March 29, 2025
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12 years ago

I liked this. Not that I’d ever find a genie. If the genie was good I would probably release him after my first two wishes. I wonder if there would be a genie lamp at some antique shop somewhere? I go to allot of those. But some of the objects have weird vibrations when I pick them up. Some are good and some make me feel shaky. So I try not to touch anything unless if I’m gong to buy it. The old dolls are creepy.. I bought a set of Japanese antique dolls. Everyday they would move. lol It doesn’t matter where I’m sitting in the room.. I’d look at them on the shelf and they would be in different position there head looking at me. So I have not unpacked them since the last move. Well they creep me out. I should just sell them back to an antique dealer. Have you ever had this happen? Also I had an antique peter man music doll and in the middle of the night he would wind up and play. So I had to get rid of that too. lol I thought maybe ghosts were messing with it.

12 years ago

I have a question. If you were to use up all your three wishes from one genie and then somehow got hold of another genie artifact would you get three more wishes, it being a new genie and all?

12 years ago

Hi Xavier. ๐Ÿ™‚ Then I won’t burn the dolls. Since if they are of evil nature. I shouldn’t release them into this world. I’ll sell them back to the antique dealer. Maybe this is why I’ve been having the worse luck of my life! Wow I never thought of it before… I forgot I even had them. Until reading this. Thanks for reminding me. Tomorrow I am going to find them in the boxes and get ride of them out of my house. I also have been known to be very clumsy.. Not saying they are for sure to blame. But since I got them I have had bad falls.. felt as if I was pushed. I thought it was a ghost or demon. Even Greg witnessed this as I was getting off the Amtrak Train I fell off lol.. I was more embarrassed than anything. I also fell before I left to the train lol. And when I returned I fell down the steps again. Yeah I was like what the heck is going on? I took it as a bad omen to go to NY. As if someone did not want me there with Greg. Felt hexed. I have spouts of very good luck and bad. What’s this mean? I figured being born with the gift of Medium maybe why? I see ghosts while I’m awake and they don’t like it when I notice them. Now I ignore them as if I didn’t see anything and my luck isn’t as bad. The dolls are going. Thanks.

And I’m sure I won’t find a genie. If I did. I would just make 3 simple wishes. (For Good Luck) lol -Yeah I watch all the wish masters movies made by Cris Angel. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I love the wicked humor of the Jin in that movie. Makes me wonder if Criss’s family ever came across one. Since he has such power over magic & loves to make movies about the Jin. I loved the last movie he made. Where she made a wish that turned the tables upon the Jin. lol “I wish I could love the real you”. This is the kind of turns in movies I love. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I also write like this in my stories. Not sure if you’ve watched it? Why I also love Stephan King’s Novels. They throw me for a loop most the time.. If I can figure it out I am disappointed. If they trick me. I’m impressed lol But If I do find a Jin in a bottle. I probably would sens him and not open it. lol If the Jin is anything like Criss Angel’s Jin in the movie. No Thank you! I’m so glad you posted this..

12 years ago

Also here are some names. I did research on this through google. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Theologians of the Arabic language have given a variety of names to jinn.

Jinni: used to refer to one type of jinn.
Amir: (Resident jinn): used to mean that he is one of those who live with people.
Shaytan: used for jinni that has become malicious and wicked.
Ifrit: used for a jinni that is more powerful and stronger than a Shaytan.

12 years ago

Perhaps it was something evil following me. I have not fallen since. So that’s good. As for those dolls, I can’t seem to find that box. Strange. What should I do with them? Should I place them into a bottle? No I’ve never made a deal with a Leprechaun. lol Not that I know of. I know some red heads but never made any deals. Other than an Irish red headed man has been after me. He’s been wanting me to meet with him alone! He is interested in a romance. I was nice about it and told him no. Since he’s way younger than me. He’s 24. lol He told me he doesn’t care about our age difference or that I have kids. I said well what about the fact I’m still married? He’s like well you can leave him. I’m like I’m not ready for anything as of now.

