Yes, demons have been known to procreate with humans. Although this is extremely rare, and actively thwarted by Angelic forces! A human completely possessed by a demon who in turn mated with a human is what created the first generation of Vampires. The only generation to manifest by birth rather than being former humans transformed by a vampire virus. Generally, this first generation is considered to be pure quarter demons. When a demon materializes into our world into its true horrifying biological form and mates with a human you get a half-demon or a Demi-Demon. Somewhat like the Demigods of the demon world.
What Are Demi-Demons?
Demon-Human Hybrids are deceptively beautiful immortal creatures who hide their hideous horror deep within. They make even the most vicious vampires look like Sunday school teachers! When enraged or entering a feeding frenzy their faces contort into a monumentally monstrous form! Rather than merely drinking human blood they ravenously devour entire humans within minutes! This includes reducing the bones to dust with their multiple sharp steel fangs! Almost certainly they’re the equivalent of supernatural land sharks! Their unfortunate victims are considered demonic sacrifices that increase their inherent paranormal powers. These Demi-Demons are considered demonic royalty on Earth. Vampire Kings & Queens bow down before them as Emperors! To learn more about these diabolical denizens of darkness please continue reading our extensive article on DemiDemons here…
will my parallel self become a demidemon? is that his goal? Julia I’m getting worried. the devil is too powerful foe you guys too handle but if you say you’ll try too stop the Antichrist’s birth, then it’s alright then because at least you’ll try?
will my parallel self become a demidemon? is that his goal? Julia I’m getting worried. the devil is too powerful foe you guys too handle but if you say you’ll try too stop the Antichrist’s birth, then it’s alright then because at least you’ll try? how all of you livin?
How can someone kill a demidemon?
Generally beheading or complete incineration in holy fire does the trick for virtually any entity of evil. Unlike vampires a stake to the heart won’t work on a Demi-Demon.
Is there a chance a demidemon could be good due to being half human?
It’s possible but the darkness dominates most of the time.
If a demidemon became good would they become Demiangels?
It’s possible since good vampires have temporarily reverted to Angel based DNA under controlled holy circumstances:
Can they be killed with normal flames like vampires or are they immune to normal flames?
Demons can only be incinerated by powerful 100% blessed holy flames. The best case scenario is to spray the demon with holy oil, and then light that with holy fire. It must be blessed by a powerful Priest who truly believes in the power of his or her Lord.
Can Demidemons be killed by normal flames? What if the stake was pure Silver.
No they can literally bathe in normal flames courtesy of their demonic heritage. That being said their human side limits things. For instance a full demon could survive the 50 to 150 million degrees Fahrenheit temperatures of a nuclear blast but a demi-demon would be incinerated to vapor just like a human would. Holy flames are required to extinguish them. In addition Demidemons have pyrokinetic powers that can produce flames from their hands or even their mouths! As far as stakes a sizable pure solid gold one blessed holy would kill them.
I read the article on these beings. How do humans become Demidemons. If a biological Demon Changes them Would they be just as strong as a True Demidemon? Do they have hypnosis like vampires?
Demi-Demon status can come about in human via direct endowment by a demon but it’s most common in practitioners of magic who prolifically practice the dark arts with deep demonic worship, and sacrifice. Yes they have hypnotic powers.
If they are directly imbued by a Biological Demon would they be stronger than If the became one through the dark arts and demonic worship and sacrifice. Also does their power depend on the power of their demonic parent? For example if a Archdemon and a demon crated a Demidemon would the Demi-Archdemon be stronger than the Demi-Demon?
Are demidemons living dead like Vampires? If so can necromancers Control them like they can on vampires?
Since they’re half human they’re not considered living dead. In general Necromancers can’t control demons. They might have a shot with a half demon if they were also a powerful Sorcerer.
By the way sorry if these are weird Questions.
No actually they’re good questions. Half the time people ask nutty questions that have nothing to do with the articles!
Can you make a similar page for demi-Angels?
This one comes close: | The only known Demi-Angel to currently exist on Earth is Saint Nicholas: There was only a handful throughout the entire history of the planet since human and angels mating is almost always frowned upon in Heaven. For the offspring to not be considered Nephilim they have to be sanctioned by the Archangels of Heaven. It’s throught the other Demi-Angels ascended to Heaven, or left Earth to explore the Universe, and beyond!
I read the page about Demi-Angels Demi-Demons and Nephilim. Do Nephilim devour humans? I read somewhere that they were cannibals.
Yes Nephilim indeed consume humans because it increases their power. That power really comes from the metaphysical energy infused in our bodies. Sort of like someone eating oranges just for the Vitamin C.
