March 26, 2025
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12 years ago

Oh my gosh…. that is horrible. I am happy that no one was killed and that Duanna saved you. I was certainly not trusting of Bor3dom’s statements, but I never thought anything that severe. Come to think of it someone was in my head for a few days trying to get me to open up and let go of concerns I have about whatever part of me is vampiric. They said they were Duanna, but now that all that has happened, I seriously doubt it.

12 years ago

Once again im not the enemy

Xavier Remington
12 years ago
Reply to  Bor3dom

There’s a chance you may have been fooled by Diablo or perhaps sold your soul to him when he was the King Of Hell, and the Devil was in exile? Perhaps for wealth or fame? Now you’re bound to serve him. We’re not sure what to completely make of you yet but we do know you’re linked to Diablo in some capacity. You have some level of power that Diablo is taking advantage of and channeling for his nefarious deeds.

12 years ago

Bor3dom ..I don’t know what to say or think anymore! I do side with Mystic Investigations. They are my trusted friends on here. I just met you and the very same day I met you. All hell broke lose in my life! I seriously don’t know what to think. You’re cousin and family are very messed up. I hope you have a team on your side! if you are innocent. I do not want war. I hate it.

12 years ago

Im a hell spawn it tends to happen but I am fighting for the light and I have a team of being that will win the war for the light, we have almost won just a few more days stay safe all of you, I have endure much suffering for the fate of humanity but the light is very close to winning my sacrifice will have been worth it, and Dimitri came after me but I have taken care of his forces for now but they will come for me again

12 years ago

I doubt things will end so easily bor3dom. And I must doubt what you say.

12 years ago

He should be shoved into a Stone and forgotten. Dimitri.. for his evil and arrogant ways. Good rid-dens to him.

12 years ago

Doubt it all it doesnt matter, turn on me I dont care your just proving to me that my family was right about compassion, and do you realize that I have more power than any being on Earth, The reason I was in the vision is because I am the King of Hell and will soon have enough power to take over the entire Universe. I wasnt behind all the astarl attacks but you can believe what you want because of the torture I have endured I cant go to the astral world I can simply power those who can.

12 years ago

-sigh- awesome. Compassion doesn’t have much to do with doubt. If you have been lied to for a large portion of your life, even loved ones become subject to scrutiny. I believe what you say to a point. In large part it is just how I analyze things. The likelihood that I would turn on anyone is low, as I do not wish to cause undue trouble. Heh, I would assume your name isn’t eddie?

12 years ago

No what made you think my name is Eddie

12 years ago

Bor3dom.. I have a bad feeling.. When you said you’re the king of all HELL.. Well that would equal = Dimitri or the Devil. hmm.. If you are Dmitri. You have seriously disturbed the balance of this world. If you cared you would have fixed our problems here, not try to conqueror Earth and all parallel universes. Including Haven. Just saying if you are him. I’m not impressed! Only one I know of that has that much power is Dmitri.

If you even listen to your family then go ahead. That tells me you are as shallow as them. Compassion comes from TRUST! Common sense. Something all Illuminati lack! Trust is earned with patience.. Then you’ll gain virtue! You don’t get compassion without the rest. You just had a very bad start. Your cousin seriously messed it up for you! Either way I can’t help you! I’m giving my powers away.. to one I know who can control it and who will fight for the light as well. I just wish everyone would get along!! I’m not here to fight.

12 years ago

I merely became king of hell so demons would no longer attack humans, and Dimitris power is compared to mine is like comparing a bug to a lion. Dimirtri has the Anti God Complex he only wants to make himself powerful, while I have powered many beings and made them superior

12 years ago

Eddie is a friend of mine who you remind me of.

12 years ago

Oh well no for the time being my Name is Nathen

12 years ago

Well Dmitri even tried to take my power and he couldn’t. Perhaps I can’t even give it away! I just hate being attacked and man handled in a violent way. Being bitten harshly doesn’t fly with me. Bitten like a nibble in passion that I can handle. I am a Reiki Master so I’m able to channel some energy to help heal people and the paranormal. (I can heal ghosts of there inflictions from their deaths.)- That’s normally all I use my powers for is good! To help this world. I try to heal the oceans, rivers all water. Fix the holes in the ozone. Increase the Earths fields so the sun don’t destroy our crops. And stop fierce tornado’s. I have healed people with serious diseases. At least I bought them more time with there families. Would my powers even work for the dark?

