The Summer Of Slenderman

The Mystic Investigations Team finally saw a lull in paranormal activity after much chaos over the past months. So, I decided to give the team Friday off.  We all went to the white sandy beach at Luminary Lake to celebrate the first week of summer. Suddenly the screams of a distressed woman came from the woods!  She was yelling, “Oh my God it took my little girl!”  Our vampire Executive VP Drake Alexander was closest, and he dashed into the woods at super speed, and we followed quite a bit behind. Drake ran into a clearing to enter into his first encounter with the notorious Slender Man, a shape-shifting entity of evil from another dimension.  He’s a criminal sentenced to Earth as a punishment, and while here he enjoys tormenting people, controlling their minds, and causing death. Slender is also infamous for kidnapping children who he uses to fuel his powers through the mystical energy of their unique innocence. The Slender Man usually appears as a tall skinny man in a dark business suit devoid of a face.  Although he can sprout many ultra-long tentacles which he was now using to keep the screaming woman and her little six-year-old girl in his grips.

The girl he had around the waist was oddly calm under the Slender Trance as her mother was being choked.  Drake extended his vampire fangs as his eyes glowed red, and he roared like a lion with the demand of, “Let them go you Slender son of bitch!”  Drake immediately knew who he was since there were centuries of Slender tales within the secret supernatural community.  The faceless grey head turned to Drake and shot a black tentacle at him but Drake dodged it.  He then grabbed it and yanked Slenderman into a tree causing him to lose his grip on the mother and child.  Drake ordered them to run, and so they did into the waiting arms of the rest of the team some distance away frantically pointing us in the right direction.  Demi-Mermaid Witch Rebecca Abernathy then bellowed, “Mystic Sphere” to form her magical pink translucent energy bubble around her now that the general public was out of view.  It flew up above the tree canopy to join the Slender fray🧙‍♀️…Read The Rest Of The Story…