Reverse Vampires, sometimes called Sol Vampires or Daywalkers, are extremely rare diurnal immortal beings who are distant cousins of blood-sucking vampires. They have the basic equivalent powers as vampires without the same weaknesses or need to consume human, animal, or supernatural blood. Unlike nocturnal vampires who shy away from the deadly Sun, Reverse Vamps require sunlight to maintain peak power. They are able to absorb some level of energy directly from the holy photons of light as if they were solar panels. However, their real sustenance comes from the blood of plants otherwise known as Chlorophyll. Both Chlorophyll and Hemoglobin, the main component of human blood, share a similar atomic structure. The only difference between the two is that human blood consists of iron, while chlorophyll is magnesium based.🌞
The Blood Of Plants Is The Nectar Of The Sol Vampires
While vampires can easily bite into a human and suck all the blood down it’s not so easy to do the same with the chlorophyll of plants. Generally, Reverse Vampires would simply eat every leafy green they could get hold of. Even poisonous flora that would kill most humans and animals. Sometimes they would squeeze plants in their super-strong hands just to consume the liquid. Naturally, they always avoided regions where winter was active as there would be no plants producing their sweet green goo through the process of photosynthesis. Desert regions devoid of plant life were avoided for the most part but the bright abundant sunlight can keep them going for quite some time until they get chlorophyll. Within sun absorption mode they will often drink a lot of water if available. In modern times powerful juicers[ad] and blenders allow them to live anywhere in the civilized world. With the advent of this new breed of super blenders[ad], chlorophyll-rich leafy greens such as wheatgrass and spinach have become the fan favorite for green goodness. It tastes like sweet nectar to them while most humans find the taste to be beyond vile. Anyone downing pure liquid greens all day long is a Reverse Vampire suspect!🌱
The Origin Of Reverse Vampires
The creation of Daywalkers was a coincidental confluence of enchanted events. Legend has it that an ancient First-Generation Vampire, named Apsu, was a top-level Lord in Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II’s royal court. In fact, he was an ambassador to the vampire shadow government that lives on to this very day. The Vampire Apsu fell in love with the fair Princess Tashmitum who spurned his advances due to his demonic blood lust, and confinement to the dark shadows. He implored the royal Wizard Bellabarisruk to remove the desire for blood yet at the same time keep his powers. He also wanted to walk in the sunlight without fear of burning alive. After some weeks of enchanted experimentation, the Wizard concocted a perplexing potion that worked in conjunction with a magic spell to remove the inbred desire for sanguine sustenance. He also created one of the first known rudimentary Daylight Rings. Apsu became sickened by every type of blood which had been his source of strength. He grew ever weaker and frail with each passing day. Bellabarisruk could provide him with no alternative and was unable to return his ability to ingest blood. The vampire tried to kill the Wizard in a rage for his failure but he was simply too weak as the magician laughed him off!👑
The World’s Only Known Vampire Plant
Finally, one night in a secluded corner of the Hanging Gardens Of Babylon Apsu became mesmerized by a giant mystical Venus flytrap-type plant enchanted by the Wizard Bellabarisruk in an earlier experiment on behalf of the King. Apparently, King Nebuchadnezzar The Great had some silly dream about creating an army of man-eating plants to act like ancient landmines as protection from invaders. It’s thought the plant was a magical hybrid of an extinct species of Venus Flytrap only found in the Underworld, a Mesodinium Chamaeleon from the sea, and something akin to a small Swamp Monster. Not only was magic utilized but plausibly an early form of genetic engineering. Knowledge left behind from the lost advanced civilization of Atlantis! The seemingly sentient plant shot forth its giant jaw of jagged teeth at The Vampire Apsu. He instinctively bit into the crazy creature while preventing it from biting him with his last ounce of strength. The vampire practically inhaled the mystical nutrient-rich chlorophyll which tasted like sweet sugar to him. Almost as good as the blood he used to relish. As Apsu drained the plant he felt his strength returning. Upon finishing he was momentarily enthralled by the intoxication of the fluid and the plant took a bite out of his neck. Apsu punched it off him before hastily staggering away from the scene.🩸
The Short-Lived Freedom From Darkness
Within hours he was stronger than ever with all his vampire powers intact. Apsu even found that he could walk into the sunlight without the limited daylight ring that was wearing down the longer he basked in the holy light. Things were looking good as he finally gained the affection of Princess Tashmitum. Apsu reassured her that his days of vampirism were over and he’d given it all up for her love. After the three best days of his life, he finally asked the Princess to marry him and she agreed. Unfortunately, the world’s first Reverse Vampire, although a temporary version, didn’t realize his power was now linked to that plant’s mystical chlorophyll. It was quite potent and did last for many days. However, the vampire made the mistake of not realizing he needed to keep partaking of its fantastic fluid. Once the enchanted effect wore off he burst into flames and died in the sunlight right before the very horrified eyes of the poor Princess!🧛
The Fabled Sentient Vampire Plant
After the transformation, the plant became more vicious and intelligent in its effort to hunt down fresh blood! The plant actually started moving its roots like legs to find victims. Eventually, some of those roots coalesced together and grew stronger to create permanent rudimentary legs. Various vines and leaves on its stem created arms to pull people in close to its shark-like mouth! Its walking motion was slow but the ability to strike with its vines and mouth was lightning quick! The perplexing plant stalked victims in the gardens by day while lying dormant back in its home soil at night. It was tricky biting the feet and legs of victims to get some blood before it blended back in with the multitude of plants in the hanging garden. Everyone assumed it was some small animal perpetrating the attacks.🤢
The Transformation Of The First True Reverse Vampires!

