A Tulpa, also called a Thoughtform, is the manifestation of any object through concentrated meditative thoughts, or magic. This can include metaphysical, or physical objects along with actual sapient beings at the extreme. Large segments of the human populace believing in something can sometimes be enough to bring a Tulpa into existence by accident. Tulpa formation is a sub-power of Reality Warping which in turn is a psychokinetic power courtesy of our higher dimensional Afterlife God selves. It’s also apart of our God like quality of sapient consciousness that guides us five dimensionally through near identical parallel Universes with each decision we make.
All of us have inadvertently created Tulpa’s at one time or another in our lives. However they were so small we probably never noticed them. That lost item we could have sworn we just saw or that specter out of the corner of your eye. The most common Tulpa’s are those that manifest for mere seconds after we wake up from a dream. We might swear we see a dream object in our bedroom in that haze before fully awakening. In fact it probably did manifest briefly. When that happens you need to immediately recognize it’s a Tulpa, and concentrate on keeping it there. That is if it’s a good thing! The magic of innocence that children possess sometimes allows them to create an imaginary Tulpa friend they can only see. A being so tied to their minds that they eventually fade as the child ages, and becomes more in tune with adult reality. Children are also notorious for creating their own little invisible Tulpa worlds that enthralls them for hours of playtime on their own.
Tulpa’s were first discovered when ancient humans first began meditating, and exercising their imaginations. This later gave rise to the discovery of Magic. Presently the best known group of Tulpa creators are a secret sect of Tibetan Buddhist Monks living in an unknown location in the Himalaya Mountains. The paranormal place known as Shangri-La which is rumored to be an Earthly paradise created completely of Tulpa’s. Human created Tulpa’s may also be responsible for the manifestation of Gods, spirits, poltergeists, and some supernatural beings.
What Is Tulpamancy?
A paranormal power related to Tulpa Creation is Tulpamancy, or the power to control, and feed off the energy of any Tulpa. A Tulpamancer generally is a master of creating Tulpa’s as well. However they usually don’t have the supernatural juice to manifest God like reality warping powers. More or less lack of access to large quantities of metaphysical energy is why we don’t have crazy Tulpa’s running around everywhere. A Tulpamancer could cause widespread danger if he, or she ever ran across a God that was solely a Tulpa conjured up by ancient masses who believed in it. They could easily tap into it’s power, and in turn the awesome power of the human collective consciousness. Tulpamancers are almost always Monks, Meditation Masters, or someone born with that power activated in their junk DNA.
If you’re interested in accessing your Tulpa Thoughtform Power then considered learning advanced meditation techniques. World class consciousness engineers have created Omharmonics to help you meditate. It’s powered with binaural beats, heartbeat synchronization and ambient sounds. Omharmonics stimulates your senses in a positive way and is scientifically proven to eliminate internal and external resistance which allows you to reach an optimal meditative zone in a matter of minutes! Click Here To Learn More!
A Number Of Tulpa’s Are Composed Of Metaphysical Matter. In addition there is some similarity with Philosophical Zombies who may very well be Tulpa creations.
Experimental Tulpa Thoughtform Creator
Use At Your Own Risk! Designed to create a sapient entity to do your bidding.
The Tulpa
A Short Film Based On A True Story
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So can anyone create tulpas? By the same logic reality warpers can make people and objects disappear? Where do the people and things go when they disappear? Do they just stop existing altogether?
Anyone could theoretically create Tulpas with enough belief but it’s not likely due to the metaphysical energy needed. When such things disappear they are gone from existence forever. However it’s possible a Tulpa could manifest a soul or become entwined with its creator’s soul.
How do I get rid of, or take the energy of a Tulpa?
If it’s your own creation you can make physical contact with it or step into it, and then wish it away. If it’s not your creation you may need to train in the art of Tulpamancy. However you can increase your effort though the use of crystals such as Black Tourmaline and Rose Quartz. These will absorb energy, and then transfer it to you with practice.