It’s all she’s been eating the last 20 years. She looks so bad. All swollen up! I tried warning her then not to eat it. She never listens.

She came to visit me 2 weeks ago! She told me her liver is hard and she is in allot of pain. Her husband said I should heal her. Well she sat in a chair ate all that and was a chain smoker. Not to mention she makes her kids serve and cook for her. I about puked when she had the rub her nasty stinky feet with lotion for 2 hours I was there. I though oh my god. So she’s not that close of a friend. Why should I take her diseases and pain when she’s just going to continue her nasty lazy ways.

Not to mention she told me I’m raising my kids wrong. lol So no I am not going to send her energy. I guess if you seen her you would understand what I’m talking about. I can’t eat at her place ever because she don’t wash the dishes properly omg. I get sick every time I eat there. Most of the people in this town are this way. Why I think I should sell this place and leave. This is getting long. Have a good night. I will send you all some energy. Since I had a power nap around 3pm. 🙂 I won’t be sleeping until 2am.

12 years ago

One more thing. That is sad that anyone would have to be serving anyone! So some vampires had slaves? Now if I were your sex slave that’s another thing! lol j/k haha.. I’m being bad. Just that I can’t wait to see that picture. 😉 Seriously, that is sad though. To do someone’s bidding for all time. To live forever! That’s a high price for immortality. When I was there. I could feel the warmth of family. You are very lucky to have Duanna. And I feel she is so lucky to have you too Drake! Stay sweet! Didn’t mean to write you a book. I’m going to watch Highlander. It’s one of my favorite movies. Along with all of the old James Bond movies. Shaken not stirred. 😉

Newer favorites are All the Resident Evil movies with Milla Jovovich. She’s one of my favorite actresses. I love action movies. And Wanted. 🙂 What are you’re favorite movies? Not to mention all the Underworlds. Van Helsing. Lady Hawk.

12 years ago

Awe thank you so much Drake! You are very sweet! -What you said about my pictures. I also find you very attractive as well. WOW! You are right! You do resemble Sean Connrey. At least now I can place a face with your name. I would also love to see Rebecca & Xavier. Only if they wish to show me. Thank you Drake for sharing your picture. You are very sexy! What’s most important is your sweet heart! I love your honesty and Intellect. To me looks aren’t the most important. I didn’t expect you to be so perfect! 🙂 I can see why Duanna adores you. Will she be upset at me for flirting with you? I hope not. If you’re hers. I’ll behave. Does she ever come in here? I love your blue eyes. You’re very ..very sweet! 🙂

About colonizing to Mars & the moon? That would really be amazing! I hope we do. But I am more of an Earth girl. 😉 I prefer to stay here. Earth is so much more beautiful. Perhaps the Illuminati will choose to live there. I don’t like there plan to make anyone slaves. I will fight to the death if they ever try to take me. Who do they think they are? I understand there power and lust for more! But that is just ridiculous. I know they are poisoning everything. My son told me the exact thing you stated above.

-About the Fluoride in our water. He said only a few know of this and are staying clear of it. The mass majority believe in everything the doctors say. They don’t question there own government. So they will die, Sad. Don’t think it’s not going to back fire on them. It will. If I have anything to say about it. If I were a full fledged Vampire. I would probably go after them all myself. It is in me to fight for the good of all.

I sometimes can’t help to rant and rave about politics to. 😉 I try to keep my opinion under control. But I do hope they won’t wage war on the innocent humans. I also read in the news today! People are killing there own babies in India and China. Because they have the 1 child only in china. To me these parents do not deserve a child at all. I wish those types of people would be food for the immortals.

How can they kill there own babies? I love babies. Broke my heart to see the picture of the dead baby girl. Second time this week I’ve read of this. I wanted more babies myself. But with the over population. I feel it would be very selfish of me to have any more! I feel if I did.. It’s like pushing a species of animal off our planet. They matter to me. Thank you for that picture.. I thought it looked great! Yeah a little blurry. But I have a good idea what you look like. Again thank you! I’m so glad you are online now Drake! 🙂 Please don’t leave. I love it that you’re in my time.

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

I’m just messing with you when I do that. I’m not pretending your Tom Welling in the exchange of our enchanted ecstasy within the dark confines of my boudoir.

Ashley Abercrombie
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Xavier, or should I say Tom, Zack was screwing around in the lab with his friends, and the Chupacabra escaped. He just called me in a panic, and nobody is answering their damn cell phones! I just arrived at the office, and I’m going to try and trap it with Zack.

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago

OMG Ashley! I’m getting Xavier from his den, and we’ll hop into the Mystic Sphere, and be there in two shakes of a lambs tail!

