Updated On January 20, 2025, Inauguration Day With President Donald Trump…
Most governments back to the dawn of human civilization have been aware of the perplexing paranormal world. Often they’ve worked to keep knowledge of this alarming reality from the general populace for their own benefit and to prevent panic. However, the further you go back in history, the more citizens who knew about real monsters and magic while directly participating in it! Every four to eight years a brand new President is elected with a shocking entry into a society of supernatural secrets. All US Presidents have been briefed on the state of planetary paranormal affairs in their particular era. Most modern Presidents had no idea that so many myths and fables have some basis in truth. Earlier Presidents, including the Founding Fathers, knew full well the world was a far more dangerous place than it appeared to be! Many had direct conflicts with the horrors that are now thought to be fictional by most.
Table Of Contents – List Of US Presidents
1.) George Washington (1789 – 1797) 2.) John Adams (1797 – 1801) 3.) Thomas Jefferson (1801 – 1809) 4.) James Madison (1809 – 1817) 5.) James Monroe (1817 – 1825) 6.) John Quincy Adams (1825 – 1829) 7.) Andrew Jackson (1829 – 1837) 8.) Martin Van Buren (1837 – 1841) 9.) William Henry Harrison (1841) 10.) John Tyler (1841 – 1845) 11.) James Polk (1845 – 1849) 12.) Zachary Taylor (1849 – 1850) 13.) Millard Fillmore (1850 – 1853) 14.) Franklin Pierce (1853 – 1857) 15.) James Buchanan (1857 – 1861) 16.) Abraham Lincoln (1861 – 1865) 17.) Andrew Johnson (1865 – 1869) 18.) Ulysses S. Grant (1869 – 1877) 19.) Rutherford B. Hayes (1877 – 1881) 20.) James Garfield (1881) |
21.) Chester A. Arthur (1881 – 1885) 22.) Grover Cleveland (1885 – 1889) 23.) Benjamin Harrison (1889 – 1893) 24.) Grover Cleveland (1893 – 1897) 25.) William McKinley (1897 – 1901) 26.) Theodore Roosevelt (1901 – 1909) 27.) William Taft (1909 – 1913) 28.) Woodrow Wilson (1913 – 1921) 29.) Warren Harding (1921 – 1923) 30.) Calvin Coolidge (1923 – 1929) 31.) Herbert Hoover (1929 – 1933) 32.) Franklin Roosevelt (1933 – 1945) 33.) Harry S. Truman (1945 – 1953) 34.) Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953 – 1961) 35.) John F. Kennedy (1961 – 1963) 36.) Lyndon Johnson (1963 – 1969) 37.) Richard Nixon (1969 – 1974) 38.) Gerald Ford (1974 – 1977) 39.) Jimmy Carter (1977 – 1981) 40.) Ronald Reagan (1981 – 1989) |
41.) George Bush (1989 – 1993) 42.) Bill Clinton (1993 – 2001) 43.) George Bush, Jr. (2001 – 2009) 44.) Barack Obama (2009 – 2017) 45.) Donald Trump (2017 – 2021) 46.) Joseph Biden (2021 – 2025) 47.) Donald Trump (2025 – 2029) |
President George Washington Takes Down Monsters With His Trusty Hatchet
Our first President George Washington wasn’t just chopping down cherry trees with his hallowed hatched. Even as a child this magnificent bastard was taking down vampires, werewolves, and even random zombies in the woodlands and fields of Virginia where he grew up. Most prolifically he dealt with vampires preying on wounded soldiers in the Revolutionary War. It is even said in the secret supernatural record that General Washington personally decapitated a Ghoul who was cannibalizing fallen troops! While in office he tasked various soldiers to look into the supernatural scourge. They were ordered to keep their activities secret and report directly to him.
The Wicked Witch That Nearly Destroyed The United States
Earlier in his life, he nearly fell prey to a wayward witch! Before he met his future wife Martha a beguiling witch began a romance with him. Her intent was to marry him and become the First Lady. The witches mission was to plant subtle seeds that would destroy the USA before it could ever turn into a superpower. She had to be careful not to tip off time enforcement from the future because she was, in fact, a time traveler! Ultimately her witchcraft caught the attention of Witch Slayers who dispatched her and saved Washington along with the United States! It’s not known if she was working on her own or was a part of a magical temporal conspiracy.
