What Is A Voodoo Doll & How Is It Created?
A Voodoo Doll is an enchanted effigy of a person that can be linked to their very body, mind, and soul through a Curse. This is the specialty of advanced Voodoo Witch Doctors. The process of creating such a doll can vary among Voodoo practitioners but more or less bodily fluids, hair, and personal items from the victim are essential in crafting it. For maximum effectiveness, it should also resemble the cursed individual in question. However, it can appear like the quintessential generic Voodoo Doll as seen in the image above. It simply will be capable of less harm to the victim.
Once the doll of damnation is complete it can be manipulated to cause equivalent effects in the victim’s body. Nefarious needles, and sometimes flames, are employed to cause pain, Illness, mental distress, handicaps, disfigurements, and even death! It’s even possible to immerse a Voodoo Doll in water and cause the victim to drown on dry land! A seasoned Witch Doctor can also focus mental energies and chant various spells upon the doll in an effort to hypnotize the Voodoo victim into being a mindless puppet!
How Do I Know That I’m Under The Control Of A Dark Doll?

Thankfully, a lot of these evil Voodoo Witch Doctors have quite an enormous ego and God complex! This compels them to come forward and immediately spill the beans about the frightening figurine they’ve created. They’re often gleeful over the power they wield over you and want you to know the supposed futility of fighting them. They want you to mentally give up thus making the Voodoo Doll have more power to destroy you!
Clearly, it would be rare for you to actually run across a Voodoo Master and then offend them in some way. The odds are slim that you may inadvertently antagonize a friend or family member of theirs. Most of the time it’s just some average Joe you wronged in a way that makes them wicked. A random stranger you ran across by chance, a co-worker, an estranged family member, or the most common being an ex-lover! They in turn hire the Voodoo Witch Doctor to exact their sad sickly revenge!
Unfortunately, some people who hire a master of the dark arts will pay extra for them to not come forward and gloat. In that case, you will have to deduce if a sudden onset of physical and mental health issues could be the result of a vexing Voodoo Doll. A sure sign is an array of unrelated symptoms including sudden clumsiness and bad luck! If after you see a licensed medical professional, they tell you nothing is physically wrong with you other than any injuries then odds are good you’re under the spell of an evil effigy.
The medical doctor will most likely assume your injuries are self-inflicted and refer you to a psychologist. At that point, you should seek the aid of the nearest paranormal professional. The easiest for the average person to find is a Psychic, Medium, or Tarot Card reader. They should be able to determine if you’re under the thrall of a Voodoo Doll and its Special Master. You can also perform an Aura Reading on yourself. If you’re being impacted by a wicked Witch Doctor and their tool of terror then your aura will be black with small bloody crimson bursts of light that streak and swirl about in a sinister manner!
Take Back Your Life & Claim Your Voodoo Doll!
It is imperative you get ahold of the Voodoo doll that is cursing you! Linking a curse to a physical object can be a strength and a weakness. It all depends on the victim gaining possession of it. A master of Voodoo black magic can seriously mess you up both physically and mentally with such a dastardly doll. A frightening figure intertwined with your well-being. You really have nothing to lose by attempting to pilfer the evil effigy since doing nothing will surely lead to your ultimate doom!
Of course, you need to find the filthy fiend first. If they haven’t made themselves known then you can find a supernatural detective to help locate them. A psychic can be quite useful in this endeavor. If all else fails then try scrying for them over a map. An experienced witch or other magical practitioner will know how to accomplish this. Since you are technically linked to the Voodoo Master and the doll then you’ll in essence be looking for yourself!
Once located you can secretly observe the Voodoo practitioner’s daily routine from afar. This is the first step before pouncing once they leave their home, or base of operations. Often, they will keep it in the room they practice their dark craft within. Sometimes it is hidden behind a secret panel or bookcase. You will probably find the dirty doll within a wooden box with odd etchings upon it. If this type of mission is beyond your skill set, or you’re in bad shape, then we recommend hiring a paranormal investigator, or even a practitioner of magic to aid you. If you can find a powerful enough witch, warlock, wizard, or sorcerer they can attempt to defend you from the ill effects of the voodoo doll. However, at some point, you must acquire the doll, and destroy it with extreme prejudice!
Turn The One Who Cursed You Into The Victim!
You can have the immense pleasure of turning the tables on your terrifying tormentor! Voodoo practitioners must first make a Voodoo Doll representing themselves as the first step down the dark road of diabolical doll creation. That Doll is almost always used as a part of their curses. Even if it isn’t they generally keep it and utilize it in a positive way to strengthen themselves. Their private doll is a Charm for them. They can use it to channel your metaphysical energy through the destructive doll, and then transfer it to theirs. This in turn grants them more paranormal power at your expense!
Voodoo Witch Doctors are notorious for hiding their own doll in an extremely secure location for their own protection. If you feel you have time before the Voodoo Master returns then by all means attempt to search for the charmed doll. It will be beyond secretly secured! Check under carpets and behind baseboards for hidden compartments. Most likely it will be locked within a safe or other fire and waterproof container.
If you manage to find it you could very well choose to immediately burn it! Such complete incineration would eradicate your Voodoo torturer from the very face of this Earth! Of course, that is the very reason you shouldn’t burn your own doll immediately! If you have access to a decent practitioner of magic, especially another person practicing Voodoo, they may be able to use the evil Voodoo practitioner’s doll to restore any damage to your body or health in general!
The Safe Way To Destroy Your Voodoo Doll!
