Despite The Plague Doctor’s embarrassing failure to bring about a truly deadly global pandemic via the Coronavirus, and his Zombie Flu, he’s still going on as if he’s making sinister strides. He must uphold the image of being the world’s greatest paranormal purveyor of diseases! Mystic Investigations got wind of The Plague Doctor holding an epic pandemic recruitment party for his cult. The posh parties lure in the downtrodden and disenfranchised in the hopes of inducting them into The Plague Doctor Cult. The Doctor’s chaotic Cult serves at their dark diseased Lord’s leisure and aids in his plots to perpetrate pandemics all over the planet. The party also serves to spread vile viruses and blasphemous bacteria to unsuspecting so-called Useful Idiots. This particular plague party was held at a huge house in The Hamptons. A magnificent mansion that the Plague Doctor borrowed from the owners who lie dead in the basement!
A Terrifying Trio Addresses The Cultist Crowd
As the grandfather clock struck Midnight, a group of almost 50 new potential cult members stood in the grand foyer surrounded by watchful full-fledged cultists and guards. For two hours before that, they had enjoyed a classy party of top-flight entertainment, refreshments, and booze to make them feel more at ease. At the top of a huge staircase the Doctor Of Death himself, Dr. Darius Maximilian aka The Plague Doctor, stood on the balcony in his complete ceremonial robe and spooky bird beak mask. Next to him was his Lieutenant in catastrophic crime Mary Mallon, aka Typhoid Mary, wearing an old school nurse’s costume as a mockery against the medical establishment. Her hat bore an upside-down cross said to be hand-painted with the blood of her victims!
On the other side of the dark Doctor was a relatively new figure in his organization who recently became third in command. He is known as Doctor Penrose but most simply call him Penrose. A mysterious thirtysomething Epidemiologist and surgeon who usually hides in the shadows. He wore a blue surgeon’s uniform. The Plague Doctor looked down upon a fearful crowd unsure of what they had gotten themselves into in the name of curiosity and the promise of a far better life. The Doctor then removed his macabre mask to reveal his handsome smiling exterior to the crowd that breathed a brief sigh of relief. He then gave a rousing speech accentuated by his outstanding charisma which is the standard for his cult induction ceremony…
“Good Evening my honored guests. It brings me immense joy to witness so many fine men and women ready to work with me in improving humankind’s condition through the sound evolutionary policy that is the Survival Of The Fittest! My name is Dr. Darius Maximilian and I am the one and only Plague Doctor! I will be your mentor and dare I say savior on the momentous journey ahead of you. By choosing to be here tonight you have already taken the first step toward a future beyond your wildest dreams! Tonight you lie on the cusp of greatness in a time when mediocrity is unfairly commended while the truly talented are rewarded with false hopes that never see the light of day. Our society suffers from a sickness running rampant without an antidote. Thankfully, I have the cure and it lies with everyone here playing a vital role to restore our civilization to greatness. I implore you to join me in my quest to eradicate what ails our once serene species that lived in harmony with Mother Nature once upon a time. Our noble cause needs your considerable cooperation. If you decide to join me and my amazing allies then along the way expect to receive all that you deserve in life. All that was denied you by those inferior to you. Those who had unfair advantages and forced you underfoot for their own ill-gotten gains! The unworthy who stole your rightful destiny like a thief in the night! As we lift humankind to its maximum potential we shall eradicate the ones who destroyed your potential and that of other innocents upon our righteous planet!”
The Plague Doctor then placed his mask back on in the silence of excited anticipation and finished his snake oil sermon…
“Be one with me and your brothers and sisters who have reaped the rewards of our fruitful labors. [The Doctor pointed to seasoned cult members and thugs standing around the crowd] Let me act as your loving Father as you take Mary Mallon to be the caring Mother you deserve. [The Doctor gestures to Typhoid Mary who smiles seductively at the crowd below] This is the defining moment that your entire life has been leading up to. Don’t let it pass you by on the rambling road of broken dreams! Soar with me to the Heavens up to heights you never imagined possible. Now my dear children I ask that those not ready to take this serious step into the future please exit into the vestibule to receive a gift of my gratitude for at least hearing me out. I hold no ill will against you and I only ask that you keep what was said here a secret. Please take a moment to make your final decision. Thank you for your careful consideration.”
Typhoid Mary Challenges Cultists
The Plague Doctor stood silent while Typhoid Mary sauntered down the steps in her revealing nurses uniform now buttoned down to show maximum cleavage. She gently asked, “Who among you is with us? Will you tackle the challenge of changing the world? It is with a heavy heart I must also ask who believes their destiny lies elsewhere?” Eight people cautiously stepped forward to indicate they wanted no part of this. Seven of them looked nervous while one had a certain enchanted gleam in her eyes. Mary and a few cult thugs guided them to the vestibule within feet of the front door. As the vestibule door closed behind them The Doctor gave his first command, “Congratulations on making a wise choice. However, we must see if you’re ready to sacrifice the disbelievers for the greater good. Please go to the windows on either side of the doors. They are mirrored in the vestibule so those departing can’t see you.” Some cultist thugs opened curtains that had been hiding the windows. The Plague Doctors Cult had cut out the walls several hours earlier after having killed the home’s rightful occupants. They then installed the mirrored windows like construction pros.
The Plague Doctor Cult
The Plague Doctor came down the steps to join his new disciples while Penrose remained behind with his arms folded. The Plague Master then exclaimed, “I promise I will always be truthful in our honorable quest. Those disbelievers out there still have a purpose. They will spread glorious diseases to a world ruled by the cruel and unworthy who have stamped out your spirits like cigarette butts! Those who are unfit rightfully deserve to be infected and excised like a cancer plaguing our enchanted Earth! If you don’t agree with this you may follow these men out the back door without any repercussions.” Even though many of these cult inductees were gullible they weren’t completely stupid and didn’t leave. Naturally, they would have been shot out back had they taken the bait!
At that moment in the vestibule, Mary warmly thanked everyone for coming as she handed out small gift-wrapped boxes. She politely demanded they be opened before the eight people left. As they started to unwrap them the girl with the gleam in her eye was furthest away from Mary and whispered an incantation, “Goddess Of Health Hygeia I call unto thee with respectful grace. My Goddess, I implore thee to protect these innocents in this place! The disease of darkness shall not leave a trace!” Read The Rest On Our Supernatural Short Story Blog…😷