Ghost Hunters always carry a digital thermometer as a general guide to gauge paranormal activity around them. Believe it or not the average temperature of a haunted house, or any other similar structure is a respectable 66.6ºF. Even if the furnace is running at full steam or it’s the middle of a summer heat wave. This temperature usually reflects a state of ghostly presence yet in a mostly dormant state. They occupy the house and are siphoning just enough thermal energy from the air to remain charged up for future action!
The temperature of 66.6 obviously corresponds to Satan’s designated number of 666. Even without any demonic presence, the temperature is actually a product of the Devil hacking reality. In dormancy, metaphysical entities feel the 66.6ºF limit just as the demonic reality hacking detects their paranormal presence. This is a sign of the Devil’s dominion upon the metaphysical in this Earthly world. This hellish hack is supported by Dark Underworld Gods to thwart any re-programming by nature deities. Like a great many things, including time, the Devil adheres to human measurements. This includes temperature and its first measurement system of Fahrenheit.
Haunting Activity Can Drastically Decrease The Temperature!
When an invisible entity directly interacts with the physical environment the temperature will drop drastically. This is dependent on the power of the haunting entity whether it be a ghost, poltergeist, demon, or some other higher dimensional being. These blasphemous beings pull heat energy from the general area causing air molecules to slow down thereby lowering the temperature. Absorbing energy from the air is the most common method of powering up next to taking electricity. This of course causes the quintessential light flickering of a classic haunted house.
A simple ghost can take the temperature down to freezing if they are furiously flying about trying to get your attention. More powerful entities of evil may drop it to 0ºF or lower as they have the ability to squeeze more energy from the environment and transfer it to usable metaphysical energy. Naturally, this can cause pipes to burst and other damage to occur. Demons pretending to be other entities just to toy with humans will bring the Kelvin Scale into play. Especially if they are messing around with logical scientists who refuse to accept the existence of the supernatural world. The temperature will hover at 66.6°K or -339.79ºF! Extreme hauntings by multiple powerful poltergeists have seen temperatures plummet to Absolute Zero −459.67°F. This resulted in the nearly instant death of everyone inside along with the building crumbling apart within minutes!
The Hot As Hell Haunted House Is The Most Dangerous!
Dastardly demons can have an opposite effect on the environmental temperature as it gets hotter than hell…well figuratively anyway. This is where these dark denizens of the Devil’s damnation pay homage to the Celsius Scale. If the thermostat reads 66.6ºC or 151.88ºF then it’s time to get the heck out of that house! Run as fast as your feet can carry you because you’ll not only be baking alive but also be dealing with angry demons! They are powered by the metaphysical flames of Hell and don’t require environmental fuel. Although they do enjoy feeding off the fear and anger of human souls for additional strength.
Top-flight demons and perplexing poltergeists powered by Underworld energies can literally turn any building into a burning furnace as temperatures hit 666 in every temperature measurement scale just for demented kicks! This can result in it being over 1200 degrees Fahrenheit! These sinister specters are dying to destroy everything in the vicinity as everyone becomes supernaturally sealed in the haunted house! People are quickly baked alive amid the eruption of blinding flames! Whenever you’re in a building where the temperature is rapidly getting colder or hotter you should immediately flee the scene just to be safe! Don’t take a chance it is merely a faulty HVAC system!😈
😇Interesting Note: If Angels are present there is no set temperature standard. People simply report a feeling of loving warmth whether it happens in the freezing cold of winter or the hellish heat of summer. This is due to Angels imparting holy enchanted energy upon a person’s body, mind, and soul.
I already knew about the temperature going up from an experience I had at a gravesite. There was a blast of hot air on one side of it like a space heater. Imagine how powerful something has to be in order for it to heat the air.