September 7, 2024
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10 years ago

So it’s like the rule of 3?

Xavier Remington
10 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

Did you reply to a post by my brother Alexander Remington on Natural News about pink salt? There was a Facebook notification but when he clicks on it the link doesn’t end up on any comment. If it’s you what did you say? He can’t even find his comment so he has no idea what he said.

10 years ago

Pink salt? I’ve never heard that before I didn’t post any comments about pink salt. by the way is he older than you?

Xavier Remington
10 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

Yes Alexander is older, and wiser in the ways of higher dimensional awareness in his capacity as the founder of the Godhoodism religion. Himalayan Pink Salt is healthy, and true salt rather than the standard crap white table salt most people consume. Pink salt has all the essential minerals, and is good for you:

10 years ago

pink salt is healthier than table salt 0.O?!?! dang have you consumed pink salt before. makes me get a craving for salt now!

Xavier Remington
10 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

I’ve never been a fan of salting my food. I usually douse everything in garlic, and cayenne pepper. Thankfully Rebecca likes the smell of garlic. When I do salt something I only use healthy pink salt. It’s a good source for trace minerals. Rebecca loves pink salt but she also drinks sea water so shes bursting with trace minerals.

10 years ago

-_- Rebecca, fish poop and pee on sea water

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
10 years ago

I’ve been a solitary magic practitioner for as long as I can remember, my question is does it require higher magic levels to become a teacher? Was it a mistake for a solitary to start a group?

10 years ago

do wish spells work?

10 years ago

if so, can you lend me a real wish spell?

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