The deceptive Vampire Plant had been prevented from killing anyone because the victim’s screams for help brought too much attention. One day there was a ceremony going on that caused the gardens to be mostly empty at Noon. A married couple decided to live on the wild side and get amorous on royal grounds. Unfortunately for them, that’s when the chaotic green creeper shot out of the shadows hitting the wife’s neck first while wrapping vines around the husband’s neck. While the plant was consuming her blood both the husband and wife seriously scratched the blasphemous beast causing chlorophyll to squirt about. The plant finished the wife and then drained the husband as both inadvertently got the plant’s green gooey blood in their mouth. Blood containing the brand new Reverse Vampire Virus! The pernicious plant inadvertently created not only the first true permanent Reverse Vampires but also the first couple as well. As far as we know the plant wasn’t intelligent enough to know about transforming people or have any need to do so. All it wanted was blood at any cost!
Normal Vampire transformation can take anywhere from 24-48 hours. However, Reverse Vampires find themselves transformed within minutes to a few hours at the most. It’s much quicker in full sunlight which the couple was basking in without any clothes on. They awoke within five minutes and felt the immense power surge within them immediately. Their injuries were healed and their new intelligent perception of reality led them to believe it was the sentient walking plant that magically altered them. The plant had scurried back to its soil to bask in the sun after finding itself full of human blood. Blood that fed the demonic virus within while dark photosynthesis continued the sacrilege of using the holy Sun to create its own chlorophyll blood. The couple’s heightened senses made it easy to find the plant and attempt to destroy it before it could hurt or transform anyone else. Of course, suddenly being superhuman isn’t a bad thing under these circumstances. They were merely being selfish and didn’t want anyone else to acquire the power they now wielded. The couple wrestled with their sire plant for a bit before both of them simultaneously sunk their new fangs into the thick plant to suck up its deeply nourishing chlorophyll!
The sire plant started shooting vines and roots around them but the couple emptied it of its blood. It appeared limp and unrooted so they assumed it was dead. Before they could go a step further and tear it to shreds or burn it they heard people approaching nearby so they bolted! It was the Wizard Bellabarisruk and some royal guards. He’d finally pieced the clues together about the attacks and realized it was the plant. He took the plant to his laboratory for further study but the King ordered his guards to burn the abomination. Bellabarisruk wanted to further weaponize the plant while the King realized the dangers of tampering with the sinister supernatural world. Something especially learned from the wizard’s other past experiments gone wrong. In fact, King Nebuchadnezzar eventually discovered some deaths directly caused by Bellabarisruk and he had him executed! Most of his records and artifacts were destroyed thus leaving all his creations a mystery.