12 years ago

Also, I know my children will be having kids sooner or later. I should wait to become a grandmother. 🙂 I went through my last two labors without any pain killers. Why? Because I didn’t want to even chance that my babies would be harmed by the chemicals. So I felt it all as if I were back in the old times. I used allot of meditation. the nurses were amazed I did it this way. If I were to do it again. I doubt I could go without the pain killers. lol 😉 To be honest I don’t know how I did it. Babies are precious and should be protected. China is drowning babies in buckets as well. I’m very upset at china and India for there cruelty to humanity. I’m glad I’m in the United States.

Drake I will send you some more energy tonight at 12:30am. Xavier and Rebecca. I will send you some as well. I’ve been trying to perfect the way I send it. I have semi precious stones I was thinking about using with my meditation. What are you’re favorite gem stones? This will make my energy even more potent while sending to you. Drake I wanted to try to make it possible for you to walk in the day. What month were you born? I ask because there are certain stones for your astrology. I wanted to try and use this. It might work. We’ll see. Again I am so happy to have met you guys. I’m glad you are in my Erra.

12 years ago

I forgot to mention. -What you said about (Alexander lineage). Do you mean Alexander The Great? I really like what he stood for. I strongly believe if he had succeeded in taking over India & China. They wouldn’t be still killing there children and women. He believed every child born into this world. Should have the same opportunities as the next. To be educated, fed, have shelter. We need more men in this world with these same beliefs. People to this day still call him Great. I think of him as so. A friend of mine in India called him Alexander the butcher. I got upset! Since he was complaining how the parents and teachers killed kids. They berry baby girls in a hole alive if they don’t want a daughter. I told him. How dare you complain to me about the suffering in your country. I told him if Alexander had succeeded. You’re world would have been a better place to live in. He shut up. He said I never thought of it that way! I told him, sometimes war is good. When the war stands for freedom for our future generations. Some wars are worth fighting and worth dieing. My grandfather was in D-Day (WWII) He was a medic. I almost wasn’t here. If he had not survived. He got shot in the head and chest. Still he was trying to save as many men as possible. He told me the horrific trauma he under went. As the tears came..

I hugged him. I said, grandpa you don’t have to talk about this. It’s upsetting you! He said he had to tell someone. After the war he had 2 sets of boy girl twins and 2 more! My father was one of them. He kept his war memories secret and never talked about it to anyone! He told me he had to let it out! He died a month later. He was a good man. Grandpa Victor is my Hero! He also received 2 purple hearts for his bravery. He told me, Angela I would give them back if it meant I could bring those boys back to life. He said they were crying wanting there parents and there wasn’t anything he could do for them. I hate war. But I do know sometimes wars are necessary.

12 years ago

Drake I have a question for you! Did you live in Scotland around 1544? Did you ever get to meet the Virgin Queen Elizabeth? You know I’ve seen allot of that life. -I’ll say’ she was so alone! Every man she ever loved she had to let go! I feel she wished for a man like you! Perhaps she only wanted to lead a normal life like everyone else. She did have children in secret. She had to keep it hidden, or else the churches would harm them and her. At least she’s free of that. I am curious as to what you think of her now? Did you like her then? Did you think she was a good Queen? Since you lived then. Thank you for answering my questions.

As for the picture. I really didn’t expect you to show me your true identity. And I think its amazing you have shared as much with me as you have. To me looks really doesn’t make any difference! Mostly what’s important is within. You look great for your age! 😉 I’m going to watch Netflix. Do you guys have this? Last night I ended up watching a vampire movie. It wasn’t so bad. Made in Germany. It’s called “We Are The Night”. Pretty good animations. I’m sorry Drake that you were in war as well. That must have been brutal back then.

12 years ago

Thank you Rebecca and Xavier. So beautiful. Rebecca you surely can become a model. You two are an amazing couple. I also wrote in the other part of this forum.

Drake I don’t want you to catch any heat from Julia or Duanna because of me. I will behave myself.

Best Wishes. -Angela

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Thanks! I did a little modeling in college. Actually I posed for the photography, and art classes for a little extra cash. Amazing how you become the most popular girl once word gets out about posing nude. My phone was ringing off the hook, and it took forever to cross the campus with the droves of guys accosting me.

12 years ago

Hello Drake. Yes I mistakenly took what you said of- Alexander as the Great! Very sorry! I was also rattled that day about hearing about the babies put down. I didn’t mean to rant on about that. I just am a live and let live type. As for the gods? Why shouldn’t they trust in good Vampires such as your self and Duanna? Perhaps there judging ways have changed over the centuries. I believe Zeus is observing. Maybe he’s trying to see everyone’s point of view before he intervenes.

About Charles, this is very sad what happened to him. I felt his sorrow when we were together. He didn’t say to much! But his charming smile said it all. Seems that I did take some of that sorrow away from him for a short time. I can’t remember if I called him Drake or not. I hope I didn’t. I don’t want him more sad than has been. Was very kind of him to have come to me. I think he knows how alone I’ve been in this lifetime. I have been very disappointed in the men in this life time! Maybe he seen my sorrow as well. There are things I have not told you. I shouldn’t say on here. I’m sure Charles knows if he read saw my past.

