Once in a blue moon, a Vampire crosses paths with someone worthy of joining them on their journey of eternal darkness among the sanguine shadows of humanity. It’s not so much what the human does but rather an indistinguishable property a vampire senses via metaphysical intuition. The flickering of a potentially infinite unholy flame followed by the scent of sweet blood. Blood that arouses an insatiable appetite beyond that of average human hemoglobin. Once they taste the first drops any slight doubt of this monumental decision flies into the wayward winds of dusk gone past. The vampire initiates the paranormal process of creating another of its kind. This begins by draining the human of virtually all their blood except for a perfect amount the vamp mystically senses. This takes practice and may result in the human’s death if the vampire in question hasn’t been properly instructed by his or her own Sire. The one who made them in their living dead image as they now attempt to become a Sire themselves.
More often than not the vampire sire holds off until they properly meet the object of their desire. They may try to briefly get to know them if only to reveal their true nature and introduce the idea of the person joining them as a member of the living dead. Ultimately, they know that the human will have quite a different personality once their DNA becomes vampiric in nature so they don’t waste time getting to the transformation process. Ideally, they’d like the human to agree but even if they don’t, they’ll often still try to transform them. In their misguided minds, they believe their vampire creation will see things in a different light once the transformation is complete. Sometimes they’ll be vague about things like simply offering them immortality and not mentioning the need for blood along with other pesky things like never being able to walk in the sunlight ever again!
The Paranormal Process Of Transmuting A Human Into A Vampire
Once the blood is drained to the brink of death the human is technically known as a Pre-Vampire. This is because the saliva has released a light strain of the notorious Vampire Virus. It’s not enough to transform someone unlike when werewolves and zombies bite humans. It prevents immediate death along with marking the prey as belonging to them so another vampire doesn’t steal the glory. If another vampire interrupts and tries to take over the transition ritual then it simply won’t work. Particularly if the vampire is descended from a different vampire line. As the Pre-Vampires heartbeat and breathing expire it’s time for the vampire sire to act on their impulse to give birth to a new dark life. The sire usually bites into their own wrist or sometimes cuts themselves with a special ritualistic knife. The knife is often made of Electrum, a natural gold-silver alloy. The sharp implement is often needed if they are a powerful vampire who heals so quickly that the wound seals instantly. Often some agent, such as silver or a mild level of Vervain, is used to weaken the area so the vampire’s blood can be released into the pre-vampire human’s mouth. This introduces the full strength of the vampire virus into the Pre-Vampire’s digestive system to be absorbed into the bloodstream and all areas of the body. Without a beating heart, it is actually the virus that moves about the body at lightning speed!
The Demonic Vampire Virus

Within the vampire’s blood is a supernatural virus laden with Demonic based DNA, and RNA. This vexing virus was born within the First Royal Generation who were directly born from the womb. These are the only vampires who were the result of a demonically possessed human mating with an average human. The Vampire Virus is known to heal humans and even some supernatural beings. Thankfully it will only transform someone into a vampire if directly introduced into their body under the circumstances mentioned in this article. Depending on varying factors the assimilation of the vampire virus, and the transformation into a full-fledged bloodsucker can take anywhere from 24-48 hours as the Pre-Vampire appears to be dead as a doornail. During this time, they are vulnerable to attack, and their Sire is often nearby to protect the future vampire offspring. However, their body is already under the protection of the vampire virus which means they can only be killed as a vampire would. That could include a stake to the heart, beheading, or complete incineration by fire or sunlight exposure! Not even being embalmed for a funeral can halt the paranormal process. Hence the classic image of a newly born vampire emerging from a coffin or grave almost like that of a Zombie. In some cases, the Sire might bury their new creation in the Earth for safekeeping if they have pressing business to take care of.
Free Will Allows Humans To Reject The Vampire Virus!

What Happens If A Human Rejects Vampirehood?

If they decide to reject becoming a vampire the angels disappear along with the demons. All except the one who started the sire line. He or she usually has quite a frightening fit and sets forth an array of scary threats. None of which they can actually follow through on. If the Pre-Vampire remains resolute in their wise decision then the final demon dashes back to Hell where they belong! Then the cleansing white light of Heaven appears. Once the Pre-Vampire strolls through, they are washed of all sin. Their body is miraculously cleansed of the Vampire Virus and they die a holy death. These are the cases where even a seasoned vampire inexplicably loses the object of their affection, and sometimes obsession. They become extremely angry like their patron demon whose spirit fuels their rage. At that point, they destroy the body, and go on a bloody rampage killing all humans within a certain radius while draining them of blood! It’s only later on that they examine their psychic thoughts and realize that the human chose not to join them in their eternal blood quest.
The Acceptance Of The Sires Dark Immortal Gift

The Enchanted Sanguine Awakening

The first consciousness as a Vampire is a breathtaking experience that exponentially exudes the beauty, and wonder of our reality. They see unimaginable colors and waves of the electromagnetic spectrum unseen by human eyes. This includes seeing within the ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths. They can even witness the invisible enchanted energies that swirl around us every day. This allows them to see people’s astral auras and gain insights into the nature of their very souls. They can even see all the nature deities and spirits frolicking about with glee. Naturally, they pray to Satan some of them will transmute into physical form so they can partake of their powerful paranormal blood! Sounds become crystal clear from miles around. They can hear humans breathing and hearts beating well out of their sight range. Aromas once undetected are now a smorgasbord of sensational scents that create insane curiosity along with inciting intense memories, and sensations! Sensations felt in every supernatural cell of their blasphemous body as they become aware of the ultimate allure of the blood that shall be the sustenance of their ever-living dead existence! The blood of animals and humans wafts through the air as if dinner is being freshly cooked for them!
The Unbreakable Vampire Sire Bond

The vampire mind races with a thousand thoughts due to their increased intelligence, and emotional psychic awareness. They sense their sire master is near, and yearn for his or her blood to be the first they sample as a vampire. That first quenching of sanguine thirst from their sire is the equivalent of a baby breastfeeding. A necessary boost to solidify their demonic powers to the fullest. However, they will do just fine if they are forced to feed on another vampire or even a human for the first time. Somewhat like a bottle-fed formula baby. The consumption of their sire’s blood seals the eternal bond and begins their immortal journey through the annals of time together. It also ensures the closest psychic bond possible for mutual mind reading to breed unquestionable trust.
They will be capable of communicating psychically. No matter where they are on Earth they always know where the other one is. This is how vampires found each other before global communications. Otherwise, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack if they ever became separated! Naturally, there are periods when they travel alone and possibly sire their own vampire children. Even if centuries pass they always find their way back to each other again to share a unique unimaginable relationship that no human could ever begin to comprehend! Of course, amid this seemingly almost fairy tale existence there is usually a terrible trail of human blood, death, and destruction! Dark deeds that will forever taint their once seemingly innocent human soul! Thankfully some grow out of their demonic animal urges, and seek to use their powers to fight on the side of innocent humans helpless in a world of supernatural dangers! They walk a path of redemption hoping to find peace in Heavenly death someday!
Can I create new account? Because apparently I can’t change my username.
Could a Demon Possessed human transform someone into a Vampires, if so would that make them First Generation?
The possession must be extremely deep down to the genetic level. Most possessions are simply of the mind. Deep possession often alerts Angels, and other beings of the light. In addition it drains the entity of a lot of energy, and weakens them.