March 26, 2025
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12 years ago

Hi Admin, I will tell you a secret! How I open my Telekinesis. I closed it since I don’t like silverware and objects sticking to me in public places. To open this I start by focusing on a standard votive candle. I light it and gently set my hands around the glass holder. The candle attracts to me. Like a magnet. It gets so strong that I get burned. I somehow can draw in the fire. I can also put the flame out with my thoughts. I move the flame around without my hands there as well. That’s when I know it is fully open. I’m sure everyone has this ability. My father could move objects from great distances. He freaked me out. He’d levitate my toys. etc. That is how I slowly open it. Good luck! Let me know if anyone else can do this.

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
12 years ago

When I practice kinesis should I Visualize atoms to move objects or get a mental image of it moving?
also would psiwiki be trustworthy of learn electrokinesis from?

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
12 years ago

Biokinesis is my solution to becoming superhuman. 🙂

Xavier Remington
12 years ago

If you can develop that one power then yes theoretically you could manipulate your own organic matter down to the DNA level so you can become super human.

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
12 years ago

Do you teach Psionics Julia?

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
12 years ago

That’s interesting Julia,did you have to compete with others who wanted the spot?
there’s a difference between psionics and psi? hmm.

12 years ago

Difference: psi is the energy, psionics is the name for the use of it.

8 years ago

I was listening to a binural beats video that helps focus on telekinesis. I used a small price of paper and it wobbled and moved a bit. This is my first time. I hope to be able to do better telekinesis later. What do you think?

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