Once you get the destructive doll in your personal possession don’t remove any pins or other items penetrating or affixed to it. You could do more damage by removing them depending on the spell used to curse it and the frightening format it was created. Generally, the victim can’t affect an injury through independent manipulation of the damned doll. Still, don’t risk it unless your situation is immediately dire! Carefully place the doll in a sturdy box for transport to a place where you’ll be undisturbed.
Once at your destination remove the doll from its box and submerge it in holy water blessed by a priest of any religion. Since the human collective consciousness plays a strong role in the power of any given religion it is best to choose a popular one. Catholic holy water is usually the most powerful due to so many people believing in the religion. Make a quick run to your local church, and give your Voodoo doll a baptism in holy water. This will immediately stop its ill effects in most cases.
Only then can you safely remove the needles, and anything else attached to the doll. Your body will then begin to naturally heal itself as it normally would. Of course, serious damage like a removed limb will not grow back! Too many pinpricks to vital organs like the heart or brain may leave permanent physical damage! See a physician immediately for a complete exam! You may also require psychological assistance if the Voodoo Witch Doctor messed with your mind.
Voodoo Doll Destruction Can End Your Nightmare!

You could theoretically store your Voodoo doll in a bottle of holy water forever to keep it neutralized. Don’t worry you won’t drown as long as the water is truly holy in nature! Sadly, there is a real danger of the deeply angered Voodoo Master stealing it back! In most cases destroying it prevents them from creating a duplicate doll. Especially if they still have your bodily fluids or personal items. It’s always smart to search for these items as well while on the mission to retrieve your doll. Luckily, cursing someone twice is no easy task in the grand scheme of magical affairs for a variety of reasons. More or less your soul has been immunized and won’t allow any more Voodoo Doll connections unless it is beyond crazy powerful!
Cleanse The Doll Before Incineration
A complete holy cleansing and incineration are best to ensure you’re completely cut off from the doll’s curse. This includes the Voodoo Master being unable to curse you with another doll ever again. The holy water is an excellent start but next, you will need holy oil[Ad]. There are a variety of formulations but we’ve found that an olive oil base with fair amounts of myrrh, and frankincense oil is the best way to go. Then have that oil blessed by a priest. Even if you bought it online listed as holy oil. You can’t know for sure if it was actually blessed. It would probably be even better if the priest would actually give you his own holy oil. Regrettably, they tend to be stingy about giving that away even for a fee! It also helps if the oil originates from a holy land such as Bethlehem.
The Final Step To Destroy Your Voodoo Doll
Allow the Voodoo Doll to dry out a bit from the holy water before submerging it in the holy oil. Let it sit in the sainted oil for an hour before removing it, and placing it somewhere safe to light a fire. Since the oil is holy fuel it will create Holy Fire! Feel free to light that bastard up and lift the abomination off your very soul! Let the flames fly free to encapsulate, and eradicate the doll completely! Let the photons of the Holy Light enter your eyes and enchant your mind, body, and soul to cleanse it of darkness.
If there’s some way for a priest to bless the fire holy that would be even better. A church incinerator would be ideal for this. Although, it’s not essential. Once the doll is nothing but ash release the sainted substance as dust in the wind. Mother Nature, Goddess Gaia, will meld the ashes into the enchanted environment thereby granting you some much-needed good luck. In this case, it’s particularly helpful to release the holy dust into a rural area. Your metaphysical soul immunization, laws of Karma, and other factors will mostly prevent another doll from being effective against you ever again!
What If I Can’t Get My Voodoo Doll?
If you cannot gain access to the Voodoo doll then you need to find your own Voodoo witch doctor and have them make an Anti-Voodoo Doll which is imbued with strength, and good luck by the witch. It will need to be a deeply Charmed object. As a further step, we recommend having the doll blessed by a Priest. It won’t be easy to find a mainstream Christian Priest who will do this. If not then try a holy person of another religion. This Anti-Doll should neutralize the bad doll that’s cursing you. Of course, there’s no guarantee.
If your Voodoo Master is powerful enough then perhaps they can be persuaded to do battle with the evil one in order to force them to hand over your doll! Or you could open up negotiations directly as well. Maybe find out if in fact they were hired by someone to curse you since the odds are slim that you offended a Voodoo practitioner. Lawyers specializing in supernatural law might be ideal for such negotiations. As of the writing of this article, no court of law recognizes supernatural laws.
You must obtain the cursed doll to destroy it in a proper fashion. If the Voodoo Witch Doctor is unyielding then you might have to hire paranormal crimefighters, a powerful witch, wizard, or even a sorcerer to deal with the Voodoo terrorist, and exact justice so you can get your life back! If you’re currently the victim of a Voodoo doll curse may God have mercy on your soul during your dark paranormal plight!📍
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Is voodoo real along with the story of Marie Laveu? She’s the Voodoo Queen of new Orleans
Yes Voodoo is real, and she was a powerful Voodoo Priestess who is said to still exist in a ghost form. In fact some practitioners of Voodoo call upon her for power in the same way witches call upon the Earthly Gods.
Is Voodoo Authenica the real deal?
Voodoo is real when used in the hands of real practitioners of voodoo magic. However I know nothing about Voodoo Authenica.
Is it possible for someone to use vodoo for good. Mainly like creating a doll to keep a evil person in check?
Definitely! There are a fair amount of Voodoo practitioners who fight on the side of good.
Could the vodoo master who made the doll neutralize it’s effects at will?
They could plausibly cast a powerful spell, and utilize their own doll to a minor extent since it’s linked to his victims doll. However they would have to endure pain in the process. Ultimately they really need the victims doll for complete manipulation.