Nosferatu is awesome! I often would wonder if he was a true vampire. Drake my grandmother Adrianne loves Gone with the wind. When I visited my family for Easter. I brought her a gift. I battled on an online auction to win a collectors series of the cast of “Gone with the wind” (Original pictures). She was so weak trying to open the gift I had to help her. Soon as she saw -“Thomas Mitchell as-Gerald O’Hara”. Her eyes lit up! She said “Oh My”.. 😉 He sure is a hansom devil. The entire family seen and smiled. As you know Stephen and Lisa don’t like me. They just gave me an odd look. I’m like what? 😉 I want her to be happy. She said Thank you so much Angela.. I know just the spot in my bedroom for these. lol Over the years I have also gotten her the collectors series of Gone with the wind on DVD. The Songs etc. I try to spoil her rotten.

Drake I can see why everyone thought you were him. You’re like his twin. But I believe you are even more dashing and ‘debonair. 🙂 I would love to one day see you in a kilt. I bet you make it look good. Have you ever played the bagpipes? Very cool in deed’. I love the piano & violin. In high school I played the saxophone.

As for Duanna,.. I don’t think I can really compete with her. Since I owe here much gratitude for you to be here now. Would be a dream come true to meet you in person. Just make sure it’s before I’m an old woman. That is if I ever grow old. I’m very happy to have met you Drake. Rebecca & Xavier too!

About Elizabeth, she really didn’t want her cousin the queen of Scotland Mary to be be-headed. When they did this she felt great anguish. The church controlled everything Elizabeth did. They about had her head as well. They were looking for any little thing to get her off the throne. Elizabeth did have spies who looked out for her. Some had abilities in astral-ling. She had a very good circle. She did lose sleep allot! About the bloodshed of her people and what happened on Scottish territory. At least this is what I have been shown. She also pitted her enemies. If you ask me. She should have told Sir Robert Dudley to leave her alone! And married the Spanish Prince. Since they did have an agreement since childhood to wed. What the Spanish prince didn’t know. She made a promise to her sister on her death bed. That she would never marry the prince. Since he was her husband. She kept her promise.

Drake perhaps she adored you more than you ever knew. I believe she really wanted peace. Also to be loved by someone such as yourself. That surprised me when you said she agreed to have a Ménage à trois. Since I know it’s not like her to share her man. Well, perhaps she felt at the time you were well worth it. Or sensed she’d never have that chance to be with you again! I’m sure you gave her something to always cherish! I don’t believe she was apart of the Illuminati, perhaps why they wanted her dead! She had a very strong will. They could not control her. I believe she was very misunderstood by many! She stood for her people. And lost out on true love. Thank you Drake for sharing this with me. Since I always wondered if she had any real man in her life. I guess she did. What a relief! 🙂

12 years ago

Yes, I sometimes am seen astrally in a robe. Since I sleep nude. 😉 Lately, it’s just way too hot to sleep with anything on. Once I did astral nude. I was embarrassed. Ghost men were whistling and following me. I was like someone help! What a nightmare that was. Drake, I agree with you about royalty. To me they only breed hypocrites and ignorance. A lazy breed if you ask me. Did you know that Elizabeth loved the under dogs of society? She knighted a pirate. 😉 Like I said, she was very misunderstood. But she also allowed herself to get hurt easily by opening up to the wrong sorts of people.

Also, I understand what you were saying about Duanna. She is beautiful. I’m sure being with her that long was a pleasure! I sensed a motherly feeling around her. She is very kind hearted. I know if I were turned by you. I would gladly call you my Master! 😉 Yes master!!! I’m sure there are many perks! So you’re a Pisces, water sign. Sorry I missed your birthday! What did you do? 🙂 Did you get those birthday spankings? That would be allot! haha’..

12 years ago

That’s cool Rebecca. 🙂 I’m sure you had fun Modeling. I loved it. I just had a son to think about! At least I had the opportunity to know what it was like. Yeah I agree kids probably would complicate things now. Especially with how the world is going. Smart to wait! Marriage can be good for some. The only thing I would change about my past. Would be to still have the two kids and not ever get married. True! Way too many pot holes. Marriage can be good for some ppl. Not everyone!

Drake awe.. that’s awesome! I love it.. you play the bagpipes. Pretty neat you still have your father’s bagpipes. You’re right ghost men don’t change much from there lives. As for Elizabeth, I’m sure she adored you very much! Probably didn’t take to much to convince her to be with you. Just a feeling. 😉 Drake I had a vision last year. There was a castle.. Was as if I were looking down from a window. I could see a man with black hair scouring the castle walls. Did you ever climb the castle walls?