The Witch Defense League
The Witch Slayers who saved Washington were members of a private group called The Witch Defense League (WDL). They had their roots going all the way back to the Salem Witch Trials of the late 1600s. The organization was made Quasi-Federal by George Washington in 1791 to keep it off the official books. Very few in the Executive Branch nor Congress knew of its existence. They reported directly to Washington and his successors. Although President John Adams thought it was all a bunch of bull! The Witch Hunters League was the first precursor to today’s supernatural government juggernaut known as The US Paranormal Defense Agency. The US PDA was created from several other secret agencies in 1977 by President Jimmy Carter. Carter himself was obsessed with the supernatural ever since his past encounter with extraterrestrials!
On future federal holidays expect metaphysical material on Presidents John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson (Friends without resident immortal vampire Drake Alexander), Martin Van Burn, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, and James Buchanan.
President James Polk: Voodoo Curse Victim
President James K Polk grew up in rural North Carolina and later Tennessee. He was a particularly frail child of poor health which was a major disadvantage in a family of frontier farmers. Doctors were baffled by his condition until an eccentric backwoods Healer sensed the child suffered from a Voodoo Curse. Polk’s father Samuel owned slaves and one of them cursed his firstborn before vanishing. As the firstborn of 10 children, James bore the brunt of the Curse. Curse creators sometimes find it crueler to curse the kin of those they hate so the suffering is doubled. With much effort, the Curse was reversed with the help of the Healer and a local Witch. Polk made a speedy recovery within months. The Curse was never reported in mainstream history books and a cover story of urinary stones being removed was used.
Unfortunately, Polk didn’t learn his lesson and continued to own slaves as an adult. He put forth the public persona as a benevolent slave owner but in reality, he only cared about making profits on the backs of forced free labor! It’s known that he hired cruel slave overseers and that slaves routinely fought to run away from his rule! Not long after leaving the White House, he died from cholera. Some suggest he was re-cursed for his wrongs against African-Americans. Others suggest the new curse was cast by a secret Aztec cult as payback for the loss of the Mexican-American War.
Polk was an extremely serious President with strict Methodist morals. He’s the only President to ban dancing in The White House. It’s thought he associated all dancing with Voodoo curse rituals taking place around bonfires. Unlike most Presidents, he didn’t host any grand balls or extravagant social affairs. He was laser-focused on the work of running the nation and making sure nobody around him had any fun. He had blinders on when it came to the world of the supernatural. During his paranormal briefing upon becoming President, he didn’t seem impressed by any of it. Despite being a victim of curses, he refused to give it or our paranormal planet any power over him and his vision for The United States. Naturally, the threat of supernatural entities increased during his administration because he directed his people to ignore them whenever possible. The internal government directive was secretly issued via Executive Order 66. This left the metaphysical bag in President Zachary Taylor’s hands after Polk left office.
President Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
Honest Abraham Lincoln, 16th President Of The United States Of America, was the most prolific supernatural slayer of all the Presidents! First, and foremost he was a genuine vampire slayer. In fact, the novel, and motion picture “Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter” is based on a true story. Like Washington, he stumbled upon malevolent monsters as a child in the wild. In this case, the backwoods of Kentucky and Illinois. Lincoln bravely eliminated werewolves, wendigos, ghouls, and even a horde of zombies. It’s said he saved Kentucky from being overrun by vampires. To this day the State still has a relatively low vampire populace. Rumors of a love affair with a fairy and Lincoln possessing some level of Sasquatch DNA have yet to be confirmed.
The Ghost Of Abe Lincoln
During his tenure as President, he began greatly expanding the various secret supernatural agencies already in place. Unfortunately, he was greatly distracted by the Civil War so many of his paranormal projects were placed on the back burner and some never saw the light of day after his tragic assassination. Abraham Lincoln ended up being a perpetual ghost tied to the White House. Specifically the Lincoln Bedroom. Efforts by Ghost Busters to free him have failed. It is unknown what ties him there for sure. Many used to think he was simply trying to finish out his Presidential term in a confused ghostly state. Now some speculate a powerful Confederate Curse coupled with Lincoln’s own guilt over blood spilled in the Civil War have trapped him on Earth! New shreds of evidence indicate the bullet that killed Lincoln may have been cursed by a Gypsy hired by John Wilkes Booth!
