In the wondrous world of magical practitioners, we have those who either wield white (light), gray (neutral), or black (dark) magic. Within those three conventional categories we have an eclectic array of magics. Opposite all of those good, neutral and evil witches, warlocks, wizards, and sorcerers we have those with the ability to do Anti-Magic. Sometimes referred to as Reverse Magic or even Non-Magic. True Anti-Magic isn’t simply using magic to nullify another magician’s spells, curses, or potions. It is a rare psychokinetic superpower that one is born with. It cannot be learned like magic can by some. As it is Anti-Magic there are no spells or substances in its usage. A magician’s powers may be temporarily or permanently halted via this non-magic. In addition, Reverse Magic cannot be borrowed by common humans in the same way magical power can.
The Amazing Absorption Of Enchanted Energies
Those born with the ability to do reverse magic appear to only absorb metaphysical energy when it is directed in a magical way. Otherwise, they don’t seem to have the power to absorb other forms of energy like that of Psychic Vampire or those with Energy Manipulation abilities. In other words, they are as helpless as anyone else against people with psychokinetic powers and other supernatural abilities. An Anti-Magician is immune to magic as they absorb the enchanted energy within themselves and neutralize it. The energy is dissipated into the general environment or if skilled enough they can redirect it into their own bodies Chakras. Continuing to do this may keep them youthful and prolong their life with the potential for immortality! Generally, they need to have additional Ergokinetic powers to do this.
Breaking The Tie Between Gods And Magic Worshipers!
Amazingly enough, Anti-Magicians can neutralize those who call upon nature deities, demons, and other higher dimensional beings for power! They absorb, neutralize, and break the mystical connection to the entity in question. If the higher dimensional denizen attempts to harm them they will find that they are inexplicably unable to do so on what appears to be a simple human. This indicates that the Anti-Magic gene may be the product of extremely high-level Gods such as Omniverse or Macroverse. Since the Universe strives to create a balance for everything it’s reasonable there would be something to counter magic. Interestingly enough Reverse Magicians can effectively counter the externally potent Omnimagic and even Macromagic! Plausibly these Gods put limits on themselves or what people may call upon them for?
The Reverse Magician Isn’t Invincible
This being said a person with Anti-Magical abilities isn’t invincible. They could be injured indirectly by magic if it was used to cause a non-magical action. For instance, if a support beam on a building was magically destroyed it could bring a deadly load of rubble down on anyone! A master of Anti-Magic can be injured by all non-magical means minus a higher dimensional attempting to defend their magical servant on Earth. Thankfully for the Anti-Magicians, it is rare a deity would even think much about someone they dispense power to. Otherwise, they’d be beaming down and directly fighting their servant’s foes thereby nullifying the need to even practice magic, to begin with.
Even The Most Powerful Witches Are Helpless Against Anti-Magic!
Those with reverse magical powers may be able to siphon all energy from a witch or other wielder of magnificent magic. Especially when the magic is deeply infused within their blood and DNA. It acts as a hook for the rest of their metaphysical energy. If all energy is taken from an individual then they may be permanently robbed of their magical powers or suffer immediate death! The Anti-Magician may even damage the DNA of hereditary witches thereby making them simple humans for the rest of their mortal lives! There simply is no magical defense against an Anti-Magician. Not even cursing them will work! This is quite a blow to the proud Gypsies and Voodoo Masters!
The Paranormal Pursuits Of A Witch Slayer
Over 75% of people born with Anti-Magic powers become Witch Slayers or Witch Hunters. Often a blanket term for Magic Slayers who go after anyone who practices the mystical arts. The top tier are the ones who brand themselves as Sorcerer Slayers! Generally, it takes great guts to go up against a seasoned Wizard or Sorcerer! Anti-Magicians can detect magical beings and the use of magic in progress from great distances thereby making them ideal Magic Hunters. They can also see through deceptive Glamours so hiding is useless!
The Hard-Wired Heartless Beliefs Of The Anti-Magician!
Unfortunately, these non-magic artisans are born with an instinctual need to eradicate anyone in the magical community. This is why over half of them live to kill even if their prey intends on using magic in a righteous manner. They simply see all magic as an unnatural abomination even as they ironically use their own Anti-Magic powers! Often they neutralize the witches power and then use old-fashioned blunt instruments to finish the gruesome chore! Often they employ iron arrows or bullets to avoid the risk of getting too close to the intended magical target. This is because even weak witches could cast off a powerful potion that in turn causes a non-magical catastrophe meant to harm their attacker!