It was pretty amazing. Looked as if he did this easily. Is it easy to do this? Did you climb to get to Elizabeth? Or check up on her ever? I always wondered who this man was. At first I thought it might have been Dudley. But I’m sure it wasn’t him. No ropes and he was making it look to easy. I’ve had many visions from Elizabeth’s past. She feared the tower.. Where they wanted to have her beheaded.

Her older step sister hated her. Tried saying she was apart of the Protestants who were against her Catholic religion. Elizabeth really didn’t agree with the evil they did to the people for there beliefs. Burning someone for there religion was just unjust back then. I’m sure you seen allot of it happen.

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

I probably have plenty of time to have kids since I’m theoretically half immortal. Although I don’t know what that means. Mermaids are immortal, and I’m half Mermaid so I should be young for quite a long time I would think. And if Xavier seems to be aging I’ll have to come up with some magical way to keep him young.

12 years ago

I’m not saying I wouldn’t ever have married. Just not the man I choose. Since he wasn’t ready. I just try to let it go.. Blame it on the young age. Obvious he wasn’t ready. He’s in denial as well. I probably would get married again only if he’s the right man. I don’t want put down marriage. It’s was the man I was with. I believe if I had been with a man who felt the way I did. It would have worked. Good luck to you two! 🙂 Now days people don’t really have to get married. (“Father Tom if you read this.. I’m sorry! Just my life experiences.)

Xavier Remington
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Father Tom probably won’t be on here awhile. He’s leaving for the Vatican City. He’s all excited the Pope invited him, and other Priests who have excelled in Exorcism to meet at a secret conference on the supernatural in the basement of the Vatican.

Tom does take the Bible seriously. He’s concerned about me, and Rebecca’s immortal souls because we live in sin but I don’t really believe people will be punished for that. Otherwise most of the planets populace would not be in Gods good graces. I feel bad for Father Tom. He told me once he’s never even seen a woman naked let alone touched one.

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago

Well I have a confession to make Xavier. After he told you that I let him see me naked. He thought it was an accident but I did it on purpose. It was that Saturday you, Drake, Hunter, and the guys went on that weekend camping trip where Drake had the gnome blood so he could be in the sun. Anyway I called Father Tom over to make sure that our poltergeist was really gone. I told him I had to get ready from some appointment, and he should just let himself in to make sure the place was cleansed. I waited until he was upstairs, and walked out of the bathroom buck naked just then. He was really shocked, and he actually let out a squealing type of sound. It was hilarious as his eyes bugged out looking at my big breasts, and everything else. OMG I still think it’s hilarious! I was carrying my towel just to drop it on the ground so I had to bend over, and pick it up. Naturally I swung around so my rear was facing him as I bent over. Boy he must have gotten an eye full. He kept staring for a number of seconds before I finally covered myself up. He then acted all ashamed, and apologized. Before I walked back in the bathroom I could clearly see he was aroused. So we know he likes girls. That’s for sure. When I was in the bathroom I heard him asking the Holy Lord for forgiveness for his impure thoughts. I peeked out, and he was kneeling on the floor holding his Bible in one hand, and a crucifix in the other. Then I felt kind of bad but then I think about his reaction, and I start laughing again. I know I’m such a bad bad girl Xavier! You aren’t mad are you?

Xavier Remington
12 years ago

OMG you exposed your bare nakedness to Father Tom?!? That poor bastard! How could you do that to him? Hell he was probably whipping himself in the church basement. Damn now I’m laughing but this isn’t funny! On the one hand I’m mad that you violated the mans beliefs, and deceived him but on the other I feel like you gave him a treat letting him see your teats. I’d normally be jealous but if he asked to see you naked I’d let him just out of pity. That explains why he would get nervous around you after that, and had trouble looking you in the eye. I bet he fantasizes about you now, and then beats himself up over it. Oh man poor Father Tom!

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago

Sorry Xavier! You know I have my devious side sometimes, and it was kind of exciting letting a totally innocent guy see me. Gosh that sounds so evil that I purposely corrupted a servant of the Lord but I didn’t think of it that way at the time. I’ll try to think first before I strip next time. I’ll be upstairs soon. I’m just finishing up some potions in my Witches Lair.

Zack Powers
12 years ago

LOL that’s beyond funny as hell! Father Tom saw you naked! Any chance the same thing could happen to me?

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  Zack Powers

In your dreams Zack!

Xavier Remington
12 years ago
Reply to  Zack Powers

Yeah Zack stop being such a perv!

Hunter Jackson
12 years ago

Sweet mother of God! Father Tom’s a player now! Hahaha!

12 years ago

LOL hahaha’ Made me laugh’. Rebecca that was awesome! I think that was the best thing you could have done for Father Tom. I’m sure deep down he’s happy! 🙂 God never said for men of God (Priests) Not to have a woman. Or am I wrong?

