What Is Faunapathy?
Zoopathy, also called Faunapathy, is a psionic super power that grants one the ability to communicate telepathically with animals. Although the lowest end of Zoopathy is simple animal empathy, or the feeling of an animal’s emotional state. The next level of advancement would be to transmit emotions to the animal. This creates a bond with the animal that may, or may not, allow for some level of control over the creature. Mid level Faunapathic powers entail reading an animal’s mind, and translating it into something understood by humans. Then sending simple human thoughts to animals in a format they can comprehend.
Advanced users can carry on complete mental, or voice conversations which is also called Zoolingualism. Conversations are of course limited by the animals intelligence, and their natural vocal linguistic abilities. Rare amazing individuals with complete Zoolingualism would be able to carry out real intelligent human conversations with animals both mentally, and
vocally. This is due to having the ability to temporarily increase the animal’s intelligence, and even their physical vocal cords in some cases. Somewhat like an advanced computer interfacing with a primitive one in order to carry out a complex task upon the inferior system. Once the interface of the Omnilingualist has ceased the animal loses his new found understanding of the world. Interestingly Zoolingualism is a sub-power of Omnilingualism which in turn is a power high level Gods possess. Most notably by the Omniverse God.
Extremely advanced Zoopathy can result in hypnotic mind control that compels one or more animals to do the power users bidding. In the wrong hands this can be an extremely dangerous weapon when using the animal as an attack tool. In the right hands animal attacks can be halted to save lives. Zoopathic masters may direct huge herds of animals across great expanses with the mere will of their minds! Some say successful Native American tribes often had a Faunapathic in their midst. One who could direct bison in their direction for use as food, clothing, and shelter.
Faunapathy can be limited to one, or more species for some while others can handle just about every animal on Earth! Those who can communicate with more advanced species, such as dolphins, and gorilla’s, will begin to manifest the ability to utilize their powers on the minds of human beings to a limited extent. Humans being the most advanced animal on Earth. Although generally Zoopathy is limited to less complex minds, and most don’t advance to human empathy, telepathy, or mind control. In addition, depending on the level of one’s Zoopathic powers, they may only be able to communicate, or control, one animal at a time. Highly advanced users can handle a large herd, or pack of beasts depending on the animal’s mental state of peace, or anger. Angry animals are always harder to manage whether by normal human hands, or those wielding wondrous psychic powers!
The highest degrees of Zoopathy are usually only seen in supernatural creatures such as Gods, Vampires, Mermaids, etc. Mystic Investigations very own Rebecca Abernathy is a Demi-Mermaid with Faunapathic abilities. When it comes to sea animals she has varying degrees of communication, and mind control. With all other animals she has some level of empathetic powers, and can often exude a calming effect on them. Due to Mermaids having the ability to communicate telepathically with two of the top 10 smartest animals, Octopus & Dolphins, they can have some level of hypnotic hold on humans as well.
Mystic Investigations Psionic Super Powers Directory
The Quest To Communicate With Animals
Example Of Extreme Zoopathic Powers