You’re probably right though about the strange occurrences with good and evil. I didn’t understand it myself. I always feel like I’m in the middle. Although, over all. I always fight for the innocents. That won’t ever change.. Even if I ever did become a Vampire like Drake. I would remain good and stand for what I believe to be right. You are right about the Djinn, I never thought it was real when I would watch it. But after reading this I wonder. I hope I never come across one. They aren’t very nice if they do exist. At least from Criss Angel’s movies. I know he has a dark gift. I wonder where he got it.. if he was born with it or not? Xavier I truly am happy for you all. I want you guys to stay safe!! The world needs you! I did send energy after Elizabeth told me what happened. I’ll send more protection tonight. It’s already 1am. I guess I should get to sleep. Good night Everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank god you’re all okay!

12 years ago

Xavier that’s so freaky! lol seriously. I have been wondering if I lost that box. But if it moved itself. That is so scary. I want it out of my possession. Once I find them I definitely will be burring them at a church.

As for the man, he looks like a Leprechaun but just allot bigger. He’s 6’2. I believe he’s 25 now. But he has been after me since before I moved here. He’s nice and polite etc. I have no reason to dislike him. I told him when I ever become single I would let him know. But he shouldn’t wait! He should find a woman and be happy. I met him through a friend. He brought him over one night to watch movies. Right before I moved. So it’s good I live further away! He’s not a bad person. Just lonely. Only fair that I told him no. Since I am not single at the moment.

Criss Angel is mysterious either way! lol I also have met him astrally. He wanted me to put on those g strings. I laughed and said heck no! Are you crazy? He said why not? I told him I have a little belly pudge. He put his hands on my belly and it was gone! I’m like wow! will it stay this way? He’s like no.. when you wake it won’t be gone. lol. I said I’m still not wearing that. He then tried to hypnotise me with his eyes. I chanted Shanty shanty shanty Ommmmm.. over and over. He didn’t like it one bit. Since he couldn’t control me. I felt his power. I didn’t want him to gain control over me and have his way.. rape etc.

I am not sure what he wanted to do. But I had an idea since he was begging me to wear sexy lingerie for him. What would you think if u were me? seriously? ๐Ÿ˜‰ That was the last I seen of him. I’m sure he doesn’t like me now. I seem to have a talent of ticking off men. With my NO’s. I just am very cautious with whom I give myself to. I am always the one who gets my heart broken. So I back away! I’ve said enough. Good night everyone! Sweetest dreams to you all.

12 years ago

Doesn’t surprise me. I wonder how many he’s done this to. And gotten away with. I was right not to trust him then. He told me that we have the same guardian etc. I said great so that makes us brother & sister right? lol ๐Ÿ˜‰ He didn’t say anything. Sorry for the late response. Thank you for responding. Also, I just got my pc back. had a virus on my laptop. Been fighting it since 7pm. Was called Avast .. what a bugger. ๐Ÿ˜‰

9 years ago

Hi, Mystic Investigations. My first time here. So very happy! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
About the djinn subject, if i wish a djinn to serve me for life but somehow did not wish for myself to become immortal, then what would happen to him/her when i died?

9 years ago

When I read the part that says a person cannot become a master a second time, it confuses me. Does that mean a person can be a master of a Genie only once, but cannot be a master of another Genie if the person had the chance of finding a different lamp or bottle?

9 years ago

I’m not an Admin here but I believe your question was answered already on the above comment. Check out Magusstar’s comment. It was posted 3 years ago…

9 years ago

When I read the part that says a person cannot become a master a second time, it confuses me. Does that mean a person can be a master of a Genie only once, but cannot be a master of another Genie if the person had the chance of finding a different lamp or bottle? What if the new master wishes the Genie to serve the previous master again?

9 years ago

sorry for posting twice, I didn’t know it posted.

8 years ago

Could you keep them from twisting the wishes If you wish for them not to twist your words in anyway?

7 years ago

So you can essentially wish to be any kind of Supernatural being as long as that being isn’t a direct offspring of a higher Dimensional entity? Also how could you word a wish like I wish I was a Leprechaun so the Genie couldn’t bend it?

7 years ago

Under the servant clause could they take a biological form to protect the master from armed attackers like a gang member with a knife?

7 years ago

How would word a wish to become a WereTiger?

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