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

The Bible doesn’t say anything of the sort. That’s just a man made Catholic religion thing but it is the dominant religion on Earth. The collective human belief in Catholic Christianity gives it power. That’s why their holy water, and other religious artifacts are the best. I’m sure Father Tom would have a thing or two to say about that.

I know every time I think about it I break out into uncontrollable laughter. I was almost tempted to grab his hands, and slap them on my breasts but he might have had a heart attack…LOL!

Xavier Remington
12 years ago

If Tom touched your titanic teats he would have worked himself into a tizzy, and then passed out in an ecstasy that was not that of the Lord. He probably would have been hanging out at the local strip club by the end of the week. The very one he keeps trying to shut down.

12 years ago

LOL OMG! Probably. hahaha’. -I’m sure he’ll still get a virgin in haven. 😉 Rebecca, I’m sure he’s had better dreams since.

12 years ago

Drake I’m very sorry to hear about Josephine. 🙁 Were you going to turn her into a Vampire? Or didn’t she want to? From the vision I had. Felt like you were rescuing me. lol I don’t know how or why I had that. It’s hard for me to distinguish if it’s my past or just seeing someone else s. That must have really hurt getting stabbed like that. I didn’t know you could heal from getting stabbed in the heart. That evil man deserved what he got. You’ve saved allot of people Drake, just by getting rid of him. You sound like a knight in shining Armour. 🙂

12 years ago

I understand why you didn’t transform Josephine. I’m sure she’s been reborn by now. There is a place like haven, (Close to haven.) Good souls are there. But they also leave and are reborn. I’m not sure if they can choose or not. I have seen this place before! While I astral, sometimes it feels like I’m inside of a video game. I was walking in a beautiful flowering field one minute. The next step I was in a hellish place. LOL Like a line or rip in the universe. Freaked me out! I ran back to the field. I don’t think The hellish creatures could walk into the field like I could. I have done this many times. It’s very unusual how our parallel universes work!

Drake, before I went to bed last night around 2:30am. I lit my candle as I always do. This time I tried something different before sending you energy. I have 6 stones. All are different. One Obsidian. a yellow crystal. White stones. Grey. I’m not sure what they all are. I collected them when I was at the spring last summer. They came from very clean water. “Not holy”. I then placed each stone into my palm one at a time and charged it for you. I’ve never done this before! I thought this is to make a Vampire walk in the day’. I was very specific about not curing you of your vampire state. I then glided each stone carefully over the flame slowly. I made sure they were heated up.

-Then again put them all together in my palms and charged them again! I placed some of the stones on my Chakora’s & held other stones in my hands. My left hand I held the white and right hand the Black stone. As I lay there for a few minutes I felt very powerful energy from these stones. It really made a huge difference. Once I felt one with these stones I then made an orb of energy. The color I thought about was of a very dark blue. I then sent it to you. Not sure if you felt this or not? Between 2:30 -3am. I did this about 7 times until I felt there was not more energy from the stones. I was very specific about the energy being for a Vampire. Hopefully you felt good.

Also, again this morning when I woke I sent you something different. I had allot of energy. I didn’t need the stones. I imagines an electric ball.. full of protection for you against the sun. Again the color was of dark navy blue. If anything this will make you feel tingly and more energetic. I also sent one to Charles. Not sure if you two felt this or not. I did send some to Xavier and Rebecca as well. Last night. 🙂 I hope I didn’t wake them. I know this is very long. Please let me know how you felt if you felt anything? Drake I think it’s pretty amazing that you were fighting for what you strongly believed in. I’m sure those days were very rough back then. Seems like the British were brutes. 😉

Xavier Remington
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Me, and Rebecca didn’t wake up that night. However I think we had sleep sex. Sort of the equivalent of sleep walking. I had these vivid dreams of me, and Rebecca. She told me she had the same dreams. We both awoke at the same time with her on top of me, and we were both naked. Thank God Rebecca cast a contraception spell on both of us when we first got to together years ago! Oh boy I hope Father Tom is too busy at the Vatican to read this!

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

I sure think something happened since as Xavier said we shared the same sensual dreams. Then I woke up lying on top of him naked. We were modestly clothed, and lying next to each other when we fell asleep. I can’t recall ever having mutual sleep sex before. It was almost as exciting as levitation sex. Xavier loves it when I use witchcraft to simulate zero G!

12 years ago

About the Hickory stakes. I really hope I’ll never have to kill anyone! I doubt I’ll ever kill a Vampire! Only if I were being completely attacked for my blood. I hope not! If that vampire does come for me. He knows to wait! I will go with him as long as my kids are safe. Once they are both grown up and gone on there own. Who knows, maybe he’s decided not to come for me. I am very difficult. I think he knows I just don’t have it in me to kill anything. I feel bad when I have in the past.. that child murder. I’m sure he saw .. perhaps it was a test to see how I’ll react etc. I really don’t know.

