February 19, 2025
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12 years ago

This is so interesting. It’s rather freaky.. because all these plants are growing around my house wild. Is that a coincidence? When I was raking the weeks out for my steps. I noticed the black berry looking weed. I felt bad to kill it. I though oh damn.. Greg said, oh well. I had a feeling it was an important plant of nature for birds. Thank you for this important information. I’ll make sure to grow more around my house and keep some inside.

The other night I had a nightmare that there was a zombie by the vidock’ trane bridge. A father and his two daughters were walking through there and they came upon a mean zombie. The dad told his girls to run the other way… as they ran they could hear him screaming. They began crying daddy’… I had to watch the entire gory ordeal. As if it was a psychic vision. I hope not. 🙁 This seriously scares me. At least these plants are around my home. Thank you!

12 years ago

Not to be paranoid. But if the sheets hit the fan.. 😉 I want to be prepared for the worse. A super soaker is an awesome idea. lol I could go over to the Catholic Church and ask them for some holy water. Seriously hope it never happens. If it does I think most people will die of shock and taken by surprise. With all these video games of zombies you’d think we’d be prepared for something. 😉 No all zombies are evil mindless beasts. Except for Vampires. They are charming. I prefer to die by the devanare charms of the vampire than the stenchy zombie. Thanks so much for this information.


[…] Holy Water, etc. don’t work when it comes to repelling or killing zombies.   Besides a few herbs that work as repellents you must eradicate zombies the hard way with brute force.  Despite the […]

12 years ago

Despite the [..] ??? lol what?? 😉

12 years ago

lol okay .. “Gottchya” 😉 Rodger Dodge. Over and out! 😉 Xavier.. I’m scared shitlless here. Since I didn’t ever believe in zombies and now.. my beliefs are shaken. Not a fun world to live in. If it happens I’ll have to try and kill super man. 😉 I rather be a vampire and take em on head on …. Charles or Drake please just do me a favor and bite me. I don’t think I can defeat them.. not if what i’ve seen is true!

12 years ago

Also all these smilies are more like Ohh shit birds .. lol I laugh when I’m un easy ‘… Ya know what I mean. Vern. ?? lol
I joke!


[…] Holy Water, etc. don’t work when it comes to repelling or killing zombies.   Besides a few herbs that work as repellents you must eradicate zombies the hard way with brute force.  Despite the […]

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