March 29, 2025
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13 years ago

Hello Admin, You are correct! I know because my aunt is a Jehovah’s witness. They never stop! Very irritating! Another reason I moved far away from my family. One side are Catholics, Christians, The other Jehovah’s Witness. That was just my mother’s side. Although my mother and grandmother were Christians, they were also secretly Wiccan Witches. The secret was out this year. Did not surprise me. My father was Pagan. He told my family to back off! Let me walk my own path! Let me choose my own religion once I am older. He would not allow for me to become baptized. I am thankful to him for that. My Aunt keeps saying I am going to hell. And the the Devil has his claws in me. I looked her in the eyes.. I told her. You know what Kim.. If I were Satan I would come after YOU! Her jaw dropped open. Why? She said. I said you blame him for all your bs problems. And publicly at restaurants I would go to with her. She’s like the Devil is to blame for this and that. She really sickens me. I told her to deal with her life problems and stop pointing her damn finger at anyone else. That was the last time I ever talked to her. I have warned her of her death twice. She has never thanked me. It is the highly Religious people in this world that scare me. Not the Devil. I feel these hypocrites have caused wars with the Nature guardians. etc. I get the chills when I walk into churches. This is me. I speak only for myself. I mean no religion harm. I just feel they judge everyone and yet do not look in the mirror. They sort of live in there own bubble’s. Thank you Admin.

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