I have no problems protecting the innocent while in my wolf form. Since the werewolves were trying to rip me apart from every direction. I didn’t have any choice than to fight! Still I don’t like war at all. I prefer to just stay out of it all together! I use whatever gifts I’ve been given to help the world and humanity. What else am I to do with it? I refuse to ever abuse it. Why I don’t understand how the Royals and Werewolves can do that. Probably way to nice to have this predator gift. Drake I am sure you will meet with Josephine again! Perhaps she is your soul mate.

12 years ago

Hey Drake, I also have had no internet the past few days.. no problem. -That’s awesome! I really tried hard to make you a day walker. I’m not sure how potent the energy will be or how long it will last. So please be careful. You’re the first real Vampire friend I’ve ever had. It’s a pleasure knowing you all. Did you take any pictures? I bet it was so beautiful in the forest. When I was young I got lost in a forest. It was pretty scary. Since a wild dog that looked part dingo wanted to eat me. There was an old tree house in the woods. My dad took me on nature walks on weekends at 5am as the sun would rise up he’d show me the beautiful webs in mornings dew. Well I thought I could do this myself. Bad idea. What happened next.. Well I found that old fort.. it was falling apart.. Dry rotted. I came down and decided it’s time to leave. Well I walked 100 feet away and forgot where to go from there. Then a wild dog came snarling closer and closer… I stood still. His fir was all up..

I stood very still and looked behind me looking to see if I had a chance of running to that tree fort. Not a chance! I knew I was dog food. lol So I decided what the heck. I ESP’d the growling dog about my mothers roast beef in the fridge. I then got down on my knees and clapped my hands on my legs… come here boy’.. come on.. his head cocked to the side.. (As if was thinking what the hell?) lol He then didn’t know what to do. I then slowly approached him and pet his head. He then took me home. No lie! I kept my promise. I took out my moms roast and as he devoured it. A chill went down my spine.. That could have been me. My father came home. I told him what had happened. He laughed at me.. Angela that story tops all mine. 😉

I said no dad No lie…. then the dog came to me. I told him careful dad.. as he tried to pet him the dogs fur shot up and his teeth all out at him. He jerked his hand back and jumped back.. said Angela you have a gift! .. I was only 8yrs old. I told him he’s the one that taught me how to be one with nature. That dog even slept in my room. Eventually he left on his own.. 2 months later. (This happened in Texas).. Before my parents divorced. He was in the Army. So we moved around allot! But since then I promised my parents never to venture alone in the woods. If I had panicked I wouldn’t be here today. My father also said this dog was of something he had never seen before. It had no fur.. looked like a cross between a Tasmanian Devil and dingo. It had stripes.. and when it yawned it’s mouth was huge. Like a crock. He figured if it didn’t kill me it would never. He was right. Sorry this is so long. I miss the forest. 🙂 I also grew up on the river.. I had a rope I would swing out and drop into the river.

I’ve heard of this from others as well. We have other lives in other realities. Very cool that you were able to experience this. Awe you were a family man. How did you like being a hubby & daddy? 🙂 There’s just so much we have to learn about Parallel universes. I’ll send you more energy tonight at 12:30am. I hope I can protect you from the sun. Just make sure you have cover in case it doesn’t last. I would never forgive myself if anything bad happened to you. Perhaps I’m a leprechaun lol 😉 haha j/k

12 years ago

Rebecca & Xavier. Oh my gosh.. I didn’t expect that to happen to you guys. Yeah I would feel bad if you got Preggers Rebecca because I sent too much energy. -Although there are worse things in this world than babies. We were just talking about that too. lol Seriously though. I hope not.. You both should enjoy this time alone. Do you guys want me to keep sending energy?

Should I stop for a little while? I will feel bad if you get pregnant because of this. One of my high school friends came to visit me with her husband. They were trying to conceive for the last 2 years. She heard that I went to school for reflexology. So I showed them both were the sex buttons are. 3 weeks later she finds out she’s preggers. They ended up having twin girls. and had 2 more since! (4 in all) lol I just don’t want this to happen to you two if you’re not ready. Let me know. I won’t send any tonight. I guess Drake will get it all.

Xavier Remington
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Whatever you like. Me, and Rebecca don’t worry about her getting pregnant. We have complete faith in her magic contraception. However we talked to our neighbor Tiffany Sanders the other day, and she said she heard moaning outside in the dead of the night. When she peered out her window she saw me, and Rebecca on the front lawn naked. Apparently we put on quite a show for her. Neither of us remember that happening. We must have sleep walked outside, and then returned to our bed again. Hopefully nobody else saw us. Father Tom would have had a heart attack if he had happened along for a ultra early morning stroll.