12 years ago

Nathan I have dragged Demons to a prison in hell or a hellish place. I have the power to do this. I shape shift into a large dragon type creature. When I lick them they burn. I’m super holy. I doubt any of the dark would dare try to harness this power. You’d think it would destroy them all together. I don’t even know what I am. Mystic Investigations have helped me allot! I guess I should just continue what I’ve been doing. Protecting this world and the innocent. I never start the fights.. Normally I get attacked.. The demons think I’m only a human and attack me. Then I transform into something they can’t escape from. What is that?

12 years ago

Like I’m a devil for the devils.. a punish-er for the wicked.

12 years ago

Or battle angel.. I have no idea. But every single time. They always under estimate me and attack! They get a very rude awakening!!! The last one he was squealing like a pig all the way to hell.. And yeah I enjoyed inflicting pain upon him on the way… Like licking him so he could burn! In that form I am much meaner.. Not like I am now in my human form. I was like the Medusa. I know that the churches have Medusa on there churches. They say in legend she is the protector over the innocent. I’ve been doing research about it. Also about a few weeks ago I heard a demon say “She’s only Human” I chuckled.. Yeah you’ll find out I thought! Bring it on!

12 years ago

Also while I am in that form. It’s as if I’ve done it before many times. And I know my way around pretty well. I don’t now. But while it’s happening it is like I know exactly where I’m going. Maybe I”m the police in the afterlife? I have been trying to figure it out. I just demand peace! At all costs. If the demons refuse I will take them there.

12 years ago

The reason I am so heartless towards the Demons on the way down.. I sense there is absolutely no redemption for them. They feel no remorse. Not only that.. I saw exactly what they did to there victims. Killing entire families for there pleasure! I saw children etc. That really outrages me. When I was a vampire in a past life. I saw that I went through a prison wall and took out an evil man. I seen that he raped and killed little girls. When I got a hold of him. I bit in and then… As I was biting him. (Feeding off him). I felt his relief and I could feel he wanted redemption and wanted to be punished for what he did. etc. And that haunted me enough to remember now! That human wanted redemption. Not saying all demons are created the same. There was one other demon who showed me his side of the story! And he wanted revenge for what the churches did to him when he was reborn. They burnt him alive! I’ve said enough.. Too much! You better not be apart of Dmitri that’s all I have to say about it.

12 years ago

Oh wow whitewolf… you’re pretty scary when you want to be. All I can say on the topic of demons is that they don’t seem to leave me alone usually :p the only time that they don’t is when they think they are super powerful. I mean, im not nearly as strong as you, but I can be pretty scary too sometimes. Lol

12 years ago

Oops, do seem to leave me alone. Not don’t.

12 years ago

Whitewolf you have had visions of the White Dragon because you can become the white dragon I hate Dimitri and all that he stands for My family sold my soul for wealth I have no heart for demons either and all those who are evil will feel my wrath for all the torture I have endured

12 years ago

Bor3dom, if you could, please explain to me whatever im getting snippets of, and feeling? If it has anything to do with you that is. It has nothing to do with a dragon. Especially not white.
…maybe its a memory again. Idk.

12 years ago

Bor3dom, I have seen the white dragon. It’s not me. I might be of a dragon. I know I can transform into something like it. But THE White dragon is something entirely different from me. I’ve met it. It wants to be born so it can fight for the light! Perhaps through me. Just that I don’t have a man. So that’s not possible. I’ve thought about a sperm donor. I have one picked out at a sperm bank. But that’s so risky.. Not to mention there are other beings who want to be my daughter such as the a girl who is described as the RING girl. I am afraid to have anymore kids since all this. I prefer to have the white dragon. Not the other. And I rather be with a man who loves me and wants a kid etc. Not the sperm donor. Either way.. I just wanted to tell you I’m not that white dragon you are in search of. Maybe I am only apart of them… which is the light. I have no idea what I am.

I’ve also had many past lives. Died in battle etc.. good vs evil. I’m being stubborn about having another baby. Since I want a normal life with a good man.

