What Happens To Any Practitioner Of Magic Who Uses Their Craft Directly To Amass Wealth?
A powerful Magical Practitioner could easily amass billions or even trillions to become the richest person on Earth. In such an extreme case, The Supernatural Secrecy Pact would most likely come into play, and “The Powers That Be” would enforce it by reversing said gains. The Paranormal Pact is a part of Universal Law that can be enforced by any higher dimensional faction that signed it. Even utilizing magic for personal gain on a moderate scale always causes bad luck. It will negatively impact others as well since the Universe always strives for a natural state of balance. Anytime magic is used, especially in human affairs, it disrupts the natural balance of nature on Earth and in the greater Universe as well.
Can Nature Deities Give You Wealth?
At the very least, a gifted witch, wizard, or sorcerer may be able to do something like cast a spell to magically clean their home without repercussion. They might even get away with creating magical money if it’s used to keep poverty at bay. Although it would be odd for a magician at that level to be poor. Especially when they can spiritually amplify their DNA to attract wealth or even manifest good luck. In addition, spells calling upon Gods or Goddesses for wealth fall upon deaf ears the majority of the time as they wish not to be cursed by bad luck themselves. The only exceptions are wealth-based deities who are masters of mingling luck and playing the supernatural system to give their worshippers what they deserve. This includes the Greek God Plutus and the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi just to name a few.
The Demonic Path To Riches?
Dark witches often call upon demons for wealth, but the accumulated money results in the exponential deterioration of their already tainted soul and the physical body as well. This goes for anyone making a deal with a demon to be wealthy, or for anything else for that matter. However, the direct sale of one’s soul to a demon generally holds off personal gain curses until the afterlife. Meanwhile, someone else in the Universe must suffer in their place.
It’s not fair, but justice will always reign supreme in the afterlife. Witches hell-bent on acquiring a fortune without demon deals will cast multiple protection and good luck spells on themselves. There are also specific spells and powerful potions to repel all manner of righteous beings and forces of nature. This is only a delusional delay of the inevitable Universal karma that will come back to bite them in the end!
The Dark Luck Of Using Magic To Get Money!
This bad luck can range from minor annoyances to death itself. Dark luck comes from a variety of sources that include Karma and higher dimensional beings who watch over the people negatively affected by a greedy witch. This could even be Guardian Angels. [Contact Your Guardian Angel[Ad] There are also the purveyors of supernatural money and luck. Leprechauns and their evil cousins, Clurichauns. Although it’s Clurichauns who dispense frightful fortune upon the good and evil equally with glee. Leprechauns can also remove good luck, thereby producing bad luck.
Both beings are attracted to anyone who acquires money through supernatural means or even by evil human means. Some have stolen a Leprechaun’s pot of gold for the wealth and the good luck imbued in the gold coins. Unfortunately for them, possessing such gold makes them a magnet for the angered Leprechauns and Clurichauns who would like to steal the gold themselves. The Leprechaun will do anything to get his gold back, including forging a temporary alliance with the Clurichaun. Not even a powerful practitioner of magic wants to get into a war with these combined Irish Lilliputians of luck.
Legitimately Creating Wealth Through Witchcraft

Those in the magical know can grant themselves general good luck with spells, potions, and lucky charms to attract wealth to them. For the average non-magical person, this can include practicing Manifestation and Abundance. Then it’s the fate of the Universe what wealth they receive. Maximum Manifestation success depends on your active imagination creating the perfect mindset to bring wealth your way!
The only few exceptions to the karma rule apply to Parallel Universes. For instance, you can use magic to send yourself to a parallel reality where you’re already rich. Of course, not many are powerful enough to move five dimensionally and traverse Parallel Worlds. Genies use this loophole in Universal Law to grant wishes and avoid negative karma themselves. So people who wish for riches end up in a near identical parallel world where they’re rich so Universal balance is maintained. Naturally, there’s the matter of melding with their Parallel Self or going to a reality where their counterpart has just died. Then they take their place without anyone the wiser.
Last but not least, don’t ever utilize any wealth spell that promises direct riches. Especially anything you find randomly on the internet, or buy from a non-board certified witch. They’re either ignorant or have darkness within them. Most of the time it will be a fraud, and if it isn’t you will find your newfound wealth will produce anything but happiness as the murky fog of bad luck sets in. The witches themselves will face dark luck for making others wealthy by magic. Some have learned the hard way that making their family rich isn’t a loophole. They’re benefiting and this results in even more negative repercussions cascading about uncontrollably. Any witchcraft sites or other links on this page are supernaturally legit![Purchase The Rich Witch Canvas Print At The Top Of This Page (Ad)]
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So it’s like the rule of 3?
Did you reply to a post by my brother Alexander Remington on Natural News about pink salt? There was a Facebook notification but when he clicks on it the link doesn’t end up on any comment. If it’s you what did you say? He can’t even find his comment so he has no idea what he said.
Sure the power of three will set you free!
Pink salt? I’ve never heard that before I didn’t post any comments about pink salt. by the way is he older than you?
Yes Alexander is older, and wiser in the ways of higher dimensional awareness in his capacity as the founder of the Godhoodism religion. Himalayan Pink Salt is healthy, and true salt rather than the standard crap white table salt most people consume. Pink salt has all the essential minerals, and is good for you: http://www.naturalnews.com/028724_Himalayan_salt_sea.html
pink salt is healthier than table salt 0.O?!?! dang have you consumed pink salt before. makes me get a craving for salt now!
I’ve never been a fan of salting my food. I usually douse everything in garlic, and cayenne pepper. Thankfully Rebecca likes the smell of garlic. When I do salt something I only use healthy pink salt. It’s a good source for trace minerals. Rebecca loves pink salt but she also drinks sea water so shes bursting with trace minerals.
-_- Rebecca, fish poop and pee on sea water
Fish poop, and pee in fresh water as well. Everything is filtered, and cleansed by Mother Earth. Even if I consumed some filthy water I wouldn’t get sick. I fell into a vat of raw sewage once, and accidentally swallowed a huge gulp. I had a mild stomach ache for a few minutes but after that nothing.
I’ve been a solitary magic practitioner for as long as I can remember, my question is does it require higher magic levels to become a teacher? Was it a mistake for a solitary to start a group?
Anyone who knows more than another can be their teacher.
do wish spells work?
if so, can you lend me a real wish spell?