The Boarhog Moothy-San is a Human-Hog Hybrid monster created by a cruel twist of fate some 1,153 years ago in Japan. It has a grotesque boarish hog body with a human torso atop it. Despite being part boar, the hair is missing due to molten Mount Fuji lava searing it off! The monstrous Moothy-San has a large goofy-looking humanoid moon face. The creature generally walks on all fours but will sometimes rear up on its haunches when it feels threatened. Ancient Japanese legend states that the Moothy-San was an exceptionally tall big-boned woman. She notoriously ate her family out of house and home while bloating up to 400 pounds in the year 864. This epic eating episode, mainly consisting of fish, and rice, only occurred after all the men in her village refused to marry her. They found her homely unfeminine appearance, and somewhat slow-witted mind quite unsettling. Naturally, the excessive weight didn’t help her net any men.
The Sad Plight Of The Boarhog
Men of the time were also repelled by her because she was beyond lazy. She cared nothing about housework, cleaning up after herself, and was perplexingly piggish in her way of life. Her father tried to make something of her by setting Moothy up with housekeeping jobs in the wealthier homes. Unfortunately, she could not live up to even the most minimal expectations. Moothy-San’s father was deeply ashamed of her after putting his good name forth on her behalf. The family was forced to abandon Moothy-San due to her insane diet, selfish messy ways, and general incompetence in all areas of life! Her father took her out into the wild woods in utter shame and disappointment. He left her to fend for herself in the Aokigahara, a haunted mystical forest northwest of Mount Fuji. A forest famous for ghosts and all forms of paranormal life along with suicides, and undesirables being abandoned to relieve society of their burden. It was the frightening forest of many cruel fates!
Moothy-San was lost for days dying of hunger until she heard the eruption of Mount Fuji and followed the thunderous sounds to the sight of lit lava. She caught sight of a Wild Boar near a hot lava flow, and wrestled it to the ground under her immense titanic weight. She then proceeded to literally eat the squealing beast alive! In the process of the Moothy-San’s feeding frenzy, her, and the horrified hog fell into the deadly lava! The two were forged together in the fires of hell on Earth forming an Obsidian monument to the madness of their meeting.
There they lie entangled for 100 years! During that time the Moothy-San dwelled as a ghost mindlessly chasing the spirit of the boar hog about the forest. Both trapped by the metaphysical magnetism of the Aokigahara forest. Moothy-San was also distraught over not being loved by her family. She couldn’t move on to the Heavenly Afterlife, and the boar was unable to dwell in Goddess Gaia’s Paradise Plane. Finally the duo cast in shiny stone was found by one of Japan’s first Sorcerer’s looking to test his powers on September 1st, 964. He sensed the life force in the obsidian sculpture of volcanic origin, and cast powerful magics upon it. He ended up creating the hideous Boarhog Moothy-San monster via a magical spell, and curse!
The Boarhog Moothy-San was startled by its reanimation, and its new mind of the melded Moothy-San woman, and the boar spirit. The Sorcerer laughed maniacally at its deformed creation before disappearing in a flash of teleportation light. The 7 foot tall, 1 ton, behemoth couldn’t talk at first and only grunted. Later it’s been said it learned to utter short phrases while on rampages to eat anything and everything in sight! This included innocent humans! Thankfully this heinous event only occurs every 100 years.
The blasphemous beast hibernates dangerously deep inside Mount Fuji near hot lava flows! For 100 years it sleeps in a nightmarish state with its deformed spirit haunting the Aokigahara forest. Then hunger pains awaken it to the world. At that point the Moothy-San storms down the mountain to the nearest village to pillage, and consume all food followed by any animals, and humans it can spot moving! Once it has its fill it returns to its home inside Mount Fuji to slumber in hell once again.
The last time it appeared was 1823 when the Boarhog attempted to attack Edo, later becoming Tokyo, Japan. The hoggish horror was repelled by several Samurai warriors and mystical sages wielding sacred objects of unknown origin. The Moothy-San was set to appear again in 1923 but a devastating Earthquake possibly destroyed it via a cave in, trapped it in Mount Fuji, or did something to keep it dormant. However paranormal investigators continued to detect the dark tormented spirit of the Moothy-San in the Aokigahara. During the 1923 Earthquake animals, and people in the forest were possessed by the bad Boarhogs spirit. The animals were labeled as rabid and put down. Possessed humans were declared psychotic and confined to mental health facilities as they were never the same ever again! This went on for 3 days!🐷
UPDATE! The Termination Of The Boarhogs Reign Of Terror!
On the year of our Lord May 31, 2017, private paranormal investigators captured, and contained the Boarhog Moothy-San! They now have possession of her bloated body for supernatural study! A joint expedition of Japanese, Indian, and British paranormal agents hiked deep into suspect caves near Mount Fuji, and yielded an amazing discovery. After a tip from local psychics, the team unearthed the Moothy-San trapped within a collapsed cavern. The great beast suddenly awoke as the team’s lights flashed upon its alabaster piggish form.
A spine-tingling squealing scream shot at them, and the mad monster charged forth with angry hunger in its evil eyes! The supernatural investigators shot back with high-powered stun guns and cattle prods. The bewildering beast was put down with only one injury to a team member. Moothys grotesque gargantuan whale rear bore down on a man causing broken bones and major bruising. The alarming abomination was dragged into a carefully crafted cage and lifted from the Aokigahara Forest by freight helicopter. The despicable denizen of darkness now lies in a private secret underground research lab in Tokyo! Thank God this long curse-ridden nightmare is over! Read The Complete Story On Our Paranormal News Blog…
What could kill this monster?
Probably a large Jabba could eradicate this hoggish horror! http://mysticinvestigations.com/paranormal/jabbas/