President Andrew Johnson
Vice-President Andrew Johnson became the 17th President Of The United States upon the assassination of Abraham Lincoln on April 15, 1865. Johnson holds the historical distinction of being the first President to be impeached. He was born in 1808 to an impoverished family who lived in a two-room shack in North Carolina. His first known interaction with the paranormal world came on his footbound trek to Tennessee in his late teens. A werewolf attacked him in the Appalachian wilderness. In his now-classified journal, Johnson wrote about the horror of “the wolf monster”. He shot the creature several times but only managed to slow it down since the bullets weren’t silver. The werewolf pinned him to the ground and he was about to be eaten to death. However, a small band of escaped slaves knew exactly what they were dealing with and killed the beast with extreme prejudice!
When a werewolf dies it turns back to human form. This one didn’t. It turned out to be a slave owner cursed into werewolf form by a Voodoo Witch Doctor associated with the former slaves. Johnson was shocked to learn about the beast from his new African American friends. Together they extracted the paranormal pelt as a prize. As a Tailors Apprentice Johnson offered to fashion the pelt into a luxurious jacket as a thank you for saving his life. Within a week the coat was complete and his friends bid him farewell as they headed North. Jackson continued on his journey to Tennessee. To this day The Werewolf Jacket is one of the most sought-after pieces of supernatural clothing. It’s said to protect the user not only from Werewolves but all manner of paranormal problems.
During his terms as Tennessee Governor, US Senator, and US Representative he learned quite a bit more about the secret supernatural realm. Even more alarming information was revealed to him upon election to the Vice-Presidency and then ascension to the Presidency. After the werewolf incident, he didn’t really have many known dealings with the paranormal. Although his classified journal indicates he was in contact with the ghost of President Lincoln or deeply delusional!
Future Federal holidays will grant us the paranormal perplexities of Presidents Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B Hayes, James A Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland, and William McKinley.
President Chester A. Arthur
Vice-President Chester A. Arthur ascended to the Presidency on September 19, 1881, after the assassination of President James A. Garfield. As our 21st President, Chester served the rest of Garfield’s term until 1885. He never sought direct election to The White House due to lack of support from his own Republican Party. Interestingly enough, Garfield’s assassin Charles J. Guiteau was known to be possessed by the Devil himself. However, we know it was a run-of-the-mill demon that infested his mind in the early 1870’s.
It’s said that Guiteau became possessed at the crazy Christian cult compound of the Oneida Community in the state of New York. Arthur’s old stomping grounds where he grew up and practiced law. As a lawyer, he defended a member of the cult who didn’t have the money to pay his legal fees. Asking the Oneida Cult would have resulted in shame and expulsion. Instead, the mysterious man offered him a future favor of great importance. Apparently, he was quite convincing to sway a lawyer to not pursue collections. Some believe the man had a slight hypnotic ability. Not enough to get rid of the debt outright.
Within the supernatural world, it’s rumored that Vice-President Arthur called in his favor after tensions between him and the President grew to the point of him being locked out of staff meetings. The mystery man was all too happy to pay his long overdue debt. He went to speak with former cult member Charles Guiteau. Some privately called him Crazy Chucky. He was no nuts that the cult excommunicated him. And that was before the demon possession! Chucky was easily manipulated into believing that the Vice-President was his salvation but he needed to be President to make it happen. That’s when he assassinated Garfield hoping that Arthur would reward him. For the record, we don’t know if this was what Chester actually wanted or if he simply asked to be back in the President’s good graces. Either way, he gladly entered the Presidency without hesitation! Read The Rest Of The Supernatural Story…
Big Game Cryptid Hunter Theodore Roosevelt
The 26th US President Theodore Roosevelt was known for his prolific trapping and hunting of large wildlife species throughout the United States and Africa as well. He was also an expert in tracking and taxidermy. In the 1880’s he became a Cowboy in the Dakota Territory where he built his ranch. It is there he first made contact with the local Sasquatch while hunting bison. The Bigfoot had been mingling with a buffalo herd and was startled by the gun shots. It fled into the woods never to be seen again. Although, it is said random rocks were thrown at him from a long range on several occasions by an unknown assailant. The Sasquatch are known for this territory-defending behavior. While ranching he dealt with Werewolves poaching livestock and even an Abominable Snowman Yeti during a blizzard. He shot the blasphemous beast in the head but it got away and most likely healed. It is beyond difficult to take down a Yeti!
