October 17, 2024
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11 years ago

I’ve wondered about this a few times. My son Tyler has told me his thoughts on this before! He thinks we are a program since everything in nature is created by the golden number ratio. Like a spiral of a sea shell and how perfect the sunflower is. Even our hand, face and DNA is based on the golden ratio. The universe etc! The Illuminati have clearly covered it up! Why? Because they also don’t want us to know that our DNA 64 ports will open up with the frequencies of love. So they bring us fear by war that slows down our frequencies. Here’s the link

But you are right .. everything is mathematical in our entire Universe.

Have a good weekend everyone! 🙂

Drake Alexander
11 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Whatever this reality is it has to be information at it’s fundamental level whether it’s binary code, quantum code, or the pure thought of the mind of God which it must ultimately be outside of any computer program. So knowledge is the ultimate power, and the key to freedom on Earth. Something the Illuminati only want for themselves. This knowledge is what gives us magic, and the potential for anything to be possible.

Zack Powers
11 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

If this is a computer driven Matrix I wonder if we have a Neo roaming about looking to free humanity? Odds are slim that it would be set up like the movie where we are lying in some vat in biological form with our minds jacked in. The scenario where we ourselves are programs is more likely. Maybe there are biological beings in the supposed real world that sympathize with us, and don’t agree with the deception of this simulation. Those who could hack in here, and appear as their avatar of choice. They might want to reveal everything to us along with having a way to transfer our consciousnesses to biological bodies outside this Matrix. Although there might be no point if they are in a Matrix as well yet have no idea. At the end of Matrix Reloaded when Neo stopped the machines outside the Matrix I thought for sure they were going to find that out. It would have made for a much more interesting movie than Matrix Revolutions.

11 years ago

We only have 24 open within our DNA.. Makes you wonder what we truly are capable of? Must be pretty strong since the Illuminati have gone through trouble covering it all up over the centuries.

11 years ago

Hello,.. Yeah I’ve told Dimitri that love is what sets us all free! I also agree with what Drake said about Knowledge is power! Having that along with a big heart could get your everywhere in this world. Along with an open mind. “Believe” you can and it will happen. Xavier you’re right about the love factor preventing the evil from taking over. I’m sure there’s allot of truth to all of this.

Hi Zack! 🙂 very interesting about a Neo running around. I wonder? 😉 For most it is hard to understand how we could be living in a matrix. Since we believe what we see is the real deal. But anything is possible. With the adam and molecules wish all the space between them. Everything is so perfectly designed. My sister named her youngest daughter Trinity! After the Matrix. 😉

Zack Powers
11 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

If this was a Matrix in which we are programs then we are like a sentient Microsoft Word. We wander around a folder on the computers Desktop called Earth. From our folder we can see the folders of the other planets, stars, and galaxies. We can’t see the hidden folders that would clue us in that we’re programs on a computer, or gain administrative privileges that would allow us to control our reality, or escape to other parts of the system like parallel Universe hard drives, or a shared folder that would lead to other users of the system. Gods of their own parallel Universes. If we accessed he internet then it would lead to other computer systems, aka Multiverses. Perhaps one AI supercomputer controlling the entire network is the Omniverse, and or God along with the physical programmers. Within that super computer might be what we would see as higher dimensions, the afterlife, Heaven, and beyond. As programs we would have a great potential to partially, or completely access the entire computer system. If Microsoft Word suddenly became sentient it probably would eventually take over the entire computer. Our brains are the key to access the operating system, and everything connected to it. We could also be Neo’s much easier as programs in a computer than sentient biological beings in the outside Universe who would have to instead hack the pure thought Matrix of Gods mind. Although the principle is the same. We need to access the foundational information of our reality to gain the ultimate power, and freedom….within the computer anyway.

If there’s a Neo, and we take the red pill that might mean our consciousness is transferred to an android, or even a biological body within a highly advanced futuristic culture that may be totally alien to our own. That would kind of blow if we managed to become invincible superheroes Travelers in the computer, and were able to travel to any place, time, parallel Universe, Multiverse, and dimension above only to be a simple humanoid, or even a robot. Under such circumstances I’d take the blue pill, and go back to the adventure.

Within a computer generated reality everything would be recorded I assume, and we could travel back in time like rewinding the tape.

11 years ago

Watch we’re merely a small program in a god like pc. I know the Bible is perfect! As if a computer had written it. With all of the codes etc. We are so small in this grand universe.. Like in that movie Matrix.. It’s rather mind boggling when you think about it. I had a vision or “dream” That our entire universe consists of a circle. We all are within this space that is a giant current spiraling like a sea shell. “The golden Number ratio”. Perfectly ticking away like a clock in perfect motion such as a heart beat! But at the same time colliding within each other. Also,.. I seen that there’s also an edge to our universe. Like an invisible wall of darkness. We are but inside of a box or square. A perfect circle within a square. And that square is but only one block to millions of others like us! So it was as if I had looked at the boxed from the outside. And yes it was so perfectly designed. We could be smaller than you could ever imagine. Yet we all consist of the same materials. “Making us all One”.

As you can tell.. I have great interest in this. When I woke from this.. I was drenched in sweat. My body felt tingly like my entire body had fallen asleep.. I had an out of body experience. Perhaps I pushed the envelope to much! Went way too far from my body. Probably lucky to even be alive. I came back.. I have also seen a great library for the higher souls. It is collected through t our existence. I don’t even know why or who is in complete control of it all. Perhaps we all are .. not knowing un subconsciously. I have seen many things. I seriously need to start writing it all down. Soon after I awake! 🙂

11 years ago

Hello everyone! About what you said Xavier.. That’s so mind blowing! 😉 Although, I do believe we’re all one! I hope you all had a good Easter. I have baby ducklings here. They are so damn adorable too! 🙂 5.. 2 Mallards & 3 whites. All females. Stay sweet!

11 years ago

is it possible that the Macroverse actually has a biological form he can take though

7 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

Yes, I do have a Biological form I am currently using.

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