March 26, 2025
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11 years ago

I apologize for having been gone for as long as I have… seems ive missed quite a few issues… However I have a theory that I wanted to run past you guys on a different subject. My theory is on Tulpa’s and Werewolves.. If entire beings and entities could be created entirely out of someones belief in it then ….would it be possible for beings already in exsistence to be altered by a person or large group of people believing it? Would it be possible for a regular person to become a werewolf simply because they or someone else believes they are? Some may believe they are werewolves so much that they alter themselves slightly as a result. or perhaps vice versa? I am not sure , but I would like your opinion on this.

11 years ago
Reply to  Nathan4059

Tulpas are technically an extension of their creator, they share all their memories and because of this can be used to quickly recall something.

Rarely, they can physically affect things. Very rarely.
You are probably thinking of the Servitor, with its Servitor->Egregore->Godform cycle.

11 years ago
Rebecca Abernathy
11 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

Xara Matsagou, and I met at the 2012 Paranormal Investigators Conference (Para-Con). She’s a wonderful witch!

11 years ago

Will I be spared from the New World Order do you know??

11 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

I have a question for you Julia will I too escaped the new world order too?

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago
Reply to  Secretman381

As the US police state gets serious you decide to make a dash for the Canadian border. Naturally it’s officially closed off as a new Berlin wall is being built while simultaneously the Mexican border is wide open as it’s a police state as well. Canada is on it’s way down the road to tyranny as well but there’s a glimmer of hope. You avoid the border crossings, and sneak across in the woods where you meet other refugees. You eventually end up in a survivalist camp hidden in the deep woods of Northern Canada far from the reach of the NWO who have their hands full with various insurrections in the more densely populated areas.

11 years ago
Reply to  Julia Hathaway

I just hope that NWO is not going to happen you scare me Julia Hathaway I have one more question for you Julia my friend who is a psychic or claim to be said that I will be taken by Bigfoot in later this year or next year so tell me what do you think of that..write back thank you.

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago
Reply to  Secretman381

They’re right about you having an encounter with Bigfoot. However it takes place later in the future, and the Sasquatch actually helps you. He is the one who will lead your group safely across the border of Canada, and on to the promised land of the survivalist camp. It seems by this time the government is really out to get paranormal beings such as the Bigfoot, and he’s so angered that he works to help people escape the regime.

11 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

exactly a decade or so? thank you lord

11 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

not about being sent to a FEMA camp though

11 years ago

Julia I have one more question again i want to thank you for the answer you give me Julia Hathaway the last question i not going to ask you again because i know you busy and maybe wonder this guy asking too much question i want you to forgive me this but here is the last question in my life time will i become a Time Traveler to travel though time so i can help people or explore other dimension..write back thank you that all..

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago
Reply to  Secretman381

I expanded on the energy of the vision I had about you, and saw that you get an injection of cellular repairing nanobots further in the future past the point of being in Canada. These in essence make you immortal. It’s a technology the NWO wanted to suppress but it was released to the general populace. Several centuries into the future you become apart of a time travel project meant to stop evil doers taking advantage of time travel. So through future technology you do end up traveling through time.

11 years ago

How is that possible!? is there anyway that I have a life then and will I have a future encounter to all of you!?

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
11 years ago

Well that sucks, the NWO is set in stone judging by the way Julia is talking, I believe I would stay and fight, with the ending of getting killed.
Crossing the border with Mr.secretive over there, with the ‘possibility’ of having the camp raided (due to a loud mouth).
Or kiss up to Obama like Mr.AnDagra.

11 years ago

I don’t know if I would stay or go when the NWO comes. If Julia’s previous vision of me is accurate then I would probably be staying. Do you still see me fighting Julia?

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago

Yes I still see you fighting alongside an army of demigods, and demigoddesses. I see several team each led by a God, or Godddess in Earthly form.