Roosevelt On Supernatural Safari
Upon becoming Vice-President and later President in 1901, he was made privy to everything the United States government knew about our paranormal planet. These illuminating revelations ignited his imagination about expanding his hunting to a whole new level. However, he privately stated he drew the line at hunting vampires for sport as they appeared human. Shortly after his Presidency ended he partook in an African Safari in March 1909. There he hunted and trapped normal wildlife specimens for the Smithsonian Institution and the American Museum of Natural History. Secretly, he was also doing the same with paranormal cryptids for the US government. Roosevelt expanded the government’s knowledge of little known about African supernatural creatures. He and his safari nearly lost their lives on several occasions by the claws and mouths of mad monsters! However he captured one gentle creature. It was an herbivore Lion with supernatural abilities. It turned out to be a Reverse Vampire Lion!🦁
The Death Of Theodore Roosevelt
Upon his death, as he slept on January 05, 1919, Roosevelt ascended to the afterlife of Heaven as confirmed by prolific psychics, seers, and mystics. Thomas Marshall, Woodrow Wilson’s Vice President, said that “Death had to take Roosevelt sleeping, for if he had been awake, there would have been a fight!” We now know that had literal meaning since Theodore fought the Grim Reaper Death himself in the astral plane after his soul left his body. His Guardian Angel eventually intervened and said all would be well if he simply went into the light. Death still holds a grudge for his insolence to this day!
Coming Soon…William Howard Taft, Warren G Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, Dwight D Eisenhower, and Lyndon B Johnson.
Woodrow Wilson: The Illuminati President
Although the infamous plutocratic global elites of The Illuminati have always been lurking in the dark shadows of the US Government they never got a complete toehold until the 28th US Presidency of Woodrow Wilson. He is the first President bought and paid for directly by the Illuminati, also known as The New World Order. This is how Wilson rose to the Presidency in such a short period of time. He barely had two years of political experience between being elected Governor of New Jersey in 1910 and winning The White House in 1912. Before that, he had been a Professor of politics and history along with an eventual rise to President Of Princeton University. The evil elites have always had the power to make people Presidential Nominees and influence election results. In the case of 1912 having a four-way election with former Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft dividing the Republican vote aided in Democrat Wilson’s 42% victory. Socialist Eugene V Debs only minorly muddled the waters as the fourth candidate.🇺🇸
Woodrow Wilson’s Early Years
The road to becoming the Illuminati’s errand boy began back in 1860’s Confederate Georgia during the Civil War. After the South lost the war many so-called secret societies formed. Some related to the notorious KKK. Often organizations meant to bolster those who fancied themselves as being better than most. Wilson eventually found himself within one with loose connections to the Illuminati. He had no aspiration at the time to gain power but nonetheless, the power players kept an eye on this rising star of exceptional intelligence. Wilson worked his way through the nefarious network of secret societies that eventually lead him to become President Of Princeton University in 1902. It was that taste of power that made him crave more control over people and the world. In order to become President of the prestigious school he had to partake in a blood oath ritual pledging loyalty to a top-flight royal Illuminati elite. Things were going well until Wilson tried to leverage his connections to take things to the political level. It turns out Wilson wasn’t willing to take the next step to ascend to national power. Read The Rest Of The Story…
President John F Kennedy And Time Travelers
There are events in the 20th century that lure in many a time traveler from the future. One was the sinking of the Titanic that boasted some 200+ time travelers just before it sunk. Another event is the assassination of President Kennedy. While Time Cops have been rather lax when it comes to the Titanic they strictly enforce temporal incursions near John F Kennedy throughout his life. There’s an armada of decent travelers who attempt to save him or try to uncover the conspiratorial mystery of his assassination. Either way, the closest most can get to Dealy Plaza is at binocular distance.
The Failed Attempts To Save President Kennedy
It is known that at least a few gifted psychics tried to warn President Kennedy of his fate. Although he dismissed them as quacks. The same goes for the few time travelers who managed to meet him before he was President. Just as they were about to present high-tech proof of their claims some mysterious men would quickly intervene. They would then tell Kennedy the supposed time travelers were mentally ill. Of course, once he became President and was informed of the full extent of the supernatural world, including time travelers, he began to think twice about those past incidents. In fact, it is thought he changed his plans and Dallas wasn’t his original destination on that ill-fated day on November 22nd, 1963. Especially after one time traveler managed to pose as a security credentialed official and meet with him in the Oval Office! He showed Kennedy an iPad-like device with all manner of evidence including video. It was also revealed who was behind the conspiracy to kill him. Despite this, he still met his maker way too early in life.
