Before you fall into a sweet secure slumber always post a wary eye toward your bedroom window. As the tree branches sway in the wind projecting hypnotic shadows on your walls and ceiling you may see a figure staggering toward you. It’s not your imagination. I could very well be a member of the living dead! Remember that virtually every community on Earth has at least one Zombie prowling the nefarious night! This is a supernatural statistic formulated by top-flight Zombification professionals. Once the Zombie Virus was released many centuries ago there was no way to put the reanimated rotting corpses back in their graves! Despite the best efforts of Zombie Hunters around the world, there’s always one that slips past along with the newly risen!🧟♂️
The Threat Is Thankfully Minimal
Thankfully, most of these lone Walking Dead don’t tend to come into contact with anyone. They’re often lost in forests, deserts, and other rural areas. Some even fall into bodies of water and bob about acting as fish and gator bait. Usually, these zombies are too weak to even catch a small animal. They eventually go dormant as they stand or lie still blending into the landscape unseen. If they manage to venture into urban areas it’s not too uncommon for rats and other vermin swarms to eat away them to the point of not being a threat anymore. There is a slim chance of creating animal zombies if the right viral strain happens to be present. The greatest probability of human-zombie to animal transmission is if the animal in question has rabies. The Rabies and Zombie Viruses love each other!⚰️
Are The Walking Dead Nearby?
At this moment there could be one zombie within mere miles of your current position. It will stay in the dark shadows during daylight but nighttime could see them on the move sniffing the air for the living! Hopefully, it is dormant and remains so as it rots to the point of not being mobile within 3 years or so. However, if some poor animal or human gets close enough for it to take a bite then it will reanimate. The more live flesh it partakes of, the more powerful it will become, and the longer it will last. The odds of creating new zombies exponentially increase! If you happen to be out on the town late at night and you see someone staggering toward you don’t assume it’s your friendly neighborhood drunk. When you spot a lurching individual with rotting skin crossing the moonlight in front of your bedroom window don’t hesitate to call the nearest Zombie Slayer for assistance! 🧟♀️
📝Also See Do Zombies Sleep? If you’re fast asleep in dreamland fear not for zombies will make a lot of noise crashing through doors and windows before they get to you. This warning should give you enough time to escape. Of course, it is possible you left a door unlocked and they could enter silently. You awaken to a monster taking a bite out of you and it’s game over dude! Sweet Dreams!😴