That reminds me of that time a few years ago when me, and Rebecca were bored to tears during his church service, and we sneaked out, and make love in the confessional.

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Yes as Xavier said we are not concerned about birth control. It’s virtually foolproof unless a God or Goddess was to interfere in my spells.

I don’t mind being seen having sex. I guess I’m kind of a exhibitionist. However Xavier is hesitant to do such daring things. We were at a nude beach resort in the Caribbean once, and I said lets do it right here amid all the people. A handful of other couples were already blatantly having various forms of fun. Certainly nobody was complaining. He finally agreed but we used our beach umbrella to provide some cover. It was extremely exciting!

12 years ago

LOL wow.. 😉 I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. I have had my experiences since high school. Started at the old oak tree. 😉 Back of the car.. at a park. Then in a public park. My ex bf in high school was very wild. He knew how shy I was, so he’d push the envelope. Since I refused to have sex with him again at the public park.. because children were present. (He got upset at me.) He ended up dumping me for a more wild and carefree girl. Actually she did me a huge favored. But I do miss the old days.. I didn’t mind getting a little wild. Just when kids were around I refused. I do have shame. 🙂

I’ve always wanted to have sex in England’s little red phone booths. lol I had a great dream I ravaged my ex Greg there. Wow… It was so lucid. Once I woke up! I asked asked him if he had the same dream? He’s like no. I was like really? damn. lol Then who was he? Tricked me into being with him … looked like my ex. It was awesome! I think if I ever do get to England & have a man….. I would love to do that. Rebecca I’ve always wanted to goto a nude beach. Just never did. Never lose that flame. Once you do have kids it gets harder to be alone and you have to be quieter lol. My kids now say’ Mom we know you and dad have sex. Because he’s so damn loud. We’re like plugging our ears going la la la.. We never hear you! lol I’m like well umm…. 😉 hahaha’.. My son said this to me when he was 18. Now he’s almost 21.

Made me laugh about having sex in church. I’ve wondered about that.. lol If anyone ever did. I’ve had sex on a trampoline. lol That was interesting! 😉 Then a racoon was up on the tree above us. We scared the coon off the tree and that distracted me. lol Also a cat scurried. We freaked out nature. I hope Father Tom don’t come in here. I wonder what he’s going to think of me? 😉

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

While Drake was in Switzerland I was off at a Beltane retreat in the mountains with my coven which I just got home from. Naturally it involved us all being naked around a giant bonfire. Oh yeah Father Tom you know you were lurking around the woods peeping on us. I got the feeling he was nearby. It’s possible because he was supposed to come back from his Vatican vacation last week but nobody has heard from him. Yeah I hope he doesn’t come on here because I must say I’ve dreamed of having sex in the Vatican for so long a time! Maybe me, and Xavier will go to Rome on a vacation someday. Or maybe we’ll luck out and a case will take us there. OMG wouldn’t it be a shame if my breasts came spilling out in front of the Pope! LOL!

If Father Tom was in the woods he probably had the time of his life. A rival coven showed up, and we ended up wrestling in the mud naked. Eventually we were all laughing in the mud, and joined in the Beltane celebration together. I’m not a lesbian or anything but who knew rubbing up against other girls naked could feel so good. LOL!

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with public sex…that is if you don’t get caught. I’ve been caught a few times but women never seem to get in trouble for such things. I think my most daring sexual encounter was with my Marine ex-boyfriend. He was on stand by lock down status at Camp Pendleton. I sneaked onto the base during the day, and found him working in a building. I was dressed in a uniform I glamoured through magic. We went back to the barracks, to totally nude, and had sex on his top bunk. I was on top cowgirl style, and was really into it. I hadn’t realized that all the men had returned. About twenty of them just standing around the bunk. My boyfriend kept tapping me to stop. I opened my eyes, and was shocked to see all these guys suddenly whistling, and making “wooo” sounds. They had been smart enough to remain quiet so they could watch us. My boyfriend was beyond embarrassed but it deeply excited me. I hopped of the bunk right into two guys arms, picked my clothes off the floor, and ran off to the bathroom jiggling past a number of men.

Speaking of sex in front of other people. Me, and Xavier were on a case once, and had to infiltrate a Devil worshiping cult full of nutty witches, and warlocks. In order to blend in we had to join in an orgy as this mansion Xavier was hesitant at first but he loved it once he got into it. Oh yes Father Tom I’ve been a bad bad girl. I need you to administer penance to me, and personally punish me for my sins. LOL!

Xavier Remington
12 years ago

Wow! I had no idea you did it in front of an entire Marine Platoon! Let’s do it on the front lawn again tonight. Except this time we’ll be awake. I know our neighbor Tiffany Sanders has a crush on me, and she loved seeing it last time.

