Do Mermaids Possess A Soul That Goes To Heaven?
Despite being powerful stealthy supernatural creatures with an immortal Earthly existence, Mermaids occasionally die courtesy of dark paranormal forces. It’s been said in some circles that Mermaids, and Mermen have no immortal souls. According to legend, they turn to sea foam when they die. This legend is most famously conveyed in Hans Christian Andersen’s Danish fairy tale The Little Mermaid. The paranormal record indicates his tale was based on a true story. Hans original Little Mermaid doesn’t have the same happy ending seen in the Disney cartoon of the same name. Hans Mermaid ends up dying and turning to sea foam due to not capturing the heart of a Prince whose soul was to flow within her. However, she does not cease to exist and becomes an Earthly spirit.
The Many Afterlives
Firstly, there are several levels to the Afterlife or Heaven. Incidentally, Heaven isn’t just a haven for human souls since the human species is one among nearly infinite intelligent self-aware species that inhabit our entire greater Universe, or Macroverse. You may be human in this Universe but in a parallel reality, you could be an extraterrestrial, or supernatural being such as a Mermaid. Just as Mermaids are human in other realities. Anywhere your unique soul frequency manifests, by the roll of the probability dice, it always connects to your multitude of higher-dimensional souls. So anyone who is judged good by the higher dimensional Powers That Be will ascend forth into the eternal afterlife.
Is Seafoam Deceased Mermaids?
Mermaids and Mermen who die will indeed turn to sea foam. Many supernatural beings usually disappear quickly in some way at death. This is the Universes method of adhering to the Supernatural Secrecy Pact. Another example is the infamous deaths of vampires who burst into unholy flames and turn to unholy ash. Speaking of vampires they are technically in their first level of the afterlife while still living among us. Hence the term living dead. Some humans linger on Earth as ghosts while most move on to the fifth dimension containing the first levels of Heaven.
What Happens To Mermaids After They Die?
Despite originating from the humans of the lost continent of Atlantis, the transformation into supernatural Merpeople turned their afterlife over to the Earthly Gods. Mermaids with a kind heart become sea spirits, or sea nymphs, known as Nereid’s. Although not all Nereids originate from deceased Mermaid spirits. Every entity, and phenomenon of nature has a spirit or God managing it as a part of the Earthly God hierarchy. When a sweet Mermaid passes on her soul becomes one with a body of salt water. Generally, a portion of the ocean she once lived in. That region of the sea is in essence her new physical body just as the entire Earth is considered the body of the Goddess Gaia. Nereids also eventually gain the power to take temporary physical form which often leads to them seducing sailors, and other men they come across as they are extremely sensual souls.
A Nereid manages her portion of the sea under the direction of higher-level sea nymphs, Goddesses, and Gods. She also strives to help any humans in need on the high seas. Especially from dangerous creatures both normal and paranormal in nature. She is also playful and frolics swimmingly about the sea with the friendly fauna. Sea animals she can have real conversations with even more so than she could in Mermaid form. A Nereid has the opportunity to ascend to a higher deity with the endgame being that of a higher dimensional Sea Goddess. Some get there by becoming Muses that inspire creativity in humans, Satyrs, and Gods.
Sinister Siren Seductresses
Those not-so-nice Mermaids become Sirens, or corrupted Nereids, who lure unsuspecting humans into a wanton web of darkness via their mesmerizing singing, and extreme beauty. Sirens work for Dark Gods, Goddesses, and low-level Demons residing in the Underworld. The Underworld is a physical manifestation of the infamous higher-dimensional Hell housing top-level Demons such as the Devil. At some point in the past, there was a war between the Dark Gods and Demons who eventually agreed to share the domain. In same cases, Sirens have even been known to work with, or for, Succubus.
Good Nereids often chase away Sirens from the sea since they have no set physical territory, and travel wherever they can to incite mayhem, and death by seduction. The initial goal of many Sirens is to become a Succubus, and no longer be restricted to the sea as the playground for their dark deeds. From there many strive to become Underworld Demons or Dark Goddesses. Thankfully most Mermaids are good so there aren’t a great deal of Sirens in the sea.
What Happens To Mermen After They Die?
In the Earthly God hierarchy, there isn’t equality of the sexes. In fact, women tend to do most of the work. It’s no coincidence that the soul of Earth didn’t manifest as a God but rather the Goddess Gaia Mother Earth. Good male Mermaids, or Mermen, become Sea Satyrs who more or less spend most of their time partying, amusing Gods, and Goddesses with their witty repartee along with various performance talents including music, and poetry. Unfortunately, if Nereids are included in a Godly entourage it’s usually for the sex but some become Muses. However, Goddesses often welcome their Nereid daughters of the sea into their inner circles as confidants and companions. Sea Satyrs are notorious for trying to seduce Nereids which thereby results in a flurry of new flora and fauna in the vicinity. Many aspire to charm Goddesses and win higher dimensional favor.
Those Mermen who choose the path of darkness become dark sea daemons after death. These sinister spirits perform a variety of dastardly deeds for Underworld Gods, Goddesses, and Demons. They are another force of evil sweet Nereids have to deal with. The dark sea daemons often strive to become Incubus if they are looking to follow the demon path rather than the evil God path in the Underworld. The opportunity for powerful advancement is greater in the Demon realm.
What Happens To Demi-Mermaids When They Die?
As a Demi-Mermaid, I the author of this article, assume I will live forever since a child of even one immortal is generally an immortal. Although Goddess forbid if anything happens to me what will be my first afterlife fate? I know like all sentient souls judged worthy I will eventually ascend to higher dimensional Godhood. In the first level of the afterlife, I will however be partly beholden to the Earthly Gods & Goddesses design. There aren’t many Demimermaids so it’s not known for sure what would happen. Would parts of my body turn to sea foam? Would I then become a free spirit Demi-Nereid? Perhaps given some place in the ocean I never lived in but where my mermaid mother resided before defecting from Atlantis?
At the same time could I enter the first level of Heaven in the fifth dimension at will? Coming, and going as I please everywhere in between. Or would I simply be a free spirit? Since a Nereid is a spirit, and my human half can become a ghost, would I just be a free-range spirit with no real place or purpose? If that were the case I guess I’d have some fun on Earth for a while before attempting to enter the first level of the Afterlife. Certainly, I believe Goddess Gaia would welcome me into her Earthly afterlife known as the Paradise Plane. Then there’s the fact that I’m a witch who often calls upon Gods, and Goddesses for power. Would I gain extra favor with them once my soul is free from physical form? Maybe I could just skip to full-on Sea Goddess! 🙂
On a final note, the terms for the supernatural beings listed here were Greek in nature since they are the most well-known terms. Not to mention that the Greek Gods under Zeus are currently the most powerful, and populated faction of nature deities. This includes the largest group of Mermaids living in Atlantis under the protection of the Greek Sea God Poseidon. Equivalent creatures may have different names in other cultures that fall under the domain of other factions of Earthly Gods. However more or less the afterlife fates are uniformly the same.🧜♀️
Seriously Sudsy Seafoam Spells Sinister Skullduggery!
We now know this was the result of a major mermaid massacre perpetrated by dark Underworld gods in a turf war with their nature deity counterparts!
What do sea satyrs look like? Satyrs in Greek mythology were described as Having a torso that was human with horns on their head, and having goat legs with hooves.
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