Propulsion scientist Dr. John Brandenburg wrote a scientific paper titled, “Evidence of a Massive Thermonuclear Explosion on Mars in the Past”. In it, he detailed evidence that massive nuclear explosions occurred on Mars some 150 to 300 million years ago. These explosions have the clear signature of being from nuclear weapons rather than a natural nuclear reaction. The true psychics, seers, and mystics of our supernatural community, especially those who commune with Gods & Goddesses, have verified that Mars was once a flourishing planet of life that evolved a sapient species similar to humans.
Unique Martians
Mars humanoid species evolved from an odd ape-reptile hybrid so Martians had varying degrees of green-tinted skin. Some were full-on green while others were more subtle with the skin tones we’re familiar with on Earth overshadowing the underlying green. Their stature was only somewhat shorter than humans so there is some truth to the whole “Little Green Men From Mars” trope. Since it would be beyond unlikely for a mammal-reptile hybrid to evolve independently, it’s no surprise that aliens outside of Mars were involved in this odd operation.
Alien Intervention In Martian Evolution
These unknown aliens attempted to tinker with Earth’s evolution as well even though life was far more lush here. Unlike Mars, Earth was under the protection of the powerful Goddess Gaia aka Mother Nature. She and all the Nature Deities promptly sent the extraterrestrials packing! This was well before The Supernatural Secrecy Pact of 33 AD along with no humans around to witness the alien invasion being repelled by Gods and Goddesses! Extraterrestrials were allowed on Earth by the Nature Gods and Goddesses as long as they didn’t step on their creations and plans for the planets future.
The Goddess Of Mars
Like Earth, the complex collective consciousness of life spontaneously formed a Goddess of the planet named Vitasphaera. However, life wasn’t as diversified and in large quantities like Earth so she wasn’t as powerful. It was the aliens who aided in pushing some evolution forth more rapidly and Vitasphaera only came into existence after their arrival. She knew them as being a part of her planet from day one so she continued to work with them. The Mars Goddess became good friends with the Goddess Of Earth Gaia, and they considered themselves sisters.
Unfortunately long before the deity Mars became the official Roman God Of War he was alive and active with violence in his dark heart! He also had a lust for power and became intrigued by the first intelligent species to develop in the Solar System. A planet the inhabitants called Lirosollum rather than Mars. From the god’s perspective, they were unique beings he’d never seen before. Biological entities with bodies of animals yet God-like consciousness, and souls. By that time, the aliens had figured out how to meld with Martian Nature Deities and became true gods and goddesses. This ascension made them very peaceful and they apologized to Goddess Gaia for their previous Earth invasion.
The Devil Of Mars
The dark god Mars was able to compel the 2nd largest Martian Civilization to adopt him as their Chief God by making them tall promises and spreading lies about their original Goddess Eirene. She later became the Greek Goddess Of Peace. The largest Martian civilization had Vitasphaera as their Chief Goddess. Both were the premier superpowers of Mars with a plethora of smaller civilizations spread around the globe. Their society somewhat resembled a mix of Ancient Egypt, the Aztec Civilization, and Ancient Rome. However like Ancient Egypt, despite mainstream historian’s assertions, there were a wondrous array of modern type technologies created by unique means that would seem impossible to us via their archaic methods. They even developed nuclear technology by observing it occurring in nature!
Mars plotted to use his people to take over the planet, and literally possess Vitasphaera. In essence, he was the Devil of Mars. Upon possession, he would expel her from the planet or extinguish her outright! Naturally he had his faction of supportive Gods, and she had hers. They would go to war invisibly out of phase with the physical reality but only indirectly interfere in the planet’s affairs via the people. Although the planet Mars didn’t have Earth’s Supernatural Secrecy Pact it did obey a higher God. That being Earth’s Goddess Gaia who enforced the Omniverse God’s wish to let intelligent biological species play out their natural destinies to an extent. As an adopted daughter of the Omniverse God, without an intelligent species on her planet yet, she was an Aunt of sorts to the people of Mars with her pseudo-sister Vitasphaera being Mother Mars.
Since Earth was teeming with more life, and would have a handful of future intelligent species along with a much longer history, Gaia had great powers. Gods, especially those with planetary bodies, can access the full scope of their metaphysical energy matrix past, present, and future. This is why various Gods never attempted to possess her. That, and her affiliation with the Omniverse God. However, they weren’t aware of his neutrality stance, and the need to play out all mathematical scenarios.
Satan knew which is why he attempted to possess her soul, and even seduce her several times. He failed miserably as Gaia saw through his bull! The failure of the Chief Archdemon to defeat her illustrates the extent of Mother Earth’s power! He never bothered with Vitasphaera as the War God Mars was already doing his bidding in destroying the planet and turning it into the cold desert world we know today. The Devil was also the only one who knew that Heaven only wanted one intelligent species in our solar system so it was doomed from the start!