The world’s only Vampire Plant was about to be burned alive when it surprised the guards by biting them and bolting away faster than its rooty vine feet had ever carried it before! Just like regular vampires the plant can’t be killed by merely draining its blood. It disappeared into some foliage and eventually jumped into a river that carried it away to a swamp where it rooted again. The state of being waterlogged in the river caused supernatural seeds to be released. They washed all over the Middle East while some were carried away by birds and transported even further by other means. The seeds that found their way to “blood-soaked soils” grew into Vampires Plants. More or less places near water where human or animal blood was recently spilled. These plants were similar to the original except they weren’t as intelligent and had no ability to leave the soil to move about freely. Both the original and the new Vampire Plants inadvertently transformed both humans and animals into Reverse Vampires. Indeed Vampire Animals have always existed around the world as cryptid curiosities. However, these plants are beyond rare, and even less likely is the transformation of living beings into a Daywalker. In modern times the plants are thought to exist mostly in remote areas along river banks and streams in Iraq and Iran. There have been rumors of a plant observed in the Egyptian Nile and even as far as the Amazon Rainforest.👫
The Glorious Green Grail
The Vampire Plant is seen as a holy supernatural grail to various vampires who yearn to be human along with humans who wish to attain immortal superpower status. Clearly, many humans would love to be eternally superhuman with the only catch being they must consume chlorophyll that will taste like the most delicious thing ever! Then there’s that pesky basking in the sun and consuming water at times. Of course, first, they’d have to drain themselves of blood and trust someone to feed them the green goods. Otherwise just drinking the super-charged chlorophyll alone merely gives humans a temporary superhuman state. It does also hold amazing healing properties. Meanwhile, standard vampires have to drink blood and often have urges to harm humans. They have to worry about the sun turning them to burning ash, religious artifacts, garlic, vervain, and an armada of other things that can weaken and kill them! Their blood-thirsty ways put them on the radar of supernatural warriors that include the infamous Vampire Slayers!
Most Vampires see the plant as merely another method to temporarily walk in the sun so they can get to various victims. Others see it as a threat if the Vampire Plant holds a cure for standard vampirism. The minority of vampires who want to be human again know that drinking its chlorophyll makes them temporary Reverse Vampires for as long as they keep drinking the vampirical green goo. The same goes for them if they partake in the blood of a Reverse Vampire. Although the effect wears off faster than the direct plant source. The Reverse Vampire virus has the power of Mother Nature infused within the demonic and it’s enough to temporarily neutralize the complete demonic virus. Ultimately vampires originated when a human was deeply possessed by a demon at the genetic level and then they mated with a human. This gave us the First Generation royal vamps with all successive generations resulting from the Vampire Transformation Ritual.☘️
Reverse Vampires Can’t Transform Others Into Their Own Kind
We know that consuming Reverse Vampire blood for long lengths of time doesn’t turn a vampire into a Reverse Vampire. Even when they drain themselves of blood hoping to duplicate a transformation ritual. Not even Reverse Vampires can create one of their own kind. In fact, the effects of Reverse Vamp blood lessen over time as an immunity seems to develop in the nocturnal blood-sucking vampire. However, there is anecdotal evidence that consuming the bloody chlorophyll of the Vampire Plant for a long time under certain conditions can eventually cleanse a vampire of his own virus. It involves a risky ritual of constant sun exposure, blood deprivation, and soaking in holy salt water. There’s hope it can turn them into permanent Reverse Vampires. Some vamps who feel they’ve been damned to an eternal hell have long looked for the plant as their holy grail of salvation and entrance into the light of freedom.😇
The Paranormal Powers Of The Reverse Vampire
These dynamic Daywalkers have the same basic powers and mechanisms as nocturnal vampires. These include immortality, super strength, speed, agility, and enhanced senses. There’s also above-average intelligence, hypnotism, psychic abilities, and the ability to rapidly heal from injuries. Unlike standard vampires, they can also absorb sunlight and transfer it into enchanted energy. They can subsist off sunlight alone for extended periods of time if they consume a certain amount of water. Sunlight in conjunction with chlorophyll consumption grants them peak power while nighttime with no consumption leaves them at their weakest. However, gorging on the blood of plants allows them enough power to take on a regular vampire at night. Just like their cousins of the dark shadows, they grow stronger with each passing year they live.💥
The Weaknesses Of Reverse Vampires
Although Reverse Vampires don’t have the same major weaknesses as regular vampires they still have some notable ones. The one most related to nocturnal vampires is a slight aversion to sunlight within the eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul and can be a weak point for anyone paranormal or otherwise. Despite Mother Nature intertwining herself with the demonic Vampire Virus there is still enough metaphysical darkness to create an ocular issue. The holy photons of sunlight collect quickly in the eye tissues. The photons transfer to metaphysical energy and there can be an overload causing pain along with an unusual amber eye glow after being in the sun for too long. The gradual pain and uncontrollable eye glowing create the need to wear sunglasses.