Is it possible for a Nephilim to become a Demi-Angel? Also are all Demi-Angels capable of chronokineses? Can Demi-Angels mate with humans to form a quarter Angelic being?
The difference between a Nephilim, and a Demi-Angel is approval of their birth by the Archangels of Heaven. So a Nephilim could never become a Demi-Angel. Even if they dedicate their lives to performing good deeds. One such example is the fabled Paul Bunyan. Probably one of the most famous modern Nephilim. Despite dedicating his life to righteousness there’s still a Heavenly bounty on his head! The only known Demi-Angel is Santa Claus, aka Saint Nicholas. He has two kids, and they’re both considered Special Immortals. They have some level of Angelic DNA but it’s probably far less than a quarter. Heaven doesn’t like to spread to much Angel DNA on Earth I guess. It’s probably likely that chronokinesis is a standard Demi-Angelic power.
Don’t Nephilim have to stay in secluded areas due to their height? How does a Nephilim even hide from human populations with their height? Due to being the offspring of a Fallen Angel, does that mean they have both angelic and demonic DNA?
Nephilim almost exclusively live in dense forested regions where they sometimes run across the Sasquatch. Some choose to live large systems of caverns, and even the Underworld. A Fallen Angel is somewhat akin to a Angel-Demon hybrid so the Nephilim could be described as Angel-Demon-Human Hybrids. However the DNA is technically a unique melding of both Angel, and Demon DNA.
Interesting. Why is it that Angels reject the Nephilim who fight for good? Also is it possible for them to activate the latent magics to some degree? Also if someone used magics that called upon Earthly God’s or jinn could they hurt the Nephilim or are they immune to magic period?
It’s mainly the Archangels who are very particular about where angelic DNA ends up. Perhaps it has something to do with such power possibly over influencing human events in the future. A rogue Angel, the type who answers the call of Enochian Magic Witches, might temporarily activate latent magics in a Nephilim. However it would eventually be detected by Archangels if it goes on too long. More or less they are immune to any magic an Angel based being would have. Plausibly Omnimagic or Macromagic could be used against them.
Do demidemons have a different afterlife than us?
Unless they seek redemption the demon half dominates, and they ascend to full Demon status in Hell.
I read they have procreation limitations. Can they mate with humans or is that a part of the limitations?
Basically what I’m saying is can demidemons mate with humans?
Can Demidemons mate with humans to create a quarter Demon, like a vampire?
Have you guys had any experience/encounters with demidemons?
Our team hasn’t run across a Demi-Demon. However our vampire member Drake Alexander has run across three during his 700+ years on Earth. He narrowly escaped one of them after suffering serious injuries. He had the pleasure of witnessing one beat the hell out of Dracula. Naturally Dracula filed a formal complaint with King Dagan who in turned contacted his demon masters. The Demidemon was reprimanded, and had to make a public apology to Dracula before being banished to the Underworld for 100 years.
Is a Demidemon stronger than a Demigod the earthly god type? Does their strength depend on the Demon who sired them?
In some mythology a human-demon hybrid was called a Cambion. Is that another term used to identify Demi-Demons or is that another type of being altogether?
I read the part about them gaining abilities from blood. Assuming they found a mermaid or Merman, could they become a Demi-Demon merfolk?
They would temporarily gain Mermaid abilities which would include sprouting a tail. This has been done in the past as a tactic to infiltrate Atlantis, and other Mermaid strongholds. Fortunately they are usually caught in time before major damage is done. Atlanteans are nobody’s fool!
I read about how vampires blood heals injuries. Does the same go for demidemons?
Yes even more so for demidemons. The healing ability stems from the Angelic origins of demons. Naturally Angel blood would be far more prolific in healing.
Would their bloods healing power be able to regrow limbs?
If ingested over a matter of days, or weeks depending on the age/generation of the vampire or demi-demon then limbs could be regrown.
Do Demi-Demons have to sleep? If so it for mental purposes like a Vampire?
A Demi-Demon may sleep a half hour to an hour everyday for the same reasons as vampires. Full fledged physical demons require no sleep.
Could a Demi-Demon develop chronokineses? If a Demi-Demon was old or enough and consumed several a humans could defeat a sorcerer like Ian McTavish or Dimitri Diablo? Also would a Demi-Demon be able to have children with humans?
It’s plausible a Demi-Demons magic could overtake a top level Sorcerer if they were old enough. Yes they could develop chronokineses. Especially if they ate someone who had Chronokinesis!
If people get almost anything from a soul deal would a demon turn them into a Demi-Demon, or are they particular about who they would make a Demi-Demon?