The mysteriously notorious Hat Man of urban legends fame is a real person we now know to be a member of The Conexus. The Conexus is a higher-dimensional organization of darkness hell-bent on assimilating as many supernatural beings as they can into their cancerous collective. Their ultimate goal is Omniverse(Multi-Universal) domination and the complete possession of the Omniverse God! Hat Man has appeared around the world as a Shadow Specter, and even in seemingly full corporeal form on some occasions. When seen in his complete form he wears either of his trademark Top Hats or Fedoras.
His sinister gaze has been known to give people heart attacks or at the least deep heart palpitations! He relishes scaring the hell out of people, especially in their bedrooms at night. He loves jump scaring them awake while inducing sleep paralysis. He feeds off the negative energy of fear itself! Before actually appearing he often invades people’s dreams to play mind games. Unfortunately, he enjoys killing people even more via sucking the metaphysical energy from their souls down to the last enchanted drop! Hat Man is also extremely skilled at talking supernatural beings into joining the Conexus. If they refuse he assimilates them by force!
The Top Terrifying Agent Of The Conexus
Hat Man is the collective spirit form of the Conexus. A completely unique being born when the Conexus intersected their consciousness into one point. So far he is the only Conexus member with enough power to be permanently in our reality in at least a shadow form, and definitely the only one to attain a human-like physical form. He is their top agent sent forth to find people to assimilate into the higher dimensional collective along with eradicating those who pose a threat. They also suck the souls from random people just to spiritually add more fuel to their fanatical astral fires!
Hat Man is thought to be the top Astral Shadow Mercenary of the Conexus. These Shadow Mercs are the henchmen who do the dirty work in this dimension. They account for a small percentage of Shadow People reported thus far. However, their numbers are growing rapidly as the Conexus vies for its place in the War Of Armageddon! If you encounter Hat Man your best move is to pretend to faint, and play dead. He will consider you too weak to even bother with…hopefully!
We will update this article as we learn more about this sinister specter of the supernatural shadows!