The Conspiracy And Travel To The Future
In the distant future, it will be known that Kennedy discovered the Deep State. A wayward web of sinister secretive individuals and organizations who actually control the US Government no matter who is elected by the people. Kennedy made efforts to disband and expose this Deep State but ultimately they took him down with Lee Harvey Oswald as the fall guy. Apparently, the President informed a number of people who continued to cause trouble in future decades with secret documents Kennedy gave them. This prompted Deep State time assassins’ to go back and take down Kennedy at age 17 while he was at boarding school in 1934. A brave troop of private time travelers saved him by bringing Kennedy to 2118. Oddly enough Time Cops chose not to confront the assassins nor the saviors.
President Kennedy Is Shocked By The 22nd Century And His Fate
The temporal assassins went to 2118 and nearly killed Kennedy. He had escaped his saviors after he freaked out about being in the future and not knowing who to trust. He ended up hanging with a group of fellow teens who attended a swanky hologram laden party. Kennedy was shocked to learn about the dark future of his family and his own alarming end. The party quickly descended into chaos as the assassins’ were finally eradicated by the time saviors. Kennedy was returned to his own time with a memory alteration procedure so he would forget everything. The fictional version of this true story was featured in the television show Timeless (Season 2: Episode 5 “The Kennedy Curse”)[Watch Online]. Often government insiders release secret info to trusted entertainment industry sources to get ahead of any potential leaks. If it already exists as fiction then people won’t believe the real story.
President Kennedy’s Afterlife Is In The 28th Century!
It is said before Kennedy’s memory of the future was erased he requested to return upon his death. He was intrigued by the fantastical world of the early 22nd century. It is known that official time travelers are authorized to retrieve various important historical figures at the moment of their death. They are then resurrected with future medical procedures. The dead bodies are replaced with precise clones exhibiting the proper autopsy traits. The saviors had set up measures to do this but were confronted by a governmental time travel team from the 28th century with official credentials.
The Eternal Existence Of John F Kennedy
Kennedy ended up in the 28th century where he met up with some other people from the 1960’s. This included Marylin Monroe who he was rumored to have had an affair with. He was later allowed to visit his friends in the 22nd century. Kennedy ended up finding Jackie a century later where she was brought from the past by other time travelers. They were eventually re-married. John F Kennedy re-entered politics and became President Of Earth! Global Camelot takes place in the mid 29th century! Thankfully, the Deep State was no longer a threat anymore! It’s said at some point he rose in the ranks to President Of The United Galaxies Of Virgo in the 33rd century!
President Richard Nixon Thought The Supernatural World Was A Joke
President Nixon seemed to regard the supernatural world as a complete joke. So much so that he routinely broke security protocols and shared secrets with various friends and celebrities. This includes showing Jackie Gleason proof of aliens. Nixon reportedly went much further with Elvis Presley and shared virtually everything he knew! He even gave the King Of Rock And Roll a government badge that granted access to places like Area 51! Elvis took this illuminating information and followed some supernatural leads that granted him immortality! He fakes his death and took on a new identity. The King Of Rock still lives among us to this very day!
Nixon Hexed By Some Supernatural He Offended
As Vice-President, Nixon already had some knowledge of the paranormal. Once briefed on the full extent as President he just kept giggling the entire time. He would routinely refer to various entities as foolish freaks to be experimented on. Even commenting on how he’d love to conquer alien worlds and exterminate the whole lot of them! Amazingly, Nixon called the Devil himself a bumbling idiot who was too stupid to hold on to his Archangel status. He blatantly insulted an armada of powerful beings within the insulated delusion of his own Presidential power. It’s unknown who exactly hexed him to be beyond paranoid but it led him down the path to his disgrace in resignation. Oddly enough the hex might not have been necessary since Gerald Ford had struck a deal with a dark Leprechaun who in turn sent negative luck toward the Nixon Administration. Some of that bad luck bit Gerald on the rear during his own Presidency.