11 years ago
Reply to  Julia Hathaway

Ok a few more questions here. Will I be sent to one of the FEMA reeducation camps? If so will I be male or female at the time and will I be put with the female or male population? About when do you see this coming about? What God or Goddess leads the team I’m on? Do you know what happens to make me female?

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago

You will end up in a FEMA camp sometime in the next 10-15 years. You’re still a man at that time. A group of demigods, and demigoddesses will storm the place thereby allowing everyone to escape. Although most end up being recaptured. You go with the group, and end up in an Armageddon training camp run by a handful of Gods, and Goddesses in biological form. The camp is a magically cloaked tropical Island somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle. There’s a huge glittering red stone castle at the center of the Island where the Gods live, and commune with Zeus who is in a higher dimension ready to act as General to lead his armies into battle within Armagedeon. The island has several stone buildings that are educational, and battle training institutions. While there you become a female by means I cannot see. It appears you leave the island with a group led by your Father Loki who you meet in the camp.

11 years ago

Julia, where will the FEMA camp take place at? will I get to meet Satan and become his minion along with the NWO?

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

Your door will be kicked in the dead of the night, and you will be taken to a FEMA camp near the Canadian border in Okanogan County. A massive concentration camp holding hundreds of thousands of people for slave labor. You won’t rise high enough in the NWO to meet the Devil, or even a demon for that matter.

11 years ago

why did you delete that comment?

11 years ago

Sorry I shouldn’t have said that

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
11 years ago

Xavier, I prefer Self-Experimenting, since well I have no test subjects, except my Cat, but I refuse to put him under experimental situations….maybe not omnimagic but magic nonetheless, although I prefer psychic abilities and kinesis, not much into rituals and such.
Also about self-experimenting via biokinesis, I get odd results, about a week ago I ended up with hairy fingers o_O
My goal is to become somewhat like”Tyrant T-103″

11 years ago

I’m very terrified by what you saw, Julia. It seems like a matter of time until the NWO unexpectedly attacks in the region I live in (PNW). Has all of your predictions come true and can you tell if I have magical potential or not?

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

Most have on a local scale but the greater the variables the less accuracy I have since many random minds effect the probability of outcomes as we all travel five dimensionally through nearly identical parallel realities.

11 years ago
Reply to  Julia Hathaway

Julia I have more questions… I have a friends who live in Canada will I go with him when the NWO happen as you saw this vision of me I am kind of scare of going alone by myself..will i be safe? and what about other people like my family will they make it too or not?

also last question when time travel someday in the future will i get married?? and the last question is this do i ever die or not? write back thank you Julia Hathaway for your gift of psychic.

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago
Reply to  Secretman381

Yes you will be safe in the survivalist camp of Northern Canada where you meet someone, and get married there. I have no information about your family. I’d recommend working out a meeting location in an NWO emergency so you can all go together. I can only see so far ahead, and I don’t see anything about your death. Although with each passing century the odds increase that an immortal will die. At some point for everyone it will be 100%.

11 years ago

Is there one in Washington

11 years ago

Is it definite that i wont escape or not though

11 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

is there one of your hiding places in the region that i live in

11 years ago

Julia I have a couple more questions. I think the camps will be divided into male and female population. Which one will I be put in, the male population or the female population? Also will there be any famous people there? You don’t have to give they’re names if there are I’m just curious if there will be.

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago

As I said you’re a man at the time so you’ll be in the male population. Very few famous people are going to say anything but the NWO propaganda they’re told to spew forth so there will be very few famous people who will be targeted. The ones who are will actually find themselves in cages at Illuminati members homes. Kept merely for amusement. However some will simply be taken out with extreme prejudice.

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago
Reply to  Julia Hathaway

It wouldn’t surprise me if political correctness would still exist since it’s something the government started to divide people to begin with. Perhaps you claim you’re a woman inside so you get to walk between the male, and female populace. If it’s a relative of a famous person that isn’t really famous on their own then they could very well end up in a camp.

