At Midnight on Halloween Morning, most of The Mystic Investigations Team entered an old dilapidated mansion on the edge of the Mystical Forest. However Zack Powers, our teen bionic boy wonder, and Elizabeth Weatherly, an investigator, hid in the foliage as lookouts with walkie-talkies in hand. A gang of vampires was converging under the command of the notorious Wraith whose a powerful fifth-generation Scottish vampire known to be the black sheep of vampire royalty. They have a price on his head due to his wish to start a vampire apocalypse which would be similar to a zombie apocalypse. His dream is to turn a good portion of the global human populace into vampires who would then enslave the rest for the purposes of being a food supply. The Royal Vampires Of Transylvania prefer the current status quo as they have control of everything they need for their power and luxury lifestyle.
The Mystical Forest is one of a handful of major paranormal energy centers on Earth. It seemed Wraith had enlisted a powerful Dark Witch, named Belladonna, to marshal that power on the most evil of days Halloween. Evidence also indicated that he had Werewolves, and Zombies under his command via Belladonnna’s dark potions, and spells. We hoped to catch these filthy fiends off guard as we cautiously, and quietly entered this house which was haunted as well. As we walked down the dark creaky wood corridors transparent apparitions flew past us along with rushes of cold wind coming out of nowhere. There was a smell of sulfur among the eerie sounds of otherworldly howling. Our Phantasmologist, Rob Edmunds, took the lead as me (Xavier Remington Mystic Investigations President), Rebecca Abernathy(White Witch), Hunter Jackson(Ex-Navy Seal), Julia Hathaway(Psychic With Telekinetic Powers), and Ashley Abercrombie(Cryptozoologist) followed while Drake, and Duanna brought up the rear.
Suddenly we came to a dead halt as a female ghost dripping in ectoplasmic blood declared in a bone-chilling voice, “You will all die tonight. I just did.” She then let loose a blood-curdling scream and blasted through all of us causing a massive icy shiver. However the ghost stopped short of Drake, and Duanna when Duanna demanded, “Don’t you dare flow through us, dear!” The ghost then popped into a mist and disappeared. It’s possible a powerful fourth-generation vampire-like Duanna could temporarily trap the ghost within her. In essence a reverse possession. Although, ghostly possession is far less common than the well-known demonic variety.
Rob’s Fluke Thermal Imager tracked the previous trail of the ghost while Julia honed in on her psychic energy signature. It led us to steps that went down into a basement. We all carefully headed down the rickety staircase, and entered the damp moldy smelling basement which was dimly lit by moonlight fluttering in the slender windows near the ceiling. Large spiders could be seen on webs over the windows as the squeaks of rats could be heard along with their little feet scurrying about the floor around us. Only Drake and Duanna seemed to not be phased by the rodents. Rebecca had enough and began sprinkling some type of power from her magical herbal satchel. It caused the rats to scatter away into the darkness.
Julia began examining a blood-stained slab of circular concrete slightly raised out of the floor. Drake kicked it away, and I shone a flashlight down to reveal a ladder going into a deep dark hole. Drake and Duanna entered first, and the rest of us climbed into the sub-basement after them. We entered what appeared to be a system of concrete corridors with flaming torches on the walls every so often. We now knew we were close to finding Wraith, and his gang especially when we heard unholy snarls in back of us.
Rebecca and I stood inches away from two brown furry Werewolves whose mouths were dripping with saliva as their eyes glowed green. The emerald color indicated that they were under magical control. At that moment they lunged at us. Before Rebecca could let loose a powerful spell of witchcraft I pulled my gun out and fired a silver bullet in the head of one as Hunter did the same to the other. There was no time to use humane countermeasures in this situation. The two monstrous beasts reverted to human form as we had a moment of silence for the loss of life. Drake and Duanna suddenly felt someone biting their shoulders. It was two zombies whose teeth had just broken on the dense superstructure of the two vampires. The dynamic vampire due then proceeded to snap both of the walking corpse’s necks, and they collapsed on the floor. Duanna quipped, “This Wraith character needs to be taught a lesson in the proper decorum of greeting guests.” We crept further down the long winding corridor of flame-lit shadows ready for anything. Read The Entire Story On The Adventures Of Mystic Investigations…🧛