There’s a chance Multiple Identity Disorder, aka Dissociative Identity Disorder, could be possession by a demon, spirit, or an inter-dimensional being(s) of some type. Although most of the time it’s a breakdown between the human brain and one’s own metaphysical soul. The human soul is the culmination of a person’s parallel lives lived out in the various near infinite Parallel Universes encompassing almost every scenario within reason. A disorder in the mind can occur due to a combination of a genetic defect along with the deliberate, or accidental acquisition of heightened higher dimensional awareness. The personalities of their parallel lives then leak in from the various parallel realities.
It seems most of the time a traumatic event triggers this mental defect among those with the genetic propensity for Multiple Identity Disorder, or what is sometimes called Split Personality Disorder. Despite this, some cases really are just a person manufacturing new personalities to protect them from what they see as a traumatic world. Certainly, our subconscious mind gives us a world of people we’ve created in our dream sleeping state. However, the more advanced cases that have extremely intricate multiple personalities possessing knowledge and skills the original personality never had are clearly Parallel Universal in nature. That is why the paranormal community calls it Parallel Personality Disorder. In addition, there is a relation to the paranormal power of Parallel Hypertelepathy. In such cases, it is a wild untamed power the person has no control over.
Can A Person Become A Vampire For Seemingly No Reason?
The most extreme of these miraculous cases actually result in bodily transformations. Humans who are vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural beings in Parallel Universes can sometimes acquire these parallel personalities in their minds. When these particular paranormal personalities take over their body, we may witness a temporary transformation into said beings. One such case verified in a cryptozoological laboratory resulted in a person transforming into a powerful second-generation vampire in dangerous situations. When it was over, they were horrified by the carnage they created as they became disgusted by the blood dripping from their mouths. Their DNA reverted back to a complete human being without any trace of demonic-based vampire DNA. This demonstrates the awesome power of mind over matter that our brains are capable of! This is also something seen with vampires experiencing amnesia.🎭
Quantum Jumping
🧐Access all that is good about your parallel selves in order to make your life in this reality more successful with Quantum Jumping.
One more question: is it and how is it possible that a split personality can have different abilities and you having your own abilities (like Niki Sanders)?
Yes it’s very possible. Most of the time through Parallel Personality Disorder in which a traumatic event causes a breakdown in the mind to soul connection causing the consciousness of their parallel lives to enter their mind. A rare few have the power of Parallel Personality Summoning in which they can call forth their consciousness for another Universe to deal with a given situation. A more common talent, coined as Quantum Jumping, can extract knowledge from our parallel selves. In extreme cases humans who are vampires, and other paranormal beings, have literally seen their DNA transform them temporarily into said being while the parallel personality is conscious. This displays just how powerful our minds are!
I felt bad for Niki Sanders, she gone from hardworking to a slut but most of the time she wasn’t even aware that Jessica (her alter-ego based on her sister) had super strength but it was always her ability. also the Programmed Alters (Alpha, Beta, Omega etc) I used to envy them until I read about the info about Marliyin Monore. it’s mostly located in the Google search (for mostly beta victims [sex kittens]) “Sex Kitten Programming”.
Is there a possibility that I may possess this power?
I don’t see you developing such a power.
What does the future hold for me when it comes to multiple personality disorder?
You don’t want such an uncontrollable disorder. It means you’ve had a mental break down, and your mind is being taken over by your parallel selves.
I’ve had many breakdowns could that mean I’m not me? or do I really know who me is?
will my schizophrenia be cured?
I’m not 100% sure but it’s likely the schizophrenia is caused by your human DNA not being able to deal with your God DNA. When you are trained properly in the Siberian Camp the schizophrenia should be cured.
What happens if I go to the Siberian camp but choose to side wuth the Netural Christ? Will Flora do the same? Will Lily be confused for life? Will my Grandparent God be enraged and even cry?
It’s been rumored that the Neutral Christ may in fact form alliances with the Earthly Gods since the Anti-Christ has demons, and Jesus Christ has Angels.
Too many variables. Can’t say.
The outcome of Armageddon is something elusive to every person who can see the future on Earth. Although the Neutral Christ is a special human, and the Gods have always been loyal to Earth if not always treating humans well. Recently they have realized the power that humans wield in the collective consciousness, and are determined to defend them along with the Earth. The Gods are of this Earth, and have mated with humans more than any other higher dimensional being. I think they will rabidly defend this planet, and repel what they see as the Angel, and Demon invaders. Those who all originally came from the higher dimensional Heavens, and should stay out of Earth’s business.
Do you think the Earthly Gods would accept the help of other Higher Dimensional beings such as (for example) The Hyper-Omniverse God, if said God were to come to Earth in biological form mostly to observe Armageddon or occasionally help out in the war?
I’ve found out that I’m the God of this Hyper-Omniverse, and although I do mostly stay out of Omniversal affairs, I am on the side of the Neutral Christ and the Earthly Gods
I’m sure they’d accept help if they didn’t feel like the Higher God was trying to command them, and take over everything.