Links to our paranormal activity forecasts for each Moon and the werewolf outlook. We’re lucky enough to have three holy Moons for 2024!
- 🐺January 25th – Wolf Moon – Werewolves fall under the influence of indigenous wolf deities and spirits. This compels Werewolves to form wolf packs to hunt down humans and animals. This is considered the second most dangerous Moon of the year next to the Halloween Blood Moon.
- ❄️February 24th – Saintly Spring Moon – The usual Snow or Ice Moon has been canceled as many areas experience an ultra-early Spring with the warmest winter temperatures seen in a long time! Saint Valentine, Saint Patrick, and Saint Egbert (The Easter Bunny) joined together into a holy trinity unified with the Spring deities of Earth to take command of this lunar cycle. Naturally, Jack Frost and various other Winter Gods and Goddesses are none too pleased. This Holy Moon will present slightly below-average Werewolf activity. One of a handful of times in thousands of years of supernatural history that a February Moon is called a Spring Moon.✝️
- 🍀March 25th – Lucky Saint Spring Easter Moon (Penumbral Lunar Eclipse) – This holy Moon is the lucky trifecta that falls right in the middle of the sainted seasons of Saint Patrick, Spring Equinox, and an early Easter! There’s also the previous metaphysical trinity connection formed with Saint Valentine for The Saintly Spring Moon. On top of that the Penumbral Eclipse already has a calming effect on Werewolves and paranormal activity in general. This will be the second safest Moon of the year next to the December Yule Moon.✝️
April 23rd – Pink Moon – Average Werewolf activity. Various pink tundra flowers can repel Werewolves.
- 🌺May 23rd – Flower Moon – Flower power can be used against perplexing paranormal activity.
- 🌞 June 21st – Summer Solstice Moon – Summer dietes provide additional protection from the wayward Werewolf under this June Moon.
- ⚡️July 21st – Thunder Moon – During thunderstorms, werewolves will develop temporary electrokinetic properties
- 🌕August 19th – Lunar Goddess Supermoon – Moon Nature Deities are in charge of this lunar cycle. Werewolves will be of average aggression and strength. Strongest Moon to call upon Lunar Deities for help if a Lycanthrope threatens you! Thankfully, the season blue moon element has no supernatural sway.
- 🌽September 17th – Super Harvest Moon (Partial Lunar Eclipse) – Two to three-fold aggression, strength, speed, agility, and senses will be observed in Werewolves. Under this Moon, hairy horrors will be compelled to create crop circles to send forth demonic messages. Wolfmen and women will appear briefly during the partial lunar eclipse. Third most dangerous Moon of the year.
- 🎃October 17th – Halloween Super Blood Moon – The most malevolent Moon of the year super-sized! Paranormal activity will be off the scales yet the mere celebration of Halloween will provide powerful protections. Especially for the innocent children. This is the most dangerous Moon of the year.
- 🦃November 15th – Dark Hallowed Thanks Supermoon – The Moon falls nearly between Halloween and Thanksgiving. The Spirits of the two seasons co-mingle and focus upon this mad Moon! Although the Thanksgiving Spirit will provide a calming effect the power of Halloween darkness and the Supermoon will be dominating forces. This will be the third most dangerous Moon of the year.
- 🎅December 15th – Holy Yule Moon – The one guaranteed holy Moon of the year courtesy of The Christmas Spirit. Say hello to harmless fluffy white werewolves that resemble pretty puppies! This is the safest Moon of the year! That being said it will be weaker than past Yule Moons due to being two days from Friday The 13th!✝️
✝️ = Holy Moon with little chance of werewolf danger.
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