Ultimately Nixon’s idiocy and the hex upon him ended up affecting all of us! He ended the gold standard which has contributed to making our money more worthless with each passing day. He also opened up diplomatic relations with communist China instead of only recognizing Taiwan as the true Chinese government in exile. Nixon opened the door to the Chinese barn and now China has become a Superpower expanding around the world dominating on a variety of fronts. Virtually everything we buy seems to say “Made In China” on it! They routinely show their disdain for the United States and make no attempt to hide their plans for global domination! Let us hope that the Nixon Hex doesn’t end up destroying the entire planet!
The Arctic Abomination
The Soviet Union secretly tested a nuclear weapon in the Arctic in October 1972. It released a prehistoric monster that has been frozen in ice for millions of years! The blasphemous beast was somewhat comparable to Godzilla! A joint US-Soviet Military force found itself helpless against the Arctic Abomination. In the Eleventh Hour supernatural forces from around the world converged to defeat the threat to the world. A threat so great that even the forces of darkness entered the fray as one-time allies. Afterward, an ungrateful Nixon said, ” It was the least those freaks could do! At least they were of some use!” Read About The Arctic Abomination…
President Gerald Ford And The Evil Leprechaun Of Dark Luck
It seems that Gerald Ford developed strong aspirations to ascend to the Presidency once he became House Minority Leader. That first taste of true power can be quite addictive to some people! Sometime during the Nixon Administration, he crossed paths with a Clurichaun, aka evil Anti-Leprechaun. These little imps often pose as Leprechauns in order to trick unsuspecting humans. It’s conjectured that the Clurichaun chose Ford because his paternal grandfather, Charles King, had made a deal with a Clurichaun to become a prominent wealthy banker. However, in that case the bad luck wasn’t passed to his son, and the biological father of Ford, Leslie King. This happens if someone is smart enough to precisely word their wish. Dark Leprechauns like to choose members of the same family in order to build a multi-generation tidal wave of bad luck to feed off of. Read The Rest Of This Story…
President Jimmy Carter Forms The US Paranormal Defense Agency
When President Jimmy Carter took office in 1977 he was beyond shocked by the existence of vampires, werewolves, zombies, witches, and all the rest! He thought extraterrestrials were the only threat. This stemmed from his own brush with UFO’s in 1969. What Jimmy didn’t share was his own abduction by aliens. He knew nobody would believe him and he didn’t want to be branded as a complete nut. Upon his first extensive Presidential medical exam, an alien probe was found and removed from his body. It’s unknown if the ET’s knew of his future Presidency and were attempting to bring the USA under their control? Some have claimed his longevity and ability to easily beat cancer might be attributed to alien DNA experimentation.
Carter promptly unified all secret supernatural agencies into the Paranormal Defense Agency under the command of the US Department Of Defense. This in an effort to efficiently combat the supernatural scourge infesting the USA. Particularly the alien menace! Some say Carter’s obsession with the supernatural led him to drop the Presidential ball causing one of the more embarrassing Presidencies of all time. Second only to Ford of course! If only the world knew that some of the blame for his stagflationary days was his obsession with protecting citizens from the forces of evil! Frightening forces he angered and who also had their hand in the downfall of his Presidency when he lost re-election to Ronald Reagan in 1980.
President Ronald Reagan Was An Experienced Supernatural Slayer!
When President Ronald Reagan took the reigns of power he wasn’t surprised when he learned about the full extent of our paranormal planet. While serving as a lifeguard in 1920’s Dixon, Illinois some of the locals called him Ronnie The Vampire Slayer and later Dutch The Destroyer! He protected his small rural community from not only vampires but also werewolves and all manner of monsters! As an Actor in Hollywood, he came across power-hungry vampire producers and other evil entities. This included the demons looking to make dark deals and buy souls in return for fame. As California Governor, Reagan was privy to the various supernatural events reported to him by the State agencies under his command. The President worked hard to strengthen the effectiveness of the US Paranormal Defense Agency during the 1980’s. Many vampire nests, zombie uprisings, and werewolf attacks were thwarted under the Reagan Administration. Also See: Ronald Reagan Is Attacked By The Abominable Snowman And Saved By Santa Claus! I know it sounds crazy but it’s all real folks!