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago

Yeah we should give Tiffany a thrill but I was hoping to do it on the roof tonight. I was going to Mystic Sphere us out the bedroom window right onto the roof buck naked. Or I know you love doing it in the clouds. I could pop us up to the stratosphere. The clouds would be our bed, and the light of the silverly Moon could be ours for the taking my love.

Xavier Remington
12 years ago

God yeah let’s have the stratosphere sex! I’m at the office, and I’ll be home in ten minutes! See you soon sweet stuff!

12 years ago

When I send the energy to you and Xavier.. I am specific that it’s healing energy. Why it hits you two so strong I don’t know. In the yard omg! 😉 That’s freaky you didn’t remember doing this. I probably sent way too much! Last night I sent allot to Drake! Also to Duanna. Then as I fell asleep… I had the weirdest dreams about vampires. There were two packs or covens.. One were very good and the other evil. The bad ones scared me so much. They were chasing me. I refused to fight them. I went into a fetal position on the ground. Then one peed on me. I was like really? Wow… what a meany. lol Instead of biting me he urinated on me. Was discussing, I was gong to get up and wolf out on him. But I figured it was my pride he was hurting. Not worth hurting anyone over that.

I then talked to an unknown vampire that was in the bad pack. I looked him in the eyes.. Said to him.. Do you ever remember your human side? How could you be so heartless. Since I seen them killing good people. He just looked at me. He didn’t say a word. I don’t know what it meant. I just tried hard not to fight. Then I woke up!

12 years ago

Hey guys. lol Well should I send more then? 😉 hahaha’. You two are a great couple. Rebecca, never change! I’m sure Xavier likes your wild side! I bet the mountains were beautiful. I really want to visit Scotland soon! It’s beautiful. I laughed about what you said about Father Tom. I wonder if he’ll come in here and read everything we’ve been saying? 😉

What you said about sex on the bunk. lol I had sex on the Naval ship ( USS Clevland ).my ex was a Navy man. He was in charge of all of the movies for all the men. Also he did watches and fixed the electronics in the ship. We had our own little broadcasting room. He could lock the door thank god. 😉 I would bring him a Whopper and fries from Burger King. I lived in the Navy housing so I could pop over and visit him. But going up all those steps was fun. Talk about buns of steel. lol I got quit a work out everyday! 😉 umm..

Rebecca is Drake going to be alright? I heard he had a run in with the Illuminati .. I was worried last night. Had a bad feeling. Didn’t know if something bad happened. Well he’s over 700 yrs old. I should know he can take care of himself. I’m going to bed earlier tonight. Since I need to take my daughter to Cedar Rapids at 8am. Need to be up early. 😉 I’ll send you all some energy at 12am. Night.

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Drake is going to be just fine. Even if the whole Illuminati, and their New World Order attacked him he’s got us, and all our supernatural allies. I don’t think they’re power base if ready for Armageddon just yet.

I’m sure if Father Tom reads everything we’ve said on here since he was gone at the Vatican he’d be mortified, and probably wouldn’t even post anything. Poor Father Tom all alone with his sinful thoughts, and his Jesus statue. I hope he can finally choose a lifestyle, and stop straddling the fence.

Yes we got your energy, and since we had already made love I think we got more of a peaceful energy effect. We had one of the best nights sleep ever with plenty of pleasant dreams. Thanks Angela!

12 years ago

I meant to say Switzerland. lol I’m tired. I bet it was breath taking.

12 years ago

You’re very welcome Rebecca. 🙂 I’m currently creating a website. I wish to help many. I’m not going to charge for any of my services. Not until I feel I have really perfected this. I have worked with 4 other Reiki Masters. We would all focus on a woman who was dieing of brain cancer. We cured her of this. That was my first time working with others. I seem to do good on my own as well. The Reiki Master wanted to know my techniques. He does it completely different than me. I told him I do many visualizations. And I have a very strong will. It’s more of a belief system. He asked me to throw some energy at him to make him more powerful in his healing abilities. I did. We haven’t talked since. I don’t mind healing people. I’ll let you know when my page is complete. I was going to have a donation button put on it. But the site will remain free. 🙂 I enjoy helping others.

Xavier Remington
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Let us know when your site is ready to rock so we can do a link exchange.

Rebecca Abernathy
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

We look forward to your completed site!

OMG I’m so bad! When I was in India I emailed Father Tom a photo of me bathing in a river with the locals. We were all naked! LOL! It’s how they do things in a small Indian village. In the subject line I typed “Thinking Of You” 🙂

12 years ago

Hi Xavier & Rebecca. Sorry for the late response. I’ve been busy with my kids. Mothers day today. 😉 I’ve been trying to create my website in flash. What a challenge it’s been. I would love to include your link to my site.

Lol Rebecca. 🙂 hahaha.. Tormenting poor Tom again! I’m sure you guys are all happy to be home. So am I.. I’ve been hiking and exploring the wild caves here.

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