12 years ago

I can give birth to the white dragon and I have chosen someone to bear the child but the woman would need your blessing to do so

12 years ago

I am not really sure Kinadra I have been taking in alot of dark energy in hopes that people will begin to understand their gifts and who they are destined to be

12 years ago

Also whitewolf when the white dragon is born so will the black dragon

12 years ago

Bor3dom, This has already happened to me once already. I wish to have the child myself and raise it into the light! I can’t have another bare the child for me. It’s a long story about what happened. I won’t say it in public. Mystic Investigations already knows about this. I’ve been robbed once already! I can’t take another time. I’m happy with having one of my own. I don’t mind going through all the labor pains etc. I have a high tolerance to pain .. I went through this before without any pain killers. Not saying it didn’t hurt. I just wanted to make sure the babies were healthy and not drugged up! I’m a very protective mother. I don’t want to have a baby if it’s going to reek complete havoc upon this earth. Only someone who is of the light. The white dragon. Is the dark dragon opposite? I’m assuming it is.

12 years ago

Elaborate please on what you said to me Nathen?

12 years ago

Heck I am happy just having a normal human being without any super natural powers. You know what I mean. A baby is a baby.. pure and simple. That’s so much weight to bare on a kids shoulders. Born to fight in a war of good n evil. Just feels crazy that all this is happening. Why I came here to talk to Mystic Investigations about it. Why I’ve held off on having the baby.

12 years ago

Bor3dom.. I don’t want to have the Anti Christ. Like I said it must be of the light or not at all. And that’s just to much of a gamble.

12 years ago

All this stuff is very odd, and a little hard to grasp. Oh, and whitewolf, I emailed you. Im sorry for keeping you up.

12 years ago

I have been undoing alot of the Illuminatis black magic so people will begin to realize what abilities they are capable of I am not sure what you are getting snips of Kinandra but it should become clear soon, and Whitewolf there is no one powerful enough to father both dragons and have them fight for the light but me

12 years ago

Since you’ve said already that you were destined to have the Anti-Christ! That scares me … I seriously don’t know what I’m going to do at the moment. I’m sure Drake is upset at me now for talking so much! After they warned me not to.. I just am being honest and I don’t want war. I’m a true peace keeper.. Why I’m still talking.

12 years ago

The two dragons growth will be sped up 100 times that of a normal child, and your right it is very risky to have a child because they can go either way, but having been raised by demons I know what to do so they stay in the light

12 years ago

All of it is risky Bor3dom. And what if we did this and had the dragons. Then the Illuminati decide they want the babies and kill us both off. Then the world would be doomed. That’s the gamble I am thinking about! I’m not doubting you.. or your abilities to have the dragons or pushing them into the right direction’ the light. I just can’t bare the thought of anything going wrong! But at the same time I do want a baby. So I can’t win.

12 years ago

I was meant to be but I have chosen to father Christ instead my soul belongs to Jesus’ daughter and I will never betray her and I will fight and slay any evil that tries to hurt her

12 years ago

I’ll tell you what I would agree to.. If we did that. Duanna and Drake would have to be the god parents. I trust them. And they don’t even know me well enough to agree with that. But I trust them. I do not trust your family.. Either way this is freaky. And too much could go wrong.

12 years ago

I have already contacted my grandparents and all twelve families they have agreed to give half of their wealth to me in exchange that I do not reveal them.

12 years ago

Why can’t your girl friend have these dragons or Christ?

12 years ago

She is of the blood line. She should have as much power as me.

12 years ago

I hate and do not trust any of my family they have wrought too much evil in this world my own grandparents sold my soul before I was born,

12 years ago

She is not meant to bear the dragons she is meant to bear two Christs with the power of Omniverse gods

12 years ago

I see. But you do understand why I would want to raise the babies? Maybe you don’t. Since you don’t know what happened to me already. Please write me at I can not talk of this in public.

12 years ago

The mother of the two dragons was already chosen decades ago and I have merely been looking for her

12 years ago

I am sorry Kinadra.. I will go to my email now and check your letter. It’s okay about last night. I normally stay up till 1am.. ask Drake .. Rebecca & Xavier. lol I normally send energy at that time. It’s just that it was my bed time. You are not a burden so don’t worry about it. Send me a letter anytime k.

12 years ago

Well Bor3dom. Looks like you might have found her.

12 years ago

But it’s important to me that Duanna and all Mystic Investigations would be a huge part of this. Since they are of the light. If the Illuminati (You’re family) ever found out. I don’t trust them. And that is why I’m probably not going to do this. It’s a huge responsibility for the well being of our people .. our earth. The light!

12 years ago

I have emailed you whitewolf

12 years ago

I read it and replied.

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