On future Federal holidays expect the paranormal Presidencies of George Bush, Sr, Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr, and Joe Biden…
President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama was no stranger to the world of the supernatural before taking office. As a five-year-old child, he saved a Menehune from a vampire! Menehune are the Elves of Hawaii known for their fine craftsmanship. Building various structures in particular. Young Barack had wandered off playing in the tropical forest as sunset approached. He got lost and happened upon a small human life creature struggling in the arms of a man whose eyes were glowing red. His fangs sunk into the flesh of the helpless creature that turned out to be a mythical Menehune.
Only children and certain special individuals can actually see the Menehune. Had the average person happened upon the scene they would have spotted the vampire hugging something invisible in his arms. Barack was oddly calm even though he knew nothing about vampires yet had heard stories about the Menehune. The vampire was startled at the appearance of the young boy. Thankfully, the vamp was newly sired and didn’t know everything about his kind. He foolishly dropped the Menehune for what he saw as the more appetizing human target. Obama’s calm turned to terror as the beast grabbed him and bit into his neck. Unfortunately for the vampire, he knew not that the blood of young children is a poison of sorts to his kind. The blissful innocence of childhood is a type of magic not readily digestible within vampires.
The vampire was weakened and dropped Obama in agony. The Menehune led him away to safety out of the forest and utilized some type of potion to block Barack’s scent so the vampire wouldn’t come after him out of revenge. The deeply thankful Menehune promised to make Barack’s fondest wish come true. That was when he declared he wanted to be President Of The United States Of America. The Menehune have minimal wish-granting powers so the little guy had to call in various paranormal favors. It took some time before he finally finagled a deal with a Leprechaun to bring good luck upon Obama. This is why he rose to the Presidency so quickly. Only twelve years after becoming an Illinois State Senator, he was President!
President Obama had no further brushes with the supernatural and he never saw the Menehune again since he moved to Indonesia not long after that. Once in office, he was amazed by the scope of paranormal intel presented to him! This caused him to rethink the Menehune-Vampire incident that he remembered as a nightmare. He soon realized it really happened. Obama returned to explore the forest later on hoping to spot the Menehune. He saw the smiling little fella for only a split second before he abruptly vanished. To this day Barack is fully aware of what the Menehune did for him in return for saving his life.
President Donald Trump Was Approached By The Devil!
When President Trump came into office he was aware of the existence of vampires and witches. He hired witches to cast protection spells on his various properties to keep the vamps away. He also knew of various demonic entities who looked to purchase human souls. Some people in his organization had made pacts with various demons. He was even approached by the Devil himself in a human form. Satan wished to promise him the US Presidency in return for certain favors. The Devil assumed he’d play ball as a billionaire who had knowledge of the global Illuminati power structure. Trump turned him down as he was determined to achieve the most powerful post on Earth on his own.
When Trump was first briefed on the exponential extent of the supernatural world beyond vampires and demons he was seriously shocked! Especially about the existence of various malevolent monsters and evil extraterrestrials. It’s rumored he had major heart palpitations and had to seek medical attention. Thankfully, he accepted the horror of our reality and worked with the US Paranormal Defense Agency to strengthen supernatural defenses. Particularly various border incursions by the denizens of darkness! The border wall actually has magical spells cast upon it to repel a plethora of alarming entities.
President Donald Trump’s Space Force
Space Force was formed under the Trump Administration due to an unknown alien threat. It seems Earth has been under the protection of the Galactic Federation of Extraterrestrials since the 1950’s. Mainly, the aliens are interested in the billions of unique DNA sequences our planet possesses. They also covet various other natural resources to a lesser extent. There has also been interest in watching a sapient species evolve into an intelligent civilization. All these factors compel the Galactic Federation to protect Earth from meteors, hostile aliens, and anything that could radically threaten the planet.
The Galactic Federation
They’ve been in contact with a handful of the largest governments for decades but the United States was their first contact and often the one they deal with the most. This is due to the USA’s global influence. The aliens are kept secret to prevent mass hysteria and to allow civilization to develop as naturally as possible. President Trump was informed in 2019 that a major war was raging across the Milky Way as invaders from the Andromeda Galaxy had allied with some alien factions in ours.
