While still a human, known as Vlad the Impaler, Dracula had a son named Mihnea cel Rău. The name means “The Evil One”. Indeed he was filled with darkness like Vlad. However, he was a failure at executing said evil and his father considered him a complete disappointment. Mihnea attempted to follow in his Fathers footsteps after his supposed death. His son never knew dad became a vampire! Unfortunately, his stint as Prince of Wallachia was short-lived. Since Dracula considered his son to be an utter embarrassment he never aided him nor contemplated bringing him across into the dark immortal shadows. After his death, Mihnea actually came back as a dark ghost who haunted Dracula for about three seconds! Dracula quickly summoned a demon to banish his son to hell! He was already headed south anyway! Unfortunately for Mihnea being taken directly to Hell by a Demon makes the stay exponentially worse!
Two Methods Of Vampire Birth
Dracula became a powerful second generation vampire with unique magical abilities when the King Of The Vampire Kingdom Dagan transformed him! Over the centuries Dracula sired many a vampire both male and female. Some he took a deep personal interest in and considered them family. That being said, there is only one he considers his true son and successor of darkness. The one he didn’t sire by draining a human of blood and introducing his own to create a vampire. It was a vampire born to this world when he got a first generation vampire princess pregnant. Something only possible once in a lifetime if two first generation vampires mate. No other vampires are capable of getting pregnant nor impregnating anyone for that matter.
The Miracle Vampire Pregnancy!
The pregnancy was unexpected but Dracula wasn’t surprised at his paranormal potency after centuries of juicing up on the dark magics. There was an initial call by upper echelon vampires to abort the child and kill Dracula. By all dark rights, the princess’s child should have been fathered by her future arranged husband. Luckily for Dracula, King Dagan pardoned his actions and the disgraced Princess was executed right after giving birth. Naturally, her parents were compensated with a bump in royal rank, a ton of cash, real estate, and several human captives to feed off of! In addition, Dracula had to give an uncharacteristic public apology for his actions along with honoring any request made by the Princess’s parents. Incidentally, they wanted nothing to do with their Grandchild! This left the dark child completely under the influence of big daddy Dracula.
Dracula’s Dark Love Child
The world’s only first-second generation vampire hybrid was raised by Dracula and of course his staff of nannies. He psychically sensed the baby was a frightful force of darkness with a strong streak of intelligence, unlike his long-dead human son. With a final psychic confirmation from dark seers, mystics, and other vampires he was confident enough to name his son Dracula II or Dracula Jr. His sinister son is now 230 years of age and goes by the name Drac. Dracula is proud of Drac and his diabolical accomplishments. He often sends his son on malevolent missions around the world on his behalf. Drac is a top enforcer and the number one trusted confidant of his frightening Father. Should Devil forbid anything happen to his beloved Father then Drac would take over the empire of evil!
The Mantle Of Dark Machinations Will Pass To Drac, Jr.
Does Dracula, Jr. Fulfill An Unholy Vampire Prophesy?
Some first-generation royals look at Drac as an abomination while others believe he fulfills a vampire prophesy written in the vampire bible. Something akin to him leading the way into the vampire apocalypse that turns the planet into a blasphemous bloody nightmare! In essence, he would be the Vampire Anti-Christ. So far Drac only seems interested in pleasing his father along with indulging in his own selfish whims. When not professionally following his father’s plans to the letter Drac lusts for hot women, blood, and maniacal murdering! We also have various prophesies outside of the vampire community that seems to indicate Drac will join his father as a major player in the coming battles of Armageddon. [Twitter]
Is Dracula Jr’s Mother Still Alive?
There have been recent rumors that Dracula might have uncharacteristically pleaded for mercy when it came to the disgraced Vampire Princess he bedded. King Dagan has always considered Dracula his favorite next to his own birthed children. Dracula plausibly convinced him to fake the very public execution. Some say it was a captured shapeshifter who appeared to be the Princess. The real Princess was then stripped of her vampirehood in a secret ceremony thus making her a common human. The vampire royals always claimed there was no cure for vampirism but we think they have it under wraps. In this case, she was a natural-born vampire who was never human. That would mean the entire vampire community could be wiped out if anyone got ahold of this secret ceremony! In the end, there is some anecdotal evidence that Junior’s Mother became one of his nannies.🩸
Is Dracula Jr. able to withstand some sunlight like a First Generation? Does he hold the title of Prince? If Drac was to bring someone across would they be a Second Generation or a Third Generation?
Dracula can walk in sunlight for limited periods of time courtesy of his magic. He has taught his son the same set of dark spells. However Drac does have some minor natural resistance to sunlight. It’s unknown if he’s able to bring across other vampires or if he’s strictly forbidden from doing so by upper echelon royal vampires. Drac currently holds the title of Grand Duke.