The Plague Doctor is the darkest paranormal master of disease on Earth! The ultimate Asymptomatic carrier of virtually every disease on our planet! Although a loner at heart, the Plague Doctor realized there was only so much pain, suffering, humiliation, and death he could deliver by his own horrifying hands! Even as a Dark Immortal with the deities Pestilence & Death in his corner there was still only one of him. He began enlisting the help of evil humans who showed great promise. In addition, he allowed his sinister sycophants to form a cult in his name, and worship at his diseased feet! It seems every supernatural being attracts obsessed humans looking for someone to give their empty delusional lives meaning. The Plague Doctor is no different. Whatever their position in his offensive organization they all fall under the umbrella of The Plague Doctor Cult. A clandestine union of mostly humans who see the Plague Doctor as their Unholy Lord just as the Doctor sees two of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as his Gods. That being the aforementioned Pestilence, and Death whose altars he bows before each day with malice in his decayed heart of darkness!
The Surgeon General Of Suffering’s Trusted Lieutenants

At the very top of the cult are his trusted lieutenants, and those with supernatural abilities that aid in his quest to cause a global pandemic apocalypse! His second in command is the notorious Typhoid Mary, aka Mary Mallon. The Plague Doctor has promised to give many of his loyal followers powers along with Dark Immortal status but he rarely delivers. Often these pathetic lackeys die for his cause willingly or otherwise. However, Mary was one of the few he rewarded with Immortality. Her spreading of Typhoid, and other diabolical schemes not known to mainstream history, deeply impressed him. Rarely do humans mean anything to him. She has become the closest thing to a female Plague Doctor and is probably the only person he truly trusts.
The Doctor taught Mary how to channel the dark metaphysical energies of diseased suffering, and death to acquire Dark Immortality. Her feminine wiles are an effective tool in seducing key people, infiltrating affluent homes, and various facilities to spread sinister sickness. Even to this day she enjoys posing as a cook which was her profession when she was a human. Just making someone barf at a fast food drive-thru is said to make her laugh manically with a wild look in her cold eyes! Typhoid Mary provides important insulation for the Plague Doctor as he is one the most wanted supernatural beings on Earth! Read More About Typhoid Mary…
The Plague Paradigm

Next command of this hierarchy of havoc are the various paranormal beings, and dark practitioners of magic who serve at the pleasure of their precious Plague Master. They are called The Plague Paradigm. They consist of virtually any entity who wants to see the Earth wiped clean of humanity to make room for a new evolutionary line where the Cult are the Earthly Gods. Their master plan is the evolutionary rise of viruses and bacteria which would be transformed into sapient beings of the most monstrous magnitudes! Think real life Giant Microbe dolls[Ad]! The Plague Doctor’s sick vision of this planet’s future is beyond nightmarish! Those who share his quest to quell the natural evolution of Goddess Gaia’s sacred body include some demonic beings, such as certain Vampires, who don’t agree with the Devil’s Armageddon agenda. Every group of evil entities seems to have a handful who support the Doctor Of Death. The practitioners of magic who join the Plague Paradigm tend to be dark warlocks, and witches with some wizards working their alchemist magic with a biological twist! Sorcerers are too strong-willed to usually serve anyone but themselves.
The Oath Breakers

Below The Plague Paradigm are the so-called Oath Breakers who often wear The Star Of Death Ring or necklace. This is an upside-down Star Of Life with a reverse Rod of Asclepius. Important members have theirs encrusted with black and red precious gems. These Oath Breakers, who defy the Hippocratic Oath of healing, can be doctors, nurses, scientists, government officials, pharmacists, pharmaceutical executives, and anyone else in a medical-related career who wants to gain power through the spread of disease, death, and destruction. At the lowest levels are those involved in the agricultural, and food service industries! The perfect mechanism to deliver disease to thousands! It’s said that various E. Coli outbreaks across the world are caused by these dirty dogs! The Plague Doctor lures these people to serve within his dark deceptive web with promises of riches, influence, and even those immortal powers he’s quite stingy with. Ultimately many of them end up diseased or dead after their usefulness has come to a close. As far as we know the Plague Doctor cannot grant someone else powers but he can teach people how to acquire them. He rarely does this most likely because he’s got better things to do, and doesn’t want to risk someone becoming more powerful than he is! Although, his promise of riches is easily kept most of the time through theft!
The Useful Idiots
At the lowest levels of the cult are the Plague Doctor’s Useful Idiots. These dumb disposable dupes most commonly work at fast food restaurants, picking produce in farm fields, or as hospital orderlies. They also include common thieves and thugs who are down with any job required to meet the Plague Doctor’s malevolent master plans. In some cases, they might be happy to serve him. In other cases, they have no clue that the Doctor or the supernatural world exists. They’re in it for money and their own personal joy to inflict pain on others. Some actually believe their alarming actions will lead to more power but they’re just not that important, to begin with. These lowest of the Plague Cult scums are the ones to die the most. Often to protect the Plague Doctor and cover his terrifying tracks. He and his crazed cohorts would gladly shove you into rush hour traffic in order to get to their destination a second sooner!
The Secret World Of Diseased Worship
Those in the cult who look to the Plague Doctor as their God, or Christ figure, erect altars in their homes. There are rumors of secret rooms in clandestine corporations where they commit terrifying human and animal sacrifices by giving the victim a deeply deadly disease! Although they have been known to do it the old-fashioned way as well! There are even Plague Doctor Temples, or Churches, hidden in remote rural areas where he gives his lackeys the honor of his visitation on occasion. He’s been known to host despicable orgies at swanky mansions where everyone is wearing a Plague Doctor mask. Sadistic sexual ceremonies somewhat reminiscent of the movie “Eyes Wide Shut“. These blasphemous bastards actually consider it a privilege to contract an STD from him or Typhoid Mary! They save the deadly ones for unfortunate victims sacrificed at these sickening macabre parties! The Plague Doctor’s Virokinetic Disease Manipulation Powers can exponentially accelerate the deterioration power of a disease in an individual! It’s said that The Plague Doctor & Typhoid Mary not only carry every disease on Earth but can spread it to someone else at will or hold it back! Any time a new disease manifests they inject themselves with it, and assimilate it into their unique Immortal bodies surging with dark spiritual energy!
The Plague Cult Feeds Off The Downward Spiral Of Our Society
As our broken society grows more mentally ill, and devoid of purpose with each passing day, more people are inducted into The Plague Doctor’s Cult. This is by far the most disgusting, and dangerous supernatural organization on Earth! Brave souls in the supernatural community fight each day to shut down these sick paranormal puppies but it’s like pulling weeds. Another one always rears its ugly head! If this disturbing trend continues then it’s not a matter of if but when a major pandemic will wipe out our civilization! That being said we have other dark supernatural factions whose agenda conflicts with the Plague Doctors. So in essence they could act as anti-heroes, and stop him for their own selfish reasons thereby inadvertently saving humankind! Our Original Plague Doctor Article. The Branch Covidians became an independent sub-cult in 2022 after a number of cult members felt efforts had waned when it came to spreading COVID-19. Despite leaving the central cult The Plague Doctor publicly announced his support for them and any other group hell-bent on attempting to create the Perfect Pandemic.
Next Plague Doctor Story
: Plague Doctor Warning!