As for Obama he’s still worried about a possible second revolutionary war so he, and the NWO need to keep up the appearance of democracy. Both top level Democrats, and Republicans are already setting Hillary Clinton up as the next President with another Republican like Mitt Romney pretending to be a real challenger. This is what Hillary was promised by the NWO after she was forced to give up her campaign, and support Obama which you could clearly tell she hated during the 2008 election.

11 years ago
Reply to  Julia Hathaway

Julia is there a way to contact you privately? If so you can message me over in the forum or have one of the other members do so. I would like to talk more about this with you.

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
11 years ago

Why is it Zeus leading the armies?!
I mean Odin is more cut out to be the General….Would Odin have his own Armies?
Although Odin wad killed by Fenrir, he is making a come back due to worship and praise.
If Odin does have a army, I would definitely be interested….

If it came down to it, Odin could probably own Zeus. Odin is also infinitely smarter than Zeus because Zeus never drank from Mimir’s well. Also, Odin cares for humankind when Zeus is greedy and power-hungry. ^_^

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago

Zeus doesn’t lead the armies directly. He’s more of a commander in chief. I just always saw Zeus at the head of a huge table, and never looked deeper into it. Zeus accumulated the most power on Earth, and the most God allies. There are still other factions of Gods including the next powerful one which is the Jupiter faction. I do see Odin sitting at the other end of the table which implies he has an important position of some type of God Counsel. Also I see that Zeus doesn’t have absolute power. All the Gods at the table have a vote. In addition each God rules over it’s own armies which will act as one in Armageddon.

11 years ago

the same with me

11 years ago

how can you tell when any paranormal investigators website is real or not?

11 years ago

I’d like to go to PARA-CON one of these days and maybe meet you guys in person. I don’t think I’ll ever have the money to be able to do that though.

Julia I have another question to ask you. Will I have any children and will it be as a man or woman?

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago

Sorry I’m not getting any more visions about you.

11 years ago

Hello, how does one go about summoning an imp?

Rebecca Abernathy
11 years ago
Reply to  Magusstar

I’m not sure who would want to summon such a wretched little creature but it takes a seasoned practitioner of magic. Here is one possible spell:

Mischievous Imp I harken to thee,
Appear in my presence at my knee,
Behave yourself, and do my bidding,
Obey my plea partake of no forbidding,
With this offer of tithing I give with glee,
Materialize in this time-space for me!

Then you must offer some gold that is the rough equivalent of 10% of your net worth.

11 years ago

can you cast any spells to get rid of the annoying smell i keep smelling at me apartment? it’s like marjiuna and i don’t smoke nor play around with that stuff

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

That is actually unique fart gasses. Someone needs to adjust their diet.

11 years ago

Julia I’m wondering if I too would escape this New World Order?

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago
Reply to  Jinchuriki

I’m not reading anything bad. I think you squeak by without any authorities noticing you.

11 years ago

thanks for all the tips & advices that you offered me, including your future predictions Julia.

11 years ago

should I try this website called quantum

11 years ago

Can I have time to explain what happened with the apprent 2ndtime I’ve complianed? I meant that everyone knows to care about the inner beauty about things in life not money nor luxury doesn’t matter because one day it can and will be worthless, and Rebecca that question (about 666) was because I was curious and frightened because I thought that you were in league with satan since 666’s the Antichrist’s number. So in simple terms: It’s love and equality that keeps us all together not money nor wealth because you have more wealth when you love and think that everybody’s equal. that’s what I meant in those comments.

11 years ago

Sorry to ask, but this will be my final question. IS there anything specific you see besides me just slipping through the authorities? I would like to know more.

11 years ago

Thank you Rebecca, i want to summon one because i want a magickal assistant and imps seem relatively safe.

11 years ago

I meant otherkin as in people who hold spiritual beliefs that they are something different (as in the soul such as: phantom wings, mind-shifting etc) besides being human on the outside literally.

Julia Hathaway
11 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

Clearly the people the Siberian camp believe in the world of the paranormal.

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