The Deception Of Vitasphaera
Despite this Gaia would have surely come to her sister’s aid if she was in danger. Mars planned for this and distracted Gaia with a love interest. Kamadeva, the future Hindu God Of Love, was young, and naive at the time. He looked up to Mars and began a love affair with Gaia at his request. As Mars slowly began to convince his worshippers to conquer the planet, Kamadeva was whisking Gaia away into higher planes of reality on all manner of amorous adventures! By the time she returned, Mars was a radioactive desert wasteland with the War God as the new soul of the planet.
Mars was unable to kill Vitasphaera but rather banished her to some unknown Hell dimension with the Devil’s help. She’s never been seen since! Some revenge on his part for Gaia not falling for his charms. The Devil himself didn’t aid in the destruction of the planet since Angels actively enforced a no-interference policy on Mars. Also for the record Kamadeva was extremely apologetic for his part in this nefarious plot!
The Mars Backfire
Mars underestimated the ravages of war, and his planetary prize became nothing but a barren rock courtesy of massive nuclear warfare! A humiliating embarrassment for such a carefully planned plot. Naturally, his giant ego couldn’t accept this so he spun everything in a positive light for himself. He spent countless millions of years bragging about how he exterminated ungrateful worshippers and ousted Vitasphaera into the Devil’s domain. Although he was always secretly bitter that Satan didn’t help him save the planet. Only during Earth’s Roman civilization did he end up attaining some level of respect after so much snickering behind his back for endless ages. Some of this was through a disinformation campaign painting his Greek counterpart Ares as the real culprit behind the Mars debacle.
Mars vs Ares
The Greek War God Ares was no saint himself but at the time he was focused on his higher-dimensional life within the society of Olympus. He had no interest in biological life at the time and only knew of Mars by reputation from reports of scouting deities. During the Earthly reign of the Greek Gods, the Roman Gods were fighting amongst themselves with some on planets in other star systems and even Galaxies! Ares was indeed identified with the red planet at the time and it was in fact what humans called it. However, Ares only visited the barren wasteland on a handful of occasions and naturally had no interest in it. He ran into Mars there on one occasion and they got into a brief fight since Mars was jealous of the god status of Ares among humans. Nobody even heard of Mars at that time!
The Roman Gods vs The Greek Gods
At some point, the Roman Gods under Jupiter became united as they influenced the dominion of the Roman Empire. With a rise in human worshippers, they were ready to attack the Greeks. The Roman deities went up against the Greeks under Zeus and defeated them after a long war! However, during that war, Mars was beaten like a bitch! He never forgot that second humiliation! As the Roman Gods took their place in power, Mars painted himself in a far better light within human mythology while making Ares look like the power-hungry bloodthirsty warmonger.
In later centuries, Zeus rallied his Gods and allied with other Earthly nature deities to oust most of the Roman Gods from the planet! During the battle, Ares defeated Mars again! Mars was then banished to his crimson desert planet where he’s been confined ever since. He’s still hated by many higher-dimensional beings and those of us who know of his blasphemous acts! Today Zeus is the King Emperor of the Gods who led the way past the need for human worshippers in a world of monotheistic religion.
The Future Restoration Of Mars
Thankfully those who see the future are happy to report that Mars is ousted into demonhood in exchange for the release of Vitasphaera. She takes her rightful place amid the Mars terraforming project. Scientists are puzzled as the progress increases exponentially with flourishing far beyond any liberal projections! By the year 3000, it resembles Earth! Upon her rightful reinstallation as Planetary Goddess, she subtly plants the seeds of electromagnetic portals around the planet being the key to time travel there. They eventually perfect the temporal process and her hypnotic suggestion has them retrieve past peoples to restore the original Martian species. Someday justice will be restored to Mars. The God Mars knows this prophecy, and is actively fighting against it happening! The Devil has reassured him he will never betray Mars nor release Vitasphaera. Yeah right, Devil we believe you…NOT! If Mars believes it then we have a city of skyscrapers to sell him on Jupiter!
Humans Are On Mars Now!
There have been a handful of advanced global human civilizations erased by the sands of time. The legends of Atlantis and Lemuria are some of them. One of these societies set up shop on Mars which was of course as we know it today. Initial plans for terraforming were taking place when supplies and communications from Earth ceased due to any number of worldwide calatacisms. It’s usually a massive meteor or comet hit. Luckily they were at the stage where survival on their own was possible. Most of their bases were underground. This included massive lit caverns of agricultural fields. They exist there hidden to this day. Humans who populate Mars in the future will believe they’re Martians if they choose to let themselves be known. In fact, they’ve been there for so long that they probably believe that are. Various hints of civilization such as The Face On Mars, pyramids, and other structures are from them and not the original Martians. Any trace of their society vanished from the harsh crimson planet millions of years ago!