The Galactic Federation forces were spread too thin to completely defend Earth. So they decided to finally share top-secret tech that would normally go against their Prime Directive of direct inference with a developing civilization. Space Force was formed to repel any aliens that get past the front lines of Galaxy War IV. Apparently, there have been three other Galaxy-wide wars. Mostly related to in-fighting among alien factions before they came together as the Galactic Federation. As of 2023, the war continues but there is somewhat of a lull as peace talks take place. Unfortunately, negotiations eventually break down and the violent battles ramp up again! | Learn More About The Galactic Federation… [Ad]
The Attempted Assassination Of Donald Trump
On July 13, 2024, at a Donald Trump Presidential rally in Butler, PA several shots were fired by a sniper on a roof nearby. Trump was shot in the ear while an audience member died. Two others were injured. Had Donald not tilted his head at the last second he would have surely suffered a fatal head wound. The psychics of The Reality Recognition Guild have determined that his Guardian Angel intervened at a sub-conscious level. Such a supernatural intervention would only take place if a dark paranormal element was afoot. [Also See Body Language Analysis]
Trump Wins!
The sniper was terminated by The Secret Service with extreme prejudice! However, one bullet was directed with telekinesis by a deeply demon-possessed person somewhere nearby. Both individuals were agents of the dreaded Illuminati. It seems they fear a second term of the Trump Presidency could derail their agenda or set it back several years. Thankfully, their efforts failed as Donald Trump won a second term with a landslide victory in the 2024 Election. We shall see what countermeasures they may employ over the next four years!
Secret Supernatural Security!
We now know why President Trump has exponentially accelerated his efforts to Make America Great Again in his final term. It appears this time around he has no fear of crossing the Illuminati. In his first term, he was more cautious about what he did. Now he’s done playing around! Trump is seizing full control from the Deep State Illuminati operatives! He can do this without the worry of being taken down by the forces of darkness because he has the backing of many righteous supernatural beings of paramount paranormal power and magnificent magic.
President Trump Masters The Metaphysical
Several magical charms, or anti-curses, were placed upon him, along with actually carrying physical lucky charms blessed by Leprechauns. He learned about the full scope of the supernatural world in his first term and collected amazing allies during the four years of the Biden Administration. They say even the good extraterrestrials of the Galactic Federation are keeping a protective eye upon them because they know the entire future of the planet is dependent on him freeing the United States from corrupt plutocratic globalist forces beholden to Satan’s demons!
President Joe Biden
President Joe Biden was briefed on a great many paranormal perplexities as Vice-President of the Obama Administration. There were only a handful of things that were only for the President’s eyes. Before that Biden was given some limited supernatural secrets as a US Senator. Depending on what committees they serve on members of Congress are given varying levels of info about our paranormal planet. However, it’s nothing near the scale of the President and Vice-President. Senator Biden had no previous experience with the supernatural world until he learned about it as a US Senator. He more or less dismissed it as a load of malarky. Even after betting continuous paranormal briefings while serving on the Senate Judiciary Committee. However, once he became a part of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee he gained a lot more insight into shocking top-secret revelations. Especially the role foreign relations play in extraterrestrial matters.
Vice-President Kamala Harris

President Biden was gradually made aware of the supernatural state of our nation and world at large so he wasn’t alarmingly surprised like other Presidents. As a former Vice-President, he continued to receive intelligence briefings throughout the Trump Presidency. This included the current state of The Galactic Federation and the galaxy-wide war raging onward. Interestingly enough, the reason we never seem to see Vice-President Kamala Harris is due to President Biden putting her in secret charge of dealing with the Galactic Federation and Earth’s defense forces within Space Force.
A number of times she has actually been off-world involved in peace negotiations. Oddly enough Actor Tom Cruise was enlisted by the Biden Administration to aid in peace due to many ET’s being a fan of his work. Many alien worlds have hidden broadcast boosters in Earth’s orbit to send them our news and entertainment. Cruise was enlisted due to some aliens being dismayed President Trump was out of the picture. They don’t seem to mind as much now that Tom and Kamala are together at the alien negotiation table.
The Current Status Of Deceased US Presidents
Top-flight psychics, seers, and mystics sense that George Washington and other Presidents ascended to Heaven upon death. However, outside of time they instantly saw the entire history of the United States and were shocked by its descent into darkness! These Presidential Ghosts often return in times of crisis and various national holidays like Presidents Day. They also meet with the living spirits of the United States known as Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty.
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On future national holidays such as Inauguration Day (January), Presidents Day/Washington’s Birthday (February), Memorial Day (May), Independence Day, Patriot Day (September 11th), Presidential Election Day (November), and Veterans Day (November), we’ll add more information about the involvement of our Presidents in the paranormal world. #PresidentsDay