Generally, they can go without the glasses for at least an hour or so with little issue. The discomfort never progresses to a level of being unbearable and continued direct light will only cause somewhat blurry vision. Eventually, the solar energy dissipates to the rest of the body that absolutely adores it! More or less it was considered a minor inconvenience in the days before the advent of sunglasses. These unique vampires may be one of those people who wear their sunglasses at night since their eyes can glow involuntarily from merely basking in the sun all day long. Over the course of centuries, their eyes can withstand more sunlight. After several millennia it’s thought that the issue merely becomes similar to humans finding discomfort from the direct sun shining in their non-paranormal eyes.🧛
What Do Reverse Vampires Look Like?
The Vampires Of The Sun are exquisitely beautiful people of every ethnicity just as many standard vampires are. Of course in the blood-sucking set, you have some seriously creepy-looking ones. Especially the more ancient and evil vamps. The Reverse Vampire is always young, fit, and energetic in appearance. Never appearing more than 30 years of age. Those becoming Sol Vampires gradually anti-age within days of their transformation. These lucky supernatural beings often have a smile on their face since they won the righteous side of the immortal living dead lottery. If you see them doing strenuous activity and observe no sweat or being out of breath is a dead give away they’re at least supernatural in nature. As previously mentioned they will almost always wear sunglasses when out in direct sunlight. If they forgot the glasses then they’ll excessively squint after being in the sunlight for too long. Often they’ll be carrying some green juice with them to sip occasionally as well.
They have fangs that extend when they’re about to consume the blood of plants. Although, they’re mostly useless for their needs. After a short time, they can control the extension and retraction of the fangs so it doesn’t become an issue to go to juice bars and consume green smoothies in public. Their eyes glow like standard vampires but don’t turn a spooky crimson color when angered. When accessing their powers or on purpose, their eyes can illuminate within the natural hue of their eye color. When in a heightened emotional state or after binging on chlorophyll there will be varying degrees from light to dark green. After absorbing a lot of Sun their eyes can glow amber. With purpose or when angered their face shape shifts a bit to reveal a more monstrous look. However, it is far less than a standard vampire’s horrifying shape-shifted face that reflects their demonic origins! The Sol Vamps also have the trademark vampire growl that makes a Lion squeal away in shame!😎
Reverse Vampire Animals
Just as standard vampires can transform virtually any animal into their own kind so can the Vampire Plant do the same. You’re most likely to spot such an animal as someone’s pet. If you see a dog lapping up green goo from their dog dish then it’s almost a sure bet they’re a Reverse Vampire! Despite being a rarity there are various paranormal records speaking of the beautiful beasts over many millennia. The most well-known in the secret supernatural world is the friendly herbivore Lion the general public never heard about. It had been reported by a Kenyan village since the early 1800’s as a local legend. The gentle immortal Lion who only ate plants yet completely dominated all other Lions and predators. He protected the villagers as they provided him with fresh green juice by crushing leaves with stones.🐶
The Gentle Giant
Finally, in 1909 big game cryptid hunter and ex-President Of The United States Theodore Roosevelt came across the amazing animal on an African expedition for The Smithsonian Institution. Roosevelt had shot the Reverse Vamp Lion several times but the bullets bounced off. The lion just stared at him undazed and started walking away as it had been trained to not harm humans. Roosevelt realized he had found something seriously supernatural and he knew who to contact as he had past dealings with such things. Eventually, a team of research scientists who specialized in the paranormal captured the creature despite the protest of the villagers. The Lion, unfortunately, became a scientific curiosity studied in secret government labs. The US Paranormal Defense Agency had custody of the Lion for several decades but they were unable to unlock the secret of its power and immortality. In 1988 a mysterious team of supernaturally gifted individuals managed to breach the tight security of the government facility the Lion was being held captive. They released the noble beast and took him away to parts unknown. Rumors indicate the brave team was led by a Reverse Vampire!🦁
🌞Oddly enough a Reverse Vampire can be made into the sanguine-sucking variety during a Solar Eclipse! The sire vampire would drain the Reverse Vampire of all their blood and then introduce their own pure vampire blood to the victim. During Eclipses Reverse Vampires are very cautious about where they view it from.
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